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Melee changed my life.


Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2008
I know I'm bumping a 2 day old thread, but it really touched me on the inside. I never got into competitive Melee, but I really, really wish I did. Now, I'll share my story... how Melee changed my life. I never met any new friends, went to tournaments or all that. But anyway, here's how it started. Back in 01, I was walking to my next door neighbor and friend, Chris's house, and he was outside at the time. So as I was walking into his house with him, he told me about a game he got for Christmas. "Hey, I got this game with a Gamecube. It's called Super Smash Bros." "That sounds interesting. What's it about?" "It's a game where you pick a Nintendo character and knock other people off the screen. It's really funny, Yoshi has this move where he eats someone and poops them out as an egg." That's all I remember, except we didn't actually play it that day. But that summer, on Chris's birthday, he was holding a tournament at his house. So it was my turn, and I picked Mario. I actually remember my first match, I picked the yellow color, and my opponent was Bowser. We had items on Hyrule Temple. I obviously got owned because I had no previous experience, but I had a wonderful time. It sparked my interest in the game, and I continued to play the game regularly at his house. I remember a couple great times I had with the game, out of several hundred. So the next summer, we were going to go swimming at the lake, and I went over to his house with my brother, and we popped in Melee and had a Pichu only match on Brinstar Depths. We had items on and played on a horrible stage, but we had an absolute blast. Another time a couple friends spent the night at our house and we camped out outside in our tent. We stayed up all night playing Melee, having tournaments, teaming up on CPUs, and having FFAs, and we enjoyed every minute of it. The memories of Melee never end. And what has Brawl done for me the almost near year it's been out? None, zip, ziltch, nada. I can't get my friends to play Melee anymore, they like Brawl more, sadly. I bought Melee October 12, 2007. I had a blast unlocking characters, stages and other things with my brother. The most fond memory of Brawl I have is going with Chris and my brother to GameStop at midnight to pick up our copy of Brawl. So I read this thread, and I literally started crying as my hundreds of memories of Melee flooded back into my brain. Melee isn't just a game. I'm sure we can all agree on that. MUCH more than a game. So please, Melee, never die...... and.... thank you, for the 7 years of fantastic memories.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2006
Bowie, MD
The people of melee changed my life.

Proud/Honest Melee supporters:
LOL Master

These guys don't play brawl at all, so I thought I'd give them a shoutout for staying true to what they preach.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Melee changed my life.

It was one of the only thing keeping me going in some dark times in my life. I got into the scene with my first smashfest on October 5th of 2007, and everything just rocketed forward from there. I liked the game before, I played the game before, but I really could tell that there was something beyond what I could percieve at the time. I met people, and through those people, I met more people, and so forth and so on. It was amazing. There was just this 'click' with everybody.

I've never gone out of MD/VA/DC for smash. I've only been to one competitive tournament that wasn't run by me. I've never been to a national tournament. I have never won tournament money from smash.

I was told a long while ago by someone that Melee would never die because of Brawl. As long as people are playing Brawl, people are going to be fed up with Brawl and move to Melee. It's happening now, and it's only going to keep on happening.

Brawl will die before Melee does. I can promise you that.


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
dang man.... i can relate to you. this story really touched me.

it's so amazing how this game can change lives. this forum is very interesting
Hey thanks dude. I actually read your story too and I found it intersting as well. You are right, we do have a lot in common. People like us should stick together. XD


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York
I started since the day it came out and before that i played smash bros 64 not a lot but i still played back in 64 i played kirby so i first started as kirby in melee...i would always play with my brothers and i was the best out of both of them at this time i was 10..and i actually ended up babysitting this against that lives close to me..and i brung melee over to his house cause he was like 5? maybe younger idk cant remember that so i played with him when i had to baby sit him every wednsday and he liked samus so i actually tried teaching him so little things cause i ***** him in the game and i basically thought that if you suck people up with kirby's B the skill you'd gain was 2x stronger so me nd the kid spent every wednsday playing melee and id try teaching him to aim and read ppl so we played on peaches castle and we'd stand on the opposite platforms tht moved up and down when u stepped on them and i was like ok try hitting me and id dodge and jump or w.e and ya he sucked but thats how i somewhat practiced back then? i didnt know any tech skills at all so to me that was good anyway i babysat that kid until i was like 15 or something and in those years i switched from kirby to fox just cause he was fast and i could kill really good with him. i started playing with my brothers at like 14 and both of them didnt main anybody at the time 1 of them still doesnt he just likes choosing random characters. so i'd always win and still not know any tech and finally one of my brothers picked up the character marth and he started giving me good matches and occasionally he would win. and then everything changed

i watched this video made by SDM or superdoodleman
i was like wtf is going on here how did he do that at first i didnt know it was action replay but i found out eventually but i was still amazed at how he moved like that but i wanted to know rly bad i read the comments and somewhere in it i saw wavdashing and i didn't know what that was and didn't bother to look it up for some reason...eventually he realsed zero mercy 3 i think and i was amazed again...and this time i found out how to do some of it. He left a link to smashboards.com in the description box i went there and was like woaa what to look at. so i went to tactical stuff and i went to a guide and i saw wavedashing again so i looked at that and it explained how to do it. i instantly went to try i out and i learned it pretty fast took me bout 3 hours to get it down pretty good and within days i finally was better and then i kept improving i eventually switched to falco and was unbeatable to everyone i played soon enough i entered a tournament and i came in 4th out of like 25 ppl and in doubles came in 2nd at this time i still didnt no what l canceling i learned it and a few other things and joined another tournament a month later and i came in 2nd in singles and doubles since then i've only improved.

and theres more but i think its just gets boring it all about when brawl came out
but melee helped me get more friends and rly did change my life I'm also not gonna stop playing it until it dies so i guess im on the SS melee now? =]

Nø Ca$h

Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2009
Philadelphia PA
well ive been playin melee since it came out. only been good for a year tho. been owned by my bros friend who is now my sensai from time 2 time. now formed an unamed crew. me,my best friend gordie, my two black (not that it matters) friends tyreique and rameque. even tho im 14, i can double shine and fox is only my secondary. you dont want to f*** wit my roy


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
i play melee when he come s out

i play with my brother, we win 1 or 2 tournaments but we never now about AT...
then i know about L Cancel,WD etc. i continue with smash but my brother leave smash..

i make good friends thanks to melee and videogames

with melee i meet MIDP good friend of my little crew

videogames.. Null(belmont)well i know this guy but we NEVER talk each other but one day in the school i told him" you like castlevania??" then we talk about smash !

melee 4 life :)

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH

I play both, but I will never give Melee up. If the situation really came down to a final decision, I would abandon Brawl in a heartbeat.​

~Midwest Represent!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2009
It all started with Smash 64. I was Link, and I spammed bombs like there was no tomorrow. Needless to say, I was terribad. And the 64 was at a friend's house.

My initial exposure to Melee was, in the best terms I can muster, "barely". Maybe if I got invited to some person's house, I MIGHT play a round or two and get my butt horribly mangled.

...and then Brawl came around. I FINALLY got a nintendo console in the house (Wii) and that was the first game I bought. Eventually I got halfway decent.

At my school, we have a lounge set up for the grads, and in the lounge we have a TV. That TV soon had a Gamecube attached, and soon I started playing Melee again. At first, I was called "that guy who never wins", maybe because I really liked playing M2 too much as a total noob. Then I started getting decent, and before long I wanted a copy of Melee for myself. Insert long story involving buying a bad copy, then wrecking it trying to fix it, then ordering another copy, then breaking 3 Chameleons (Gamestop 3rd party), then finally getting a 1st party controller.

Now I know how to tech, JC, Wavedash (horribly inconsistently), L-Cancel (even less consistently), and I abuse CC like no tomorrow. But hey, after all those years of getting my butt handed to me, I'm now enjoying Melee. And it's really frackin fun :D

a nub

Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2009
Rochester, NY/ Yonkers, NY
During the first few years 64 and melee were out, I always played ffas with my cousins but I usually got owned. I first heard about competitive melee in Nintendo Power- random stuff about ken, wavedashing and whether or not cstick was noob lol. Eventually watching melee vids and lurking smashboards became my way of procrastinating ;o

I did get better than my cousins but the only at I had incorporated into my game was shl. Luckily for me during freshman year I found out that my school's anime club plays melee. I hang out with these guys everyday now. We were all pretty excited about brawl and the opportunity to get good at it in time. It was fun for a while but by fall 08 I couldn't take it anymore. I showed up at the anime club with something we hadn't seen in ages. Something that left the freshmen members confused as hell- a GCN with melee

So now a friend and I have been trying to go to local tournaments in NY (we missed our chance to play mango aaa) We still suck of course. But there's been some serious improvement from our pre BARLW days so I've got hope for us. I felt so proud when I waveshined ganon across fd in 1/4 speed training mode lol


Hostile Takeover
Jul 7, 2008
Newburgh, NY
During the first few years 64 and melee were out, I always played ffas with my cousins but I usually got owned. I first heard about competitive melee in Nintendo Power- random stuff about ken, wavedashing and whether or not cstick was noob lol. Eventually watching melee vids and lurking smashboards became my way of procrastinating ;o

I did get better than my cousins but the only at I had incorporated into my game was shl. Luckily for me during freshman year I found out that my school's anime club plays melee. I hang out with these guys everyday now. We were all pretty excited about brawl and the opportunity to get good at it in time. It was fun for a while but by fall 08 I couldn't take it anymore. I showed up at the anime club with something we hadn't seen in ages. Something that left the freshmen members confused as hell- a GCN with melee

So now a friend and I have been trying to go to local tournaments in NY (we missed our chance to play mango aaa) We still suck of course. But there's been some serious improvement from our pre BARLW days so I've got hope for us. I felt so proud when I waveshined ganon across fd in 1/4 speed training mode lol
That story was epic.<3

Yonkers isn't too far out...


Also, saw this at the top of the page...



Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2007
I remember when i first heard about advanced techniques in melee. I was playing a RTS called shattered galaxy and talking about how much i loved smash and how i could rock anyone except my friend Thomas who played marth. I played falco at the time and still do to this day. My friend SatanShadows started talking in abbreviations like SHL and WD and i was like wtf? Then he laughed at me and told me to search youtube for videos of competitive smash, and this is what i found...


I was amazed. I immediately looked up how to do the advanced techniques. One day i was in the computer lab at my college, browsing smash boards, and this guy came up to me and told me to look for players in my area. That was back in 2007 and now in 2009 i still go once or twice a week to play with Coach, Moogle, Joot, Palmer, and several others to play and get better.

Melee has given me the game i have been searching for. Something i can pick up and put down anytime, with every opportunity to get better. I love smash, and somehow i don't think melee will ever die, not until i am the best, and i doubt it will ever get so sparse that no one will challenge me.

However we maybe be reduced to playing only peach and shiek once all our controllers crap out on us. Lucky for me i'm stockpiling ;)


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
lol I first played Melee when my brother and his friend had left the room for five minutes. I played as Link, but back then I called him Zelda. When they got back they beat me but I didn't care. Happy face!

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Hey thanks dude. I actually read your story too and I found it intersting as well. You are right, we do have a lot in common. People like us should stick together. XD
haha you said it man! melee for life! it's crazy how far a video game like this can take people


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
melee caused me to not go to school and drink heavily. i don't dislike it im just saying that i probably would be better off without it. hahah


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
melee caused me to not go to school and drink heavily. i don't dislike it im just saying that i probably would be better off without it. hahah
Well in all fairness you can't really attribute all your decisions to the game:lick:

And I'm glad to see melee isn't dying :)
If anything it's currently in the process of being reborn !\

Like a phoenix it will rise from the metaphorical ashes sprinkled down upon it when brawl crashed into the scene, the hands of the loyal helping as it ascends back to it's rightful place of the best smash game of all time!!


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2008
Okiedokielookoutta... FOOORE!
I had melee and SSB64 since they both came out....Then brawl came out. We moved, they both got put in storage, and all I had was brawl for 10 months. It goes without saying that melee will be my smash game of choice for quite some time.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
Centerville, Massachusetts
This thread's too good.

I found out about Smash 64 when I was over a friend's for a birthday, I thought it was amazing. Soon I was renting Smash 64 nonstop from blockbuster, eventually my mom just bought it for me.

Then I went to my friend's a bit after melee came out, thought it was the coolest thing. I eventually picked up Marth and stood around charging f-smash and Shield breaker. I was trash, then I picked up sheik when I started playing again. I didn't know what I was doing, and my game mostly consisted of dash attack to f-air. One summer during high school I found about Shined blind and Smashboards, I picked up C. Falcon after watching Isai. I was okay and only got a little better through high school. I met some friends in college and started playing more, been playing a lot recently and getting back into the tourney scene.

Reading through this thread I realized I was at the 5/24/08 tunes tourney Jfox was hyping several pages back.

Melee is amazing, and I've met so many good friends through it. So many good memories from it.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I don't think melee will fail to attract new people
Most people who play brawl played melee, and many of them still like the game
So if new people start playing brawl, and meet up with the people who play brawl & like melee
They might eventually get into melee


Smash Lord
Apr 28, 2007
Pensacola, FL. That place that Tristen de Luna fou
ive never seen anyone else play melee, not once. but now, some of my friends have brawl and they suk alot in melee. but hey, they dont seem like competative players.

i still dont really get how melee is "life changing", maybe ill try a tourney some day, if my mom would lend some money

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Because you make friendships with people you wouldn't meet otherwise. You find an innermotivation to do well that you thought you didn't have before when you find something that you enjoy doing.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Well in all fairness you can't really attribute all your decisions to the game:lick:

And I'm glad to see melee isn't dying :)
If anything it's currently in the process of being reborn !\

Like a phoenix it will rise from the metaphorical ashes sprinkled down upon it when brawl crashed into the scene, the hands of the loyal helping as it ascends back to it's rightful place of the best smash game of all time!!

nah i can. 10janks

Super Touhey

Smash Cadet
Apr 21, 2009
Newark, DE
When I first played melee, it was at a birthday party with my friends in grade school. I was really awful, and I just button mashed as random characters. Another kid, who used roy, was the best there but looking back, was not very good. I decided to use roy under the impression that he was the best.

I was spamming smashes and specials til high school. At one point i decided to switch to link, spamming d-air and up-b. That's when a played someone actually good. A falcon user hit me in the face with the knee. I had never seen the move before, and it looked awesome, so I started using falcon.

I was getting better, but was still pretty bad. At this point I was just spamming knees and stomps (seeing a pattern?). The other falcon user had graduated, so i kind of saw myself as the best in the school at junior year. Although i didn't have any matches to really back up that claim.

After a while, brawl came out, and i immediately switched to that. I mained falcon again and i used ike for fun. It wasn't long till i realized that falcon was terrible and that my ike had already surpassed him. Naturally I switched mains. I was actually one of the best brawlers at my school, and that was a good feeling. I kept trying out new characters and found multiple secondaries, like falco and marth and eventually i could use nearly the entire roster. But whenever I looked at the character select screen, it felt like something was missing.

Then i remembered how much fun it was to use falcons knee in melee. So I just played it a couple of times for fun. I didn't think i was gonna start playing it again. Another friend who was quite good at melee mentioned to me about how ganondorf was weaker because there was no l-cancel in brawl. This is the first time i had heard of it so i looked it up online and began to try it over the summer.

I couldn't pull this trick off at all. But because i was so determined to keep my status in both games, I refused to stop trying. I practiced everyday for a month. But I was so eager to learn it fast, I tried doing n-air juggles and other cool looking combos before i was anywhere near ready. But one day, I just got it. I wasn't very consistent, but I was able to l-cancel. I realized how This is the first point where i ever considered melee over brawl.

At this point I was going back to school as a senior. I was eager to show off my new skills, only to realize that game club was only playing brawl. I went along with it, struggling to keep my status as one of the best brawlers while sticking to melee. At home, I spent time every day trying to learn new tech skills. First was ledgehopping, then I fully mastered shffl, then wave dash just came to me naturally. With each new tech skill i mastered, my control over falcon improved and my combos became more impressive.

Towards the end of my senior year, I still hadn't played melee at school. It really hit me hard when i overheard someone in the library saying "you don't wanna play touhey. He's really good with Ike." I realized none of the underclassmen even knew how good I was at melee. This is when I switched permanently to melee.

This fueled me to learn even more ATs and improve. Dash dance, to dash canceled grabs, to wavelanding, each skill coming to me faster than the last. I was determined to show my skills. Because of school trips and AP exams, i missed most of the game club meetings. At one point i realized that i had an underlying goal of getting as good as the falcon user that really inspired me to play on this level. I made an account here and started looking for him. I found him and have been posting on his crew's thread since. I plan to play him over the summer and maybe even join that crew.

So on my last game club meeting, I simply refused to play anything but melee. We didn't play 1v1 and i forgot the memory card, but I was still able to show off my skills. I won all of my matches but the everyone vs touhey match, which was my idea anyway, so no complaints. I was finally able to show them my moves, and I couldn't have been happier. I can only hope that theres another underclassman who wants to get as good as me.

... and that last game club was this afternoon. I definitely dont plan on quitting melee now, so, the story continues... Wow, looking back, I was really a scrub...

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
I remember when melee game came out. I played it in a best buy the first time against my sister. I went kirby, my character in ssb64, and she went zelda. She beat me my first match. it was fun. I had always liked ssb64, to the point of it possibly being my favorite game. this was tough because I had a playstation. When melee came out I was in 6th grade. I played it with my friend, Sean, who really got me into the game. He wasn't too big on it, but I enjoyed nothing more. I got good, but was never as good as him.
For 2 long years, I hardly ever played the game. I did whenever I could, but that wasn't often. over the summer of 07, I was in a gamestop, and saw the incredibly low price of the gamecube: $40. I remembered smash. So I bought the gamecube.
I then went on a one month search to find a copy of melee. I ended up getting a copy for $15, and was euphoric. I started playing luigi, and quickly hit the skillcap of a begining player. I went and played pretty much every character, but the one who caught my attention was falco. for some reason, I could do a very short jump with him. I learned to shdair. I fumbled around with a couple characters, still playing on stages like corneria and temple. I played with people whenever I could, but no one else held the level of interest I had in the game. one day, I went on youtube and found ken vs. isai.


I started playing with advanced techniques, mostly whatever I could pick up. I played marth, and learned to space a tipper. my progress advanced slowly, mainly because I had one sparring partner, who sucked. Slowly but surely, I did become a better player.

I entered high school, and when talking to a friend, the topic of smash came up. He bragged about how good he was, but when I named a couple ATs, it was obvious he had no idea what I was talking about. He told me that if I thought I was good, I should go find one of his friends, and if I beat him, then I might be able to beat the guy I was talking to. Fortunately for me, the guy he was talking about was in one of my classes, so I talked to him, and we decided we were gonna play. The first time we played was in our school's smash club, which I had organized a couple weeks ago. It came down to me versus him, both of us playing falco. he beat me by a hair. I found a couple more players of higher caliber, and we started playing. I eventually met the falco's player's older brother, better known as Questor, or Greene Archer. One day we went to his house and he killed me. It was the best day ever.
I started getting good. Real good. I started attending tournaments, and went to my first Mass Madness as a complete scrub. I got my *** kicked, but it was a good *** kicking. I got to play with the likes of Hazzard, KevinM, Banks, and even the godly KDJ. Me and questor started improving rapidly. By my 2nd tournament, I was breaking even on the win-loss spectrum.
One day, I decided I was gonna hold a small smashfest. A couple friends showed, and we had a good time. Me and Q. Jr, the kid in my class, played a money match, and on my 2nd match, I randomly decided to go peach against his marth. I had never played peach exceptionally well, but I was feeling it. I killed him. Questor suggested I main peach, so I did. Q. Jr later gave up smash.
At a recent (small) tournament, I tied for 7th. I was proud, and really recognized the fact that I was a decent, though dsmashing, player. I hope to continue improving, and one day be the best.

Melee will never really end. It's just getting started for me.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
A guy I've known and been best buds with since 2001 got me into SSB64, and we played Melee casually for YEARS.

Then I discovered youtube vids of pros in Melee tournies, and combo vids ect. I decided that i'd learn some of the stuff they could do.

This was only last year. Brawl came out, and I played it for a little while, along with Melee. I went to the conneticonn's smash tournies and entered both last august. I got wreaked in the melee tourny. I think the Marth was Darc, and I have no idea who the Sheik was. I made the horrible mistake of picking Falco in a three-way against a Marth and a Sheik.

Then in the four-way Brawl qualifiers, I had two R.O.B.s team up on me and knock me out. I said **** Brawl and started prcticing like mad at Melee.

I met Roman, and he wreaked me. (He still does. *Shakes fist*)

I enetered my first tourny since August very recently and placed 7th, tied with The Irish Mafia. *Waves*

The Melee competitive scene has just opened up for me as well. hope it lasts long enough for me to wreak some havoc when I suffeciantly improve...


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
MA too good, NE too good =) NY coolest tho

all of NE should come to my fest during the summer, ft banks thorn (u guys comin to lg still right? foy me spife??? ppl all of NE all the time)

banks has best sig ever LOL so good so famous


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
yea we'll be in LG this summer definitely. The question is which day we'll be able to go over, probably sometime on a weekday like last year.
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