Just wanted to throw in my $0.02 for the SG developers and community - we are all gamers and we all want to see eSports to succeed. I can say for my part that regardless of who wins, if SG wants to partner with Melee in some way that is mutually beneficial I would be completely receptive to that.
We all know what it's like to be extremely passionate about a game that isn't extremely well-known. Both of our communities are excited about this potential opportunity and both of our communities are showing how much we care about our games in a way that is, at the same time, supporting the fight against breast cancer. This is definitely a win/win for everyone and I'm thrilled that EVO has given all of the nominated game communities this awesome opportunity. Like they said, not winning this drive is certainly not losing.
Whoever doesn't get the opportunity will certainly be a bit let down, but in the long run I hope that we can all work together to promote eSports and to support our fellow gamers.