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Mario Mains Interview Thread! Interview: Lil Gerald!


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
What your favorite move of Mario's in each catagory?

Victory pose
Sound effect


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Gonna have Bo's interview done soon, hopefully today.

For Inferno:
What do you think you could most improve on with your Mario at the moment?


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Bo X7

Q. Where did you get your name?
A. My name was at first 4kt in the past. When I first started watching Bobobobobobobo I stole his name and revamped it to Bo X7. Also 7 is a prosperous and abundant number. My favorite number

Q. What do you do to someone that calls you Box?
A. I rage!! I forced them to pronounce the name right as well! I hate it when TO's put Box in the bracket. O.o

Q. Can you get the MW Mario's to step it up?
A. Yes. I will motivate everyone by attending singles again and placing high like I did in the past because right now the Illinois PR is pathetic.

Q. How are you going to react when I beat you in our $5 MM?
A. I'ma be like HOLY ****, XERO! Then I'd be broke. Not really. ;D But that's if you win. ;D

Q. How will you react, to Xero's post and when you beat him in the $5 MM? XDDD.
A. He's gonna be like HOLY ****, BO! You WIN AGAIN. Then he's gonna be broke. It's true I'ma make sure we get a crowd lol

Q. OTHER THAN THE DTILT what would you say Mario's worst move is?
A. Fair, it's such a slow and weak spike. Don't let my combo vid fool you.

Q. Do you get annoyed nubs like me ask for advice =(?
A. I only get annoyed by Arrogant nubs like Pknintendo.

Q. What makes you different from the Mario mains here? (including boss)
A. I play a passive aggressive mario which can adapt to many play styles. Besides my adaptation, I'm probably one of the campiest Marios when it comes to tourney play. I do nothing but plank and play very cautious, lol. In friendlies I'm super aggressive though, it throws my opponent off when I actually play them in tourney to witness my true style.

Q. How did you learn high level play?
A. Positive mindset, Determination, and Persistence to do better. Remember, POSITIVE MINDSET! This is the most important factor.

Q. Bo, when did you first start drawing?
A. I was drawing since I was 5.

Q. Why Mario?
A. Mario's always been my favorite nintendo character. I wouldn't care if he was as bad as Falcon, I'd still play him. He also fits my play style best.

Q. Will you teach me Mario? LOL
A. Why not? Every Mario is a friend of mine. especially my mexican brother from another mother.

Q. odor combo?
A. reverse uair,uair, Caped Fair. lolol

Q. Who do you feel are the top 5 Marios in the US?
A. IMO from the best.


Very hard to determine.

if Tc1 didn't quit I would put him under Boss.

Q. Who is your best buddy in the competitive scene?
A. That's easy, 7FO.

But I have many OTHER buddies.

Mario Buddy: Vatobreak
Metagame buddy: A2Z
I got other close competive friends such as Kirk, Akashi, Kain, Hunger, etc

Q. Besides your use of Mario in tournament, what else identifies you as a Mario fanboy?
A. You wouldn't know that I liked Mario unless I showed it somehow, lol. Sometimes in public I imitate Mario in a funny way. That sometiems shows it. XD

Q. What's Mario's worse match-up?
A. Metagay

Q. What do you ban/CP vs DK?
A. DK can only **** you on Brinstar and japes. Ban japes because you have very little chance of winning there. You can still beat DK on brinstar if they go there. I 2 stocked ook there, haha.

I CP DK to Lylat and FD. Lylat because the stage limits his recovery, although FD is a better stage.. you can easily outgay him with fireballs on this stage.

Q. What made you go into competitive Smash?

Q. Once upon a time, a little kid named Chris(BO X7) always had friends who bragged about A. SSB64. Until he got it, shortly after he bought melee and got addicted. The first character he picked of course in both games was Mario. After he unlocked roy in Melee he really liked him and seconded him. A few years later, his dad got the internet. Every week Bo went to his house to browse the web because he never did it before. Now he was a very lame kid because he browsed sites like 4kids.com and watched atrocities like the dub version of One Piece.

Bo met a guy named Infinite GXT on this website and Bo got into an argument with him with who was better between Roy and Marth. Bo thought Roy was really good. Bo was dumb as hell. Bo hated this guy's guts because he always stomped him in arguments. Why wouldn't he?

Eventually the guy felt sorry for his lack of intelligence and introduced Bo to all the crap he was talking about like wavedashing. He introduced Bo to the competitive scene of SSBM. Bo forced himself to learn all the ATs of smash and watched like every mario and roy combo video made. As well as others. He also watched many matches with eggz, Ken, Neo, etc. Bo was always too young to go to tournaments until 2008 when he entered his first tournament and got 2nd/16. He really liked tourneys so he continued to attend tourneys.

I still talk to and thank GXT till this day. if I never met him I would have never met any of you guys.

Q. If there was a Mario PR where would you rank yourself?
A. Whever Kirin is, I'd put myself right below him. I don't think I am as good as he is yet. I strive to be better than Boss though.

Q. Whats your favorite move of Mario's in each catogory
Ground: A. Jabs, Ftilt
Aerials: A. Dair
Specials: A. Fireball/Up B
Throws: A. Dthrow
Smashes: A. Dsmash
Tuants: A. Side taunt, the others are balls. Even his Up taunt. ;D

Q. Bo, do you think that Mario could have a DACUS instead of our LHyphen Smash
A. No. but if he did man Fthrow>Dacus. JESUS CHRIST

Q. What's a metagame buddy ? lol
A. (Prolly A2 is mine too next to Kirin lol) A friend who dedicates his time to help me get better at this game.

Q. How do you feel for the newer marios and mid level marios, looking up to you as a figure or role model? I really feel appreciated that these Marios see me as a top Mario. I am always kind to all of them.
A. If you come to Apex 2010, will we have FFAs ? =( Hell Yes. And believe me, I'm really looking forward to going. I'm trying to make up money now for the trip.

Q. Who do you think has potential in the Mario community atm?
A. Big O
Xero Xen

Q. I haven't seen any other Marios recently
A. Ever won any tournaments not using Mario?
I've yet to win any tournaments offline. The closest I've got to winning one was last year in january when I got 3rd/43. I used Mario until I got up to grand finals when I used Rob and Peach. I've won many online when I played, but hell, they don't count.

Q. Why am I not your buddy?
A. get to know me more and you will be.

Q. Will you convince my dad to let me go to more tourneys? :O
A. Just let me talk to him if we meet up again. I like talking to adults, since most see me as a mature young one.

Q. Which Mario texture is the most overpowered?

A. My Ray Fox Mario texture.

Ray's so good I've got peeps making sprites and Textures of him. ;D

Q. How does it feel to be the viewed best Mario in the midwest?
A. That makes me feel very satisfied of my actions. I strive to be more though.


Q. Do you hate being called Box 7?
A. Yes. B| I'm Bobobo bobo bobo. Not 7 Boxes, xD.
A. Ally. Besides his Falcon, I'd probably say m2k's and Renegade's Ikes.

Q. When will you start on Do the Mario 4?
A. This March. it will also be the last installment unless I'm motivated to continue forever

Q. How will you react if I beat your Mario with my Link?
A. I will quit Brawl. Unless I was sandbagging.

Q. Can I rent a box?
A. no. >: )

Q. Would you ship your boxes with UPS or Fed X?
A. UPS, lol

Q. What do you think is your best attribute with Mario? (Same question I asked Hippie.) Like as in being able to read well, DI, punishing well, etc.
A. Camping until I find an opening to punish them which sometimes ends with the loss of a stock and gimp.

Q. Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
A. Cola because they have red cans.

Q. Can I refer to you as The Botector?
A. Only on weekends.

Q. How close do you think you are to Boss?
A. I think I'm very close but he's like 5 steps away.

Q. If I ever find you in the U.S.A will you do friendlies with my crappy Mario?
A. I do dittos with people who don't even main mario. So yes.

Q. Weegee's Mansion or Super Mario Sunshine?
A. Weegee's all the way. Mario has an easy jab lock set up here.
**** I'm bored.

Q. Is being a furry your secret to being a good Mario main?
A. You wish it was xD, but unfortunately it's completely unsmash related because I main Mario, Not lucario.

Q. How do you prepare for tourneys? I warm up before actually start. Afterwards I pray. It's true.

A. Will you play me in Melee too if you come to Apex? =( I enjoy melee more than Brawl so yes.

Q. why are so many Mario mains black yo?
A. because Mario was secretly born in Africa. It's a conspiracy.

Q. any future plans ?
A. real life generally speaking I plan on going to college this august. Once I finish school I plan to be a successful Animator and Comic illustrator.

Q. Do you hope for a SSB4? If so which character would you want to see the most?
A. yes. And I will like to see Krystal the most. I hate the lack of female characters and Krystal is my 2nd favorite character in Star Fox behind Falco and Favorite female nintendo character. I would also like to see paper mario in the game.

Q. When you come to Cali, would you like to go on a date? <3
A. Just be in Anaheim this May when I'm there. No homo

Q. What is your favorite gag from Bobobo-bo bo-bobo?
A. Idk about gag, but my favorite part of the show was when Don patch was trying to sell Churros.

Q. Bo, I swear you use more U-smash than D-smash, contrary to what you say your favorite Smash is.
A. You know what, you may be right. Usmash might be my favorite or it might be a close tie with dsmash and Usmash.

Q. When are you going to start saving those Sliding Up-smashes for the ridiculously early kills yo?
A. I use it every now and then but honestly, I have not completely implemented this into my playstyle,. Mainly because I haven't mastered it yet.. I know I should though.

Q. If there were a doubles tier list (why we don't have one already? I have no clue.), where would you put Mario, and why?
A. I would put him low Mid tier. Mario planks well so he's not bad at stock tanking. He racks up damage very fast, and this is easier to do when your partner helps. He also aids in edgeguading. The only big problem with Mario is that he's not good at crowd controlling at all and his recovery still stinks.

Q. Who's your favorite player to watch? (Be it a Mario, a Pikachu, a ZSS...)
A. I like watching Famous play, I envy how fast and technical his Mario is. I also like watch Anther, Ally, M2k, Renegade, Ninjalink, and Vex.

Q. If you had to switch out one of Mario's moves for any other corresponding move (Mario's jab for Squirtle's jab for example...) what would that be?
A. I would switch Mario's fair with squirtle's, his Up B for Marth's, his dtilt for Rob's or ness's, and his first Jab for Luigi's.

Q. My girl's mad at me. What should I do?
A. Give her money. :D

Q. My college is closed for the second day in a row due to inclement weather. Should I be concerned for my education or bouncing off the walls cuz I get to sleep in?
A. Both

Q. BoX7, if you had an urban dictionary page how would it describe you?
A. I refuse to answer your question because you called me box7.

jk, I would say, The only Mario main that's a furry and the creator of the Notorious DTM series.

Q. $15 mm mario dittos?
A. $20 mm Mario dittos?

yes, you guys are gonna lose your Money though.

Q.how much do u think xero is a troll? On a scale of 1/10 I'll give him a 7
A. When you play, in your head, do you think consciously? or just by instinct? Consciously. I rely on instinct when I'm dealing with something I know how to overcome.

Q. will you ever play me on Wifi?
A. =( If you asked me 2 months ago I would have said yes, but I quit.

q. xero thinks i'm cute, what do you think of this?
A. As long as he said no homo afterwords, he's cool.

Q. Box7 do you think. Mario's metagame can be taken to whole new level?
A. There's a possibility but we need to pitch in together with humility and have faith if we want it to work.

Q. And also burger king just announce more items for their dollar menu, what's your stance?
A. Also on the BK thing. That's awesome :D

Do you think they will cut down the camping or make it worse?
A. Knowing Sakurai's hate for Competitive gaming... yes, it will get worse.

Q. Besides Mario and SSB, what other games do you enjoy?
A. Naruto GNT series, Naruto ultimate ninja series, One piece Grand battle/adventure, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Viewtiful joe series, Ocarina of Time, Twilight princess, Mario party 2, Mario kart 64, Tekken Series, Soul calibur Series, King of Fighter's series, sonic adventure series, ratchet and clank series.

Q. $50 MM mario vs link? YOU DON'T HAVE $50! D:<
A. And If I win (with a crowd as witnesses)? ^^^^^^

Q. And last question: What is the meaning of Life?
A. To Live good. O.o

Q. And Last LAST question: Am i being annoying? D: lol
A. I'm more amused than annoyed.

Q. What's the most inspirational song to you?
A. The very same power by Ricardo Sanchez.

Q. What kind of music are you into?
A. Hip hop(Hiphop=/= garbage Lil wayane and the other crappy non underground rappers), Rock, Nuemetal, Gospel, VG music, Orchestral, electronic.

Q. Jab, Jab cancel, DTilt, Fsmash?
A. No to both >: )

Q.And very last question cus I can't think of anymore: Big-O for DTM 4 as Mexico's representative? =D
A. No to both >: )

Q. What low tier character do you think is mid tier (other then Mario?) Probably Ness.
A. Favourite animated movie? Meet the robinsons

Q. honestly do you think my mario is fun or boring to watch?
A. It's the slow ones that are boring.

Q. any words to the Mario community in reaching to your level?
A. All we need is more "I'll keep trying and never give up!" and less "omg I lost to snake again, will i ever win?" or noone will reach high level play, no matter how many times you lose.

Q. Thoughts on Mario's metagame overall?
A. Read my above post. =D

Q. What all game systems do you own?
A. Nintendo wii and a stolen 360. If I counted drawing as a system then yea. because I play that twice as much as I do any game, xD.

Q. Mario Party 1,2,3 and 8! If we ever meet we'll have a MM in all 4!
A. I got dibs on yoshi. :D

Q. would it be racist if I imagine the guy that stole ur 360 as being black
A. yes the guy who stole my 360 WAS black, and my own cousin.

Q. Your definition of stage control and zoning? Stage control and zoning is the same thing to me. taking advantage of an area of the stage to put your oponent at disadvantage
A. Conciously. This is important because you need to think of a solution of how to stay in advantage if the opponent was to overcome your zoning, before he actually does overcome.

Q. when you play a tourney set, when you observe your opponent's habits, what exactly do you look at?
A. I observe what are their strongest points in taking advantage of the game. For example, if my opponent is a DK who likes to gimp me by Cargo I will stay away from him grabbing me and play defensively the entire match.

Q. your definition of baiting?
A. Mindgames.

Q. Do you like having fun matches every now and then going on stages like Spear Pillar or A. WarioWare and putting all these explosives on high.
Only when I'm not my mains, then yes.

Q. What's your favourite Star Wars movie?
A. Episode 3

Q. i got a question what does your name mean??
A. Lol Boss, where were you when I answered this question? It's from the show Bobobo bobo bobo. Ask me something else. :p

Q. Who's Jab is easier to connect?
A. Mario or Luigi's?

Q. What's your favourite animal?
A. Fox

Q. Quickie when you get here?! :D
A. Hell yea. :D

Q. can you look at high level play clearly? (Ex: m2k vs ally, you know why he did this because _____)
A. Yes.

Q. how do you think in game ? (ex: you think by mixups, options and why etc) I think before I execute a move.
A. I often think to myself. "if I do this then he will_____ and I'll be able to_____. Like that, always think before you act.

Q. your thoughts on Mario vs Peach MU?
A. Very even, just play defensive and stay away from under peach.

Q. do you get mad by the some of the inexperienced/newcomers/mid level players that tend to steal your unique ? playstyle of Mario?
A. I get upset when newcomers/mid level players use Mario wrong and do stupid stuff. But hey thats why we're here to help them.

Q. They say Kingd3 is considered the strongest character..
Is that because he holds the most knockback attacks in the game?
Are does he have the most knockback attacks in the game?
A. I don't know honestly.

Q. I like to use Biar to space and Zone
I like to use it to get away frrom aproaches and sometimes to apraoch as well.....
A. Yes, why not?.

Q. Is it good to space and zone with Bair?
A. Yes, why not?.

Q. Your thoughts on prediction/predicting in high level play? (prefer if it wasn't too general answer :3 ) Just always think before you act and be a step ahead of your opponent.
A. Any strategies or tricks when looking for a counterpick stage? Know your character, know your opponent's play style and know your opponent's character's weaknesses and strengths. I suggest observing the stage weaknesses of every character in the game.

Q. how do you get rid of cold hands?
A. Hot water. If you're at a tournament find a bathroom. If not, then you're burned up.

Q. how do you get rid of finger slips? ( Ex: you know how your mind and tech skill isn't synch like what not, you want to do a OOS upb but instead comes out a cape)
A. Sorry man I never experience these problems unless it's online lol. I say just work on executing the moves correctly or get a new controller.

Q. might have been answered before but doesnt hurt to ask again: how do you think in tourneys? Instinct or by conciously ? does it matter? and is there right or wrong to it?
A. Both but always conciously. If you're dealing with something you never encountered before you must play conciously to overcome the situation.

Q. Bo, will you guide my sleigh tonight?
A. lol wut.

Q. And Bo, will you go down in history?

Q. What is your favourite stage? hmmm, probably battlefield or Smashville.
A. Burger King or Mcdonald's? That's hard. o.O Too close to call.

Q. If you could teach Mario a martial art, what would it be?
A. capoeira.

Q. Bo, I'm hungry. Do you eat PB&J sammiches?
A. I think they're top tier. No start-up lag at all, it comes out quick...you can milk-cancel the ending lag as it goes down, does nice damage, semi-heavyweight (the way I make em anyways), and can be used as a recovery if ur day sucks.
POST OF THE DAY. And yes I eat PB&J every day. LOL

Q. Yo Bo, are my questions random enough for you?

Q. Bo, would you trade your box for Snake's box? :o
A. Hell no, the Bo x7 box is the best box.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Inferno are you white,black, Hispanic, or other?
Jewish. I'm guessing you'd count it as white but I'm going with Jewish.

What your favorite move of Mario's in each catagory?

Victory pose
Sound effect
Basics: ftilt
Aerials: fair for the look, dair as an actual move
Specials: Cape aka The Pimp Hand
Throws: Bthrow
Smash: Fsmash
Taunts: Utaunt
Victory pose: the one where Mario shoots the fire
Sound effect: Hearing someone get caped

What do you think you could most improve on with your Mario at the moment?
My shield is pretty bad. I shield too late at times and get hit. I also do too much stupid **** so I should do less of that. Getting B-reversal fireballs in my game would also help.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2009
Chi-Town Baby!
Why Mario?
Does the name Inferno have anything to do with Mario's fire balls?
Would you support my Jab -> Jab -> D-Tilt -> Fsmash combo?
Best Mario combo you ever got?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Why Mario?
Mario is a very fun character and I enjoy playing him. So many people say "play MK" and I actually knew from the very first time I used him that he was a very good character but I got bored playing him. That and it feels so awesome to gimp people.

Does the name Inferno have anything to do with Mario's fire balls?
Nah. Has to deal with fire. I always liked fire in games whether it came to a BM in the Final Fantasy Series, fire type Pokemon, or just something burning. Inferno is kinda like a big fire.

Would you support my Jab -> Jab -> D-Tilt -> Fsmash combo?
Let me test it first. If it works then I'll be happy to support it.

Best Mario combo you ever got?
I haven't gotten many great Mario combos. All my sick kill stuff have been with Luigi. I've gotten some good gimps.

will you ever reaach vatos level??
I'm gonna pass Vato's level XD

What game systems do you own?
Own now: Wii, PS2, Xbox 360, DSi, PC (if you count that)

Past consoles: Gamecube, PS1, N64, every game boy from pocket - advanced (my older bro owned the original oversized gameboy and my younger brother owned the SP), DS

will we ever finish our mm set in polybrawl?

will l ever get my revenge in doubles from polybrawl? (i blame my partner johns)
My team skills are too good. I was not amazing in that set. You can make it up by teaming with me for PolyBrawl coming up and he can go double Luigi or Mario Bros.

Is your name Inferno because of your inferno-like hair?
It's long and messy. I wouldn't call it fiery. I explained why above.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
do you think u theorycraft too much?
Sometimes. Only due to lack of actual experience. For example, I would not theorycraft the Marth or Falco MU because I have some good experience with them. For a character I don't have much experience in like

ur thoughts for ppl out there for being singles on valentines day?
Start learning how awesome it is to be single. You can do what you want, don't have to put your friends aside, and you aren't spending every dollar you get on one girl meaning more spending money your yourself.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
ur thoughts on xero asking me out for valentines day?

Hey Inferno, if I got first at a random MD/VA tourney with like 25 entrants...beating a few moderately big named players...what would you think?

Edit: Using only Mario o'course


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
When did you get into Smash competitively?

If there was any other Mario main in particular that you would want to meet, who would it be?


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD

Hey Inferno, if I got first at a random MD/VA tourney with like 25 entrants...beating a few moderately big named players...what would you think?

Edit: Using only Mario o'course
we all know u winning would never happen

what are u telling people on these Mario boards?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.

How much do you think Bo is thinking of how much Hova is a troll?

do you think my last question made sense?

what do you think of selena gomez?

what do you think of demi lavato?

what do you think of Maria Ozawa?

what do you think of Mila Kunis?



Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
we all know u winning would never happen

what are u telling people on these Mario boards?
LOL, okay Hova. Still fighting to remain relevant in the grand scheme of things by trying to abase a player who, without playing for literally months, was able to beat your Peach 1v1...even after all the **** talking online and in person.

How long have you been around now? Lmao, an MD/VA vet having trouble with me? Someone who's still relatively new to the scene?


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Cuz ur never here, lmao.

Hey Inferno...when did you first meet Pierce? Who wins most of your dittos (cuz you have to play them XD)?


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
LOL, okay Hova. Still fighting to remain relevant in the grand scheme of things by trying to abase a player who, without playing for literally months, was able to beat your Peach 1v1...even after all the **** talking online and in person.

How long have you been around now? Lmao, an MD/VA vet having trouble with me? Someone who's still relatively new to the scene?
dude... you're bad

i don't recall ever having difficulty beating you. did i let u win or something? i don't even remember playing a real match with you

how about you come to a tourney or come post in a md/va thread where people know the deal and won't believe the lies

sorry dude, i'm just giving everyone in md/va wake up calls. it's not just you, don't feel hurt

get better so our region can be better instead of playin circle jerk with ur friends


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
dude... you're bad

i don't recall ever having difficulty beating you. did i let u win or something? i don't even remember playing a real match with you

how about you come to a tourney or come post in a md/va thread where people know the deal and won't believe the lies

sorry dude, i'm just giving everyone in md/va wake up calls. it's not just you, don't feel hurt

get better so our region can be better instead of playin circle jerk with ur friends
Lmao, thanks, but I don't need your tough love or whatever it is you give Tant. I'm cool without it.

And I don't post in the MD/VA thread unless I'm bored or I'm going to a tourney cuz it's a social thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm not super cool with anybody in MD/VA that isn't in my crew or doesn't already have my AIM.

And seriously, let's not derail this perfectly good thread with this. If you wanna continue this...whatever this is, we can take it to PMs...or since you're obviously being an attention whore, we can take it to visitor's messages or an MD/VA thread...or in person. Whatever tickles ur fancy...but I'm not responding anymore here.

Edit: And WHAT lies? Everyone here knows I'm not a top Mario, I hold no delusions about that. My post was CLEARLY hypothetical. What's your deal with me?


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
Lol...I never thought I'd hear the word "job" from you ever again...jk

Where you work? Also, what you got on my 40 homie, lol


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I'm mad I still haven't played you Famous...wtfux.

You going to that thing Bolt's having April 3rd?


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
I have no clue to tell you the truth...It depends on what DON and the other SoVA heads are up to during that time...

Yea man, we gotta play....fromundaman played me before you did which is amazing...He doesn't even live in the same region


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
ROFL hova why are u in the mario boards???
i belong here. have you seen my Mario!?

also come smash. actually, i'd probably have to come to you. hit me up

Hova, come get some Mario love XD

Inferno, why do you like to be on fire?

Boss you going to Viridian?
dude, you and kadaj should stop being far away. you insulted free fried chicken...


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Glad to see things, back on track.

Which low-tier character (other then Mario) do you think has the potentional to make it to mid-tier?


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Nah, different question. Just saying, they're similar, lol

Inferno, you get nervous at tourneys? And if you do, how do you fix it?
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