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MLG 2007 Smash Series: Long Island, NY May 5-6th (Check MLGpro for event recaps)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
Finally i get the time to give my shoutouts ^_^... THIS TOURNEY WAS AWESOME I LEARNED SOOOO MUCH!!! Poolz were incredibly ****ing difficult to get out of ... >_> ... but great expierience !! MAN O MAN i have a **** load of shoutouts lol i hope people remember me hahaha

Well now shoutouts...

Branden(Zro) ... well partner we did good hopefully we can place better and go to enough tournies as a team and lose the nervousness and play stress free ^_^

Dj nintendo ... well playing with u like every 2 days is great cuz i'm learning every character match up since u play everyone almost equal lol ... but soon ur gonna have to stop sandbaggin cuz i'm not that bad anymore lol... good **** on ur placings and getting out of pools

Warriorknight ... i'll get u next time man ... sheesh u and plank were the only ones i couldn't beat in pools >_> ... but thanks for the positive comments on my matches ^_^... u have a beast falcon

KillBOX!!! lol ... good ****ing **** i knew u were gonna do mad good ... cuz i didn't hear u say u were sandbaggin lol =P ... i learned from ur fox ^_^

ace marth ... mahhhh ***** lol ... ur teaching me a lot man i thank u for that without the lil friendlies dittos i have with u i wouldn't b able to beat all those marths in ditto's like i did lol... also thanks for the positive feedback as well

BUM... mahhh otha ***** lmao ... ur the ****ing **** man lol i guess i should have stayed with DK in melee but i still doubt it would b half as good as ur beast gorilla ... sheesh thats one angry monkey lol ... we gotta play soon and no sandbaggin plz cuz i kno you made many people wanna train with DK and i'm gonna need the trainin ^_^

D1... thanks for the positive feedback guy ur a very cool dude ^_^... we definately need to play some friendlies at the next weekly ... ur definately beast and i mean definately son lmao

silven... good **** in pools u have a creative samus i like her mucho lol and ur mad chill lol ... we gotta play again ... and starz u too u ... i never played u at all lol

Husband and wife ... u guys are officially my favorite team lol ... u guys work soo well together its freaking crazy ... husband grabs and peach is like a computer and charges the smash with perfect ****ing spacing lmao its crazy ... well awesome matches and thanks for being mad nice and not conceited like others =P ... wife awesome matches in pools but i wanted to play that godly peach ^_^

PC ... ur a cool guy and congrats on 3rd i was cheering for ya ^_^... sick ****ing peach match on dreamland against m2k RAPEEEEEE i'm sure u remember hearing "m2k QUIT!" hahaha

tetra... good **** man ... i remember when i first played u at gauntlet and u and Ale P. beasted on me in doubles lol ... u were cool then and still are ^_^

Hazz ... thanks for the ride to the LIR cuz we didn't have enough for a cab ... great matches man ... also no more fat chicks in ur car ^_- hahaha

Ale P. ... i still haven't had some seirous matches with u ... but i hope we do have some soon and thanks for the ride to the venue from our cheap rinky dink hotel ... lol i guess we made it across the boarder lmao

Cactuar... awesome matches man ... u prolly don't remember me but i was the kid wearing glasses that was tryin to beat u soooo bad but couldn't in friendlies hahaha thanks for not sandbaggin (i hope u weren't cuz those were **** matches >_>) and hopefully next time i improve enough to take a match lol ... ur MAD QUIET!!! haha

ISAI!!! ... ur too good man ... watching u in team matches is like ... wow .. lol sheik is like in lightning melee lol ... sick fight against bum in pokefloats ^_^ ... that was freaking incredible lol

Dav3... i used to have the impression that u was mean dude but ur mad cool and real funny u make the tournies memorable ^_^ ... lol at the comments during our team pool matches lol
also thanks for the positive feedback..hopefully i can get as confident and chill as u are in ur matches ^_^

R3NO and partner... great hyrule team matches guys ^_^... we need to play again soon ... it was mad fun.. sry i don't remember asking ur name but u were both very chill dudes ^_^

superryan.. good **** in team friendlies ur good man lol ... we gotta get some singles in next time i see u ... nice sheik lol

velocity ... sick dr. mario ... sheesh i was the marth u were beasting on in friendlies ... u have some unique combos bro ... i wouldn't kno where to DI sometimes lol great Doc

and last but not least the mlg staff and the others that helped make this awesome event happen thanks for everything ... free red bulls helped since some people didn't have anything to drink ^_^ ... also to the people willing to house us thanks and sry we caused such a hassle and ended up having to get a hotel =\ ...

WHEW i wrote a ****load ... i seriously hope i didn't forget anyone lol ... but if i did everyone was super friendly and made this an awesome exp.



Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2004
Queens, NY
Wow, this was such a great tourney. It was good seeing the people from VA/MD comin thru.
I had an incredibly difficult bracket but im not dissapointed.
I cant wait for the vids to come out. I was wondering if my matches vs Bum were recorded?


Bum - Wat can I say, I love u bro lol. Wow did we end up having a incredibly close set or wat(I hope it was recorded). Thanks to our set I have more confidence now and I will keep improving. Congrats on 4th place man, u are simply amazing.
Rei and them other dudes - thanks for havin us up there even tho that housin incident made our night mad long.
Habib(Brandon and Jihad (Alukard) - You dudes make an incredible team, we gonna start watchin out for ya. Alukard, u getting good man, real good.
Wife - We had some Epic pool matches man, we should've done some friendlies b4 u left. Ur peach is amazing.
Plank - Good stuff in our matches, you were on point on both days. I warmed you up good for Isai. U did great against him. I hope u enjoyed ur NY stay, come back again sometime.
KDJ - Why did you beast so badly lol. Wen i think im catchin up, u go and get way more godly.
Alejandro P and hazz, u got us in the tie breaker in team pools real close. U guys got much better.
The other VA/MD players like chu and chillin, we never got to play but next time lets play a couple of rounds.
To all the people i fought in pools, good stuff.

Good stuff to all my KillaFleet ****** we all did our thing. Im so proud of all of you escpecially my ***** Killabox, you finally did your thing. You played so amaing man. I was gonna hug you wen u beat husband lol. U had to fight bum right after i lost to him. good stuff bro u also gave him some really tough matches.
Dav3 - You too good to have gotten that placing man. We training more now *****. DJN good stuff makin it out. Ace, good stuff vs isai. We should quit for doing all that SHlT after the first day wen we couldnt get housing from the college.

Man, im sorry if i forgot someone but good stuff to all.
Of course thanks alot Alejandro For driving us to the place on sunday. U saved us a 45 minute walk.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Husband and wife ... u guys are officially my favorite team lol ... u guys work soo well together its freaking crazy ... husband grabs and peach is like a computer and charges the smash with perfect ****ing spacing lmao its crazy ... well awesome matches and thanks for being mad nice and not conceited like others =P ... wife awesome matches in pools but i wanted to play that godly peach ^_^
QFT. <3 Husband, and Wife *****.

Cactuar... awesome matches man ... u prolly don't remember me but i was the kid wearing glasses that was tryin to beat u soooo bad but couldn't in friendlies hahaha thanks for not sandbaggin (i hope u weren't cuz those were **** matches >_>) and hopefully next time i improve enough to take a match lol ... ur MAD QUIET!!! haha
Pick Sheik and take him to Japes or Cruise. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2005
bronx, ny (im up for any competition, so if u wann
LOL! alukard, i definately had back problems during singles.

some shoutouts i completely forgot---

tetra- great seeing u man, great matches too. gotz madd luv for ya.

alejandro P- i completely forgot to thank u for the ride...thanx man

hazz- i didnt see any of ur matches or anything, but i know u wouldve *****. great seeing u man, and ill call u up wheneva we have our next fest. KILLAFLEET ALL DAY! lol

anyone else im forgetting?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2007
Congrats to Bum. When Tip came back from New York, he wouldn't shut the h3ll up about him.



Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2003
Pasadena, Maryland
I've been busy since I got back to md, but I wanted to get in some shout outs. I had a good time playing with everyone; it was real stacked competition.

Also, I left my controller there after playing some smash 64 with isai. It had a silver front cover and a black back with relatively light weight to it. If anyone picked it up by any chance and could somehow get it back to me, that would be great LOL.

Grillz- Yo man, thanks for housing us on friday. You are one **** cool guy to hang out with. We gotta hit up some food when you come down for pound :) and yes there will be more red light bandit madness.

Superryan- Same to you man, thanks for housing us for saturday. The matches at your house were fun as ****. :cool:


Plairnkk- Thanks for doing the driving, man. It was cool hanging with you and you did real good representing md/va. GOOD **** PLANK, GOOD ****.

UMBC- it was cool hanging with you as well. You seem to be improving real fast, so keep it up! Sorry for the rampage of gas but it was too funny.

AlphaZealot- Yo good stuff in teams. I think we played real well in most of our matches. I forgot to remind you about your half of the team entry fee, so if you could pay me back at pound or something, I'd appreciate it b/c im broke lmao.

Omni- As always it's fun playing with you mang. Our pool had some serious competition.

Chu- good **** at the tournament repping the region and thanks for the teams advice and the friendlies.

Chillin- "OMG I beat Alejandro P!!" ROFL. good stuff at the tournament.

Husband/Wife- Good matches in the teams pool and in friendlies @ grillz's house. Congrats on the 3rd place in teams.


Ace_Marth- It was cool meeting you and playing you in singles & doubles. You were a lot better than I expected and you repped your area well.

Killafox- Nice matches in teams and getting far in the singles brackets. You and ace are some real cool ppl, I hope to see you both (& the rest of killer fleet) at pound 2.

P.C.- It was cool seeing you again and playing you in teams, your fox is too good! o_o

BUM/Dav3- Good matches in teams. Dav3 you are hilarious as always from what ive seen and your falco is sexy. And BUM your DK is ridiculous. I was hoping to play you in some friendlies with my luigi, maybe next time you make it out to a big event.

Other people:

M2K- nice team friendlies and congrats on your performance.

KDJ- Good **** winning it in the end. I hope to get some matches in with you next time mang.

Isai- It was fun playing you finally. I've been meaning to get some matches with you ever since you stayed at cava's place for game over back in the day. Fun pool matches/friendlies including the smash 64 rapage :cool: .

Cactuar- you crippled my arm with your kenpo/judo **** lol.

Pacman- I meant to get some luigi dittos in with you. Hopefully ill see you at pound 2.

Everyone else I played in pools- good stuff! I had a good time playing with all of you.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2005
Binghamton, NY
Rei- dude don't know wat your problem is thinking that ur running a bootcamp. You should learn to relax a little bit, try walking around with a smile on your face, instead of harassing the **** out of people and maybe you'll get far.
We just didn't like you and decided to have some fun at your expense-- which, mind you, left quite the smile on my face. Most everyone else got to eat and drink for free, it was just a matter of being pleasant instead of douche bag when asking. ****, considering I've met you before with Ale-P, if you were even remotely less of a whiney **** head I would of let you eat. ^_^

You'd know a thing or two about getting far, though. Why else would you ***** and moan for a 50 cent can of imitation soda? Top notch, baby.

You're my role model. <3

Not to be all negative, some shouts:

My crew: You were all excellent and for that we dine on Dragon soup. :D

Ale-P: **** Marths... you can come beat mine.

BUM: You, by far, were the most entertaining smasher there.

PC: It was a pleasure to have you down in LI again. You're always welcome.

D1: You're a very decent kid, and are always welcome back. ^_^

Chu: Laurie and I both agree that out of everyone who attended you were the coolest, nicest kid we met. We genuinely thought you were just a great guy, and a really pleasant one at that. Thanks for coming out. :D And **** wobbles. :/

Chillin: Good matches. Thanks for coming out.

Wife and Husband: You guys played fantastic sets against KDJ/Cactaur and PC/Kip. More so, you were both very chill and appreciative. Thanks. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer, Wife. :D

Killa Fleet: Yet again, sorry I couldn't house you guys. It was good to have yall back, though, and when I'm in NYU, I best be seeing you again.

Wes: Son, I saw you for a half an hour and then you vanished into the ****ing oblivion. Where did you go? o.O

Dave: **** your crown. It ripped a ****ing hole in my finger when I went to grab it from my boy. On a happier note, though, good lookin on the money shots during the semi-finals.. way to make things, uh, festive?

M2K: Twitchy, you're skills are only rivaled by your lack of social grace. SSBM:1 Life:-1 Take that having sex with women! You'll show them yet, Twitchy.

Isai: You... make Sean Cody the Fonz. I don't know what else to say.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Not really, I just hate the fact how many people think I'm an anti social person who nobody is supposed to like and has a gay style and such, while KDJ is some hero who beats me and is claimed the best in the world instantly because of the singles of one tourney. Don't get me wrong, I love KDJ and I think he's godly good and fun to play against and very quite possibly the best in the world, but I still hate the stupid biasedness of many random people's views.

Example - I fall through Seal at 0% vs Bum and everyone cheers saying that's what you get for picking a gay stage, same thing happened on the prior match when I died at almost 0 from a Klap Trap on Jungle Japes, which was also a gay stage as well as Brinstar before it, but people shouldn't be happy about unlucky misfortunes which don't even deserve to happen esp. if the other player wasn't the one who caused it.

ALSO CHILLIN your post isn't any better than Inuis, when people assume he's the best in the world because of the singles of one tourney and everyone thinks its great, but if I win doubles at this, and singles and doubles at the last one, not a single person says that about me, it's just how I "gayed KDJ off the edge with Marth and won teams cuz of Isai" or something along the lines.


Smash Hero
Feb 9, 2006
Rockland County,NY
Jason u can't escape the stupidness in the world it will always be there just learn to get over it and you will be fine. BTW I concur.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2007
Seekonk, MA
KDJ isnt the best in the world because because i pwned his dk and pichu in moneymatches. And everyone knows that if you lose a moneymatch with your pichu you must suck. Therefore I must be the best in the world.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
Example - I fall through Seal at 0% vs Bum and everyone cheers saying that's what you get for picking a gay stage, same thing happened on the prior match when I died at almost 0 from a Klap Trap on Jungle Japes, which was also a gay stage as well as Brinstar before it, but people shouldn't be happy about unlucky misfortunes which don't even deserve to happen esp. if the other player wasn't the one who caused it.
People only thought it was funny because

A) It's Donkey Kong ffs. Who the **** plays Donkey Kong. I think it was plank who said it but you asked him why ppl were cheering for BUM and he said "he's a DK and you're a typical *** fox"

B) Cort yelled out to BUM to run across seel and it couldnt be much longer than 10 seconds later that you fell through, the fact that you probably knew he was going for it was why ppl were cheering and ****.

C) It's BUM. With Donkey Kong.

And i have to agree with chillin.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
I'm such an avid supporter of BUM, no offense M2K you are REALLY GOOD. But Bum is like the underdog using a low tier character and its just fan favorite. It takes a lot of work day in and day out to get great at this game. I've put countless hours in this to practice and still got 4 stocked by marth twice o_O. *cries* Plus! I rooted for KDJ mostly cause hes like my pal from like september and he hosted me n soup, so we've spent more time with him. But congrats on taking 2nd!

-Alukard its Reno and Soup team DuduCake!
-Pat/Pro You must be the best in the world
-Combo-nation got messed up by Asian Invasion (me n kdj lmao) I'm not bragging.. `~~~

COLLEGE IS ALMOST OVER!! WOOO Btw ChillinDude, you are mad chill. =p


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2007
Seekonk, MA
-Pat/Pro You must be the best in the world
-Combo-nation got messed up by Asian Invasion (me n kdj lmao) I'm not bragging.. `~~~
1. 1st point agreed. No pichu in the world can take on nana and popos reign of terror when they are in my hands.
2. Hey we won 2 out of 7 before I left to go friendlies your homies. KDJ is just lucky he had you on his team because he sucks :). Combonation will get its revenge against the asian invasion.
3. I will never fall for your up throw to shine to shine spike combo on the edge because it is the move I have perfected against noobs who cant L cancel.

Mad fun times to R3NO, Soup, and Mandar thanks for the housin boyz.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
lol what r u ever talking about ..........~~~ Shine spike combo plzzzzz who do you think I am?? some kinda @$$h0l3 or something?!? stop giving away the secrets of the trade =p people might catch on.

btw his name is mandark lmao cause he sounds like mandark when he laughs..~~


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2004
Queens, NY
I completely agree wit chillindude about Inui.

Also, its true that everybody would rather cheer for Bum b/c he was the underdog.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Isai mentioned that he wanted to yell for you not to be by the neck of the seal just before it happened...thats kinda like pokefloats 101 afterall.

check our mlgpro for recap/interviews.

http://www.mlgpro.com/?q=node/131481 doubles recap
http://www.mlgpro.com/?q=node/131384 singles recap

The videos should be up in a couple weeks, but don't quote me on that, I really have no idea how long it will take.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
2 things



Who did KDJ go and who did m2k go? was it fox dittos sheik vs fox, sheik vs marth, or a mix?

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
We'll see how M2K/KDJ/PC do in Pound, FC, OC, etc.

The way I saw things, M2K was the underdog because the crowd was greatly against him. You have to give M2K some credit for having one ****ed good fox.

This reminds me of one of my friends. He plays me in one 1v1 and 3 stocks me, and says "I prove my point". Wow, one game. (I played him in a 2nd and won) This is pretty similar I think. The question is whether M2K will be able to figure out why he went wrong at the last tournament and come back to win the next.

From my experience, M2K talks if you talk to him. He's not anti-social on the smash hub at all. I've been around him a fair bit at a umbc tournament and mlg ny, and I have yet to smell anything weird.

Bottom line is it's not possible to tell who's the best in the world from one tournament.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
The way I saw things, M2K was the underdog because the crowd was greatly against him. You have to give M2K some credit for having one ****ed good fox.
You've never heard of the phrase "Fans love an underdog," have you?

M2K, when I made that quick conclusion comment, I was joking with you. You had concluded something from someone else's conclusion...I just couldn't resist >_>

Bailey, that wouldn't work either, because during the process of that tournament I'd evolve into Dazwameleon, then Dazwazard, and then maybe even Dazwamillionaire, and own face.


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Richmond Hill, NY.
I was actually rooting for M2K. It can be annoying as **** having the crowd constantly go against you, but oh well, lower-tiers (underdogs) are always rooted for. So yeah, props for handling the pressure of the crowd.

But yeah, Inui's logic is a piece of ****.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2006
inui stop being a *******. >_> congrats to everyone who placed although i wanted bum to win.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Oh melty blood is such a great game!!!

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