Snake being -3 is kinda silly.
@Matt: DDD used to be the hardest until the Marios realized the infinite doesn't mean a damn thing.
Yea the infinite isn't what's so bad, it's everything else that makes it stupid.
1) Chaingrabbing, can give roughly 10-30% depending on where you are.
2) He can Shield Grab pretty much anything we do. D-air, and a perfectly spaced b-air are our only options.
3) He can't die, he at least lives up to 170% each stock, while we die roughly at 110% because of his u-tilt.
4) He outranges us on the ground, f-tilt is another tool he has to keep us out, and he gets free damage on us.
5) B-air out-prioritizes us in the air, not to mention he also has f-air. Should be choose to approach that way.
6) Fireballs are pretty much the saving grace of this match-up just to make him approach us, which we want. However, it requires us them intelligently, and they don't give enough damage, or knockback.
Sorry if I seem like I'm making Dedede Godly, or lashing out at you Hero (which I'm not.) I just feel this match-up is a LOT worse than MK.