Smashboards Username: 0Room
Region: Atlantic South, NC area, West NC
Primary Character(s): CF
Secondary Character(s): Marth, Sheik, Ganon
1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Roughly two years. I started as a Brawl player, joined with a lot of much more impressive and skilled people than me, and then joined the NC scene soon after.
2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I hold most of the tournaments here at ASU. Unfortunately, we're kind of shut off from a lot of places since we're in the mountains [especially around winter!], but I try and go to as many tournaments and smash fests as I can. The only problem being when I have a schedule problem/no ride. Unfortunately I don't have my own car, but on the plus side I usually end up bringing like 5 or 6 people with me.
3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. I would say, from results alone, Average. NC has a lot of great people who would definitely say that as well, and that was definitely strengthened by the fact that I haven't been able to prove myself against them recently. However, I have a strong conceptual sense and believe I may be a bit higher. I just don't want to say so unless I have proof to back it up.
4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I believe so. While of course we all have our silly posts, I really don't try and post unless I have something to say. I think anyone who looks at those discussion posts would really understand what I'm capable of understand and discussing, from options to mindgames, even stage selection and influences of this. The only problem would be again, I haven't really been able to see people lately.
5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Definitely. Especially around Pound, I even got the Falcon boards to actually discuss the Falcon/Ganon match up and other MUs I had in my pool. If you know anything about the Falcon boards, that's more or less impossible

I always have tons of ideas that I want to talk about, especially recently because of the Community Building forum that's been up.
6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. Yes. I hold and organize Tournaments here at ASU, and so they are definitely smaller tournaments. However, I'm also thinking about holding a much bigger tournament in NC soon over the summer.
7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Yes and No. From a Conceptual side, in the idea of "this is what the character is capable of", then yes, I feel you guys are more or less spot on. I believe maybe Sheik might be a little higher than Jiggs, due to her overall MUs versus ALL characters, but definitely against Top Tiers [which is more prominent], then yes, she's below Jiggs, at least for the moment.
I think the problem with Tier List is exactly that: Is it Conceptual, or is the Actual Tier List? As far as, who is better in the idea, or who is better from experience and tournament placings?
Let's take Fox for example: Conceptually, he has the most impressive potential, far outstripping almost every character in the game. But Realistically, there hasn't been a lot of Fox players winning tournaments [with the exception of the recent tournament that...Lucky?(I'll try and find the post I was looking for
) went to] And so therefore, like I said about Sheik, are we talking conceptual, or actual?
In that case, I think the Tier list needs to be rearranged significantly in top tier standings.
8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I do and I don't. I like the ability to pick any stage, as long as both players agree on it, but I think some more "extreme" stages should be reopened, such as Pokefloats and Corneria. However, I understand that even if they were opened, people would probably rarely pick them. It's simply the ability to choose that's nice. I don't know. I'm rather conflicted on this.
9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Definitely. I have no problems with it, I think the stocks are fine, the time limit is fair, and the rules about pausing and those kinds of rules are definitely fair.
10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Definitely strategy. The ability to win quickly and efficiently against an opponent is infinitely better, in a tournament sense, than being able to multishine, for example. However I totally understand that even this is a question dividing the two, it's the mixture of the two that is the most effective. Tech skill without mindgames is useless, but Mindgames without the ability to perform the punishments is also impossible.
11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Oh that's a hard one. I would say Maximizing Punishments once I have created an opening, but I spend most of my time in game trying to create an opening. Patience is a huge virtue in this game, but so is aggressiveness. The balance between the two is really important.
12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Absolutely not. As long as people love it and continue to support it, it definitely will not die. The only problems I see in the foreseeable future is the lack of Televisions that will continue to play it without lag. Unless televisions are reformatted to allow that, or we move onto the Dolphin .iso files, I think that in the future, there will quite possibly be a big fiasco in the [10 yearsish] future. But like I said, as long as people are available and willing to find a solution, there's no one better than the smash community to do so.
13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. This was definitely on the mind recently, especially after the thread that was made recently. I'm going to begin working on a Falcon "how to play" video and thread, complete with not only the movelist and general strategy, but also MU videos. A link will be provided on the bottom half.
14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. I think the idea of allowing view, but not necessarily input of the MBR community itself would be a great step. Also, that MBR members would start thread themselves on maybe things they are discussing, maybe discussing character MUs/Tier Placement, and generally involving the community as a whole. There are many trolls, and flamers, as well as haters, but definitely there is a strong base of people who understand a lot more than they let on.
15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I think that a younger, newer player that delves heavily into the conceptual side of Melee would be great for MBR and discussions in particular. I'm definitely available for any kind of discussion on literally almost every topic, and am open to new ideas and concepts. Also, I want to learn everything I can about the game, and the psychology behind it, and especially of the community as a whole. In that, I think that not only would MBR benefit from a contemplative, in depth smasher, but also as a TO of a growing smash community, a fresh look at the ability and knowledge of the community behind the game, in the ideas of what's working and what's needed.
1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link:
i. Description: The Falcon Video Critique Thread, in which I try and walk them through the steps in which the person can take to improve their Falcon overall, and in a given MU in particular. I try and separate the
steps for clear and concise understanding, and link specific examples from the video into the review. It's been fairly successful so far, with the community of the Falcon Boards beginning to get involved and really help out.
2. Link:
i. Description: The outline of an example for my video series that I'm planning on starting. While centered on Falcon, I was thinking of also doing a very general video series to start out, focusing on things such as how moves combo into each other, the importance of grabs, and wave dashing (obviously). Afterwards, I want to move on to the idea of a Video Walkthrough for Falcon MUs in particular, and that's been outlined in the post.
3. Link:
i. Description:
4. Link:
i. Description:
5. Link:
i. Description:
2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Dr. PeePee
i. Reason: As well as being super broken, I think that PeePee is a great force here on the Boards because of his ability to stay calm and interject things that other people wouldn't have thought of. The insight of such an experienced player has really helped NC, and I've seen him sit down and help some players 1 on 1. Overall I think he's a very kind, approachable person who makes sure to really help out anything you ask. Combine that with his drive to always become better, and there's no question as to why he's one of the best in the world.
2. Player: Kage
i. Reason: Going off of the "kind approachable person", Kage comes to mind. Always available to ask questions of, Kage makes sure to offer insight and inspiration to a discussion. I asked him a lot about Ganon/Falcon MU before Pound and he's made sure to always answer me quickly and honestly, never turning me away "because I'm a noob", if you know what I mean. One of the best pros, not only in his playstyle but in his personality, he's definitely one of the best forces on the Boards, and I would love to see him get more involved.
3. Player: Prog
i. Reason: Prog was another pro who was willing to sit down and help me one on one, especially at Pound. A very smart player, responsible TO, and fantastic commentator with different ideas [playing each different color of Falco a different way], Prog is definitely a great player to have in our community.
3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer:
I have not, but I will definitely read it now that you've mentioned it. I'll tell you my response to it once I read it.
Even though I don't necessarily have a lot of experience in the traditional sense [placing high in a lot of tournaments, especially big ones] I definitely believe I have a strong conceptual sense and would be a valuable asset to the Melee Back Room. Between my deep understanding of the game and my teacher role of the community here at ASU, I definitely think that I would bring a fresh, adaptable, and strongly committed view to the game and its community.