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Social Melee Social Thread and stuff


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
At my school i've seen a few fat chicks kissing deepy and this one whp's bi shaved her head bald and joined the army.

Very few decent looking liebisans at our school. But the number of gays WTF? it's in your face and seems to be 70% blacks. I just want some girl who isn't boring I mean there are a lot of hoes but still.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
like as gay looking as a clown going OHHHHHHHHHH and bending over showing his a** and asking what's this.

I'm wierd and people think i'm gay cause i've wroen pink afros to school and played twister D*** all the horny guys came to play : ( and like 2 girls. I have some crazy stories maybe I should do a daily story


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
um. it's menage a trois, not menajatwa. it's french for "household of three."


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
So I played some Melee today and I FEEL GOOD.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
like as gay looking as a clown going OHHHHHHHHHH and bending over showing his a** and asking what's this.

I'm wierd and people think i'm gay cause i've wroen pink afros to school and played twister D*** all the horny guys came to play : ( and like 2 girls. I have some crazy stories maybe I should do a daily story
Please just never post about this again. You're embarrassing.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
No wonder it kept saying the latter was some rap group :p

Thank you for the correction. But yeah that's slang for threesome usually.
oh **** that's a rap group? that's funny.

there's a punk band called garage a trois, too.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
Please just never post about this again. You're embarrassing.
XD you should know I love to mess with people's heads but i'll try to respect you here.

Even if they were about corn? :)
Isn't sveet from IN? corn hype get f***ed up.

Today's happy story ohhh ohh (ghost noises)

Yesresday I reliazed I have no personality or close to none or something. I dedeiced I wanted to be a selfish, cruel, bas**** because I wanted to know if people could easily or at least change so extreme as to invert who they are. I watched around throwing my trash on the ground to save me my valueable time. I would think mean cruel thoughts like F*** you queer i'm better.

in many cases being a selfish d***. Also I broke many of my own moral codes I can't stand lieing it's one of the worse things you can do in my book. I saw everyone as a victim I could attack in one way or another to try to build myself up. I tryed not to vomit from how evil and selfish of thoughts I was thinking. I mean if I did anything nice like leave a towel out by pushing the lever down for the next person i'd spit in it and wad it up so no one could enjoy it.

I was beyond confused by the fact I was thinking of the words myself or I, I normally think to someone else in a way it's wierdish I guess. However I NEVER do any of these things and can't even normally think of anything even somewhat mean to say to people so it was really wrong I quit after lunch because I didn't want to rid everyone esle's day anymore however I could've easily keep going if I felt like it.

the day was also less enjoyable. but it's wierd I can attach or dettach myself from ANYHTING easily I can choose to be mad, sad , hyper, focused or anything no matter how s***y I feel I can just change. I could stop loving someone and remove my morals and be okay with the idea or killing them and not be sad. Or I can change who I am I could be kind or cruel and at the same time if I even felt like it.

I even made myself so i'm not a prevert fairly easily. It makes me think if i'm cool with whatever and am balnced so perfectl I can just slide over to something no one could ever see me do that personality dies and a new one pops up and then is replaced with something LIKE the last one but not the same one.

this couldhappen many times a day today I stiwched around like what 3-5 times also if you read me a story or I read one I become a person in the book or story and today our teacher talked about jim jones from our city and his cult my mind acted like how I thought he would act without reliazing it I started wanting to haverst people and I was very different. but now that's gone and been replaced 2 more times.

it isn't so much feelings but but whole mindset changes in many ways for how I veiw people and see things.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
i'll doa funny one tomorrow I'm sorry but I think about things a lot the other night I lied in bed thinking about something for 4 hours straight.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
yo ICG, yknow how you said you can make yourself feel any emotion throughout the day? Yeah I'm pretty sure thats a symptom of psychopothy. Or bipolar disease. either way you're mentally ill.
not really new news to anyone I suppose


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
well, he is insane and Carzy after all, which he has acknowledged since the creation of his name


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
No bipolar is the last thing I am that's a lack of control I have inhuman amount of control i've sat down got my a** whippe by some small black guy running his mouth I was his b**** and crap he was smaller and much weaker I didn't care enough to fight him over my pride.

Also normally when given a new idea I try to adapt to that and become that. So in truth I try to fit in in a few ways like when I hear/read a story.

Maybe i'm at the point where i'm too free. it's my choice however I think or feel no matter what and it's extremely self-destruic normally because I don't care about myself normaly so I can harm myself if I see fit. I've stopped beating lockers which helps with stress emo cuts don't I oly did that for amusement ribs cut nice and heal fast and leave a 2 hour open wound compared to a 2 week wound. I don't know.

Also I care about others but I don't understand why they care about me.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Isn't psychopathy a problem in the development of the superego? It sounded from his story that he abides by some sort of moral code.

Any psychology majors here?


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I doubt anyone majors it but I do taken that class that and socialogly and have taken a philosophy class.

Isn't superego part of the subcon.? And if you believe dreams are from the subcon. then maybe deep down yes I am a sick f***ed up person who wants to cut your throat and drink your blood and laugh about it. I've had sick dreams of ripping apart babies skulls with a hammer without worring or regard of any form. however to dreams are from it 100% would be silly because I really don't want to go to willy wonda's candy factor one the few dreams i'd count as good even if they were overall boring for a dream.

Okay I looked up superego and got a good understanding for it. In a way I don't know if it would be a strong or a weak superego I have or if it is both on and off. I can jump up and down like a madman in my seat yelling you GOT THIS YOU'RE LIKE A LASER BEAM WITH THAT FOCUS. When I saw someone doing a crossword puzzle. You could say I couldn't control myself in the way of being able to control my exictment however my reasoning was it would not only be fun, to be a little freeer, but also to amuse everyone and make their boring days better.

I know Susan talks about me more than most topics i'm like his hero. And he'll say hey guys this is Hodapp the guy I told you about and has so many amazing stories about me I can barely rememeber half and he's simplely amazed by ones where I randomly followed him around telling people he was susan biglysworth.

However again you could say i'm wild over attention and that's my superego letting that go for a trill of people watching me even if I don't think about that maybe it's in my subcon which makes sense. However I also get bad looks and people have called me a f***ing ****** when in truth i'm not to bad off. And i'm normally fully aware that mt actions will be punished so it's near impossible to say if it's an extreme superego on the strong/weak side. There is support on both sides plus how I try to be mentally free and I only punish some thoughts in my mind like when I twist memories into pain even the good ones.

As for moral code overall I do follow my moral code without shaking but if I want to test something to find truth i'll put that to the side i've once wanted to see if I could strange one of my friends without guilt I watched outside but he didn''t come that day so I didn't. I didn't get a kick thinking oh I should kill him or something I just wanted to know because i'd be neat to think about. Even if i've NEVER wronged any of my current friends.

Really it's extremely rare for me to be semi harmful to others. But again I can choose easily what ever I want say something deep down or something esle but I want somekind of reasoning for whatever I do. Also I could take a larger risk than there is reward. mostly because I don't care if i'm beaten to a pulp. Really to sum it up I can choose not to regard if I want freeing me in some ways.

something I find wrong is the fact I and just destroy depression because i'm tired of it not trying to fix it same with being warm. Heck I can even force myself to focus super hard even if i'm drunk. Like focus like normally so I surpress it and force myself to focus for a minute even if normally I can make myself focus for an hour


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2010
Ohio yeeeee
ICG saw something horrendously traumatic when he was a young, young child and now the suppressed memories are manifesting in various ways, including sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies

his bad grammar and spelling is probably just the result of ADHD and the public schooling system


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
maybe when he was younger he saw some weird *** poke-porn with pichu getting *****. thats why he mains him. he thinks he can save the little bugger


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
there are countless reasons why I main pichu I could easily give you 10 legit reasons. But yeah i've seen some f***ed up poke porn with pichu and I was like WTF??!! that's sick it's really not anything like whatever you're thinking right now. It was like getting ***** by an octupus of ***.

I bet I did have bad ADHD when I was little I'd run around like crazy nuts I once kicked myself in the face standing up and knocked myself down totally confused. but now I can have extreme focus right after being so sleepy I can't even stand I can force myself to have that focus and then I do homework and junk like a laser.

grammar is messed up because I wasn't taught right.

In truth why i'm worried isn't as much about me any someone esle and I noticed my problems much more clealy.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I can love you too I really do : D but if I want to stoop I can but I can't understand others loving me normally. It confuses me when someone backs me up when someone wants to fight me but i'd back them up.

I understand more now yes I am A really sick person I will be your end in my next life it makes no difference to me I thought about it one day, I could go around and be as evil as I wished or kind or whatever I dedeiced doing the right would be harder in the end so I went that way. If I want to care I will or I won't I could let go of everything and kill you now. Should it could be ID But have you ever seen a knife with blood on it? it's really beautiful. I'm Perfect in many ways I choose whatever I feel i'm free but I know when I should suffer. Telling the world I'm a blood trisrt pyscho or a loving person at the same time by choice shows how I can be free of you people why does it matter?

however I could do something extremely nice and careing without want of anything in return. I'm too free for my own good in many ways. and i'm losing my mind even more.

I don't think you understand the freedom I have think of a world where your senses don't control your everymove. your senses the wolrd doesn't control you. the effects f***ed me up and freed my mind I think about my thoughts and find truth.

I am free, but I want nothing.

Story of the day:funny or scary I guess

I was upstoars thinking about thinking and I heard something small down stairsthen a few minutes later I heard a crash and I'm the only one in the house. my parents are in fact out. I go down stairs and see the chirtmas tree was knocked over and I wnet to check the doors the front door was unlocked and the only way in I grabbed the sharpest knife I could find and the largest knife I could find and right as I pick them up I watch the closet door slowly creek open and this is a door that's really hard to open normally anddoesn't just pop open. i'm not afraid I make myself heartless and say i'm going to cut your D*** throat open walk up to the closet and stab behide the door before I could see if I stabbed anything. No one in there. I locked the door and heard more movement.

I saw no car in your driveway so I somewhat doubt anyone is here but still. It's crazy.

Also I wrote in 15-20 foot tall letter 1.5 foot wide letters I Love you the O in you is perfect. I know how to make them very well.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
... why

I don't think you're crazy though, just stupid as hell. or just very secure
if you major it doesn't that mean you've taken it for a few years? Also look at the age group I think most haven't finsihed college or their 2nd edcutation and then the fact there are many other things to major. Logically it isn't very likly.

yeah i'm smart enough to admit i'm stupid, to wise to admit i'm smart and to dumb to reliaze i'm wise. Look at it however you want all views are right.

If you wish I could prove the crazy I like to give an option either way is fine. think about it If I said OMG i'm crazy looks at me you will think oh he is just attention crazed not mad. However if my actions by themselfes make people think i'm out of my mind like how I was laughing at the top of my lungs chewing on a showel today as I craved I LOVE YOU in the snow thinking about mass murders.

Whatever happens is said or whatever can and will be countered i've lost before i've started unless one can be showed the truth you(anyone who disargee) or me. I think it's more tp do with the fact there are 2 kinds of crazy insane and sane.

I can't have fun and free someone and would be punished with death how I may see it when I try to burn someone to death and they could see it as me stealing a life and being a blood trist pyscho. We're all crazy as f***ing h***.

I made a picture : D

and now I just stabbed my Tv a few times


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
there are countless reasons why I main pichu I could easily give you 10 legit reasons. But yeah i've seen some f***ed up poke porn with pichu and I was like WTF??!! that's sick it's really not anything like whatever you're thinking right now. It was like getting ***** by an octupus of ***.

I bet I did have bad ADHD when I was little I'd run around like crazy nuts I once kicked myself in the face standing up and knocked myself down totally confused. but now I can have extreme focus right after being so sleepy I can't even stand I can force myself to have that focus and then I do homework and junk like a laser.

grammar is messed up because I wasn't taught right.

In truth why i'm worried isn't as much about me any someone esle and I noticed my problems much more clealy.
I always have sad stories like these come up when I namesearch every now and then.
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