You think those public messages were jokes, but it was clearly an invitation to speak more in private.Alright, let's follow your train of thought and say this is a sincere offer. So, now you can show me the part where bronies are asked to put Skullgirls in second place for this to happen. Now, show me the part where Mane6 accepted this offer. The offer was made, but it still doesn't support the claims you made about bronies having to put Skullgirls in second place for it to happen, and that's even assuming Mane6 took the offer in the first place. But don't worry! I'm sure a bright, smart man like yourself can dig yourself out of the "I only have screencaps of jokes as circumstancial evidence" hole! :^) :D
Almost forgot you there, little fella.
If Mike Z did not even consider letting MLP use the SG engine, he would have made a real joke and dodged the issue in his last message, instead of inviting the Mane6 developer to discuss more in private.
Mane 6 always mentions to support Skull Girls first in their FAQ concerning Evo.
And like I said before, the sudden donation surge for Skull Girls, the game with possibly the smallest community and ZERO tourneys at Majors, leads me to believe that Skull Girls donations came primarily from bronies, especially since the surge came after Evo announced that MLP could no longer win the official 8th spot.
I never said I was a smart man, I'm only making arguments in an honest discussion. But you are definitely a sneaky person that enjoys insulting new members that never picked a fight with you. 7500 posts and you still do that? Good thing the rest of this community isn't as embarrassing as you.I'm sure a bright, smart man like yourself can dig yourself out of the "I only have screencaps of jokes as circumstancial evidence" hole! :^) :D