i agree, but you can't deny the amount of experience all 4 of them have received. it matters and it means a lot. im not putting anyone on a pedestal because of who they are, but rather because of what they have done and accomplished. everything leading up to those accomplishments have required ******** amounts of time, travelling, money, losses, learning, etc.
i agree, but no one beats M2K in a numbers game, lol. who's gonna touch M2K in Marth dittos? Sheik dittos? none yo. and i dont think anyone can out practice M2K either. dude is good with numbers and has/had a **** load of time.
it's not defeatest. m2k is definitely capable of being beaten. that work you're talking about? he's been putting it in for 3+ years now. someone wants to evolve their pocketknight to beat M2K this late into the metagame? oh, okay. go for it, but even to get close to his level they're going to have to get on the same kind of grind as Jason to be on his wavelength or not bother at all. you know this is true.
im talkin straight PS here. u never answered my question: do you think PS can ever get a Metaknight good enough to beat Jason? maybe if Jason just... stopped playing Brawl for a year but if Jason went back in to grinding and practicing like he was doing a few months ago i dont see PS catching up.
people have tried man. lee, tyrant, havok, anti, seibrik, dsf, dojo, tearbear, nairo. these dudes are legit and put in time and know their MK **** and haven't been foolin' around with 3 years of a novelty character. and they still can't best Jason even once. PS isn't the only person who thought 'well i guess i gotta give up my [insert non-MK character] and practice my MK to beat M2K'. lol.
shoutouts to name search
ma dude. just ask yourself: do you think u can beat jason, wyatt, elliot? not knockin you dude but i think the only confidence u can get is from actually taking W's off these guys in the near future.