wow. path of radiance is complex. 0.o
re-looking over path of radiance. im noticing that it uses both .bstrm and .sfx. might be helpful when we get a better hold of .sfx
im finding alot of interesting ,but useless, information. for example, some of the files have dates and times periodicly. i can only infer that these were time codes put in by the programers to track their progress on each day. for example: in hte middle of one of the battle field scematics, theres a break and it says "2005/09/26 13:07" then continues to list commands for characters. like i said, this is interesting, but at the same time, completely useless.
more findings show that the same character has hundreds of files in various formats (im starting to think that they are for every time that their portrait is drawn, their animations ect. its very interesting that they would put information like that into each character's file rather than with the archive in question. all this really means as far as this project goes, is that its going to take a VERY long time to look through all of these files. i'll keep going tho. once/ if we find some, itll be a huge score on our part.
think someone can help me out with do Kakashi for me? i think im definitly doing something wrong (despite converting it twice after starting over.) i know they work. someone just posted one of Lee.