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Mass Madness 15: The worst TO ever! PC Approved - April 18 and 19 - Framingham, MA

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Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
thats that meatridin

oh screw it *meatrides kevinM* HEHEHEHEHHEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEE ^___^

boom goes the dynamite


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
i feel like a loser knowing i missed banks and th0rns STD

why dont fleshwang team n e more ? serious question here


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
i feel like a loser knowing i missed banks and th0rns STD

why dont fleshwang team n e more ? serious question here
we probly will, soon....bwahahaa

and we didn't hgave the STD because pine couldn't go, skler overslept and darc/dazwa went to spictom's brawl tourney. so we will def do one before this tournament, I'll let you know about it. =)


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
we probly will, soon....bwahahaa

and we didn't hgave the STD because pine couldn't go, skler overslept and darc/dazwa went to spictom's brawl tourney. so we will def do one before this tournament, I'll let you know about it. =)
i love team fleshwang ... ill **** this STD with my foxness

make pixel go so me and him can practice different teams


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
Hold it 2 weeks before or after MM and I'll come help run it. I'll bring a set up and a TV and if you want do most of the actual running. I miss brawl tourneys and I want more Brawl doubles. Maybe for a change I could lose to someone who isn't KDJ.

But seriously, I'll do whatever is needed. Ma needs more Smash Tourneys and I don't care if I end up running all of them.
The only problem with this is that I'm away every other weekend, and december 6th happens to be one of those, so i'd be back on the 13th. Unless you don't mind the 27th, which i would actually enjoy since the 30th is my 18th birthday and it would be awesome to play smash then. The date might seem like it's awfully controversial though because of christmas being so close to it. I don't know.

What you said about running them^^. ditto.

i dont understand how people can like brawl better then melee its a **** game >_>
Yeah it's a ***** with alot of things like metaknight is super gay, and all options when getting back up from hanging on the ledge are EASILY punished, but brawl is just more fun to me. Don't get me wrong, melee is an amazing game, it's just i stopped playing ALOT of games I used to play consistently, and i think it's because i've reached a point where i don't feel like playing all the games that were fast-paced. Not that i'm getting old, lol, just moreso that i'm getting tired of trying so much in every single game. Let's face it, i do not have the skill or the speed to play melee, and the fact that i find brawl a fun game just pushes me more towards that. So to answer your quote: Preference.

I'm not one to usually argue all this Melee vs Brawl semantics but it's getting old hat and I dislike people like Fatal that decide to come in and be Brawl elitists when they're not even at the TOP of Brawl either. You act like this is extremely detrimental to you or that we're somehow doing something wrong playing a game we enjoy. Did I bash Brawl when it was announced alongside Melee. No I said its going to take a really long time and it did.

How about you move on, the brawl kids are worse then the melee kids at this point at least when your game is featured at a melee tournament that has been running melee for now 13 tournaments we didn't run a hassle. Melee still draws more out of state interest we bring more set-ups we have a tighter knit community. Get ***** you're not going to win brawl and you sure as hell aren't doing anything for the entire community by attacking the older community.

Also, not trying to prove a point, just wondering, but how when a tournament has both melee and brawl (MM12) is it a melee tournament and not a joint effort from both games? Is it because it was a continuing series from when melee was the only popular competitive smash game?


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
The only problem with this is that I'm away every other weekend, and december 6th happens to be one of those, so i'd be back on the 13th. Unless you don't mind the 27th, which i would actually enjoy since the 30th is my 18th birthday and it would be awesome to play smash then. The date might seem like it's awfully controversial though because of christmas being so close to it. I don't know.

What you said about running them^^. ditto.
I am likewise busy every other Saturday. But it seems it doesn't coordinate with your awayness, sadly.

If people will go to a thursday or Friday I will host that for you though.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Fatal- No they weren't lol. Like 45 or so people signed up for Melee there were plenty of entrants.

****it I always forget to quote in replies.

KevinM- I agree with what you said a page back but everything you said also applies for Melee elitists doing the same ****. It's all stupid, really and there's no reason players of both games can't get along and not be douche bags to eachother.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
no1 is as good as KevinM

no one

i no he holds the team down cause im not as good as him
Don't be so modest

lol mad random cactus post

cactus not even u and HARD GAY could beat team sexy love..

JMan + KevinM= to good=team sexy love
=The best team alive


KevinM is too good. ^^

MM me 2v1.
Are we accepting this Team Sexy Love numero 2

@Roman What vs What?


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
****, kevin i have 3 things to tell you

- your serious posts are amazing

- your non-serious posts are amazing

- i miss KevinM ;[


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
I am likewise busy every other Saturday. But it seems it doesn't coordinate with your awayness, sadly.

If people will go to a thursday or Friday I will host that for you though.
how far would you be going away? because i'm only 45 minutes from my house so i'm pretty sure i can travel a bit of distance to host them on weekends when you're there. Friday's seem iffy since they never seem to finish when we start them at like...2. and thursday's are just...lol.

I know my father gets mad whenever i make plans when i'm supposed to visit him since i see him 4 days a month, but i'm living with him when i go to community college next year, so i'm pretty sure he'd understand. I'll make the time, you give me the days. And would we be hosting them at GU, or find another venue? I'm pretty fond of GU's location.

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
You have no chance to win in Brawl too so why not play the better game?

You're ******** please stop posting.


Edit: I'm not one to usually argue all this Melee vs Brawl semantics but it's getting old hat and I dislike people like Fatal that decide to come in and be Brawl elitists when they're not even at the TOP of Brawl either. You act like this is extremely detrimental to you or that we're somehow doing something wrong playing a game we enjoy. Did I bash Brawl when it was announced alongside Melee. No I said its going to take a really long time and it did.

How about you move on, the brawl kids are worse then the melee kids at this point at least when your game is featured at a melee tournament that has been running melee for now 13 tournaments we didn't run a hassle. Melee still draws more out of state interest we bring more set-ups we have a tighter knit community. Get ***** you're not going to win brawl and you sure as hell aren't doing anything for the entire community by attacking the older community.

yeah **** off dude. You come on the forums and get all happy because everyone D rides you when your not even good in the first place. Yeah like your actually going to win Melee either? you piece of ****.

Melee had PLENTY of people. If anything, we were just trying to get the bad kids at videogames (brawl people loljk) to play for mo moneyz

oohh allright, the "PLEASE WE NEED MORE MELEE SIGN UPS!!!" was just trying to get brawl kids to sign up. lolz


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
There never was a "please we need more melee sign ups" except at Mass Madness 10 where I made a bet with Cort as to how many people would enter. I lost by like 2.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
yeah **** off dude. You come on the forums and get all happy because everyone D rides you when your not even good in the first place. Yeah like your actually going to win Melee either? you piece of ****.
actually everyone "D rides" each other because we are all friends, we see each other often and travel to tournaments for MELEE. :ohwell: You should realize you are entering into a group of people who have all known each other for YEARS before brawl came out, as some random dude telling us "hey play this game instead guys rollrollroll". GU hosted brawl because it was new, but srsly it was smashers who ran the **** things. just so happens mattdotzeb and elen and spictom were all melee players, no surprise zeb wants to run melee tournaments. why would matt run a brawl tournament unless he's getting paid a lot. certainly wouldn't be as fun for him...

props to ace for actually doing something for his game of choice, I can respect brawlers like that ^_^


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
lol TML are you ever going to go to any of these?

Also nobody rides my D, am I unpopular? I wanna be cool like mr. kevinm!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
yeah **** off dude. You come on the forums and get all happy because everyone D rides you when your not even good in the first place. Yeah like your actually going to win Melee either? you piece of ****.
KevinM called you out for some blatant lies and being a douche in general so you respond by flaming one of the most well liked members of the Smash community. Good move there dip****, I'm sure everyone will be glad to see you at tournaments.

Banks explained our meat/D/sausage pony riding pretty well so I'm not going to rant on about that, but you made a really stupid decision by calling KevinM a piece of ****.

You are a nobody in Smash and came into a tournament thread that was obviously Melee only and pretty much flamed the game and community. KevinM, dedicated defender of all that is right and just decided that he had enough and let you off pretty lightly. You could have taken his criticism and walked away from it, but instead you jumped on him and instead of attacking what he said (aka logic) you attacked him. Smashers don't do that. If somebody on the boards said I was ******** for making a post and I wanted to defend myself I wouldn't say "**** you ***got get off my nuts", I'd burn their logic or learn a lesson from it.

Besides, KevinM can beat you in Melee and can probably beat you in Brawl too. He routinely wins RI Brawl tournaments (or at least used to, not sure if he cares or if they hold them anymore) and places pretty well in Melee tournaments when you consider there are no more bad Melee players left. He plays Melee because he likes the game, your one actual argumentative sentence (saying he wouldn't get first so he shouldn't care) wasn't even relevant because he had made it clear he liked the game.

To sum it all up, you made a really stupid move and you should apologize. I can see why you got angry, but you reacted in the worst way possible. The only way anyone who sees your post will consider liking you is if you acknowledge your mistake and try to right the wrong.

Wow that paragraph seems really gay.

No homo.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
yeah **** off dude. You come on the forums and get all happy because everyone D rides you when your not even good in the first place. Yeah like your actually going to win Melee either? you piece of ****.

oohh allright, the "PLEASE WE NEED MORE MELEE SIGN UPS!!!" was just trying to get brawl kids to sign up. lolz
So why are still going again? All you're doing is proving his point and you sound like a huge *******. No one picked a fight with you, everyone seemed to be cool until you started insulting and complaining. As far as attendance goes' tournies aren't held to make money, they're for having fun with friends. And what's with the moving on deal? That's like telling someone to stop listening to old music because something new is out. Now, I personally prefer Brawl right now, but it's all preferance/opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. Coming into threads to belittle people is lame.

Basically what Skler said lol. I did this on a wii though took mad long. Also at the end of the day it's still just a game and if you go to tournaments for money then you're going for the wrong reasons. How good someone is shouldn't have any baring on whether or not their liked.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
First, Banks, your'e wrong, no one D rides Spife but Spife -.-

MattDotZebaroni and Cheese: Yeah buddy no one D rides us. It's ****ing lame. No homo but if somebody doesn't D ride me soon I'm going to D ride off into the sunset.

Skler: wrongo, I'm a bad smasher and I'm still around, but KevinM doesn't get lucky enough to face me in tourny for a win, and I've beaten his bowser in a mm >.>...and even if I did bring him to a third match in a tourny set he'd probably counter pick No Platforms as stage and D-Throw as character.

Lol at "there's new things so move on from the old". Melee v Brawl debate is old, srsly move on to something else (like ban metaknight?). Either way it's ********. Think of it like this, I'm a smasher, you're a smasher, a brawler or melee'r is a smasher. What do you want to do, reader, when you want to play smash? You want to find some one, and play smash. Which game? You're preference. It's really kind of lame that people are still hung up on this. Dissing something is pretty much natural, as is acting defensive towards insults on something you like, but gosh do we want to be as bad as the halo community? "lol you're a noob because of X" "I'm not a noob! X is important/difficult/something you can't do! You're a noob because of Y" and so on and so forth. If we keep up this division bs we got going on it'll only hurt in the long run. I really wish we could all just be smashers and get along and all of that, because at the end of the day, we all just want to play smash however we want to/find it fun.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
Amen Spife. Amen.

I couldn't have agreed with you more. Back on topic of how awesome MM13 is gunna be. I think I might just enter... like for reals. Roman, you totally owe me crash courses in Melee. Gimme crash courses and we'll see if I end up throwing money in the pot for Jman.

Oh and KevinM, kick my *** something fierce in 64 please. :)

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Oh, by the way guys the whole pools thing will only happen if we get enough people.
Just an FYI
Or if we don't get a lot of entrants, you could do it Rhode Island style and have pools and then seed the brackets with the results, only instead of top 3 make it to brackets, everyone does. FYI this would only work (aka not take forever) if there was only like 30 singles entrants (?)

Think of it like this, I'm a smasher, you're a smasher, a brawler or melee'r is a smasher. What do you want to do, reader, when you want to play smash? You want to find some one, and play smash. Which game? You're preference. It's really kind of lame that people are still hung up on this. Dissing something is pretty much natural, as is acting defensive towards insults on something you like, but gosh do we want to be as bad as the halo community?
Good ****.
Both sides are guilty in this argument... everybody let's try to remember what made this community great in the first place.

(My beard)


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
the tourney goers are mad at each other.



Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
I say important things.
If we're going to host that brawl tournament in december some time, then i'd like a date soon. Any time you're free on a saturday, i'm good. I just need to know to make sure GU doesn't have something scheduled for that weekend or else we'll have to find another venue.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
I thought you were wanted to do it somewhere else? GU tends to have a pretty busy schedule of tourneys and birthdays and stuff normally. :-/ But like I said. 2 weeks after MM. I have every other week free. And I'm trying to get something together out here(Ludlow) together for Jan..

This may not work out sadly.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
I thought you were wanted to do it somewhere else? GU tends to have a pretty busy schedule of tourneys and birthdays and stuff normally. :-/ But like I said. 2 weeks after MM. I have every other week free. And I'm trying to get something together out here(Ludlow) together for Jan..

This may not work out sadly.
****. We could do it somewhere else i guess, but i checked and my being away every other weekend and not being away is basically the same distance to Ludlow. The 20th is fine with me. And would you be opposed to GU? because if you want we could switch off between Ludlow and Framingham so we would each travel less. So if we have a december one at GU then I'm 100% for going out to Ludlow to help you out and such for january.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
KevinM, dedicated defender of all that is right and just decided that he had enough and let you off pretty lightly. You could have taken his criticism and walked away from it, but instead you jumped on him and instead of attacking what he said (aka logic) you attacked him. Smashers don't do that.
gotta remember, he's also a halo player :p

no offence to other halo-boiz, but **** that community XDDD [wait, what community? LULZ MLG]

Banks explained our meat/D/sausage pony riding pretty well
on the subject of a pony, how is that cute little pony doing? [that you found at esticle] B)

edit: ok, even though this whole "fighting" thing is getting ********.. but i really don't feel like going page to page and quoting

but fatal... tournaments are run for the STORE owner to make money? are you serious..? Jaime/Jamie/Jay-me/idunnohowitisspelt is so chill, if he cared about the money THAT much, how come he is still giving the matt an O.K. for melee only tournies? -.-'

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
gotta remember, he's also a halo player :p

no offence to other halo-boiz, but **** that community XDDD [wait, what community? LULZ MLG]

on the subject of a pony, how is that cute little pony doing? [that you found at esticle] B)

edit: ok, even though this whole "fighting" thing is getting ********.. but i really don't feel like going page to page and quoting

but fatal... tournaments are run for the STORE owner to make money? are you serious..? Jaime/Jamie/Jay-me/idunnohowitisspelt is so chill, if he cared about the money THAT much, how come he is still giving the matt an O.K. for melee only tournies? -.-'
tournie* And because he just banked a good 500 from the last halo tournament.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
th0rn - <3

fatal - thx your attempt at correcting me.. but uhm.. in my eyes MM12 was a MELEE TOURNAMENT with brawl on the side. [melee singles+doubles, brawl singles.. yeah it's a melee tournament] and MM11 was a MELEE TOURNAMENT with like one brawl setup.

also, he banked 500 from a HALO TOURNAMENT, yeah that's awesome.


O o


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
i think i could do really well at a brawl tournament

ive seen some kids play and they really werent all that good

some of the kids in the top 10 were garbage ... I mean Jman who doesnt even play brawl got 4th and almost beat nuro b4 he started b!tching about some CG thing which he only did 3 times ... lame

brawl is okay ... but i only play 4 funsies ;.. and ill only enter a tourny if there is doubles

brawl doubles is fun ill admit


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Just so everyone knows, I didn't do a single one of my MM's at the last MM so all those who were on my MM list for last MM, MM me at this MM.
I think you beat me in our losing mm considering I beat two people in tourny :(
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