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Melee Tournament Mafia! Game Over, Town Wins!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
What about them isn't noobtown?

Almost every post you make looks exactly like your scum meta. I'm starting to think that you should go before Gord.

Vote: Red Ryu

Yea.....with each post you make, I am getting more and more inclined to put you in the scum category. You can die.

@Gord: FF is always quiet. It's a null tell. Doesn't make what he has said any less important.

@Roxy: Where are you? ;_;

Beatstick or Adumb lynches are looking mighty fine. The more I think about Beat, the more I want him dead. Morbid eh?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This has to be the hardest game to re-read ughh. I'll have a post up by the time I go to bed tonight.

Red Ryu I will post my scum picks after I re-read. Updated and ready to go.

Will do.

As for Gord, how is he noobtown?

This is the post that is referenced, #181 Why is this noobtown Adum?

Look at his posts after that one.

It's a small slip. I hadn't yet determined whether I was nit picking or whether it was legit.
Yo Joey ya mean these ones?

They seem pretty spot on iirc.
Btw I don't give a flying f*** about RE4. The fact is I can see this here. And that's enough for me to place the vote.
God I hope I remember how to collapse...

*Lots of my posts*

These should be all of Ruy's posts. I see no intention of trying to assert his own opinions or stands from these posts. Sure he brushes upon certain points, but just because you are bringing them up doesn't mean you are really involving yourself with the matter. You're focusing more on the face value, and not really looking into the intentions behind the posts.
He showed... OPINIONS. He gave us small opinions. Not much of anything town can really work with.
If you're giving fake or insufficient content, then your opinions are jaded.
Skim'd. Will reread once I get home and comment more thoroughly. But for right now...

I hate when people do that. If you was gambiting (which is usually how town lies), and somebody think you are, then it's dumb as hell for them to expose said gambit. Because then... it doesn't become a freaking gambit.

It was me trying to make sense of people saying a princess skips Day phases regardless of what death happens. And then, realizing that maybe I'm wrong. Maybe one day you'll be proven wrong about something and go through the same cycle :awesome:

Nah chill. Reactionary =/= passive. I don't play like you, leading the town from the get go. Which is why you might think of me as "reactionary". You know I'm not being a hypocrite. But if you really want me to exasperate my energy into D1, I'll try (D1's a joke and a toss up. I struggle, what can I say?).
He starts flip flopping on why I am scum.

"No content" turns into "He had content but it's nothing" Which is wrong when you consider I referenced my comments to Joey multiple times. He says he is ignoring RE4, which is try he isn't bringing in meta. But his case on me is not a good one when he gets called out on the same crap he called me out for. Added to that, there is nothing here that adds to the dumb town, argument.

It's clear he isn't getting frustrated with people in the way Adum is calling him for. This is not obvious like Ran was in RE4. In RE4 Ran made it obvious his tells were town, claiming princess on what looked like to him a dayvig shot, genuine scum hunting.

What do he have here, admitting to skimming and glancing over posts, changing cases on people so they fit his argument. This isn't noob town, this is scum.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sorry guys for latish post, had school plus job hunting. This is a wall of text, so be warned.

J said:
Out of FF/RR/AM, FF's opinion to me I trust the most. I think he is the towniest out of those three and therefore respect his opinion over the other two if he were to speak up about something. I said it to let it be known that FF was my strongest town read at the moment from that post.
Okay, but this brings up a new question. How can you find FF townie? The only thing he has done this game is come in, complain about AM and the town in general, talk about how we should treat some very general situations (the princess claim, inactives/lurkers) and left. What from that convinces you of FF being town, and why so readily give your trust to him? Do you think he's town, or do you just want him to be town?

SD - I already responded as to why I thought Joey was scummy. Small as hell D1 bulletpoints coming up.
I'll appreciate that. You've haven't done this yet if I read correctly, but have posted again since you said you would do this. At the very least, quote to me where you stated your reasoning, because I don't feel like looking through this whole thread for it.

@J's 470 & 474: Hard to tell if you're buddying people or just identifying people who you think are pro town players. Going to go with my gut on this one and say the later of the two. That's kinda cool.

AM said:
Sword and Red Ruy, explain the premise for the Gorf wagon.
Jumped on the Gord wagon originally because I thought Gord was being opportunistic (following you) and because I thought he was attacking a point which I thought was wrong (that RR provided no content). Later I admitted that upon further reflection the points were legit but I still questioned his overall reasoning (what could he expect out of RR so early on?). Possible connection to FF is an addded bonus.

I've realized since my 450 that some of these points for attacking Gord are weak (Gord being opportunistic, saying that the reason he originally attacked is weak (I think this still holds truth in it but staying on Gord's wagon for it is what's weak)) so I'm probably going to jump off of it.
J said:
Red/Orange can die.

Personally, I want Gord. Upon a GordScum flip we have a scumJoey or a scumAdumb. A scumAdumb flip gives us a scumGord but little to work with regards to Joey. scumJoey lynch will add to scumGord.

Gord is the better candidate out of the red for me personally.
How exactly does Gord scum = Adumb/Joey scum?

@LJ's 526: Agree that RR's scum or town flip isn't indicative of Joey's alignment.

Gonna go off on a little rant here, because I have no idea how anyone could think that there is a scummy connection between those two. What a weird way it would be for two scummies to interact. I mean, a scummy directly defending their partner just to bus them after someone tells them why they're wrong? Nah. A town Joey genuinely changing his mind about RR seems much more likely than scum playing a large WIFOM game of purposefully having weird interactions with one another.

also @ LJ's 526: Iffy about though how you're leaning town on RR. Can you explain this please?

@Tery's 540:

Frozenflame expands on the princess stuff for people like me who have never seen one played before, but also wants answers from the people are doubtful of Aggressive Mediation’s claim. Good policy on inactive and noncontributing players as well. I’m aware other people have similar stances, but Frozenflame has actually said something in the open. All in all, I see pro-town implications. Also backed up by #326.
Ugh no. Anyone and their mom could of said what Frozen said. Don't be naive. He didn't write that post out for you, or anyone like you. He did it just to post. That's it.

I’m male.

Hi J.

I’m gonna have to disagree. People have lives (I assume) so stuff like that happens. Like my catchup followed by this one, since I’m always busy on weekends. While it doesn’t really sound like a great idea, this doesn’t always imply suspicion. You also contradict yourself (?) later by saying you doubt Red Ryu sidelining because of interactions with Aggressive Mediation, but then later calling Red Ryu out for only pushing when pushed? Is that not sidelining / fake contributing?
You're gonna have a hard time catching scum if you let people off the hook because they have "lives."

Did I say that I doubt RR sidelining? I thought just asked Gord if he still thought RR was sidelining?

In anycase, you're right that I don't think RR is sidelining, at least not anymore. I have admitted that he was sidelining early on. However, that does not contradict my find that he is attacking only the people who attack him. Sidelining is when someone tries to avoid direct conversation (see: my scum play in RG and Community mafia, two great examples there). Only attacking those who attack you, or OMGUS, is bad because it shows a small focus, and a concern only for oneself (a scummy thing).

Tery, you're points against RR are kinda nitpicky.

LJ said:
Joey was looking pretty town early play, but i'm not sure about late play.

Vult is town too. #177 makes me want to just hug him or something.

Sword can go null now, i'll lean town with him though.
I thought I was townie to you. Why the sudden change of heart?
also FF is town with his introductry post, this bro gets it
noooooooo heeee's noooooot. At best, he's null.

LJ said:
Joey is totes scummier anyways and he hardcore defended you and then suddenly backstabbed you and has you leaning scum.

unvote vote: Joey

weasel4lyfe man
Wait, you totally said in your 526 that you thought Joey was town. In your 558, you said Joey was scummy because of his play "of late". However, here you're voting Joey based off of a reason that happened way earlier than his play of late. This looks like a hefty contradiction here. Explain.

fos LJ

you're trying too hard to look town (posting walls, asking questions, etc. etc. protown stuff) while when you are town you don't care how you look or appeal to people.
gross meta reasoning here.

Obtw adumb comparing me to Ran or SWORDSR? Yikes I didn't think you thought I was THAT bad lol.
Hope you're referring to SRB here, or else my feelings will seriously be hurt. :(

AM said:
Yeh, we decided to make the most of our role. After claiming it, we decided we'd use it to gain reactions and get people out of RVS. We found it weird Vult would rather call us lying scum and attack us for it than to realize our case on him was a reach and dismiss it. Why would he take the time to point out a gambit he recognizes? What's the town benefit for it?
What he did/didn't do also kinda feels like a week case. Pointing out a gambit is indeed illogical, but it's not so scummy in my eyes that I would kill him for it.

AM said:
**** like this is what makes me think he's not scum, he's just being misread. almost positive that if a gorf lynch goes down, it'll be a mislynch.
Fair to what you pointed out

What about them isn't noobtown?

Almost every post you make looks exactly like your scum meta. I'm starting to think that you should go before Gord.
gross meta post from Beat's end this time. Also, it's kind of a blanket term for you to say that every single one of RR's post looks like his scum meta.



J I'm liking a little bit. Definitely disagree with J over some things but I generally just like J's play style. Slight town read.

LJ, I've been meaning to ask you this for awhile, but what was the point of your 365? Why ask the questions that you did to me and Vult? More specifically, why ask us about those people?

I's leaning null-scum on LJ as of now. Not liking his very early play or his contradiction as of late, but he came to the same conclusions as me over a bunch of things, so that's cool.

I could see beat being scum if RR were to flip town. I get the feeling that he has simple been riding off other scum picks. Going off of that chain of thought, he could just try to be riding the RR wave. Conversely, a scum RR would make me feel more confident in a town Beat. Now, I'm not saying he should be the lynch toDay, or even that he should be toMarrow's lynch if RR flips town. Rather, he simply should be looked at upon a town RR flip.

I could also see Adumb as scum for AM’s listed reasons. Like Beat, a town flip of RR would make him look grimy.

I really hope that Joey is town, because my town read on him is pretty firm. Don't fool me Joey. :(

I can't agree with Tery's stances on Joey and Frozen. Also, I'm still bugged by his lack of vote. However, I kinda get newbie townie vibes from his (form instinct), so slight newbie town read on him for now. Subject to change.

IIRC, I remember AM saying that Gord wagon can't really go any further. That I can agree with, I don't think we, or at least I, can really get much more from the Gord wagon. Plus realizing that some of the points I originally had against Gord are kinda week, I'm willing to raise Gord from scum to null.


I could see scum wanting to focus on the whole princess issue, which is one reason why I might see Vult as scum. Although Idk man, I'm still not entirely sold on it and am going to need a lot more convincing.

@AM: If you please, could you summerise all the points against Vult? I'm not entirely convinced by your case, so I want to talk about it.

The longer FF remains silent, the more he can die. His introduction seems scummy in a Gehb sort of way.

RR can still die. I like his activity a lot, but I’m not liking him only attacking of his attackers, and his early play was sloppy. Plus, everyone seems to have made connections with him, so seeing his flip will give people a good reference point I think.

Vote RR

Roxy/LJ are still maybes. Vult is entirely up in the air for now.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Sworddancer said:
You're gonna have a hard time catching scum if you let people off the hook because they have "lives."

Did I say that I doubt RR sidelining? I thought just asked Gord if he still thought RR was sidelining?

In anycase, you're right that I don't think RR is sidelining, at least not anymore. I have admitted that he was sidelining early on. However, that does not contradict my find that he is attacking only the people who attack him. Sidelining is when someone tries to avoid direct conversation (see: my scum play in RG and Community mafia, two great examples there). Only attacking those who attack you, or OMGUS, is bad because it shows a small focus, and a concern only for oneself (a scummy thing).

Tery, you're points against RR are kinda nitpicky.
I can't agree with Tery's stances on Joey and Frozen. Also, I'm still bugged by his lack of vote. However, I kinda get newbie townie vibes from his (form instinct), so slight newbie town read on him for now. Subject to change.
Alright, fair enough. Obviously everyone can't agree--otherwise Mafia wouldn't be fun, but I can see what you're saying and I realize I misinterpreted. Sorry.

However, you completely missed my vote at the end of my updated reads?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Once per night I target a player, the following night that player has me investigate another player, that player I targeted the previous night will get my results.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Would be really cool if you didn't edit that RR.

@MOD: I know that was a quickedit, but since potentially important information may have been edited out, can we at least somehow get the script of what RR originally said?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Okay, but this brings up a new question. How can you find FF townie? The only thing he has done this game is come in, complain about AM and the town in general, talk about how we should treat some very general situations (the princess claim, inactives/lurkers) and left. What from that convinces you of FF being town, and why so readily give your trust to him? Do you think he's town, or do you just want him to be town?
Basically Swords, I am going with gut and I honestly liked what I saw from FF. I am not ready to throw my arms up into the air and let him take the wheel or anything (get the song reference?). I do think at the moment from what I've seen I have a town read.

Swords said:
@J's 470 & 474: Hard to tell if you're buddying people or just identifying people who you think are pro town players. Going to go with my gut on this one and say the later of the two. That's kinda cool.
Swords, I reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally like you this game. Let me buddy you hardcore?

Swords said:
How exactly does Gord scum = Adumb/Joey scum?
No that's not what I meant. I meant for D1, any of the red/orange can die, not that they were all scum together. In fact, scumAdumb gives me townGord. Joey is still up in the air as a scummy lil person. Willing to put him on the back-burner for the time being though.

Swords said:

Hi J.
Mean person. ;_;

Swords said:
I could see beat being scum if RR were to flip town. I get the feeling that he has simple been riding off other scum picks. Going off of that chain of thought, he could just try to be riding the RR wave. Conversely, a scum RR would make me feel more confident in a town Beat. Now, I'm not saying he should be the lynch toDay, or even that he should be toMarrow's lynch if RR flips town. Rather, he simply should be looked at upon a town RR flip.
Yes, let's do that. Like after Adumb. Adumb/Beat.

Swords said:
I could also see Adumb as scum for AM’s listed reasons. Like Beat, a town flip of RR would make him look grimy.
Agreed yet again.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Vote: Beatstick

Vote: Adumbrodues


One of those two. I wanna go beat more because he is being so inherently scummy while being more active then Adumb whereas Adumb just smells of slight scum when he does appear every now and then.

Vote: Beatstick

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@mod: I apolegize for quick editting I can't seem to restore my post atm, I accept any mod punishment for it since I did quick edit


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
If RR's claim is to be trusted, then I could see myself going Beat/Adumb toDay.

J said:
Basically Swords, I am going with gut and I honestly liked what I saw from FF. I am not ready to throw my arms up into the air and let him take the wheel or anything (get the song reference?). I do think at the moment from what I've seen I have a town read.
Didn't you say though that FF was your most townie read? You said you believe his opinion the most, but now you're saying you won't just follow him? If you question him, then why is he your most townie read?

J said:
Swords, I reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally like you this game. Let me buddy you hardcore?
Sure, knock yourself out. Just don't think you can win me over to thinking you're town just based off of that.

J, I trust you're claiming not Dr. PP?

Btw, everyone should do this btw.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords, I was referring to at the time, FF was a pretty strong read of mine. Now he is just nestled in with the other people I think is town. To be back in the time, my most town reads are RR/Roxy/Yourself/AM. I don't have to buddy you to make you believe I'm town nor do I care of convincing you that I am town. I just wanna buddy you because you are smart/intellectual and actually doing the right things this game. I do not CC Dr. PP. You are correct in guessing the song.

@RR's 614: My goodness the grammar. ;_;

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

So then FF should still remain a strong townie read to you, thus with an opinion that you would trust?

If FF has a townie power level of 5 (just for arguments sake), and other people had their townie powers raised to match that over time, then shouldn't that just mean you would trust them all as much as FF, and not necessarily FF any less?
J said:
FF/RR/AM = town to me atm. Out of them FF's opinion is the opinion I am gonna be taking into the most.
You say you trust FF the most here.

However, you saying that you won't just follow his opinion implies you don't feel as good as him as before.

Yet your saying you still feel the same about him.

*is confused*

Also, unrelated, but going under the assumption that RR is town, then what implications do you think this means for Gord?


RR, why did you claim when you did?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords, you are making my head hurt. Listen, FF was a strong town read at that time. Now I would rather listen to those who are more prevelant as town reads to me at the current time. I still think FF is town, the fact is, I find others to be more town at the moment. Bottom line is, I go with what I want and I listen to what the people I think are town's decisions are.

RRtown and Gord implications I haven't thought of yet.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
First of all, I'm not CCing Dr. PP or Private Investigator.

Current points of interest, in chronological order:

@ Vult: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12711608&postcount=351

Why are you skimming? Also why are you just telling us this in a worthless post when that time could be better spent, ya know, reading posts? Trying to subtly lower our expectations of you so you don't seem suspicious later when you provide **** content and blatantly skim?

@ Red Ryu: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12711739&postcount=356

Get over his bad strategy in claiming. It isn't helping the game progress. I've already explained why claiming princess as scum would be an absolutely AWFUL tactical decision, and even though AM made a ******** decision, even I don't think the members of that hydra are bad enough to think claiming princess as anti-town is a good strategy. Stop tunneling on it.

@ Tery: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12711897&postcount=357

More detail about why you think Gord, Vult, and Joey are town please.

@ J: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12712603&postcount=359

You were unsure about your Gord vote before a re-read? What about the re-read reinforced your suspicions? Did you see something new that you missed previously? Why do you feel the need to comment on your Gord vote, as if to validate it by just saying "hey guys I re-read and I'm EXTRA sure now".

@ Joey: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713358&postcount=373

If you're so sure about this read why don't we get any good expansion on it? From what are you deriving this read, you've left us completely in the dark. You mention your certainty again here but still, no explanation: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713390&postcount=375

Get on it.

@ J + Joey: 377 to 398, your interaction here seems madddddd fake. Ironically, J, you call Joey out on seeming "fake" here: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713492&postcount=382

Idk what it is about your little back and forth but it just seems really unnatural, and slightly scripted. Just wanted to point this out for everyone because its a strong early game connection IMO. Good info for future flips.

@ Red Ryu: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713692&postcount=399

Thank you for moving on.

@ J: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713746&postcount=405

Again with this like, tough love attitude toward Joey. Seems craaaaazy fake. Really don't like it.

@ Red Ryu: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12713784&postcount=411

OMGUS much? This seems to be a trend with you. All of your scum reads are people who have taken stances against you (AM, Gord, Adum). OMGUS-esque stances make sense sometimes, but 3 people on Day 1? Really? Not a fan.

@ Vult: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716145&postcount=483

Dude what? I see you've never heard of Occum's Razor. So you're saying that the reason they're playing poorly, made a crap claim (regardless of alignment, which I already explained unless you ignored my post), and keep debating their own motives for said claim is actually an elaborate ploy to somehow scare us all away from ever lynching them and dissaude PRs and/or anti-town roles from targeting them at night? Do you actually believe this? I seriously can't tell if you're skimming scum desperate to distract us, or dumb town who can't recognize bad play.

Do you SERIOUSLY think they might be an anti-town princess role?

And I'll tell you what kind of townie thinks the way they do. A confused townie comprised of two individuals who don't have their **** sorted and have no concept of how to play their role.

@ Red Ryu: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716152&postcount=484

Again with supporting people who agree with you and attacking people who don't. Is this going to be your think all game, because you're a serious liability if this is what you're gonna do. In fact, you can learn from J: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716218&postcount=488

@ Sworddancer: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12721940&postcount=603

I did like most of what you brought to the table up until I read this:

Ugh no. Anyone and their mom could of said what Frozen said. Don't be naive. He didn't write that post out for you, or anyone like you. He did it just to post. That's it.
Calling me out for not being particularly active? Fair. Wanting some more content from me? Fair. Getting a null read from what few posts I've had? Also completely fair.

Misrepresenting what I said and why I said it? Trying to present my content in a bad light? Very, very not cool.

If anyone in their mom could have wrote what I did, then why were like upwards of 4 pages of muck containing little more than pissant bickering over AM's claim and stupid personal arguments preceding my post? If it was so intuitive and obvious that what was being discussed was crap, then why in the world might I ask, would I even need to try and move discussion away from it? I absolutely did not just post what I posted "just to post it." The game had little constructive content leading up to the point where I was able to join in. I called people out on it and laid a groundwork for WHY that content was crap, and WHY we needed to move away from it. I even tried to get things moving in the right direction by asking substantive questions to particular players. Whether or not people payed me any heed and actually followed my advice has no bearing on what I actually DID in my post.

So yeah, smooth move trying to discredit me like that, but it isn't gonna fly.

@ Adum: Why so much Ryu tunneling? Want more stances from you.

Adumb also confirmed for bussing the **** out of RR if RR flips scum.

Red Ryu is pretty close to a lynch and has a good claim atm so despite me not really liking him atm my vote isn't going there. Need to see if anyone CCs and hear his responses to my criticisms.

Vult and Joey can totally go.

J and Joey again makes me uneasy but I can see how that develops over time.

Vote: Sworddancer

That was some seriously underhanded ****. Explanation would be nice.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Once per night I target a player, the following night that player has me investigate another player, that player I targeted the previous night will get my results.
What results do you get? Do you get guilty or not guilty, tracking, what?

Role sounds weird, I don't like it at all, but should be easy enough to confirm.


Not the play for the day. Will have a target soon.

@ Adum: Why so much Ryu tunneling? Want more stances from you.
Because I think he's scum, other stances in time, hold your horses.

@ Vult: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716145&postcount=483

Dude what? I see you've never heard of Occum's Razor. So you're saying that the reason they're playing poorly, made a crap claim (regardless of alignment, which I already explained unless you ignored my post), and keep debating their own motives for said claim is actually an elaborate ploy to somehow scare us all away from ever lynching them and dissaude PRs and/or anti-town roles from targeting them at night? Do you actually believe this? I seriously can't tell if you're skimming scum desperate to distract us, or dumb town who can't recognize bad play.

Do you SERIOUSLY think they might be an anti-town princess role?

And I'll tell you what kind of townie thinks the way they do. A confused townie comprised of two individuals who don't have their **** sorted and have no concept of how to play their role.


Vult and Joey can totally go.
Vult is being dumb, but why is he dumb or scum? What justification do you have for the possibility of him being distracting scum as opposed to just dumbtown?

Adumb also confirmed for bussing the **** out of RR if RR flips scum.
Explain, now. What suggests that I'm bussing RR?

Still waiting on Purple's answer.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@FF: That post you quoted w.r.t. my vote being on Gord was my second realish post into the game and sort of my intro post. I voted Gord at first because I did not like at all what I saw on that page from him then I went to read where I found I actually disliked Gord the most. It wasn't a re-read but my actual first read of this game.

Joey/J "fakeness" - There is honestly no way to defend over how you are reading something. I have a question though. By the tone you seem to suggest that if either Joey or Myself were to flip scum, the other of us would be a likely candidate for each others scum-buds correct?

@Adumb's 626: With posts like that, it seems you are trying to get lynched.

@Beatstick: I see you viewing, updated scumpicks and your train of thought is wanted now.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Votecount 7 [7/13] - Deadline is 23/05/11

Gordito [1] - Red Ryu
Adumbrodeus [0]
Lil Jon [1] - MOD
BeatStick [1] J
Vult Redux [1] - AM
frozenflame751 [1] Sword
Sworddancer [1] Frozen
Terywj [0]
Roxy [0]
Aggressive Mediation [1] - Vult
Joey [2] Roxy, Lil Jon
Red Ryu [2] - Gordito, Tery
J [0]

Not Voting [3] - Joey, Beat, Adumb

Hydra Mod Points (3 is a MOD vote)

Lil Jon [1]
AM [2]

Once per night I target a player, the following night that player has me investigate another player, that player I targeted the previous night will get my results.
Red Ryu don't edit your posts. If you can reverse this edit please do so, my display shows you edited it 14 minutes after posting.

@All: You know the rules. The next edit (not quick edit) will earn you a MOD vote for the rest of the Day. Serial offenders may receive a harsher punishment.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm sorry but I have to comment on this one little thing.

@ Red Ryu: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716152&postcount=484

Again with supporting people who agree with you and attacking people who don't. Is this going to be your think all game, because you're a serious liability if this is what you're gonna do. In fact, you can learn from J: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12716218&postcount=488
*being used as a good example for once*

*being used as a good example by FF*

I'm happy haha. Sorry just some randomness.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
FrozenFlame, my reads have been updated since that post, in which I need to reread Joey, since I'm doubtful of my early town read. explain Gordito and Cult. Cord seems frustrated and brought up points vs. Red Ryu and Vult. Seems like Cult is town and focusing heavily on AM, although admitting outing a gambit isn't a smart idea? My primary focus is to reread Joey and drolly Cult ASAP.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What results do you get? Do you get guilty or not guilty, tracking, what?

Role sounds weird, I don't like it at all, but should be easy enough to confirm.


Not the play for the day. Will have a target soon.
The player I target gets the results, not me.

Red Ryu don't edit your posts. If you can reverse this edit please do so, my display shows you edited it 14 minutes after posting.

@All: You know the rules. The next edit (not quick edit) will earn you a MOD vote for the rest of the Day. Serial offenders may receive a harsher punishment.
That's not the issue, the 14 mintue thing was me trying to reverse it, the problem is that I did a quick edit which I can't reverse to it's original state. It' was too soon of an edit for me to change back.

Lil Jon

May 6, 2011
Sword said:
@ LJ's 526: Iffy about though how you're leaning town on RR. Can you explain this please?
well he has a claimed a town role for one, and the soup side of this hydra at first thought he wasn't acting the way in dexter (which he flipped town) but in our qt -

qt said:
02:51 PM ET (US) Edit


There is also an off chance that he's just improving, so i'll set him as null leaning scum right now and i agree he's not really my main point of interest.

Okay, i agree with the town parts but i think the scum justifies more then the town to me, early posts were sloppy but looked pro-town motive but then suddenly AM shows up and that read for me faltered greatly.

and agree on FF but he knows what he is talking about.

02:43 PM ET (US) I'm null on RR atm but I don't care about him. Your point against him seems legit though. In Bingo he didn't care how he looked. He just doesn't scream scum to me.

Joey's flip on RR was pretty scummy, yeah. I hate how he hasn't pushed RRscum at all. But besides the RR aspect, he looks town to me. If Joey doesn't end up pressuring RR soon, then I agree with Joeyscum. Until now, sticking with town.

FF's post looks town because he tells everyone to sort themselves out. But he doesn't do anything to really encourage people to do it. hasn't pushed it at all. Looks town without actually being pro-town. Still. Don't really care about FF until he posts some mor.

So basically, we disagree here, but after thinking about it i think me and seikend will take the latter and lean town, i understand that scum can safeclaim, and he was quite reluctant to claim, but i suppose we will decide on that later.

Gonna go off on a little rant here, because I have no idea how anyone could think that there is a scummy connection between those two. What a weird way it would be for two scummies to interact. I mean, a scummy directly defending their partner just to bus them after someone tells them why they're wrong? Nah. A town Joey genuinely changing his mind about RR seems much more likely than scum playing a large WIFOM game of purposefully having weird interactions with one another.
agree that this is too much WIFOM to go with, the soup side of the hydra did not like the sudden buddying and then attack when the table flipped for joey and despite his early play being bad it was quite town for me as stated in the qt quote.

I thought I was townie to you. Why the sudden change of heart?
Seikend disagrees with my read, i have you as town now but we came to an argreement of null leaning town.

also FF is town with his introductry post, this bro gets it

noooooooo heeee's noooooot. At best, he's null.
Seikend pointed this out -
6. frozenflame751 - Null leaning scum - hated the intro post tbh. Not scumhunting at all. Just saying hey guys, let's scumhunt.
Wait, you totally said in your 526 that you thought Joey was town. In your 558, you said Joey was scummy because of his play "of late". However, here you're voting Joey based off of a reason that happened way earlier than his play of late. This looks like a hefty contradiction here. Explain.

fos LJ
Disagreement between the heads, we talked it over, however.

i'll provide you Seikend's reads, and my reads, feel free to compare.

Seikend reads:
1. Gordito - Null
2. Adumbrodeus - Null leaning scum - I don't remember anything he's done
3. Lil Jon (Soupamario + Seikend)
4. BeatStick - Null
5. Vult Redux - Town - Legit points against AM, I cant remember.
6. frozenflame751 - Null leaning scum - hated the intro post tbh. Not scumhunting at all. Just saying hey guys, let's scumhunt.
7. Sworddancer - Town - I agree with him, pushing the right things
8. Terywj - Town - Can't remember why
9. Roxy - Town - I dunno. Can't remember why
10. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker + Washed Laundry)- Null
11. Joey - Town - Early play was crap. Much better now
12. Red Ryu - Null-leaning Town - Similar to Joey
13. J - Null

Soup reads:
1. Gordito - Null leaning town
2. Adumbrodeus - Null - yet to make a concise read.
3. Lil Jon (Soupamario + Seikend)
4. Beatstick - Null
5. Vult Redux - Null leaning town, read will change through more interaction.
6. frozenflame751 - Null leaning scum, same reasons as seikend.
7. Sworddancer - Null leaning town.
8. Terywj - Town - same.
9. Roxy - Town - same.
10. Agressive Mediation (Ryker + Washed Laundry) - Town
11. Joey - Null leaning scum (sorry seikend.) - see qt.
12. Red Ryu - Null-leaning town
13. J - Null leaning town.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Lil Jon has broken a Fundamental rule:
10a.) You may not quote logs of hydra communication. You are free to paraphrase
I'm discussing with kuz as to what action to take. Until then the thread will be closed.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Lil Jon has broken a rule and for this will be modkilled. You are, however, granted 24 hours of Twilight in which all players (including Lil Jon) may post.

End of D1 Votecount - Votecount 8 - [7/13]

Gordito [1] - Red Ryu
Adumbrodeus [0]
Lil Jon [1] - MOD
BeatStick [1] J
Vult Redux [1] - AM
frozenflame751 [1] Sword
Sworddancer [1] Frozen
Terywj [0]
Roxy [0]
Aggressive Mediation [1] - Vult
Joey [2] Roxy, Lil Jon
Red Ryu [2] - Gordito, Tery
J [0]

Not Voting [3] - Joey, Beat, Adumb

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010


X1, in bingo kata stated that you were allowed to quote hydra qt's, i didn't think the rules changed, i do not see how this contradicts where my alignment is, and i would (like my last FREAKING game) a different punishment >.>


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Well, better make the best of it.

We're town, if it wasn't obvious.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kata said:
Hydras are allowed, as are hydra communication logs.
which is what i was reffering to, i understand that it's a sloppy mistake but i don't think it regards a modkill, i guess i'll just have to read to rules better.

could we discuss an alternative punishment if allowed? :/

seikend, i apologize.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
As a mod I personally hate to see modkills and its a shame that this type of action had to be taken. X1 and myself have been discussing the punishment for the last 50 minutes and we could not come up with a feasible solution, other than modkill, that would rectify the situation. We have implemented a 24 hour twilight period, however, and we suggest that you use it wisely.

A note to all players: X1 specifically stated three times that the rules in this OP contained some irregularities/differences from other rulesets. We warned you in advance to read them carefully before the start of the game and, though it does not please us to do so, we will harshly enforce them.

We urge you all to read (or re-read) the rules in the OP so that these types of errors do not re-occur.

If you have any problems with our decision please bring them up with us through PM and not within the thread.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i have some alternative punishments, i suppose, how about a silence for the remainder of the day and a voteblock?

that's one, i guess, i probably won't be changing your mind but yeah :/
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