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Mass Madness 15: The worst TO ever! PC Approved - April 18 and 19 - Framingham, MA

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Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
I can see Ken making it to top 3. He has pretty good ties with crystal who wouldn't write him off (and even helped him) around the vote that Charly was voted off. Right now they have to get rid of the remaining Kota, Crystal is psychologically ****ed, how many challenges has she lost? She wont be winning any anytime soon so she's not a threat for immunity. Once they get rid of Corrine, Matty is the only physical force they have to worry about.

Ignoring immunity, I see the people being voted off (in order) as: Corrine, Bob, Matty (or suzy, only cause she hasn't been with original Fang as long as sugar), then who's ever left out of matty/suzy. With Matty and Suzy it really depends on who will vote which way. Once old-kota is out, and If it gets down to those 5, Crystal and Ken need 1 ally and that'll be that.

Then the question is who is Sugar allied too (for immunity reasons) and who wins the immunity for that night. I HONESTLY see Matty or Suzy after old Kota and if one has immunity then the other one is thrown to the slaughter. I've never watched survivor before but I figure at this time in the game, immunity (as Jeff keeps reminding us) is very important, a "1/X chance at winning 1 million". If a single challenge is based on strength alone, I see Matty winning it, then, if Matty can keep winning he'll have a good shot.

Either way, I think if Ken and Crystal can hold what they have going, all they need to do is manipulate 1 extra person each tribal council and bingo, Ken is in the final 3.

oh and a big lol goes out to Randy, who's making up so many things post game. "I knew it was fake when crystal and Sugar were laughing" then don't give the dogs their bone you idiot. Funny cause in the same interview he said something like "And, you know, I envy them. I would love to be stupid. If you’re stupid, you don’t know you’re stupid and you don’t know that smart people exist. Life would be great."

He was one of the best players in the game, but I already didn't like him for the way he acted and then he had to go all 2 year old on us? Going out with a bang and going out like a child are two different things. If acting like a child is going out with a bang then...gtfo -.-;;
i can see corrine going next just because she has no one. not even bob anymore. sugar is definitely a threat because she's been holding onto immunity for that whole game. if she holds onto it then she's making it to the top 3. No one really has messed with it the whole game, and she definitely could have been blindsided earlier in the game and not thinking to play the idol. She also is pretty close with matty, and if matty is winning physical challenges and giving himself individual immunity, then all they need is one other person like suzy and have numbers over ken and crystal once corrine and bob are gone.

I would agree that ken and crystal probably have the strongest alliance in the game, since suzy and sugar don't seem to care either way as long as suzy knows she's making it to top 3, and sugar does what makes everyone happy, lol. Assuming corrine and bob are gone, if ken and crystal and re-confirm suzy she's going to make it to the top 3, they can get rid of matty, and then at that point, it wouldn't matter if crystal, suzy or sugar left.

first episode i wanted randy out. he's just angry at the world, and while he might make decent television, he's the kind of person that makes me wonder why the hell probst would cast him. obnoxious as hell. yes, that whole cookie thing was ridiculous.

So it all depends on how it plays out really with which way suzy goes, who the next few to go are, and what sugar does with her alliances. If ken makes it to top 3 i would be very surprised if he didn't win unless matty was there as well. But i don't see that happening since if crystal goes then ken goes, and if ken stays then matty should go. Ken isn't stupid. He's blindsided person after person, and knows crystal has done virutally nothing all game, neither has sugar....or suzy really.....yeah. Psh, he's got this. lol


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
in the commercial for next time they showed i think (correct me if im wrong) matty corrine and sugar form an alliance. so its 3-3 matty sugar corrine - suzy ken crystal. the one difference is one side has the idol. so lets say 3ppl vote for corrine from kens side and 3 ppl vote for suzy from corrines side. suzy would leave since one side has the immunity and the next highest amount of votes is suzy. that would ruin everything ken has going for him now. since the numbers are 3-2


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
in the commercial for next time they showed i think (correct me if im wrong) matty corrine and sugar form an alliance. so its 3-3 matty sugar corrine - suzy ken crystal. the one difference is one side has the idol. so lets say 3ppl vote for corrine from kens side and 3 ppl vote for suzy from corrines side. suzy would leave since one side has the immunity and the next highest amount of votes is suzy. that would ruin everything ken has going for him now. since the numbers are 3-2
which makes sugar the important one but it's not like they can properly block the votes unless some one sniches. Besides, Kenny is like a little rat.

P.s. booo recap show.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
which makes sugar the important one but it's not like they can properly block the votes unless some one sniches. Besides, Kenny is like a little rat.

P.s. booo recap show.
i thought the idol only mattered if theperson voted for them. if sugar holds onto it and 3 people vote for corrine, then it counts. don't forget there's 7, so it would be 3-4 anyhow.

yeah the recap show was lame, and i specifically remember the last real episode, the "next week on survivor" thing was bob telling corrine that marcus really didn't throw the idol into the ocean and he knew where it was. the recap didn't show that obviously, and last night they had a different thing. Weird.

I highly doubt matty will ally himself with corrine, since he stated he's sticking with his fang 5 until he knows he can make moves, so if anyone was to ally themselves with corrine and bob it would be ken, trying to take out sugar in a 4-3 blindside. i haven't watched any survivor before this season so basically i'm a noob at it, so i don't know what's going to happen with alliances at this point. It really is coming down to the wire...for everyone.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Looks like I won't be able to make it guys. My work has scheduled me for a saturday.

The only hope is that we don't get enough work that we won't have to work that day, but considering all the new workers suck **** lol that that won't be happening.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
Ken_y, please stop preaching your ancient religion on this forum. Its really annoying. I could preach my belief in the sith order, but you don't see me doing that, now do you?

If you're going to quit, do so, but don't post this crap here. Its really annoying.

And I probably can't come if you see this, Matt.
.... (sigh)

Alright I'll slow down ... but I will never stop fighting the good battle.

Sound fair?:bee:

The Lord Jesus loves you all:)


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2008
Mansfield MA
Does anybody have the hacked version of brawl where it's just like melee? If so you should bring it so everybody can play on it when there not playing melee.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
ill be attending this rather fine event.

magwai i love your sig with terry tate, i got his vids in mine.

also i will bring a cube and copy of super smash brothers.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Looks like I won't be able to make it guys. My work has scheduled me for a saturday.

The only hope is that we don't get enough work that we won't have to work that day, but considering all the new workers suck **** lol that that won't be happening.
Darc, I will personally threaten to blow up your store if it lets you attend Mass Madness.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
something tells me you're unsafe

Jesus loves you all
Unsafe? How?

Can you prove that sith lords didn't exist over a thousand years ago?

I can very well spread my bull****, as can you.

Jesus was a fool, and a weak one. His "sacrifice" for the sins of humans shows that.

Lets not get in to this.

All Hail Darth Sidious
Palpatine died, sir. Krayt rules all now.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
Unsafe? How?

Can you prove that sith lords didn't exist over a thousand years ago?

I can very well spread my bull****, as can you.

Jesus was a fool, and a weak one. His "sacrifice" for the sins of humans shows that.

Lets not get in to this.

Palpatine died, sir. Krayt rules all now.
this isnt the place for us to get into a religous topic
hey anony, why dont you go write a book and not give credit to your self.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
colbol must be a star wars nerd who searches the forums for darth sidious and sith references each day.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
lmfaoooo @ banks ... too good ...

also i should b coming to this ... but sadly i can't bring lil brother (jman) ... momma dukes says no johns ... =\
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