OoS Bair/Fair. This is true for every match-up. By far the best OoS punish option. It is also the hardest to master.
I cannot see how this would hit MK with the sweet spot, especially if it's an onstage approach from his part. He is pretty short as it is... correct me if I'm wrong. It might work on his short-hopped aerials, but other than that, I doubt it.
Dtilt if he's on the ground. MK has no approach on the ground that can go through it.
Is that so?... I've always thought his Dtilt out-ranges and out-prioritizes ours. I know Dtilt is quite good at catching MK out of most of his approaches, but I'm pretty sure he has some ground-based approaches that can beat it. Nevertheless, you are right about its use.
I have used Naryu's 8 frames of invicibility (frames 5-12) a lot when people are bearing on me or they are too close or as a combo breaker. It's a fine attack to throw out there to frustrate the player, but it is the worst of all options if you miss.
Very true. A (reversed) Nayru's Love eats through some of his approaches such as dashes and it can also be used when getting back onstage by reversibly double jumping (which he will most likely try to punish with an F- or Dsmash), which will get him offstage. Exploitable c:<
I have written some things on what to do and what to not do in this match up, it's pretty outdated but I'll revamp it a bit. Okay, here it is:
Auree said:
What to do in this MU:
- Space effectively and punish approaches; Fsmash, Dtilt and Fire Glide. Fsmash and Dsmash are your best options OoS.
- Use Din's Fire effectively; camp at all given moments when MK is distant from you (especially when he's in midair) to rack up damage and/or bait him into a shield/airdodge (which might cause an opening and is plausibly punishable).
- Zelda has a Dtilt lock on MK around 50-100; take this to your advantage. If you manage to hit a Dtilt around 40% to 70%, reuse and lock him. If he's close to escaping, Dsmash; if he trips after having racked up a decent amount of damage, Fsmash.
- When caught up in Tornado, tap the A button rapidly or DI up and break through with Dair. MK's will try to 'nado at your head, so hold your shield up, and punish effectively*.
- Try to finish him off as soon as possible, but don't get reckless. Try to bait him into a Usmash or Utilt; if you, however, rush in mindlessly, you will be at great risk and susceptible to major damage racking, so do be careful.
- Try to get back onstage or grab the ledge without having to use Farore's Wind. If there isn't any other option, recover wisely and try not to recover directly onstage; MK can punish it very quickly and effectively.
What to not do in this MU:
- Approach MK recklessly with dashes, grabs and Hyphen Smashes; try to avoid going for a grab in this MU, only grab when you're sure you'll connect (e.g. shieldgrabs).
- Approach MK in midair; he ***** in midair priority, lag and range-wise, so just try to get back onstage safely and as quick as possible (using possible airdodges or FF Nairs), and look to punish him from there on.
- Gimp MK; as mentioned before, he dominates in midair, so do not try to gimp him unless you're positive you can, or else you'll get punish and you could very well lose a stock.
- Din's Fire or even approach MK while in his Tornado state at close- to midrange. Din's Fire can beat Tornado when it's somewhat charged if you hit it at an angle behind him (I think)**
Alright, that's that. Feel free to comment and criticize on the above, and:
* I am not sure what we can punish him with OoS after he gets out of his Nado state. I am thinking Ftilt, or would that be too laggy?
** Please elaborate, I'm sure we can hit him out of Nado at certain frames and a certain Din's blast radius (close to fully charged?).
That's all I can give for now.
Some things I personally have trouble with punishing:
- Spaced Dair poking on my shield. If I Nair OoS, I'll get punished by another Dair or Nado. If I Usmash, it won't hit and he can just have another free Dair or anything else on me for that matter. Would Din's Gliding OoS away from him be a safe option here?
- Ftilt spacing. I do not know how to punish this. I think a quick dash attack OoS might work after the last hit, but smart MKs won't use this if you're shielding.