i still don't know how to fight falco
it's like you predict him and **** but there's just nothin you can do
Example 1: This Falco's gonna spot dodge, I'm gonna hit him with an fmash when his spot dodge ends. Awww...man. Missed the timing. There goes half my stock.
Example 2: He's going to side b now, I can feel it. Awww man...I missed the super tight timing/hit him when he was invincible. Oh well.
Example 3: I know when these lasers are coming, I'm just going to cape them back at him and try to counter camp with my fireballs. Awww...man, my caped lasers just go under his short hops and he has enough time to reflect my fireballs.
Example 4: Alright, I'm trying to recover and I know he's trying to edgehog me so I'll just cape and up b because my up b will carry me more than enough distance to get back. Alright I just up b'd and...he dropped off and hit me with his dumb bair and retained invincibility from the edge.
Example 5: Okay, I just up b'd and he's getting off the edge so I should be fine. Falco...go faster...Falco you...roll off the edge faster...ahhhhhh