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Melee Tournament Mafia! Game Over, Town Wins!

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
I'd like to get in on the next game, but i'm not really sure how to play. I've read all the rules (the main ones and the ones in this thread) but I still don't exactly know what happens. I subscribed hoping to watch some of the game, but instead i just caught the post game chat


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Go to the mafia signups thread which should be a sticky in this subforum and type /in small

The small that is just abou to start is geared towards a lower level of skill. You should be fine.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
But im not interested in a non-melee one lol. X1-12 gave me some information and combined with the rules i think im in pretty good shape


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Sveet you can keep tabs on the sign-ups thread and there might be another game themed around something you like sometime in the future, my next large is Majoras Mask for example which I'm pretty sure everyone loves

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
X1 said:
I think I should have given scum a patriot fakeclaim? It'd give them a bit of a heads up about the mason and it'd give them the idea of rolestopping themselves.
Eh, it definitely would have helped. The hint that a mason recruiter was in the setup would have made the Recruiter + Backup combo slightly less OP, but still IMO no where near enough to fix it. Mason recruiter, just on its own, is already a VERY powerful role. Mason recruiter with a starting mason partner is even more powerful, even if that partner doesn't have the ability to inherit the recruiter's powers. Mason recruiter with a ****ing backup recruiter is just insanely OP.

And plus, as you know, we didn't need a suggestive fake claim to figure out that rolestopping ourselves was a good idea. =/

Kataefi said:
Um super strange question but is gord a scummie in melee?

only because I can't think of any reason why frozen would give that long a response against gord... and then just hammer himself at the end of it =? What was the point of the long response?? >.>

I think aggressive comebacks like that only serve to make Gord look townier from Frozen's POV... would he do that knowing Gord is not aligned with him?

The horror anyway I thought it was a bit weird. If not then good stuff Gord! And cool game! I'm reading along with it!


o ur right actually it's night. my mind was stuck in twilight before his flip =/ I was pondering on the self hammer. I wonder why he did this then? do you think it was unwise for Frozen to make such an aggressive comeback on gord only to hammer himself? I think it was!
The point of the response was just to show how bad an argument Gord was making. Again, that's I why I've said post game that I welcome Gord to actually back his accusation up that I had "tons of holes" in my logic, because I very much disagree. His argument was ****, he just had the more likely scenario and momentum on his side.

Point is, sure, attacking him that aggressively at the end made him seem more townie I guess, but at that point it didn't matter. No one in their right mind was going to second guess a townie Gord at that point. He had an easily confirmable role, claimed out of no where early in the day when there wasn't any pressure on me to begin with really, and basically put all of his cards on the table to get me lynch. If it was a scum gambit, Gord would surely be outed for not following up on proving his role in the near future.

So yeah, maybe given other circumstances, making a post like that wouldn't be a good idea, but in this scenario, it seriously didn't matter.

@ Sveet, yeah if you're looking for Melee themed games only, you're kinda out of luck. We've had a few games run here that follow Smash flavor, but they are few and far between typically. Mafia in general is a really fun game though, and I'd encourage you to try it out if you have interest. You'll learn pretty quickly that game flavour is just a very minor part of the game though. Honestly, if the only reason you had interest in playing though was because of the Melee theme, the game might not really be for you. Games are long and take a lot of time, and since the theme of a game often has very little to do with what actually goes on, if that's what's attracting you, it probably isn't the game for you.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I know you figured it out, but just thinking purely in terms of set-up

I also know the role is OP as hell but rolestopper/rber is damn powerful especially when rolestopper is really rare so if near endgame you manage to stop 2 PRs at once, both will claim rbed which makes it really easy to push the idea one of them is BSing and set-up a situation where everyone think's that one of them is scum, basically allowing you two easy lynches.

The fact the traitor was recruitable also did swing it in your favour. The traitor could choose to, if recruited, at any time sacrifice themselves(not a big deal) and out the mason recruiter, backup, as well as any other reads etc which the masonry had.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
True true, I agree with your speculation for the roles, and I agree that rolestopper is indeed a nice role that can cause a lot of confusion, but unfortunately that balancing aspect relies on the roelstopper making it to late game, which isn't nearly as likely as the masonry surviving till late game because of its backup mechanics.

Also the fact that the traitor was recruitable is another point in your favor for balancing. But still not enough to balance out the back up power. It's just too strong. You're giving a growing masonry's leader, arguably one of the most powerful town PRs in mafia in general, a second life. That means it takes TWO nights for the mafia to get rid of the threat, even if it is claimed and outed, which is WAYYY too much, especially when the mafia don't know whether or not there is a Doc in the game.

I think a normal Mason leader with a starting partner that doesn't inherit powers would have been fair. The backup powers were way too much. =/


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
[collapse=Night Actions]N1:
Adum Vcopped Beat (=Vanilla)
Adum killed J
RR offers services to Frozen
Tery Recruits Frozen (Tery Dies)
Frozen Roleblocks self Action sent after deadline, ignored

Gordito Masons Sword
RR offers services to AM

RR offers services to AM
Roxy kills Swords

AM Investigates Vult (Inno)
RR offers services to AM
Gord recruits AM

RR offers services to Gova
Gord recruits Gova
AM investigates Joey (=Innocent)[/collapse]Soup: You should spend less time caring about how good your reads supposedly are and more time focusing on improving your convincing game.

Sword: If you played like you did on D1 for the whole game, and the game didn't get screwed up I'd have probably have given you MVP, I was very impressed with your performance and your read and attack on FF in particular

Vult: I think you'd have played much better if you factored into your decision making process that sometimes Ryker does stuff for ****s n giggles. Next time you'll know I guess. I feel the vengeful claim was a bit unnecessary and it did look a bit like you were just trying to scare ryker/town out of lynching you.

Roxy: Well played at the start, sucks you gave up but I guess your team had just got butt****ed so idk. Obviously I'd rather it didn't happen but I don't hold a grudge

Gord: Solid decisions yea, MVP decisions? Nah, more than half the roster could have easily done what you did with your role just as well. Not to downplay your performance, you did what needed to be done so props for that. Even then, I'm surprised you immediately came to the conclusion that you should recruit only to find scum, imo you should have tried to recruit nulls every time, meaning at late game you'd have solid town reads + several town clears, if you end up catching scum that's just as good.

Frozen: Yeah sometimes **** happens

Tery: Felt a little like gord played the game for you, but

AM: Solid Play. Felt like the whole idea of claiming princess was pretty unnecessary though

Joey: Well played keeping under everyone's radars, ironically perhaps when you get traitor you should act a bit scummy on purpose as a distraction - you don't count towards mafia numbers so your life isn't that important - just something you should consider if you get the role again.

Koooozinator: Cheers man, absolute lifesaver. Regular, accurate votecounts AND your end of Day flavour was really good when I wasn't expecting anything.
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