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Melee changed my life.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
I don't have any long stories about melee; I could tell about how I found this site one summer (summer of 06) and showed it to my cousin in Alabama, I would go up there once or twice a year for Christmas and summer vacation. Each time we would play melee forever. We got marginally better, but it was nothing compared to what I learned on smashboards. Then he learned what I learned and we were both back at the same level.

Then, I found Guitar Hero LOL
I played that for months...I got good enough to pass TTFAF on expert, but I had neglected melee...almost forgot about it.

The next time I played my cousin, I was reminded how amazing melee was. So when he left, I was shattered...I felt an aching need to play melee against someone, anyone. I wanted to be a part of the community, to go to tournaments, to know what its like. Seriously, it like hurt my chest. So to alleviate my pain, I rebooted my smashboards account. I started posting, and I started to frequent the Atlantic South Regional Zone. There I found out about WATO 4, and I got my first chance to play someone other than my cousin. I held my own and that lifted my spirits (even if it was against others like myself). In spite of being at hungrybox's tournament, I had to leave before I got to compete.

So I was determined to attend another, this time at Rx's, free of charge (was awesome dude) and who else did I face second round but ManaLord

Now I don't think that very fair seeing as I was expecting other people nearer my skill level at the bottom brackets (lol expectancy johns), oh well. It was an awesome experience, thanks man.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Melee's changed my life so much

one day at school, i read this sign that said "super smash brother's melee tournament" and i was like "omg i'm totally gonna win!!!" cuz i had been playing since the game came out, but i did not know any advanced moves. basically, i got *****. i was so shocked... cuz i would always win against all my friends and everything, i thought i was the best, i thought nobody could even come close to beating my little pikachu. but man, my pika kinda died lol.

after that tournament, i was so determined to be the best there ever was. i looked online and found so much stuff that i never though possible in melee. my best friend (who was also in the tournament at my school) and i took time to try to learn the techniques. we knew that the next year, there would be another melee tournament, so for the next whole year, we trained our butts off. we learned how to wave dash, L-cancel, and combo somewhat effectively. he played fox, i played pikachu.

when school started again in august, we were so anxious to fight the people we lost to in the tournament, and we were able to beat them with ease. it was such an awesome feeling, coming back and owning the people who owned us. there was one person in particular who was still better than us, who went by the name of "Vectorman". i was so determined to be better than him. i HATED him!!!!!!!!!!! he laughed at me for playing pikachu, he thought my pikachu would never be good, and it was just a waste of time (he played falco).

after about half a year, i was finally able to surpass him, which meant that i was finally the best in my city. i ended up winning 1st in the tournament at the end of the school year.

i was curious to see who else i could play, so i started looking into all of Arizona, and boy oh boy, did i see some crazy matchups. a crazy young-link player (Hanki), the sickest peach ever (Light), the unbeatable IC's (Wobbles), the weirdest character i've ever seen (Taj), and one heck of a crazy Falco (Forward).

i trained, and i trained, and eventually, my best friend and i went to our first tournament! it was called AZone. we were trying to think of nicknames for eachother. while we were putting on some deodorant, we were like "hey, why not Axe and Tag, since that's the deodorant we use?" so here i am... Axe. and Tag was my doubles partner. we came up with the tag team name "B.O. Busters:))

of course, we lost badly, but we got recognized because we at least had some skill. i practiced for another year or so, and during that year, things have changed a lot. the friends that i used to hang out with are such bad people now. some are in jail, others are crackheads, and some dropped out of high school. i am so blessed because of this game, it has changed me for the better.

we kept traveling in different parts of Arizona to play various people, and now, i am proud to say that i am one of the best players in Arizona. my next goal is to be even better than Forward. i'm close, and i know with hard work and effort, i can become even better than him. i beileve that anyone can become better, as long as they have the dedication. i still play nearly every day to try to be the best i can be, even with my silly little pikachu

the latest tourney i went to had about 25 people. I ranked #2, just under Forward, and the matches i had with forward were pretty close. i am so determined to become the best in the entire state of Arizona. here's some vids of what i have become since that silly tourney at my school that i got ***** at.




over the years, i've been able to learn even more techniques, such as wave landing, edge canceling, powershielding, and wave shielding. it's amazing how far someone can come from being a noob to how i am now. not saying i'm not a noob anymore, but at least i'm not as nubbish as i used to be lol. who would've thought a pikachu could've made it this far. i'll keep practicing with him. i also picked up a decent falco ^^


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Wow dude, nice Pikachu, I bet you would have a really decent Fox if you switched, not to hate on low tiers but they really aren't very competitive, fun to watch though =)


Mar 14, 2004
MT. OLYMPUS, Arizona
the latest tourney i went to had about 25 people. I ranked #2, just under Forward, and the matches i had with forward were pretty close. i am so determined to become the best in the entire state of Arizona. here's some vids of what i have become since that silly tourney at my school that i got ***** at.
You seem to be forgetting the hidden boss of AZ, Axe.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
The secret boss at the end of the game that can only be fought under certain conditions!

->Going to his house.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I entered a school tournament for Melee and won, but was disqualified for "cheating".
After that everyone in school refused to play against me. Only one guy who could actually follow my Falco's actions without his head exploding plays Melee with me to this day. The rest are tards, but I found an awesome Melee buddy.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
there was one person in particular who was still better than us, who went by the name of "Vectorman". i was so determined to be better than him. i HATED him!!!!!!!!!!! he laughed at me for playing pikachu, he thought my pikachu would never be good, and it was just a waste of time (he played falco).
Haha I like how the videos you posted has you teaming up with him. :laugh:

Good story!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Milford/Boston, MA.
By the way, guess how many tournaments I've won out of that 70?
Freaking New Englanders....
I Love it! lol. Anyways..

So unlike many people my smash career began all of 1-2 months ago tops. My friend johnson and i would get baked and proceed to play melee at his apartment in boston until the high wore off or we got bored, mind you this is at the most amutuer level you can get, no ATs, no Teching smashes, No NOTHING. so a few weeks go by and we would play melee, and his roommates decided they all wanted to play one day. After getting my *** handed to me by will (a roommate) by means of him picking pikachu, at pokemon stadium and spamming down+Bs lol. I was determined to become the best of us 4, so i did what anyone else would do, and googled (these exact terms) 'How To Play Super Smash Bros. Melee Without Dying'. Low and behold i came across some cruddy little invisionboards forum in the middle of a debate, who was better fox or falco. As i read through the pages i came across a post that said 'Fox + C-Stick = Unbeatable.', I had found what i was looking for. I feel this is where i really started looking at melee at a much more competitive view. So after handily whooping my friends tushies with fox just goin up on the c-stick i had felt pretty **** good about myself, until one of roomies happen to look down at my hands and noticed that i was using the c-stick, so he began to strictly use it, and this began a ripple effect.

So you just try to imagine a 4 person melee of nothing but foxes trying to upsmash eachother with the c-stick. Yeah, i know. I found myself getting pissed at the rest of the guys for finding out and using my trick, so i reverted to Google once more. But this time i looked up 'advanced' melee moves. This is when i saw my first Chu Dat video. Watching chu slide back and forth with his ICs, i said to myself "well **** me, if i could slide like that, none of these clowns could touch me'. So i proceeded to try and learn all these ATs, watching every possible video and reading every possible post over, and over, and over. Whilst watching a PC Chris interview, i heard him say "..........smashboards.com..............." i was like, oh sick..a legit *** board for melee players. Upo coming here i was almst overwhelmed with the amount of information that i had forced into my skull. just trying to figure the terms like dtilts and ftilts are enough to drive someone mad, but i maned up lol.

I make it back to my native home of Milford, Ma (holla), and i immidiately go out to the gamestop, and but an used GC, Melee, and a Micro control (i have huge hands, i like small controls, so what wanna fight about it?) and began my transformation from just some stoner on a futon, to some stoner who can sorta wavedash and l-cancel, and i feel in the short amount of time that i have been playing i have imporved by leaps in bounds. *toots own horn* I continued to watch youtube vids, created a gametag and registered my *** on smashboards and started trying to make friends. At this point i had NO idea the size of the smash community in mas let alone everywhere else. I LOVED IT, other kids who were just as enthralled with this game as much as i was, many of which lived 10 minutes away! (Delta, what up!!) It is now the 13th of january, and i plan on attending my first competitive tournament ever! With the help of SleepyK who called me a "Scrubtitude"(how rude :p), MattDot, with who i had like a night long AIM converstion lol, and also explained prper wavedashing, the importance of L-canceling and many other aspects of the game ( at this point in time i can do em, but they are still wicked rusty), and Delta who is another stand up guy, and didnt mind the hundreds of questions i threw at him all ranging from "should i pack a snack for the tournament" because i honestly had no idea, to "what's a spot-dodge??" (even though he is a brawl player :p)

So now here we are, 4 days from the greenfield tournament, where i plan on having fun and meeting a whole bunch of other mass. smasher players, it being my first tournament i plan on just going in there with a clear mind and just to have fun, if i place i place, if i dont oh well, next time is always just a day away :)

-NOHK out.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
So I just did really good at a melee tournament and my life changed again. Now I care about traveling to compete.


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
If your eyes are consuming the words on this page, then you're about to enter a very deep post explaining how smash has morphed my life. Who knows? Perhaps even you are the same as me. So let me start by asking you this. "What kind of person were you before you played any smash game?" To some, smash is just a mere game and nothing more. Others see it as the stimulus for heated discussions, meaning topics that aren't even related to the game whatsoever. Kind of like playing a friendly game of cards. The list goes on, but for me...a random guy who lives on tiny yet successful island of Bermuda sees smash as a minor extension of my overall happiness in life. Remember that last line, because it’s going to be the theme here. Ok so here is a brief background info bout me, which should help drill in my point.

About a year ago I was experiencing my second year of Bermuda College. I had a few classmates that I got along with and had fun talking with them in class, but outside the college...I was no one. I had no social life. Sure, I spoke with a few close friends on the phone, but as for actually goingout...that was out of the question. Here is how my life was than...breakfast at home, college, class, home, study, eat, sleep, and repeat. I was literally a prisoner in my room, consumed by the watchful eye of my room walls as I studied hard. I'll say it honestly, I'm pretty **** smart. Pass all my classes and whatnot...but, at the end of the day, something was missing. To me, it’s not fully satisfying at being good at classes and nothing else. Oh wait, I'm lying...according to my English teachers (from high school to present) I'm a gifted writer. But despite this gift, I still found myself not all that happy,because I was lacking a social group that I could call "friends." I must say, the first year of my college was successful in an academical sense, but not in a social sense. It was so frustrating.

Have any of you ever felt that way? The pain of feeling you were not granted any gift that could draw you closer to friends that made you happy? It’s more painful then anything. Keep in mind, I was never emo or depressed, but I was very frightened and stressed because I couldn't see were my social life was going. Nevertheless, I was thankful for life, always have always will. But one day...I was drawn to the Bermuda College student hall. My empty eyes witness a bunch of college students playing a game I hadn't seen in a few years. It was smash brothers melee. Here is when
things get deep.

My mindset at the time was very narrow to a certain degree. I couldn't understand for the life of me why this group of guys found this game so amusing. In fact, I envied the closeness and laughter they were experiencing. I wanted it so bad. I figured it would easy to fit in, after all (at the time) I figured it was a lame game that was easy to pick up and start to friend people over. Boy was I wrong. I picked Marth, and I got badly beaten by RoK, who is now my current rival/sparring partner. I, being the successful academic student, was eager to understand why I couldn't remove a single stock. It was frustrating, but despite that....I found myself still trying and trying. An hour had passed and I remained unsuccessful in removing more than 3 stocks. I felt numb all over. Then, RoK said something to me "you have the game, right? Just practice hard and you'll get better."

Do you know who good those words felt? When I thought of home, the words “studying”would always come to mind. The idea of actually playing this game to improve…was exciting for me. I found it odd that my original goal was to play the game for fun and make friends with RoK and crew...but, my overall mission changed by the end of that day. What RoK said to me that day literally breathed life/friendship/meaning/ into me. I felt as though I was given an important mission by a superior and it was a mission that I simply could not fail. So why was this big deal? Simple. Bermuda is such small place and not many people play melee. He made this clear to me a few days after I met him. He explained to me the technical aspect of the game an how he is the only one that applied it.

The others were simply lazy, I guess. But, seeing as how I wanted RoK to continue playing smash competitively, I figured it was up to me to become stronger and help him achieve his goal. His melee dream/goals became mine. It was up to me to make sure he'd never give up and never lose that drive to play. Currently, there are only 3 people who are truly good at the game over here...myself, RoK, and Janos. It feels so god to be at this level for living in a small place like this.

It took months before I was finally able to fight on even terms with Rok, in both tech skill and the mind games. I surpassed all the other players here and more importantly I had friends. Its thanks to melee that
I was given a mini purpose/goal that lead to me gaining friends, which then gave me the social skills to gain allot more friends outside of smash. So who am I now?

My name is Miguel but my FRIENDS call me Miggz. I'm 21 years old, very social, have drive to become a marine biologist, and is going away to University in a year. As lame as it sounds, it’s all thanks to melee, the game that I am blessed to be good at. A game which game gave me reason to make friends and to
not give up. A game that I have grown so much in, along with my two close friends RoK and Janos. A game that has made me....me.


We hit the potjack
Feb 11, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Since playing Melee, I've dropped out of school, gained 55 pounds, girlfriend broke up with me, and my friends don't hang out with me anymore.

Just kidding.
I'd say Melee is about 90% of my 'video game time' though. If it never came out, I probably wouldn't list video games as an interest of mine...


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
LOL im just playin, the fact that u play yoshi is irrelevant anyways,
and k LOL,
i'll bring hand sanitizer for after the match 8D :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Small Town Alberta, Canada
My friend and I can play at a highly competitive level. We have all of the AT's down, including Samus' super wave dash. Sadly, Melee has died right down in Alberta, and after coming back to Melee 2 months ago, i can't stand ****ing Brawl. So if anyone from the Calgary area knows of some tournies, PM me please. i gotta test my skills. :)


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
LOL im just playin, the fact that u play yoshi is irrelevant anyways,
and k LOL,
i'll bring hand sanitizer for after the match 8D :chuckle:

Everyone always underestimates Yoshi. T_T

And Desh/other Melee people, teach me how to use Melee Luigi better. =O


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Melee's just a game. It shouldn't shape your life.
Anything can change somebody's life. Football is just a game, so are all the sports that thousands of people dedicate their lives to. If you're passionate about something there's nothing wrong with it affecting your life at all. Besides, almost everyone has Smash change them for the better. Who cares if it's just a game, if it changes things for the better so be it.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I Love it! lol. Anyways..

So unlike many people my smash career began all of 1-2 months ago tops. My friend johnson and i would get baked and proceed to play melee at his apartment in boston until the high wore off or we got bored, mind you this is at the most amutuer level you can get, no ATs, no Teching smashes, No NOTHING. so a few weeks go by and we would play melee, and his roommates decided they all wanted to play one day. After getting my *** handed to me by will (a roommate) by means of him picking pikachu, at pokemon stadium and spamming down+Bs lol. I was determined to become the best of us 4, so i did what anyone else would do, and googled (these exact terms) 'How To Play Super Smash Bros. Melee Without Dying'. Low and behold i came across some cruddy little invisionboards forum in the middle of a debate, who was better fox or falco. As i read through the pages i came across a post that said 'Fox + C-Stick = Unbeatable.', I had found what i was looking for. I feel this is where i really started looking at melee at a much more competitive view. So after handily whooping my friends tushies with fox just goin up on the c-stick i had felt pretty **** good about myself, until one of roomies happen to look down at my hands and noticed that i was using the c-stick, so he began to strictly use it, and this began a ripple effect.

So you just try to imagine a 4 person melee of nothing but foxes trying to upsmash eachother with the c-stick. Yeah, i know. I found myself getting pissed at the rest of the guys for finding out and using my trick, so i reverted to Google once more. But this time i looked up 'advanced' melee moves. This is when i saw my first Chu Dat video. Watching chu slide back and forth with his ICs, i said to myself "well **** me, if i could slide like that, none of these clowns could touch me'. So i proceeded to try and learn all these ATs, watching every possible video and reading every possible post over, and over, and over. Whilst watching a PC Chris interview, i heard him say "..........smashboards.com..............." i was like, oh sick..a legit *** board for melee players. Upo coming here i was almst overwhelmed with the amount of information that i had forced into my skull. just trying to figure the terms like dtilts and ftilts are enough to drive someone mad, but i maned up lol.

I make it back to my native home of Milford, Ma (holla), and i immidiately go out to the gamestop, and but an used GC, Melee, and a Micro control (i have huge hands, i like small controls, so what wanna fight about it?) and began my transformation from just some stoner on a futon, to some stoner who can sorta wavedash and l-cancel, and i feel in the short amount of time that i have been playing i have imporved by leaps in bounds. *toots own horn* I continued to watch youtube vids, created a gametag and registered my *** on smashboards and started trying to make friends. At this point i had NO idea the size of the smash community in mas let alone everywhere else. I LOVED IT, other kids who were just as enthralled with this game as much as i was, many of which lived 10 minutes away! (Delta, what up!!) It is now the 13th of january, and i plan on attending my first competitive tournament ever! With the help of SleepyK who called me a "Scrubtitude"(how rude :p), MattDot, with who i had like a night long AIM converstion lol, and also explained prper wavedashing, the importance of L-canceling and many other aspects of the game ( at this point in time i can do em, but they are still wicked rusty), and Delta who is another stand up guy, and didnt mind the hundreds of questions i threw at him all ranging from "should i pack a snack for the tournament" because i honestly had no idea, to "what's a spot-dodge??" (even though he is a brawl player :p)

So now here we are, 4 days from the greenfield tournament, where i plan on having fun and meeting a whole bunch of other mass. smasher players, it being my first tournament i plan on just going in there with a clear mind and just to have fun, if i place i place, if i dont oh well, next time is always just a day away :)

-NOHK out.

how cute.
nohk ***** now


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2007
Flaming Europe.
I remember when I was like 10 and got melee for my birthday. It quickly became one of my fave games, and literally all me and my best friend Tody did when he came over was play melee all day. We played in my basement, had a huge tv, and it was one of my favorite things to do. We were completely bad at this game, but it was the most fun thing ever. Literally, we had all of our matches on temple, all items on. I remember getting excited seeing a new character on the unlockable, then having a fight about who got to use him first.
One day, probably when i was like 12 Im at gamefaq, and i see melee is at the top of the GC list. Im interested, and I see a topic called 'IF YOU WANNA GET GOOD AT SAMUS WATCH THIS VIDEO" I go in, interested because my main is samus. The video was a combo video, named phanna mint 3. I've never seen ats before this.
I saw superwavedashing, and my head pretty much exploded. I asked how he moved so fast, how he did all of his tricks, and pretty much got flamed on the comments, until a nice guy showed me to smashboards.
I saw all these techniques, and I learned and thought i was amazing for suddenly being able to beat my friend with ATs. Eventually I showed him how to do all these tricks, and its that much more fun. At this point, we all think were friggin amazing, and then we see a long island tournament, a mere mile from my house.
We were so hyped. We go, and are surprised by what we saw. We saw guys wayyy older than us, (we were like 12 or 13, i dont remember LOL) and I mean like adults or teenagers. We play a ton of matches, and pretty much get our *** handed to us.
Probably the most amazing thing that day was meeting Wes, and he didnt know it but he was pretty much my melee idol lmfao. I got all my samus tricks from watching him play. In samus dittos I got like 4 or 3 stocked each game, and I'm pretty sure he was sandbagging.
We get dead last in singles, and both got dead last in dubz. Still, it was extremely fun, and we kept going to tourneys and getting better. Thats the abridged version of my story x]


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
My friend and I can play at a highly competitive level. We have all of the AT's down, including Samus' super wave dash. Sadly, Melee has died right down in Alberta, and after coming back to Melee 2 months ago, i can't stand ****ing Brawl. So if anyone from the Calgary area knows of some tournies, PM me please. i gotta test my skills. :)
go to the canada boards, theres a few active melee players around calgary iirc


Everyone always underestimates Yoshi. T_T

And Desh/other Melee people, teach me how to use Melee Luigi better. =O
its because yoshi is bad. =]
lol are you going to wugwan on the 21st?
if you are im sure people would help you out, =p

Anything can change somebody's life. Football is just a game, so are all the sports that thousands of people dedicate their lives to. If you're passionate about something there's nothing wrong with it affecting your life at all. Besides, almost everyone has Smash change them for the better. Who cares if it's just a game, if it changes things for the better so be it.
skler wins.

I'd like to point out that Melee is and great game, and always will be. No more "... was a good game", please.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Gulf Shores, AL
Guys, I love melee, but I haven't really played it that long.
I borrowed it from a friend a few weeks before brawl came out, cuz I thought I would have to practice to work my way up to a "brawl-worthy" skill level...

Almost a year went by, and I soon realized I had done the opposite. Melee is more difficult (by far) than brawl, mainly because of the three-foot-tall buttons on gamecube controllers. I borrowed melee from my youth group at church for about two days to unlock stuff for all the other kids. I came back, memory card and all today, having unlocked every character (not in 2player, cuz thats for n00bs), all but 2-3 stages, and having completed almost 40 event matches.

I totally demolished the kids there (lost 1 match cuz i wasn't paying attention, and it was timed, not stock).
One kid was using DK getting ***** by a mewtwo player, and asked me to beat the other kid when i had one stock, and he had three. I ownt him. Eventually i quit, cuz I felt sorry for this one kid cuz he was using the best character ev4, captain falcon and i wuz three-stocking him wit ness.

I have gotten better. I can wave-dash (decently, not spectacularly), l-cancel (again, not perfectly), and can short-hop... sort-of. Obviously, I need practice. I also need to find a good main. I love Dr. Mario, Captain Falcon, Ness, and kirby; and i kinda like ice climbers (wobble, lulzor) and jigglypuff.

So my journey begins...


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
i just like the fact of its not like halo where 90% of the people talk trash.

for first time i heard good game after a match i was confused!

then realized this is the game for me....and cus nana is hot


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
Smash continues to be the most satisfying game I've played. That's why I love it. This is a great series of games.


There all great. Melee is my baby though =3

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Man melee

Melee was my first competitive fighter lol I was horrible in the adavnced world, I could do all the pretty AT's just wasn't good, I went to a few melee tourneys but in my area there weren't many. I'm alot better at Brawl though lol go figure


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
I really regret not getting into Competitive Smash earlier. I didn't get competitive until Brawl came out, and I know that I missed alot during the Melee era. :(

I played Melee on a casual level during my Junior High years/Early High school years and played in tournaments at our local library every 6 months at anime conventions. I did pretty well until I got matched up with people like Shane and Makkun lol It was where I discovered the use of techniques such as wavedashing and L-cancelling, but didn't really think about learning these techniques since I had no friends, no car, or anything. My parents definitely wouldn't want to take me to tournaments.

So I graduated from high school, obtained a car, and had a job, so I got involved with competitive Brawl. I started maining Wolf and looked at Smashboards for advanced techniques...I began looking at the Regional Zones page and to my surprise I found a tournament in my area for Brawl. So I went and felt pretty nervous since I didn't know anyone there, or anything about the rules or counterpicking XD. My first round was against a Pit user...and I lost my first match. However, it was best 2 out of 3 and I managed to win the final 2 rounds and moved on.

But it pretty much ended there. I lost my next round in the winner's bracket, and moved to the loser's bracket...where I lost to a guy named 4% and his Pokemon Trainer. But it was a hell of a fun time and looked forward to the next one.

I went to the next tournament that the local gaming center was holding and I did alot better. I just kept winning match after match and started gaining confidence. I didn't win the tournament, but I placed 5th out of 20-30 people...maining Wolf...so I couldn't be any happier. I lost to Vidjogamer and his Fox in the winners' bracket and then to another guy's Snake in the losers' bracket. And after that tournament, college began so I couldn't go to any more tournaments for awhile...and unfortunately that game shop eventually closed :urg:

So college basically sucked for me during the first week. I was a commuter and drove there every day. I felt alone and stressed handling my job, new classes, marching band, basically a whole new lifestyle all at the same time. It...was...depressing....until I went to an Extra-curricular Activities Fair where I found out my college had a gaming club that played board games and video games...perfect! I told a representative that I played Smash and Mario Kart, and he told me that Melee was popular at the club :chuckle:

So I began going, made new friends, and I have a place to go in between classes. It really beats walking around aimlessly on campus with nowhere to go and noone to talk to. And I'm still going there today, and we're getting ready for a huge gaming convention that is coming up in a couple weeks. I started playing Melee with the gang with no skill at L-cancelling or wavedashing whatsoever. But my skill started to skyrocket. I watched videos on youtube, observed how wavedashing and L-cancelling were used in real matches and took that to the club each day. I am amazed at how great my Falco has gotten (He is my main right now) and I am currently using Pikachu, Link, Falcon, and Marth as my secondaries. So now I can wavedash and L cancel very well. I know how to short-hop laser with Falco as well. And I'm realizing why his shine is useful now, which is the next thing I need to learn how to implement into my gameplay. Through playing Melee again, I now have more friends at college, and I began to realize how much I liked it more than Brawl and how much more skill it takes. I regret not getting involved with it sooner :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
South Bend, IN
I've been playing Melee since the game came out. Not competitivly tho. I played fox back when I first started to play and I thought I was the biggest melee gangster out there. I thought I could trash anyone that tried to play me, and I thought that I could destroy Masahiro Sakurai "the creator of melee". I thought I was a beast...

That all changed when I went to these Bi-weekly tournaments at my local library called SavePoint. I played the best person there who went by the name of XSV, and I got destroyed... His Marth moved amazingly fast, and he death grabbed me 3 times... My fox got owned..

I went home that night and was like "wtf.... how did he move like that?"... So I got on AIM and talked to the TO "P" and he knew EVERYTHING about melee... He told me about L-cancle, Shfflin, Wavedash, the tier lists, everything... He told me easier ways to do stuff, he basically trained me to be good...

a few nights later I was just messing around, playing my brother that I've trashed for 7 years, and I was playing peach. He CC'd a d+smash and I was like "O.O!!!!!! OMG SHES SO OWNAGE!!!" Ever since than I knew Peach was my character.

I started to play with her alot, going back to the biweeklies every 2 weeks, and gradually getting better... Taking more stock off XSV each time...

Well after a few months of him not going "he got banned from the library for dragging a fight me and him had on for waaaaaaaaaay to long, and even dragging it on to SWF with vidz of him beating my fox" I played him at a smashfest, and completely TRASHED his marth. 2-3 stox all night long... It felt amazing to know that my hard work payed off and I was finally able to beat my old rival... I was so happy when I beat him down like that... It was great...

I loved it... That feeling was so awesome... Just knowing that I could do that to him after he beat me down so bad not too long ago...

a few weeks ago I hit up my first BIG melee tourny "SMYM 9" and I got out of the pools and did pretty good on some big names. "Only got 2 stocked by DarkRain, had LOTS of close matches with Waty, Beat chad in a friendly". I had so much fun at that tourny, it was unreal... I can't wait till I go to my next one.

Well my Point is Melee is awesome, and It has chaged my life... It helped me become awesome friends with alot of people I would've NEVER met if it wasnt for melee. It even helped me meet 3 of my best friends.



Smash Cadet
Mar 23, 2008
Palo Alto, CA
I'm not gonna lie. I miss Melee. It was an awesome game. It changed my life by giving me a reason to get out of my house at least once a week. I was pretty good at Melee, I guess. Used to be ranked pretty high around these parts and I've beaten a few top players. Got trained by Mew2King.

I don't hate Brawl at all, so I'm fine with putting Melee behind me. I know Brawl will be the main game now because that's how it goes. I plan on being absolute top in Brawl, so I'm going to devote a lot to it. I've been winning a lot, so I'm on the right path.
Except against Sonic :D


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2008
Long Island, NY.

None of my friends ever took this game as seriously I do. My group (not a crew by any means) all go to tournies. But I dedicate hours of playtime everyday to this game.

I've been smashing since the release of smash64. I played everyday with my little brother, and eventually found a friend who enjoyed the game as much as I did (Best friends still to this day LOL). We didn't even know about competitive smash until 06. But we played melee every day up until and past then. I haven't gone anywhere too cool for tournies, and I haven't made many friends through it. But I've always loved smash. I always used kirby in 64, I main Marth/mario/fox in melee, and Sonic in Brawl. Brawl's an awful game though, I play for MM's pretty much. Melee I only do singles, I suck at teams.

Melee's ALWAYS been my favorite game, even now with SF4 out, it's still my favorite. I LOVE this game, I'd **** it if I could. I think I may have tried once.


AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
If your eyes are consuming the words on this page, then you're about to enter a very deep post explaining how smash has morphed my life. Who knows? Perhaps even you are the same as me. So let me start by asking you this. "What kind of person were you before you played any smash game?" To some, smash is just a mere game and nothing more. Others see it as the stimulus for heated discussions, meaning topics that aren't even related to the game whatsoever. Kind of like playing a friendly game of cards. The list goes on, but for me...a random guy who lives on tiny yet successful island of Bermuda sees smash as a minor extension of my overall happiness in life. Remember that last line, because it’s going to be the theme here. Ok so here is a brief background info bout me, which should help drill in my point.

About a year ago I was experiencing my second year of Bermuda College. I had a few classmates that I got along with and had fun talking with them in class, but outside the college...I was no one. I had no social life. Sure, I spoke with a few close friends on the phone, but as for actually goingout...that was out of the question. Here is how my life was than...breakfast at home, college, class, home, study, eat, sleep, and repeat. I was literally a prisoner in my room, consumed by the watchful eye of my room walls as I studied hard. I'll say it honestly, I'm pretty **** smart. Pass all my classes and whatnot...but, at the end of the day, something was missing. To me, it’s not fully satisfying at being good at classes and nothing else. Oh wait, I'm lying...according to my English teachers (from high school to present) I'm a gifted writer. But despite this gift, I still found myself not all that happy,because I was lacking a social group that I could call "friends." I must say, the first year of my college was successful in an academical sense, but not in a social sense. It was so frustrating.

Have any of you ever felt that way? The pain of feeling you were not granted any gift that could draw you closer to friends that made you happy? It’s more painful then anything. Keep in mind, I was never emo or depressed, but I was very frightened and stressed because I couldn't see were my social life was going. Nevertheless, I was thankful for life, always have always will. But one day...I was drawn to the Bermuda College student hall. My empty eyes witness a bunch of college students playing a game I hadn't seen in a few years. It was smash brothers melee. Here is when
things get deep.

My mindset at the time was very narrow to a certain degree. I couldn't understand for the life of me why this group of guys found this game so amusing. In fact, I envied the closeness and laughter they were experiencing. I wanted it so bad. I figured it would easy to fit in, after all (at the time) I figured it was a lame game that was easy to pick up and start to friend people over. Boy was I wrong. I picked Marth, and I got badly beaten by RoK, who is now my current rival/sparring partner. I, being the successful academic student, was eager to understand why I couldn't remove a single stock. It was frustrating, but despite that....I found myself still trying and trying. An hour had passed and I remained unsuccessful in removing more than 3 stocks. I felt numb all over. Then, RoK said something to me "you have the game, right? Just practice hard and you'll get better."

Do you know who good those words felt? When I thought of home, the words “studying”would always come to mind. The idea of actually playing this game to improve…was exciting for me. I found it odd that my original goal was to play the game for fun and make friends with RoK and crew...but, my overall mission changed by the end of that day. What RoK said to me that day literally breathed life/friendship/meaning/ into me. I felt as though I was given an important mission by a superior and it was a mission that I simply could not fail. So why was this big deal? Simple. Bermuda is such small place and not many people play melee. He made this clear to me a few days after I met him. He explained to me the technical aspect of the game an how he is the only one that applied it.

The others were simply lazy, I guess. But, seeing as how I wanted RoK to continue playing smash competitively, I figured it was up to me to become stronger and help him achieve his goal. His melee dream/goals became mine. It was up to me to make sure he'd never give up and never lose that drive to play. Currently, there are only 3 people who are truly good at the game over here...myself, RoK, and Janos. It feels so god to be at this level for living in a small place like this.

It took months before I was finally able to fight on even terms with Rok, in both tech skill and the mind games. I surpassed all the other players here and more importantly I had friends. Its thanks to melee that
I was given a mini purpose/goal that lead to me gaining friends, which then gave me the social skills to gain allot more friends outside of smash. So who am I now?

My name is Miguel but my FRIENDS call me Miggz. I'm 21 years old, very social, have drive to become a marine biologist, and is going away to University in a year. As lame as it sounds, it’s all thanks to melee, the game that I am blessed to be good at. A game which game gave me reason to make friends and to
not give up. A game that I have grown so much in, along with my two close friends RoK and Janos. A game that has made me....me.
dang man.... i can relate to you. this story really touched me.

it's so amazing how this game can change lives. this forum is very interesting
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