I'm tripping balls right now, but I feel like for posterity I should record this. I had a revelation earlier. As a disciple of Skinnerian theory, I have sanctimoniously adhered to the concept that people are nothing more than collections of their past experiences. Here's the butt****ery. In a perfectly rational, logical world, just knowing that fact would release the average person from the bonds of tyrannical normalcy. A glorious cascade of virgin thought, flowing outward from every single mind due to one single revelation. But it doesn't work like that. The brain is a closed system. You can't break out. There's no point in trying. I don't know why you keep trying like that, Kane. Just enjoy being in here, in your little flesh prison, gazing out at the world from behind these bars of your thoughts. See your skin as not what separates you from the universe, but as what connects you to it The world is a playground, you live your life, then you die. Do what you will, disregard the consequences, remember you can always walk away and light a cigar. The end of an idea is the end of a life, the end of a life is the end of reality. Existence is here for you, and you alone. Frolic out in that field that wouldn't exist if you weren't here to perceive it.
But by the time you've matured enough to realize that you're just a collection of your past experiences, it's already too late to change.
You're gonna be sober when you read this. Probably. Close enough. You ****ing stoner. I'm you, but in a different time, a different place. If you could ask yourself anything, and honestly know that you would answer, what would you ask?
Am I happy? Yes. Am I fulfilled? Not really. But I will be. One day. We all have our time, and once we get there, we're there. Do I have any plans for the future? Aside from making sure it's as bizarre as possible, no.
Here's the thing, I'm you. I'm another person. But you know what you do. No matter what you're saying, you're always pouring out your heart and soul, trying to convince someone of something. But I'm not doing that here. This is all I'm saying. I need you to make me this one single promise. Ok? Do you think we can do that? Well it doesn't matter, I'm doing it with or without you. Here's the promise: Promise me you can and you will share this with someone. With anyone. With everyone. It's right there, it's right here, you can reach out and grab it. Just please, please, PLEASE SHOW PEOPLE THE WAY. THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO AND THEY NEED GUIDANCE> THEY NEED A LEADER< A HER< SOME KIND OF SHINING KNIGHT TO SAVE THEM FROM THE DOLDRUMS OF THEIR EVERYDAY EXISTENCE AND YOU CAN BE TYHAT MAN
So you're gonna do that for me. You don't really have a choice. Because I'm gonna sign your name now.
-Kane Powell
P.S. Now I'm gonna go do something you'll completely not remember tomorrow morning