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Mario Mains Interview Thread! Interview: Lil Gerald!


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
"What game systems do you have?"
-A pretty awesome computer I recently built.
-2 Wii's, 1's legit the other is hacked out.
-PS2 with a hard drive loader! :D

That's bout it.. I got rid of my Gamecube, and my Nintendo/Super Nintendo are both non-functioning.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Pogosticks or Yo-Yos?

Bop it or twist/pull it?

Banjo or Kazooie?

These are completely serious questions.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
"Can you really "Do the Mario"?"
Um... sure?

"Favorite games besides Mario and Smash?"
Probably Ragnarok Online.. but I don't really play games much any more.

"who do u think is most techanical, aggressive, defensive, campy mario? (all seperate categories obv) in ur opinon"
Technical goes to Famous, he's the only one that I've seen consistently, and incorporated WELL, Mario's cape glide.
Aggressive is probably Vato, or Bo x7's friendlies.
Defensive would probably be Boss... The way I'd define defensive, because campy got it's only category, is the ability to mine game their opponent and take advantage.
Campy is probably me :]

"Who's the bigger troll, Hippy or me?"
Seeing as you, Xero, lives in the middle of no where, and thinks you're good, probably you :]

"Pogosticks or Yo-Yos?"
Yo-yos :D

"Bop it or twist/pull it?"
Simon :D

"Banjo or Kazooie?"
Wasn't of fan of Banjo Kazooie

"How much would you rate your Mario from a scale of
-100 - 0 - 100"
78 to 82? I don't know xD


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
"cutest asian smasher in all of EC? XD"
None :p

"what habits do you usually look for against your opponent in a starting tourney set?"
How they first open up the match, if they rush in, then yay, gonna be a fun match ^^ But if they open up with something campy/spamming, I counter it with my spamming :D I also check out how they react when in a combo.

"beef patties or pop eyes?"
Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.

"celtics vs Cavs who do u think is gunna win?"


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
"troll battle? xero vs hippy? who ya think gonna win?"
If you want me to say you, then Hippy <3 other wise, Xero, cause he thinks he's good xD

"when are we wifi-ing with our coast to coast horrid connection? rofl xD"
Just hit me up on AIM if I'm not busy :D I don't play Wifi much any more though. I have Jesus Christ internet connection though, what you talking bot, I don't lag vs east coast xD


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Woops sorry guys! Just during Kanzaki no one kinda asked much, so I thought it'd be nice to give an extra day.

Alright and added Monk, glad to see you back! He'll be after Vato.

Vato is next, ask away!


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada

Q. Ground: Ftilt, it's like a.. gtfo move xD
A. Aerial: Bair or uair.. can't really pick, probably bair SLIGHTLY more than uair
Specail: Cape. Cape is the PURE reason why I main Mario over Luigi.
Grabs: Backthrow, the spinning looks cool :D
Smashes: Dsmash. It's like a a break dance move xD
Taunts: Probably the spinning one where he falls on his ***... I don't really taunt much ^^
Sound effects: Mario's wave dash in Melee, woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo!!! xD
Victory pose: The one where I'm standing in front :D

Q. How do you approve of Mario Asian Mains ?
A. Asian pride! xD

Q. Who do you think is the sexiest asian mario mains?
A. Me. No really, me >.> And then Boss? He's like a black Kirby, too cute xD

Q. What's west coast like? Generally the smash scene.
A. There's too many little kids running around thinking they know everything, and all the TO's are jews. Enough said.

Q. Your regular training partner you always fight?
A. Did you mean to ask "Who's my regular training partner" is..? Probably 3des, we go from Mario/Luigi vs Lucas/Toon Link, to a bunch of random ditto matches xD

Q. i'm your favorite mario right?
A. You used to be so cute, what happend?

Thanks for your time!

Q. and team with me agian soon!
A. 3des is my normal doubles partner, but you know him and being on time.. so possibly xD

Q. Why did you main Young Link?
A. He has t3h fire arrows!!

Q. Would you be satisfied if Mario constantly went "Hoo hoo hoo hoo" when he walked even if he could not wavedash?
A. Very. I'll run every where non-stop to annoy people. All he's missing is Kirby's Melee "hiiiiiii" and Game and Watch's bell, and he'd be **** xD

Q. Whats your favorite costume for Mario?
A. Blue, but if there was a pink costume I'd use it hands down. Or any other homo looking costume xD Or maybe if one costume permanently had a cape on him :D

Q. Who's Jab is better? Mario's or DK's
A. I don't play DK, so I gotta say Mario xD

Q. When I come to Cali, will Ken be with you?
A. I haven't hung out with his little sister lately, but she's been wanting to hang out, perhaps if we start hanging out again, then maybe :D We always go for korean bbq ^^

Q. Ever won any tournaments?
A. Best I've done was 2nd place in one of of Brawl's first tourney over the first summer it released x.x Tiers didn't exist yet xD

Q. Do you nominate me leader of the FL Mario army?
A. If Monk's not here, sure why not :]

Q. What game systems do you have?
A. -A pretty awesome computer I recently built.
-2 Wii's, 1's legit the other is hacked out.
-PS2 with a hard drive loader! :D

That's bout it.. I got rid of my Gamecube, and my Nintendo/Super Nintendo are both non-functioning.

Q. Can you really "Do the Mario"?
A. Um... sure?

Q. Favorite games besides Mario and Smash?
A. Probably Ragnarok Online.. but I don't really play games much any more.

Q. who do u think is most techanical, aggressive, defensive, campy mario? (all seperate categories obv) in ur opinon
A. Technical goes to Famous, he's the only one that I've seen consistently, and incorporated WELL, Mario's cape glide.
Aggressive is probably Vato, or Bo x7's friendlies.
Defensive would probably be Boss... The way I'd define defensive, because campy got it's only category, is the ability to mine game their opponent and take advantage.
Campy is probably me :]

Q. Who's the bigger troll, Hippy or me?
A. Seeing as you, Xero, lives in the middle of no where, and thinks you're good, probably you :]

Q. Pogosticks or Yo-Yos?
A. Yo-yos :D

Q. Bop it or twist/pull it?
A. Simon :D

Q. Banjo or Kazooie?
A. Wasn't of fan of Banjo Kazooie

"How much would you rate your Mario from a scale of
-100 - 0 - 100"
78 to 82? I don't know xD

"cutest asian smasher in all of EC? XD"
None :p

"what habits do you usually look for against your opponent in a starting tourney set?"
How they first open up the match, if they rush in, then yay, gonna be a fun match ^^ But if they open up with something campy/spamming, I counter it with my spamming :D I also check out how they react when in a combo.

"beef patties or pop eyes?"
Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.

"celtics vs Cavs who do u think is gunna win?"

"troll battle? xero vs hippy? who ya think gonna win?"
If you want me to say you, then Hippy <3 other wise, Xero, cause he thinks he's good xD

"when are we wifi-ing with our coast to coast horrid connection? rofl xD"
Just hit me up on AIM if I'm not busy :D I don't play Wifi much any more though. I have Jesus Christ internet connection though, what you talking bot, I don't lag vs east coast xD

"What do you think of the new tier list?"
I think Mario is too low, we need more representation xD

Thanks for answering the questions!


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
How did you get into competitive smash?
my friend got me to go to a melee tourney once.long story short got ***** =[.... i quit competitive melee because i was really big headed and thought i was the **** lol few months later i got brawl on release and played casually for a bit then i kinda got **** with mario and i wanted to prove to myself that i could get far with him agianst top players... so i went to quizno tournaments and didn't do too well till like the 4th one i went to...the last quiznos i got 7th/64 in low tiers though and i got like 40/100 in regualr singles =)


Why main Mario?

What's your favorite matchup with Mario?

What Mario texture is the most overpowered?
i saw eegz upair blind video and i always thought upairs looked sexy as ****.My favorite matchup has to be diddy kong or snake since those characters are like combo food and pretty beatable! I like the famous/shadow mario texture...i feel like im so fast with that texture! haha

vato : why did you make yourself a aggro mario ?
i wasn't always agressive. i started playing defensively but around late 08 i went to a tourney in san deigo and i met tc1...my mario was pretty good(imo) at that point i had beaten dory and fiction in mario dittos. So i play tc1, the dude destroys me 3 stockes me like a milllion times i was mad! i asked him what i was doing wrong he said your too slow but, your the best mario i have played so far. So i decided to train to get my mario fast ...at that time though my wii broke and i had no way to train my mario so i waited about a month. once i got my wii back i practiced everything i could especially fastfalling my aerials and reaction time also.. i practiced situations(for example ledge options and mixups).

So my mario just started to naturally get faster and be more agressive....when im mad opr angry i seem to play better for some reason...late 09 i ***** tc1 we played about 15 games and i won like 11 of them ^_- haha but agressive mario doesn't always work so i also have a defensive mario in my back pocket. i think an agressive mario is the most fun way to play mario you whip out crazy combos and hes pretty fun to watch too and its just cool defensive mario is alright too but eh..


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Whats your favorite move in each catagory?

Victory poses:
Sound effect:


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
Your first pro you beat in tourney legitly?
You ever gonna come to a tournament not on the other side of the country?

What's the key to being a successful Mario main?
playing smart and learn from your mistakes

How high do you think I'll place at my next tourney?

How much higher do you think Calebyte will place than me?
how high? i think you mean low...haha nah jk your gunna get first and calebate will get 1st too

Should we start an "Aggro Marios Unite!" coalition?

Your favourite low tier match-up?

Who is your favorite smasher?
Your Favorite Mario main?
favorite smash has to be jebus(crew member)

favorite mario might be supatony or box7

Out of Metaknight, Diddy, Luigi, and Mario, who do you think is your best character..?
mario ...i ahve no machup knowledge/expeirence/konowledge in general with other characters lol

Whats your favorite move in each catagory?

Smashes: fsmash
Taunts: backflips
Victory poses:?
Sound effect:mario wavedashing
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