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Mass Madness 9: KevinM is Attending - Framingham, MA - May 10, 2008 - SSBM+SSBB

If there's time after brawl+melee singles, what type of doubles would you want?

  • Melee Doubles

    Votes: 46 40.4%
  • Brawl Doubles

    Votes: 68 59.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
The points people make in pro/anti brawl posts don't matter, it's just that melee was a better game and people want tournaments for melee to be run again. I for one don't care if brawl is good or bad (although I personally think it's dumb for tournaments lmao), I just want to play melee again in New England tournaments.
No one's stopping you. Personally I like watching a really good Falcon player play Melee, because Melee Falcon is the best character out of both games, and watching him own people is beautiful, artful if you will.

But I like playing Brawl, because it's all down to wit. Of course I'm biased, since my wit>>>your wit most of the time, and my tech skill leaves a lot to be desired.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I'm starting to see a trend... but like all trends they have those who deviate from it.

If melee player placed low at tourneys they like brawl.

It's kinda funny really lol. Gonzo no one's complaining about thats all people do, people are complaining because thats the ONLY option. I mean sure if you like the idea of being punished during situations you shouldn't be punished for then yeah sounds good go do that. me? I'll go watch paint dry.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Of course I'm biased, since my wit>>>your wit most of the time, and my tech skill leaves a lot to be desired.
how do you know your wit is greater than anyone? you have never accomplished anything in any competitive game ever. my melee record alone leads me to believe I have more wit than you. Do well at some brawl event and then you can say stuff like that.

And there are things stopping me from playing melee, such as everyone running brawl tournaments instead of melee tournaments. I had thought that was fairly obvious.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
hey kevin where in rhode island do you live, is there any way i can buy a ride from you, i really want to hit this up. but if i have no transport, ima be up a creek.

The Great Gonzales

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2007
Thank you Aesir, for making a valid point instead of complaining about the lack of techskill
your rigth if their's only one option then its not a good game, but you have to remember that the metagame is still very underdeveloped, most of the time it takes months or even years until a specific tactic is found to beat the dominating tactic. However thats the fun in playing the game and figuring out new ways to play. I personnaly dislike Snake being able to punish all my moves with f-tilt but im not gonna cry about im gonna try to find a way not to get punished. Yes its hard but there's a lot of examples when chracters in fitghing games dominated for years before people found counter or strategies againts them. I just want people to give the game a chance before they a **** on it and go back to playing melee


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
I'm starting to see a trend... but like all trends they have those who deviate from it.

If melee player placed low at tourneys they like brawl.

It's kinda funny really lol. Gonzo no one's complaining about thats all people do, people are complaining because thats the ONLY option. I mean sure if you like the idea of being punished during situations you shouldn't be punished for then yeah sounds good go do that. me? I'll go watch paint dry.
You're missing the trend where if a melee player is very technically skilled, they like melee.

I know plenty of really good players that don't ***** and moan about Brawl not being as technical....some of them are even really technical...so I don't know what you guys are complaining about.

how do you know your wit is greater than anyone? you have never accomplished anything in any competitive game ever. my melee record alone leads me to believe I have more wit than you. Do well at some brawl event and then you can say stuff like that.

And there are things stopping me from playing melee, such as everyone running brawl tournaments instead of melee tournaments. I had thought that was fairly obvious.
Right, because there *aren't* any melee tournaments, and a melee tournament certainly *isn't* happening this weekend.

Honestly, I have no idea how I stand compared to a lot of other players, and I won't care until this Saturday when I play a bunch of players in Brawl. The worst that will happen is that I'll have some catching up to do to keep par with everyone.

Your melee record doesn't mean **** to me because I play Brawl, so I apologize for inconveniencing you. And hopefully I do do well at a Brawl event, maybe this Saturday is that event :chuckle: if not, then I'll just have to practice for the next one, now won't I?


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Maine (NSG)
if you really think melee was all tech skill then you obviously are horrible at the game and don't know much/anything about it. Melee actually takes more wits and outsmarting but you obviously don't know because you weren't good at the game.

And just because we don't like the game does not mean we are bad lol. I just don't have fun beating everyone doing the gayest **** like constantly f-tilting with snake, spamming lasers with falco or chaingrabbing with DDD.

You either have fun doing that if you're actually winning for a change and aren't used to winning.. or you're making money doing it. And if you don't play like that you obviously haven't went to any tournies or you have and you suck... =(


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Right, because there *aren't* any melee tournaments, and a melee tournament certainly *isn't* happening this weekend.
You don't really know much about the New England tournament scene I guess =(. All the popular tournaments are either not happening, featuring only brawl, or taking melee time for brawl. There was a big melee tournament **** near every week around these parts nottoo long ago. And yea being really good at melee does mean that you won't be a drooling ****** in Brawl no matter how little you play, and you said you had more "wit" than me which seems very unlikely to be true at this point. Being smart at games in general comes from experience. You may have more knowledge about brawl specifics though, so more power too you.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
if you really think melee was all tech skill then you obviously are horrible at the game and don't know much/anything about it. Melee actually takes more wits and outsmarting but you obviously don't know because you weren't good at the game.

And just because we don't like the game does not mean we are bad lol. I just don't have fun beating everyone doing the gayest **** like constantly f-tilting with snake, spamming lasers with falco or chaingrabbing with DDD.

You either have fun doing that if you're actually winning for a change and aren't used to winning.. or you're making money doing it. And if you don't play like that you obviously haven't went to any tournies or you have and you suck... =(
If I said it was all tech skill, I apologize....but it's mostly tech skill....I mean, if you're a TOTAL *******, all the tech skill in the world won't help you against a smart player, but if you're not a TOTAL *******, then you'll win if you have superior tech skill.

Brawl focuses more on strategy because of all the new defensive options that are available. For you to think it's as simple as you do just proves that either/both

a) you're a total scrub when it comes to Brawl
b) you haven't played anyone that's any good at Brawl

How good I was at Melee has no bearing on this, because you proved with your own statement that you're clueless.

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
if you really think melee was all tech skill then you obviously are horrible at the game and don't know much/anything about it. Melee actually takes more wits and outsmarting but you obviously don't know because you weren't good at the game.

I can do anything technical in Melee, but I still get owned in tournaments. It has nothing to do with tech skill. In Brawl, I actually have a chance against people who would 3-stock me in Melee, and it isn't because of the lack of tech skill. If anything, it's because the game takes less wit than Melee, and basic strategies are viable on a "competitive" level.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
if you really think melee was all tech skill then you obviously are horrible at the game and don't know much/anything about it. Melee actually takes more wits and outsmarting but you obviously don't know because you weren't good at the game.

And just because we don't like the game does not mean we are bad lol. I just don't have fun beating everyone doing the gayest **** like constantly f-tilting with snake, spamming lasers with falco or chaingrabbing with DDD.

You either have fun doing that if you're actually winning for a change and aren't used to winning.. or you're making money doing it. And if you don't play like that you obviously haven't went to any tournies or you have and you suck... =(


yay! its likely I'll make my first MM.

dont know about y'all but I'll still be playing melee a year from now. I have hopes that this community will be smart(as others have been) and will choose the better game. Anyone who can honestly think that brawl is a better game(conceptually) is out of their mind. I only play brawl to beat the scrub ppl who have no concept of smash in general and think that they can do well in brawl against the melee vets. I'm out to make it as gay/uninteresting as possible (fortunately its the winning formula :p).

Call me a contributer to the death of brawl for I do not like this game and patiently await the day of Melee's resurrection.

good **** thorn

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
I'm just gonna throw my two cents in here:

I place low in melee tournaments and I still play melee. Granted, I am a bit more technically inclined, but my tech is pretty poor for a tournament player. I still play melee because the game doesn't feel like it was built on jello. There's just something more satisfying about the speed of melee that brawl can't come close to. The ability to combo is very welcome, even though I'm usually the one on the painful end of them. It lends the game a pace that very few fighters have (IMO, GGXX gets pretty fast paced, as does Melty Blood), which I find refreshing. Melee has established tech skills, but people keep pumping out more and more. Even after eight years, Melee hasn't been fully broken down. The sheer fact that people are still playing it in tournaments is a testament to the quality of the game. Brawl, on the other hand, is one of the latest Nintendo games to be simplified to appeal to a greater audience. The gameplay was slowed to make it easier for new people to learn how to play. They removed combos because Nintendo thought people would enjoy a game where even if you're sent flying, it's an even field immediately after. Mindgames got simplified, because when they removed Melee's dashdancing, they removed the majority of the spacing game. The cast is even more unbalanced than in melee, overall. And worst of all, they made camping even more annoying. They removed the fun from a game that was intended to be fun and nothing else, in order to achieve what melee hadn't really been: A PARTY GAME. Brawl is a casual game, and as casual games go, it's a good one. But competitive it isn't.

Wow. There were a lot of posts as I was typing this.


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2008
All I know is some people will like Brawl some people won't.
All about personal preference. And is it me or did like half of the people realize they couldn't go?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2005
Seekonk, MA
will you guys cut this brawl ****e and go back to melee so i can start coming to these things. ffs brawl is horrible.
or atleast put melee first.
did i mention brawl was bad?

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Yeah, I was gonna list that. I hate what they did with that game. Mario Kart Syndrome has never been so annoying.

btw, I think we should change brawl doubles to a fistfight, melee vs brawl.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
lol @ this thread getting 4 pages longer in one day because of Melee vs Brawl debate.

BHdawg. please, you sound like a scrub, and every post you type is just making it worse. I dunno why it's so easy to think you are good at this series, but go talk it out with a debater in the Brawl forums or something if it really bothers you.

also, I will rock paper scissors MM people best 2 out of 3.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I'm going to settle this debate

People who play Melee have the privilege to touch my hair.
People who play Brawl must give me a full-on, eyes open, slow, blowjob.

The choice is yours.

Oh and by the way, me and elen have great plans for the melee-faithful smashers.

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Guys, lets stop all this fighting and play some F-Zero. Captain Falcon will show us the way.

@Fatal: This is on topic, there isn't a topic to this thread anyways. It's all about the postcount.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
will you guys cut this brawl ****e and go back to melee so i can start coming to these things. ffs brawl is horrible.
or atleast put melee first.
did i mention brawl was bad?
did i mention jholla for god tier? i better see you at this dude.. i want falco ditto's.. NOW

I'm going to settle this debate

People who play Melee have the privilege to touch my hair.
People who play Brawl must give me a full-on, eyes open, slow, blowjob.

The choice is yours.

Oh and by the way, me and elen have great plans for the melee-faithful smashers.
u sure you want a bunch of scrubs' lips on yo sheeet son?
but w/e, i get to touch your hair, it's fresh.

matt, u 2.. falco ditto's, NOWWWWWW

even better, falco ffa... me, you, jholla and the cardboard cutout of th0rn, it'll be beast.

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Can I take thorn's place? I don't completely suck as falco. Although that cutout might be better, it is thorn's cutout.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Oh my god.
I've seen this page somewhere before, I swear it.
Massive deja vu. No freaking lie! O_O

Before I even read 3x's post I knew EXACTLY what it said, even the JHolla part.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
well penelope, we basically are synchronized falco's, you obviously know what i'm going to post before i do.. myself.... dot dot dot o.O'

and questor/greene/whatever you want me to call you ;D of course you can, ****, we'll hax deees sheet and get a 5 person ffa. on hyrule.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
In fact, is there anybody close to Boston or Haverhill that would pick up two bad dudes to bring to this tourney and house us? >_> then drive us back to the train station? >_> <_<

I'm asking for a lot, but helpppp


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I'm assuming it would be south station.
If that is the case, not far at all. The station where you'd get on is only a 10 minute drive and there are a multitude of buses that go near or around my house to that same station.
All-in-all I'd say it'd take you about 30 minutes to get there from my house.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
can anyone help a cat from providence with a ride. i promise i will make it worth your while.... unless you want a sexual favor..... in that case i cant make it worth your while,but ill do just about anything else.... pls pls pls help me

and about the melee/brawl debate... isnt it possible to do what i do and love both equally. i mean sure i play brawl more right now, cus its still new and shiny to me. but i still dabble in melee. i love them both individualy, like children. they are different and they shouldnt be compared


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
When I saw Eggm posted I didn't think it was in this topic and thought Smashboards ****ed up, again.
Good stuff. :D I'll MM you again maybe.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
can anyone help a cat from providence with a ride. i promise i will make it worth your while.... unless you want a sexual favor..... in that case i cant make it worth your while,but ill do just about anything else.... pls pls pls help me

and about the melee/brawl debate... isnt it possible to do what i do and love both equally. i mean sure i play brawl more right now, cus its still new and shiny to me. but i still dabble in melee. i love them both individualy, like children. they are different and they shouldnt be compared
I would really love to help you out man, but providence is like an hour drive down and then an hour back. I'd have to leave at like 6:00 am to be back here in time to pick up the two people I'm supposedly picking up to bring to Mass Madness already.

...i really do feel your pain here, and i have an option for you...but it's kind of extreme. You COULD catch a 6:35 providence Comm rail to South Station then Subway to a Blue line where I could pick you up and bring you. that wouldn't be so bad, except that the Comm rail leaves at 6:35 am . Hell, given how much you seem to really want to go, I'd even offer my house up to you for a night and then drop you off at a T the next morning to get you home.

I dunno man, that's the best i can do, but I'm not super comfortable with driving to RI and its pretty out of the way for me obviously. the above is the best i can offer you. Sorry if it doesn't help.
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