Oh, Krisp. I love you for what you said over in the SRK thread.
"Yin said: ↑
Melee "deserves it" more...?! That game was born with a silver spoon in it's mouth. Nintendo franchises and backing, pretty much set for life. It's had more than most fighting games can dream of already.
Skullgirls has had to fight for everything, and if they miraculously can donate enough to win the 8th spot against a behemoth like Smash, they ****ing deserve it. I didn't even think it'd make top 10, frankly. I am amazed."
"I really wanted to reply to this.
Nintendo is not capcom. I don't want to speak for the community but I know I hate Nintendo at this point for letting me down at every turn in order to cater to a more general audience. There's absolutely no Nintendo backing with melee, it's 100% grassroots. People loved the game, they shared their videos and came together. As for MLG, after we were dropped they bought our forum and ignored us as well. Only recently did an old TO/respected community member bring some other members together to buy it off of them and change it.
If anything I'm jealous of SG for having a cool dev team that wants nothing but the best for it's community, Nintendo can't even bother to retweet the apex stream, and trust me we let them know it was on. They don't hold tournies either and when MLG asked for permission to stream melee they never responded leaving MLG feeling uneasy about a possible lawsuit if they went through with it.
We're a community playing a 12 year old game on a console 2 generations behind with controllers that are no longer being produced and no online functionality. You know what we did? We went out and bought CRTs and GCNs and old controllers to repair our broken ones. We have community members setting up SSBMO with online functionality, slight changes, widescreen support, etc. and another community made dev team modding brawl to make project M, a bridge between our split communities with new stages and hopefully characters later on. I dunno man, Nintendo just tried to reinforce the baby game tag line and you guys fell for it. I don't care if SG wins, good on them, but people shouldn't assume they know a community when they earlier admitted they don't know the community (not you specifically who I'm quoting but let's face it, it's happened here.)
And to say a playerbase is not the reason for a game to be in a tournament is just...ugh...really? So bronies can't play their game because it'd just be a showcase for an independent game without a following but SG does? Which is the more legit game is up to you and your opinion, it definitely is a good game, your opinion on which is more deserving isn't as much so. What happened to the 'Evo is about the competition' arguments?"
I would join the SRK in order to help but right now, it won't let anyone sign up. Do they normally do this?