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Melee Tournament Mafia! Game Over, Town Wins!

Lil Jon

May 6, 2011





Beat early on is bleh.

Jumps on everything. Thinks RR is scummy for RVS, me as scummy for some reason, Vult as scummy for not believing Am's claim, and not explaining why.

Don't like Joey's #157 Whiteknighting Beat, but more than anything it gives Beat a way to wriggle out and explain himself. Joey says Sword's vote was scummy, but Beat's wasn't. However, he spends more time explaining why Beat is town and questioning Beat than explaining why Swords is scum and questioning Swords.

I agree with Purple, J and Joey's votes on Gordito were not justified. Way too opportunistic. J moreso than Joey. Him being wrong about the princess role is hardly scummy at all. That's the sole reason for J's vote, and Joey says it's especially why he doesn't like Gord. A lot of Joey's reasoning for Gordscum feel pretty hypocritical at this point.

Joey's #227 vote is odd as well. Just before the vote he was attacking Gordito, and this hydra hadn't posted in a while, but then switches his vote to us.


Can you explain this post for me? I think I know what you were getting at but bleh. I am not so smart.

Joey whiteknighting RR. Don't know what to make of it. However, his 180 in #303 looks legit to me.

Still don't get why people took FF's intro post as a towntell. Looks null to me at best.

Don't like RR's #333 FF's post what was mainly game mechanics and how AM is probably town. And how the start of the game was crap. RR agrees with everything except the AM part. So he agrees with everything that is irrelevant to scumhunting. Cool.

Joeyyyy Why you keep defending people???

Don't like any of Beat's reasoning in his #396 for why people are scum.

Apparently Gordito was being opportunistic?
Still haven't got an answer for Beat for what RR's town meta is, and what games the meta is based on.
Never knew being provocative was a scumtell?

J's #407 Bleh Bleh Bleh.

RR's #411 Bleh Bleh Bleh.

Gordito scumpicks looking so ugly. His lack of stances is horrid but that's not what he's being voted for. It's for considering leads on flips and for not knowing the princess claim. So blehhhh.

Joey's flip on RR/AM looked legit. His lack of pressure or vote on RR however, doesn't.

Mostly like this from J. I agree a lot. Buuuut. I don't remember J saying anything about Beat looking scummy before :/. I see you explained later.

@J What was wrong about Beat's vote on Gordito in particular? Is Beat's lack of anything a scumtell?

Still don't get why AM didn't give the reads RR asked for.

Teryyyyy Why you so town?

@RR Did you answer this part?

"Really now? I find this hard to believe that after seeing J point out Joey’s flip flop on your own read, that you have real problem with this, if you’re town? Way back in RVS people were also pairing possible teams—one example is Aggressive Mediation noting Vult Redux and Lil Jon, IIRC. Did you note this? I don’t even think you commented on this. I don’t care if it’s RVS, it’s still important. Why else would you be voting for these reasons now? You’re showing spots in your play, Red Ryu."

Already mentioned what an ugly switchthis is by Beat. Beat mentioned RR being scum from meta ages ago, but only switched from Gordito to RR when the Gordito wagon clearly wasn't going anywhere, and onto another popular wagon.

YAY J! Now I remember why you started looking town to me.

Still not done. Page 43/54 currently. Don't worry, will summarise everything in a much more friendly way later.

Lil Jon

May 6, 2011
Town: J/Roxy/AM/FF/Swords/RR/Tery/Lil Jon

I like who i think are town. If one scummy is hiding in my town reads it is between Swords/FF dispute and maye Roxy since i am always unsure of him.

Scum: Joey/Adumb/Beatstick/Gord/Vult.

Those are my final reads before deadline.

Pri close to the conclusions I reached, actually. If J is somehow scum imad .__.

RR and Joey looked scummy to me, but I have gut townreads on both. Joey looked (a lot) scummier, but my gut on Joey's also stronger.

Town: Swords, Tery, Roxy, AM, Joey, RR.

Scum is between Adumb, Beat, Vult, maaaaaybe FF, maaaaybe Gordito.

If Beatscum>GordTown and RRTown
Can't remember any other links.

Scumteam is Adumb, Beat, Vult. Cool.

Adumb's lack of stances is bleh. That Roxy scumpick is so bleh, out of nowhere, and really hypocritical.

Beat I've explained. Opportunistic. Bleh votes.

Vult has just focused on the Princess claim all day. AM has done a lot more than claim Princess but the rest of his play is apparently irrelevant. Not just tunneling on AM, but tunneling on a dumb point, rather than evaluating their play.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Purple said:
Wtf soup why are you ****ing up every game
i'm having a bad week. :(

my reads are those reads i had before that modkill, they haven't really changed.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
gorf's not scum guys wtf

****ing ryker and his deciding to play blazblue all night and then going to bed so we never discuss stances.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Beat is dieing toMorrow. seikend chose this and chose adumb for another pick.

That is all for this phase for me.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
RR totally needs to respond to that Tery point by the way. He's still possible scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Really now? I find this hard to believe that after seeing J point out Joey’s flip flop on your own read, that you have real problem with this, if you’re town? Way back in RVS people were also pairing possible teams—one example is Aggressive Mediation noting Vult Redux and Lil Jon, IIRC. Did you note this? I don’t even think you commented on this. I don’t care if it’s RVS, it’s still important. Why else would you be voting for these reasons now? You’re showing spots in your play, Red Ryu."

I didn't really notice the RvS stuff before or think much of it with the pairings.

Gord's flip flopping seems different from Joey's, maybe that is because I notice meta in how Joey flip flops as town.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Twas midway through MaylayFest singles pools when Lil Jon decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air.. Only to be struck down by the thunder of god.

Lil Jon (Zhu, Vanilla Townie) Has been Modkilled!

Night 1 begins. Send all actions to me by 6PM on 20th May (GMT)


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
All entrants of MaylayFest slept warily in their beds that night, fearful of what else was to come. Once more they dared peek their heads into the game hall, only to see twice the tragedy of before.

J (Mango, Town Self Watcher) Has died in the Night!

Terywj (Armada, Town Crew Leader) Has died in the Night!

Day 2 Begins!

Start of D2 Votecount - Votecount 9 - [6/10]

Gordito [0]
Adumbrodeus [0]
BeatStick [0]
Vult Redux [0]
frozenflame751 [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Roxy [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
Joey [0]
Red Ryu [0]

Not Voting [10] Gordito, Adum, Beat, Vult, Frozen, Sword, Roxy, AM, Joey, Red Ryu

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Vote: Frozenflame

I like my vote here. Your opening post was mad scummy, almost solely focused around mechanics, belittling, and asking baseless question. And now, come to think about it, that's almost ALL you did. You did a great job at sidelining your way through D1, but it's NOT gonna slide toDay.

:troll: -insert lol FF didn't die N1 so must be scum part here- :troll:

This is by far the best course of action toDay. I highly encourage every player that recieved a Lime role PM to follow me.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vote: Frozenflame

I like my vote here. Your opening post was mad scummy, almost solely focused around mechanics, belittling, and asking baseless question. And now, come to think about it, that's almost ALL you did. You did a great job at sidelining your way through D1, but it's NOT gonna slide toDay.

:troll: -insert lol FF didn't die N1 so must be scum part here- :troll:

This is by far the best course of action toDay. I highly encourage every player that recieved a Lime role PM to follow me.
During D1 I kept feeling like I was seeing people list him as Town and was thinking "what?! why?!"

I might go for this but I want to review his posts first because I don't remember much other than that he kept grilling me constantly for something I thought was pretty negligible.

What do you think of Purple, Gord?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
During D1 I kept feeling like I was seeing people list him as Town and was thinking "what?! why?!"

I might go for this but I want to review his posts first because I don't remember much other than that he kept grilling me constantly for something I thought was pretty negligible.

What do you think of Purple, Gord?
Purple is kind of a non entity. I periodically forgot he was in the game. But from what I remember I didn't quite like what I saw. He'd kind of stick his head into one subject for a few seconds and then drop it. Null leaning scum.

Why do we care about Purple? Probz gonna read back tomorrow/later today just so I'm not totally grillin FF and see what's up.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
EBWOP: Vult i think it's more of a "good player keep him alive thought" than a" town "thought when it comes to FF. I notice this with a lot of high level players in mafia games.
Apr 17, 2011
Vote: Frozenflame

I like my vote here. Your opening post was mad scummy, almost solely focused around mechanics, belittling, and asking baseless question. And now, come to think about it, that's almost ALL you did. You did a great job at sidelining your way through D1, but it's NOT gonna slide toDay.

:troll: -insert lol FF didn't die N1 so must be scum part here- :troll:

This is by far the best course of action toDay. I highly encourage every player that recieved a Lime role PM to follow me.


What part of "Alright guys, explain to me why you're going after dumbtown now" is baseless? Considering the game revolved around us by that point, that's not a bad entrance, it's not scummy. He wasn't going to attack first without directly talking to his first two leads: Vult and Red Ruy, two people trying to capitalize on bad play.

He had a vote out, he attacked people, he attacked who he thought was scum and if he weren't inactive you can damn well bet he probably would be pushing it. What part of this is scummy play? His inactivity? He had more content in three posts than Red Ruy did all of last phase.
Apr 17, 2011
During D1 I kept feeling like I was seeing people list him as Town and was thinking "what?! why?!"

I might go for this but I want to review his posts first because I don't remember much other than that he kept grilling me constantly for something I thought was pretty negligible.

What do you think of Purple, Gord?
Tunnel vision is negligible?

vote: Vult

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Tunnel vision is negligible?
You should probably read what he actually was grilling me about. He didn't bring that up at all.


@ Vult: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12711608&postcount=351

Why are you skimming? Also why are you just telling us this in a worthless post when that time could be better spent, ya know, reading posts? Trying to subtly lower our expectations of you so you don't seem suspicious later when you provide **** content and blatantly skim?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010


What part of "Alright guys, explain to me why you're going after dumbtown now" is baseless? Considering the game revolved around us by that point, that's not a bad entrance, it's not scummy. He wasn't going to attack first without directly talking to his first two leads: Vult and Red Ruy, two people trying to capitalize on bad play.
Can't wait for FF to respond to Gord first? What's the purpose of this post?

I don't think I was much of a "lead" for FF. I certainly didn't feel threatened by him, anyway. I didn't get a vote from him or even that much interrogation. All he did was was home in on some weird minor thing I'd done in one post and call me names.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


What part of "Alright guys, explain to me why you're going after dumbtown now" is baseless? Considering the game revolved around us by that point, that's not a bad entrance, it's not scummy. He wasn't going to attack first without directly talking to his first two leads: Vult and Red Ruy, two people trying to capitalize on bad play.

He had a vote out, he attacked people, he attacked who he thought was scum and if he weren't inactive you can damn well bet he probably would be pushing it. What part of this is scummy play? His inactivity? He had more content in three posts than Red Ruy did all of last phase.
I'm still waiting in reality.

Let me know when your ready to come join it about my content. I will not debate about more or less content over FF, but when your ready to actually scum hunt rather than strawman and work on insults.

Your town and your not worth my time anymore since your not leading to anything productive.

And yes I got a town read on him.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Yeah, I need to do a quick reread myself. I want to focus on Joey and Frozen. My town read on Joey has been shaken because of his stalling during Twilight. Flips didn't help too much either. Need to reread him to see if his thought process was legit or not.

Frozen I need to reconsider upon his last two posts. Need to really see if mostly everything he was doing was really just asking "baseless questions" like Gord said. Still think that the introduction post was scummy.

Beat said:
Gord and RR have been going for each other a lot, and a lot of their reasoning has been bad. A lot of it is either interpreting things the way they like by making assumptions, or just plain weak. Given that they've been after each other, it's a bit unlikely that they're scum buds, but I wouldn't completely rule it out. Both of them are providing seemingly made-up reasons at times, so heavy distancing is a possibility.
If you could provide examples on this, that would be cool.

@AM: Talk to me about Vult. I'm weary of him, just because I thought his general focus yesturDay was bad, but I'm not fully convinced.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm still waiting in reality.

Let me know when your ready to come join it about my content. I will not debate about more or less content over FF, but when your ready to actually scum hunt rather than strawman and work on insults.
kquotes then. Your opinion of "content" and ours must be very different. Picking at us by saying we're strawmanning without saying what we're strawmanning and ad hominem (which, guess what, the post you quoted had none) isn't proving to us you're willing to stop wasting time. If anything, you

Quote Ryker: "Everything I remember him doing is reactionary. If I can't remember it, that's a problem! It means you haven't done anything significant."

Your town and your not worth my time anymore since your not leading to anything productive.
it's the start of the ****ing phase hold your horses

And yes I got a town read on him.
Good. Let's see how he responds.
Apr 17, 2011
You should probably read what he actually was grilling me about. He didn't bring that up at all.

you're quoting one thing

out of a ****ing ton of posts you quote one thing and call it negligible when that wasn't even the only thing he yelled at you about. you completely ignore the rest of everything he said and put in a good amount of content in a few posts. he's got a lot more on the board than roxy despite having less than a quarter of the posts (but twice the content, maybe more).
Apr 17, 2011
Can't wait for FF to respond to Gord first? What's the purpose of this post?

I don't think I was much of a "lead" for FF. I certainly didn't feel threatened by him, anyway. I didn't get a vote from him or even that much interrogation. All he did was was home in on some weird minor thing I'd done in one post and call me names.
We're not defending FF--we don't need to. Don't call us out for white knighting FF, call us out for chainsaw. What happened yesterday was Swordy voiced suspicion of FF when the lynch target was far from decided. Both of you had some posts before the end of the phase and none had anything to do with supporting that scumFF need. You added nothing.

In short, we're not defending FF, we're attacking you. If you thought he was scum, you should've said so yesterday. You didn't even mention FF in your posts where you spontaneously decided to respond to people asking for your reads besides us.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Frozenflame did you get my message during the night?
Yes, I did. I thought you wanted to investigate me though. Wasn't that the plan?

Vote: Frozenflame

I like my vote here. Your opening post was mad scummy, almost solely focused around mechanics, belittling, and asking baseless question. And now, come to think about it, that's almost ALL you did. You did a great job at sidelining your way through D1, but it's NOT gonna slide toDay.

:troll: -insert lol FF didn't die N1 so must be scum part here- :troll:

This is by far the best course of action toDay. I highly encourage every player that recieved a Lime role PM to follow me.
Cool, so you decided to start Day 2 by parroting what Sword said yesterday, and basically ignore my entire response to this attack.

I've already explained why discussing the mechanics was important.

I've already discussed why belittling the previous discussion was important, why it deserved to be discredited as such, and moved away from.

I already explained why I said that because I couldn't get **** for reads when everyone was just yelling about AM's claim and the ****fest that it was.

And how in the world were my questions baseless? Like are you ****ing serious? I asked people whether or not they believed AM's claim, and if they didn't why they didn't. How in the world is that baseless? Considering discussion of AM's claim was basically all people were talking about up to that point, if asking a question about the ONLY TOPIC IN THE GAME is now considered baseless by your definitions, I'm not sure what the hell ISN'T a baseless question in your book.

But I guess you just didn't think that out because you're clearly skimming and your lack of explanations or citations of specifics in your post clearly shows you're just tossing BS out and hoping some of it sticks. Cool story bro.

Oh and I'd absolutely LOVE to hear you substantiate the claim that I "sidelined" my way through D1. That should be good for a few laughs.

Good thing you didn't drag anyone with you if you were what I thought you were.
I think it's pretty obvious what Tery was but maybe not for everyone I guess.

Since you seem to have an idea, do you think he ****ed up, or that someone got rid of him?

Vote: Purple
Alright dude like seriously I don't ****ing get you this game at all. What's with this new minimalist play style? Where is this coming from?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
kquotes then. Your opinion of "content" and ours must be very different. Picking at us by saying we're strawmanning without saying what we're strawmanning and ad hominem (which, guess what, the post you quoted had none) isn't proving to us you're willing to stop wasting time. If anything, you
It's not worth my time, so I won't bother.

Quote Ryker: "Everything I remember him doing is reactionary. If I can't remember it, that's a problem! It means you haven't done anything significant."
Not my problem his memory is terrible.

it's the start of the ****ing phase hold your horses
Do something that goes to scum hunting rather than shoving how much you dislike people's playstyles.

Good. Let's see how he responds.
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