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Melee Tournament Mafia! Game Over, Town Wins!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Good Joey, that's the spirit. Obv indy is just... obv. Vult's logic has so much holes, freakin swiss cheese gets surprised when it sees this logic. AM's also got a point in what he says in #1159, like, seriously, we gotta lynch this scumbag.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I need to look at this from a lot of angles, something doesn't add up.

Still, Vote: Vult

@AM: Who have you sent me to cop thus far and why?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
End of D5 Votecount

Vult [4] Gord, AM, Joey, RR
RR [0]
Gova [0]
Joey [0]
AM [0]
Gord [0]

Not Voting [2] Gova, Vult

Vult Redux (Scar, Vanilla Townie) Has been lynched!

Its now Night 5. Send all actions to me by 6PM GMT on the 19th!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
D6 Starts!

Smarboy is standing in for Gordito for the duration because he's banned. Only Gordito is allowed to post on the account though

Votecount 20 [3/5]

RR [0]
Gova [0]
Joey [0]
AM [0]
Gord (Smarboy) [0]

Not Voting [5] Joey, Gova, AM, Gord, RR

Deadline is 29th


Sep 30, 2010
Lol yu gaiz. I'm indy and had a 1 shot dub kill. Nice to know that I'm targeting AM and Gova for the win ^_^!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Joey (Mew2King, Mafia Traitor) Has Been Lynched!

Game Over, Town wins!


Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Terywj, You are Armada, Town Crew Leader!

Armada, The Beast From Sweden! You're on a mission to unite the world's best players to form the unbeatable SSBM crew! You've already got one member, keep going and soon your crew will be full! But watch out! there are those out there trying to harm you, you better find out who they are and stop them!


Recruit: Once per Night you may send me the command Recruit: [Player Name] and if that player is Town Aligned, you will recruit them into the crew and they will gain access to the crew QuickTopic. If the player you target with this ability is NOT town aligned, you will die upon successfully targeting them. If you do successfully recruit someone, I will confirm this to you and them via PM, do not attempt to initiate communications with them unless I give you to go ahead.

Second in Command: Upon your death, Gordito (Amsah, Town Backup Crew Leader) will gain the Recruit ability. This player also starts the game as a member of the crew, with access to the crew QuickTopic.

Crew Communication: At any time you are alive, you may use the following QuickTopic to communicate with your Crew members. http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/RYZCQnWD3QfvW

Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Gordito, You are Amsah, Town Crew Back-up Leader

Amsah, the Sheik player that people actually enjoy watching! You've teamed up with your buddy Armada and you're aiding him in his effort to create the world's greatest crew, but also you'll have to help him find out who's out there to harm us, and bring them down!


Shared Dream: In the even that Terywj (Armada, Town Crew Leader) dies, you will gain his recruiting ability

Crew Communication: At any time you are alive, you may use the following QuickTopic to communicate with your Crew members. http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/RYZCQnWD3QfvW

Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Red Ryu You are Dr Peepee, Town Private Investigator

That PHD you have has really made you quite the melee smarty pants, always reading where that player will go. You're gonna use your intelligence for good and help root out those who are trying to hurt the melee scene!


Offer Services: Once per Night you may target any player (now Player A). That Night Player A will be informed that they have been offered investigative services from an unidentified player. The following Night, they will then send you to investigate a player of their choosing, and you will return a result to them on that Night. (Even though it says they will send you, they will never communicate with you, only with me.)

Note that if for any reason you become unable to use your action on the first Night, Player A will not be informed that you targeted them and your action fails. If you become unable to use your action the second Night, Player A will receive no result at all. If Player A becomes unable to use their action on the Second Night, then they will be informed that their action failed.

Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia J, You are Mango, Town Self Watcher

You're not bad at this, game, in fact you're so good you get bored and started sangbaggin, hard. You still go to tourneys, but you just mess around. You still enjoy comboing the hell out of scrubs, you like checking out your own combos


Check Yourself Out: Each Night you watch yourself. This is not optional and will always be in effect. You will be informed at the end of each Night the names of every player which visited you that Night Phase.

Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Soupamario, You are Zhu, Vanilla Townie!

"Zhu's got this ****, *****s just a little fruit, a zoo is like a whole area, an entire building, structure... yeah"



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Aggressive Mediation, You are Darkrain, Vanilla Townie!

Darkrain aka Robocop aka THE black Falcon. You've seen the combo, need I say more?



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Sworddancer, You are DaShizWiz, Vanilla Townie!

DaShiaWia, the most raw falco player, unequalled in pure brutal comboing style.



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Vult Redux, You are Scar, Vanilla Townie!

Scar, the flashiest, ballsiest and most badass Falcon there's ever been. Truly the people's champion



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Beatstick, You are Hax, Vanilla Townie!

Hax, the safe Falcon, the one that actually places well at nationals.



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia frozenflame751, You are Ally, Mafia Roleblocker/Rolestopper!

You're a bad guy brawler!


Roleblock: Each Night you may use either this ability or the Rolestop ability. To use this ability send me a PM with the command Roleblock: [Player Name], in doing so you will cause all actions that player uses that Night to fail.

Rolestop: Each Night you may use either this ability or the Roleblock ability. To use this ability send me a PM with the command Rolestop: [Player Name], and all abilities which target that player will fail.

AllIsBrawl: At any time while you are alive, you may communicate privately with your fellow mafia members, Adumbrodeus (ADHD, Mafia Vanilla Cop) and Roxy (Anti, Mafia Goon). You may use the following QuickTopic to do so: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/QNppxQaDEXq. If you communicate through other means, please post conversation logs in the QuickTopic.

Kill: Each Night one of the mafia may send me the command Kill: [Player Name] and that player will be targetted for lethal action. In the event of conflicting kills from different mafia members, the order of priority is frozenflame751 > adumbrodeus > Roxy


Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia frozenflame751, You are Kage, Vanilla Townie!

Kage from Canadia, Kage the Warrior. The Mango Slayer.



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Win Condition
You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia adumbrodeus, You are ADHD, Mafia Vanilla Cop!

You're a bad guy brawler!


VCop: You may use this ability once per Night, to do so send me the command Investigate: [Player Name]. In doing this you will discover if the target player is either "Vanilla" or "Not Vanilla"

AllIsBrawl: At any time while you are alive, you may communicate privately with your fellow mafia members, frozenflame751 (Ally, Mafia Roleblocker/Rolestopper) and Roxy (Anti, Mafia Goon). You may use the following QuickTopic to do so: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/QNppxQaDEXq. If you communicate through other means, please post conversation logs in the QuickTopic.

Kill: Each Night one of the mafia may send me the command Kill: [Player Name] and that player will be targetted for lethal action. In the event of conflicting kills from different mafia members, the order of priority is frozenflame751 > adumbrodeus > Roxy


Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia adumbrodeus, You are Jman, Vanilla Townie!

Jman, Jesusman, the Son of God. Says it all really



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Win Condition
You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Roxy, You are Anti, Mafia Goon!

You're a bad guy brawler!


AllIsBrawl: At any time while you are alive, you may communicate privately with your fellow mafia members, frozenflame751 (Ally, Mafia Roleblocker/Rolestopper) and adumbrodeus (ADHD, Mafia Vanilla Cop). You may use the following QuickTopic to do so: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/QNppxQaDEXq. If you communicate through other means, please post conversation logs in the QuickTopic.

Kill: Each Night one of the mafia may send me the command Kill: [Player Name] and that player will be targetted for lethal action. In the event of conflicting kills from different mafia members, the order of priority is frozenflame751 > adumbrodeus > Roxy


Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Roxy, You are Cactuar, Vanilla Townie!

The cactus!



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Win Condition
You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.

Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Joey, You are Mew2King, Mafia Traitor

You're the Brawl Traitor, giving up on Melee like that :mad:




Welcome to Melee Tournament Mafia Joey, You are Mew2King, Vanilla Townie!

The Melee Legend, the King with a tiara.



Win Condition
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Win Condition
You win once the mafia has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this. You do not count as a mafia member in the mafia's majority
[/collapse]A few things:
FF tried to rolestop himself N1, but sent the action too late.
Joey was recruitable and showed up as inno.
Yeah the setup was kinda swingy, I know

Kuz can answer your questions I guess? I'm dead to SWF will thurs/fri

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
>Gorf or no MVP

I'm not really interested in it if we do or don't get it but really, how did Gorf have a better performance than AM?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
the only good recruit he had was ff. the rest were just stuff that was kinda easy. mason recruiter's not hard, especially if he has unlimited uses.

also, the lack of protective in this game is marvelous. how did we survive to endgame, gogdamn adumb.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
scum had a bad day, that's all.

also i'll have to remember FF likes to complain alot as scum (as do alot of people)

*jot notes*

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Like, the smart recruit was us and he waited to make sure he had a buddy just in case. He lost Swordy. That would've been smart, but that was more because he just ****ed up a recruit on Vult and didn't send it. Gorf played well, yes, but I can't justify it over the ridiculous princess claim and adumb quickhammer.

Don't make meta notes. >:v

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
AM played the best town game by far. If anyone deserves it it's them though this game doesn't really need an MVP because well Roxy gave up, Adumb was a no-show, and FF got pretty much a cop guilty on him then the game was just wheedling down the unclears till the right one was found.

Also lol @ Soupa w.r.t. FF.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Yeh, I don't feel like we deserved it. Adumb was a no-show and we suspected the ******* was scum. The quickwagon was a golden opportunity. Roxy giving up just ruined the whole damn thing.

Actually when we started the Joey lynch, I'm surprised I completely forgot about how Broto and I reached the conclusion that JoeyvsJ was S/T. We shoulda went back to that.

Also lynching Vult is amusing. <3ubby but get active.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
*jot notes that wl doesn't like meta notes*

is that a scumtell?

but naw really, i think meta can help you, but it's nothing to certainly lean on.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm actually pretty pleased with the way I played this game. Glad I ate the N1 kill though. Adumb was scum in my notes, Joey was as well iirc, Roxy I mistook for town, I also had Sword vs. FF as S/T so yay. I actually had decent reads this game.

WL, I neeeeed to talk to you about end of D1 sometime!

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'm here now Jbby but I'll probably be leaving soon. Definitely want to talk to you about it too. I was curious whatever the hell you were up to.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Haha I'll catch you on skype sometime now that it's the summer. Just remind me.

Btw, here's that crumb. It was in my first post of the game.

I'm gonna catch up with this even though I wanted to hydra but I guess I'm just gonna watch out for myself since she bailed.

from this page Gord's posts on Princesses are icky.

Vote: Gordito

I'll try and post late later tonight.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup reads:
1. Gordito - Null leaning town
2. Adumbrodeus - Null - yet to make a concise read.
3. Lil Jon (Soupamario + Seikend)
4. Beatstick - Null
5. Vult Redux - Null leaning town, read will change through more interaction.
6. frozenflame751 - Null leaning scum, same reasons as seikend.
7. Sworddancer - Null leaning town.
8. Terywj - Town - same.
9. Roxy - Town - same.
10. Agressive Mediation (Ryker + Washed Laundry) - Town
11. Joey - Null leaning scum (sorry seikend.) - see qt.
12. Red Ryu - Null-leaning town
13. J - Null leaning town.

all but roxy; and adum

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kuuuuuuzai! Where you at with those mod notes? I am curious as to why you liked my play so much this game but you never told me why. D=

I also think this game taught me to actually focus on interactions more and take things a bit simpler.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
also seikend did a good job with the other reads, so we were 50/50 i'm sorry i got us modkilled :(


Sep 30, 2010
Adumbrodeus: You started off on a decent foot, and had the ability to drive it well. But as the End of Day 1 continued to approach, your scum started showing more and more. I was preparing to recruit you Night 3 after we were to lynch Vult. But things happened the way they did and boom. I've seen better, but I can't say you played bad. But it was pre' cool playing with ya again.

Lil Jon (Soupamario + Seikend): I don't remember a lot, but what I DO remember is the modkill. Bro Soup you gotta control your editing of posts and crap. I don't even care too much about the actual posting of hydra logs cuz that was a first time mistake on your part. So just learn from it. But damn it I see you editing your posts ALL THE TIME at least once in every game you play. If you can sneak in a tiny quickedit, then sneak it in. But if anything just double post. Yes, you're getting up there. But I think that all ya gotta do is focus on the rules and you'll be really well on your feet bro.

BeatStick Zen Gova: Sorry that your slot was really a doomed to be scummy slot. You didn't really do much, Bean**** played bad, Zen didn't even play, and you were there to take whatever heat there was. Meh.

Vult Redux: Bro. You played mad scummy. Like for srs. The hardcore tunneling on AM was ridiculous, and really came off as a desperate attempt to just want to lynch em. The Vengeful claim was so self preservative and so scummy it was just off. AM's princess gambit was so much cleaner than your vengeful gambit. Oh well, better luck next time bro.

frozenflame751: Got really nervous about your slot. I just couldn't imagine anything you said coming from a townie. Your scumpicks seemed off, your opening post was aiming to ridicule, and your overall play is what lead to your recruit. And when Tery came up dead, I knew that you had to be anti town. Tery's the guy that a scum team would wanna take to lylo, not kill Day 1. Especially with how I forced him to make as many connections as he did. And then the holes in your logic, i suppose, were noticeable, but that's because there was really no chance. The only person that could have possibly saved you was AM, but he realized you were wrong in the end. Good game. Felt good to lead a lynch on scum FF :p.

Sworddancer.: Bro you're a bawss. After my fakeclaim I had to look for my most confident town read, and you proved to be nothing but obvtown ^_^. And on top of that, your logic was really helpful in looking for scum... even though you ruined my fakeclaim with your death :p. You played quite well, and I had fun with ya. GGs.

Terywj: Flawless. Straight up flawless. You did exactly what I told ya to do, and all of your posts were mad cute. Your being inexperienced and your legitimate attempts of playing are what ultimately kept you alive through the killing phase of Night. So gg's bro.

Roxy: Dude you were the least suspicious of the four scum members in my eyes. You played pretty well, and it was a damn shame that you gave up after adumb got lynched. Either way, hope ya had fun, and... check... mate.

Aggressive Mediation (Ryker + Washed Laundry): Brodehh you gotta not talk about ongoing games outside of the thread. You do it a lot, and even if it's really small things it can be indicative of alignment, even if you ask somebody if somebody hammers someone and you accidentally give a grunt. I agree that the punishment should have been different, but still foul play bro. And the only reason I'm not mentioning it to adumb is cuz I never see adumb do it. Sure you might see it as a big deal, but just follow the rule. No matter how much it hurts to hold back :p. Played really well either way, I love playing with both of ya. Y'all always find a way to make the game a bit more fun. Ggs.

Joey: <3. I'm surprised you didn't replace out once you saw your scum role. You didn't play BAD, one of the better games I've seen ya play, but you didn't play well. I'm sure that if you do what you can to get better, you really can get better. Ggs bro.

Red Ryu: Your claim is what saved ya. You can't rely on morals to lead your reads. Just because somebody sounds mad or mean or unethical, doesn't mean they are scum. And then, at the same time, you can't just let yourself see who's scummy and try to find reasons yourself for why said player is scummy. Only reason I'm positive you do that, is because I had a tendency to do that when I was a newer player as well. Just try to find the intentions behind what players are doing, rather than thinking that this guy's playing mean and I'm not having fun with em. It'll almost always come off as scummy when you do that.

J: Bro you always think I'm scum. If you can't read me (Oh by the way, you can't.), then don't just jump to the conclusion that I'm scum. It's a bad conclusion to jump to. Either way GGs J baby, looking foward to playing with ya again.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J: Bro you always think I'm scum. If you can't read me (Oh by the way, you can't.), then don't just jump to the conclusion that I'm scum. It's a bad conclusion to jump to. Either way GGs J baby, looking foward to playing with ya again.
Gee I wonder why. :rolleyes: Hahaha.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
I vaguely kept up with the game after D1.

Vote: No MVP

Town didn't really find scum through any dayplay. A Night Action, essentially a modkill, giving up and PoE through Night Actions.

Well played, but the lack of any strong day play in this game made me lose interest honestly.

Thanks to X1 and Kuz for hosting, and thanks to Soup for hydraing. Hydra again sometime when I'm motivated to play again?
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