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MKGD: A new Bat watches over the town


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
So? That just means it's popular, not good.

I like how P4 didn't infract me until I reminded him that I did something infractible lol what a terrible mod.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
P4 don't play ho.
He got his dollar there is no stopping him now.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2010
i read the code geass part of your post and lol'd hard.

The anime doesn't need comedy to be good, as you can see its an extemely popular for a show without and for a good reason. You keep on saying that the show doesn't explain this or that. SO WHAT?! Look at Bleach, that show doesn't explain **** all and its unbelievebly popular. Why do they use mechs? Because the show takes place in the future. Its like saying right now in 2010, why do we use tank? Its a good method to fight a war, which they are in.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Bleach sucks too. It's like DBZ with swords and no backgrounds. Every time I read it I get bored to death at how prolonged the current story arc is. It's seriously been going on for like 6 years (300+ chapters). Ichigo is also retardedly powerful for no good reason other than the series needs a main character. Honestly though, if he did die it wouldn't make that much of a difference since all the shinigami are technically dead anyway. Look at Dragonball - Goku died at least 5 times and it ultimately didn't make a difference.

And again, popularity does not indicate quality. Twilight is popular. Jersey Shore is popular. Does that make them good? God no.

I may have overstated the need for comedy per se, but the fact is that the show (and its fans) takes itself too seriously and it gets tiring really fast. Say what you want about filler (and there's not much to say aside from "it's ****"), but it can very rarely be good.

A perfect example of this is in Fullmetal Alchemist. The series starts out with a somewhat lighthearted tone but then gets pretty serious for about 20 episodes straight. Going into the last 15 or so episodes, the production team knew that pretty much the entire rest of the story was going to be nothing but serious business (very serious, as in a lot of people die). They decided to give the audience a break and appeal to the fans of the comedic parts of the show by making a comedic filler episode (Episode 37) that dealt with the characters in the military headquarters and their various mishaps.

It was a pretty funny episode and was very helpful for the viewers to recharge their brains after dealing with so much serious ****. You could argue that this episode was totally pointless bull**** filler and that everything needs to be completely serious all the time, but after a while things that are overly serious stop being enjoyable. For me Code Geass was never enjoyable in the first place, and being so serious all the time didn't help at all.

One of the biggest problems I have with anime, manga, and Japanese storytelling in general is that they tend to make **** up as they go along. This is incredibly obvious in a lot of long running series, including but not limited to:
  • Dragonball - Where do all these villains come from and why do they hate Goku so much?
  • Naruto - "So the leader of Akatsuki is this guy who everyone thought was dead for 60 years and he's trying to resurrect a 10 tailed beast that nobody ever mentioned until now"...yeah I'm so sure he was planning that from the start.
  • Soul Eater - Every time a villain is defeated another pops up, yet somehow the main villain is just hiding in the shadows waiting for the final story arc.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion - For those who don't know, it was originaly intended as a children's show but was then re-aired to better ratings at a more adult time slot and so they completely changed the thematic tone of the series to reflect it, so they really were making **** up as they went along.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist - NAZIS WHAT
  • Metal Gear Solid - It was so bad in this series that they had to make MGS4 just to tie up all the plot holes.

A lot of times in the entertainment industry, a series will get dropped quickly to make room for new or more popular ones. Unfortunately, this leads to situations where only the first story arc is planned out intelligently and everything else is half-*****. This is the vibe I get from a majority of action or suspense series. It's not just anime either. Look at Heroes. Season 1 was amazing, the best by far. After that it went downhill, with a lot of bull**** happening all around and none of the creative brilliance that season 1 had. It's extremely obvious in season 3 where Mohinder Suresh basically turns into Lizard.

As far as mecha go, there's only so much suspension of disbelief I can have. I can understand mecha being practical weapons if it's the far future or a faraway planet or something but not if it's supposed to take place on, you know, EARTH. In Gundam they had space colonies and space is a practical environment for a robot of that size to be able to move around in (though its engines wouldn't move it very fast, but I won't get into the rocket science behind that now). Gurren Lagann takes place on not-Earth and the dominant species is a race of beast-men, so giant robots aren't that far fetched. Evangelion takes place on Earth but they explain in great detail how the Eva units work.

Code Geass not only takes place on Earth and doesn't explain how they are powered but it also doesn't explain why they are more viable combat tools than conventional weapons. Why would you send mechs to an area on a seek-and-destroy mission when you can bomb it with a plane or hit it with cruise missiles from an aircraft carrier? I'm honestly starting to think that the lack of a standing army in Japan is leading to a skewed cultural belief on practicality in warfare.

Imagine if instead of mecha in Code Geass they were piloting giant teddy bears. It would look silly and detract from the seriousness (GOD FORBID WE DON'T TAKE THE ANIME SERIOUSLY AT ALL TIMES), but because the anime is not focused on the mecha it achieves the same purpose. The same thing would happen if they had used weapons technology that's actually around today, like tanks or airplanes. Airplanes would be the best in my opinion because dogfights are intense. Of course that might not be practical either since it's hard to repair an aircraft after it's been shot out of the sky whereas it's easy to repair a mecha that's always on the ground. My point is though that they didn't need mecha per se to get people interested in the series or to put action in it. But they did for the sole purpose of attracting the mecha fandom.

tl;dr - u mad.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Bleach sucks too. It's like DBZ with swords and no backgrounds.
this is more or less what it developed into but it was better earlier on when it had a lot of storylines involving dead people IMO

after like episode 60 or so it becomes unwatchable

[*]Naruto - "So the leader of Akatsuki is this guy who everyone thought was dead for 60 years and he's trying to resurrect a 10 tailed beast that nobody ever mentioned until now"...yeah I'm so sure he was planning that from the start.
itachi's plot twist is probably the most ridiculous example of making **** up as you go along I've ever seen, everything that took place before it makes it stupidly unbelievable

[*]Metal Gear Solid - It was so bad in this series that they had to make MGS4 just to tie up all the plot holes.[/list]
MGS and MGS3 are reasonable, MGS3 is one of my favorite games. MGS2 and 4 are ****ing ********, hideo trying to be like, a much much less talented version of quentin tarantino

I'm honestly starting to think that the lack of a standing army in Japan is leading to a skewed cultural belief on practicality in warfare.
gundams are totally viable combat tools and superior to tanks

also I disagree on death note being hurt by only doing one thing, it's short enough that it's not a problem. the longer series' like naruto or bleach definitely get hurt by "o **** I seen this 50 times before", especially when both are heavily influenced by DBZ to begin with
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Top 16 = 6 MKs
Top 8 = 5 MKs

1st (1)Mew2King - Meta Knight - $2,500
2nd (6)LeeMartin - Meta Knight/Lucario/Toon Link/Game & Watch - $1,500
3rd (21)Felixtrix - Diddy Kong - $1,000
4th (15)Seibrik - Meta Knight - $700
5th (5)NickRiddle - Zero Suit Samus - $500
6th (3)TyRaNt-WC - Meta Knight - $350
7th (8)DEHF - Falco - $250
8th (16)HavokZ - Meta Knight/Marth - $200
9th (4)ESAM - Pikachu
10th (26)Kelzorz - Meta Knight
11th (14)FatalMatt - Snake
12th (25)NinjaLink - Various
13th (19)RichBrown - Olimar
14th (7)Atomsk92 - Ice Climbers/Various
15th (28)ch33s3 - Ice Climbers
16th (17)_choice_ - Falco/Wolf

Not bad, IMO.
Not too spectacular for MK. Not enough for pro-ban to go wild. :V Good. Also M2K has won every MLG event so far. Scary stuff. M2K 2 gud.

Also, I added a tl;dr version because I remembered everyone in this thread is either not a native English speaker or has a 5 second attention span.
This post is tl;dr

Bleach sucks too. It's like DBZ with swords and no backgrounds. Every time I read it I get bored to death at how prolonged the current story arc is. It's seriously been going on for like 6 years (300+ chapters). Ichigo is also retardedly powerful for no good reason other than the series needs a main character. Honestly though, if he did die it wouldn't make that much of a difference since all the shinigami are technically dead anyway. Look at Dragonball - Goku died at least 5 times and it ultimately didn't make a difference.
Bleach has suffered from serious DBZ syndrome. The decent plotlines of the early episodes and the fairly awesome character development up to about where they stormed hueco mundo was great... Then they just went over to "Hurr durr kill **** constant fighting overpowered characters blah blah blah".

Naruto - "So the leader of Akatsuki is this guy who everyone thought was dead for 60 years and he's trying to resurrect a 10 tailed beast that nobody ever mentioned until now"...yeah I'm so sure he was planning that from the start.
God dammit I haven't gotten that far yet you ****bag

While bleach has gotten a lot worse and caught "DBZ syndrome", a few other "pop mangas" have gotten away from that decently. One Piece still has a great mix of action, drama, and comedy, although it is slightly guilty of the whole "WHERE THE **** ARE WE GOING WITH THIS" syndrome (seriously, where are we going with this? I lost track ever since the crew got separated :(). Fairy Tale is like One Piece, just slightly less WTFAWGWT Syndrome. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is a ****ing great manga.

And Bobobo is still the greatest manga in the history of manga. Seriously.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
hi guys


i missed p4's birthday

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was in dallas and had my interview. I did very well and if i dont get accepted i will be shocked as ****. I'm still busy cuz we packing now and ****, but i still will have time to see you before i move p4. Also imma be practicing on my stick. When i get use to it ill upload moar street fighter vids.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2010
I still don't see why the anime has to explain EVERYTHING. I completly understand where your coming from but seriously, can't you just enjoy the show for what it is?

LOL @ ichigo being overpowered. Are you kidding me? He's prob the weakest character in the whole show (unless he goes full hollow). Aizen is the overpowered one and yes bleach is suffering from DBZ syndrome. Also it never explains why they use swords, I'm sure if a shinigami decided to be diferent and use a gun instead of a sword he would be a **** load stronger than the rest for obvious reasons.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I NEVER (oops caps) played halo b4 and i have a 360. whats all the hype about it


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2010
Its just a really fun game to play. Not to mention its the biggest game on MLG. Unlike other big shooters such as call of duty, halo accually takes skill to be good at. Where as call of duty its basicly camping and point and shoot.

Virtual Kruncher

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2010
United States
I love halo but i hated reach in the beta. Hopefully bungie works their **** out because the Beta sucked ***.
I wasn't a huge fan either. I have faith in Bungie though.
I NEVER (oops caps) played halo b4 and i have a 360. whats all the hype about it
Having a 360 without Halo is like having a Wii without Smash, It just doesn't work.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
I used to play a lot Halo back on the Middle School.... It became boring after a while....

and btw, I don't know why most of the 360 games are shooters.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2010
I don't think anyone needs to ask if I like Halo.

/name dropping cause ive teamed with Neighbor Hysteria and SK for a local
You have?
**** man, thats crazy. Hysteria used to be a ***** in halo 2 but he stepped up his **** in H3 and hes not a cry baby anymore, i accually respect him a lot now. SK is so chill, i was talking with him at an event and online and man he never looses his cool. Neighbor is my favorite player <3

BTW do you know why they dropped SK? I still to this day think it was a stupid move even though they just placed 3rd with totz and best man.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2010
A place.
This thread really changes topics quickly and now because of BPC, it's apparently about Halo. I personally don't like Halo, or most shooters for that matter.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
You have?
**** man, thats crazy. Hysteria used to be a ***** in halo 2 but he stepped up his **** in H3 and hes not a cry baby anymore, i accually respect him a lot now. SK is so chill, i was talking with him at an event and online and man he never looses his cool. Neighbor is my favorite player <3

BTW do you know why they dropped SK? I still to this day think it was a stupid move even though they just placed 3rd with totz and best man.
Yeah, I've teamed with Neighbor for 3 halo locals now. Last year I even teamed with Neighbor for a brawl event when he's never played before. We got 9th out of 25th when he didn't even know how to play lol. when i teamed with neighbor sk hysteria we had to play max/pro perplexity tetra shot and loki in finals, so another pro team. it was really fun.

SK was slipping, I guess. they just felt they needed a change.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2010
lol @ neighbor playing brawl. Lemme guess, he played MK. Those arn't really ig name pros, in fact i've played so much halo i don't even care when i meet up with them in MLG unlike if i saw pistola id be like holy **** its pistola. Even though SK was never really on par with the big shots on their team (hysteria, neighbor, fearitself, pistola, heinz, etc.) he still was the glue that held that team together.
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