So first up on the list of girly sets we have to comment this week is Homura. At least she uses really big guns to compensate for her gender. Whad’d you think of it, Ludwig?
While a lot of the moves that use the rockets and grenades come across as redundant or tacky when they’re not actually shooting things, it’s a pretty good deal if you ask me. The time stop mechanic enables her to put large pressure on foes, but more importantly lets her create massive set-ups to attack foes from several angles at once as a whole bunch of projectiles come at once.
Yeah, I really liked her take on bullet hell that was introduced in Vile. It’s not exactly common we get to see this sort of playstyle, and it’s a shame when it’s such an obvious take on camping.
Categorizing this moveset in the same category as Vile is highly insulting to it – all Vile does is spam a wide variety of MYM 4 creativity projectiles to flood the stage in a similar manner to a trap character.
Well, at least Vile has slow projectiles, big ones to fill in the gaps, and real fast ones and such. The fact the projectiles are so temporary also means there’s not a lot of comparison to trap characters.
I suppose, yes, but I don’t see how you couldn’t when Vile literally floods his moveset with nothing but it. When it’s not mass projectiles, it’s crap like the Ride Armor.
Yeah. . .It is pretty easy, just nobody’s attempted it. In any case, there’s more to Homura to that, seeing she mixes that with generic trapping with the time stop crap – those projectiles she has frozen in mid-air sort of double as traps, in a way, however temporary, just because she can set up nice big lines of them to defend herself or, better, box foes in. It also flows really well into how she has to stall for the next time stop.
I found the stuff with her being offensive suggested in the “advanced” section largely pointless, seeing it was basically just surrounding the foe that was already established earlier in the set. Her going on the offensive is a rather hilarious propostion, seeing that flash from the grenade can really only be used defensively.
She –does- have that other grenade that can go off at any time, but that seems like it’d be better used defensively too. That and, y’know, it’s really, really broken.
I feel ForwardArrow is somewhat unaware of what he has here considering how inaccurate that last bit in the summary is. . .That and how pretty much every suggestion he gives on how to play Homura ends with “or something”.
Oh please, not more of this crap. It’s far from blatant in this set and those are just throwaway lines. You don’t have to take everything the writer says as fact when they’re the type of MYMer who doesn’t outline all that much about how to play their character.
Let’s not start –that- discussion again, Father. I already have had enough debates to last a lifetime with all of this political talk that’s been hovering around lately.
That would imply that your conversations with Rool and Agidius would qualify as more than talking to a brick wall.
I use the term “debate” loosely. . .Formalities and such, you see. Back on topic, I’m surprised that you don’t dislike this set more when it’s so blatantly intruding on Guldo’s territory, considering you ripped Rainbow Dash a new one for daring to infringe on Burter’s.
Rainbow Dash was pretty much a complete repost of Burter but worse. Homura’s Time Stop is very different from Guldo’s because Homura can’t actually move her projectiles around in her time stop, whereas Guldo can. That and Guldo wasn’t anywhere near as cowardly and campy as the little anime school girl in this moveset. Once you acknowledge that they both have any form of time stop at all, that’s where the similarities end.
Fair enough, but. . .Back on Rainbow Dash and Burter, why do you bring up Burter when Burter is a rip off of Subaru?
Dear lord, where to start? Let’s see. . .Subaru was pretty much entirely filler for the aerials and throws, and the smashes were basically just –three- moves to dump momentum into when only one is needed. Subaru also had no way of actually peppering the foe on the way to them so that her big attack would actually hit. Essentially, Subaru’s execution is terrible enough to warrant an upgrade in Burter, and he even had all that crap with the Tornado anyway. Rainbow Dash is also a lot more similar to Burter than Subaru with obvious comparisons like the grab – a good thing, if she was similar to Subaru she’d really be crap. Even if you are of the opinion that Subaru’s mass filler is somehow better or that Burter is a rip-off of Subaru, that makes matters worse for Rainbow Dash – that’d make her a rip-off of a rip-off.
What moveset were we talking about again?
You tell me.
Most of what needs to be said about Homura already has, but something I’d like to add is that I was impressed with what ForwardArrow did with a largely generic character if you ignore the Time Stop. He actually pulled off a good deal of stuff with all of these generic guns and other weapons so many characters have.
Indeed. I would somewhat disagree what you said earlier about them being tacky, but I –would- say it’s quite overpowered, much less if you’re supposed to play her like the expert section in the playstyle summary says.
Silly turtle! Number Crunching is for kids!
Oh joy, we’re starting to comment the pony movesets, and two are made by Kholdstare. I’m already ecstatic.
Well, father, you –did- somehow like Kabutops. . .
Khold came up with some sort of miracle in that one to make a gigantic amount of blatant filler flow into a cool playstyle. You can’t make lightning strike twice, and these are movesets blatantly made in one hour here because Khold obviously lied and just made up these sets on the spot.
Regardless of how the set was made, most of the moveset is filler to the point I question why I’m even reading it.
Because it takes about literally 5 minutes, is the main reason, and we have to make examples of movesets like these.
Why are we talking about all those other moves that are just meant to be brushed off so that the young girls meant to play this moveset are actually capable of playing it? They’re called –Specials- for a reason, boys.
Specials, you say? I was unaware that a generic tether and charge qualified as Special.
Even Wendy allows a COUPLE moves to interact with the Specials out of the whole set, Ludwig. The grab-game makes the moveset somewhat interesting, as the foe actually –wants- the really crappy Apples at the apple stand to get thin while Applejack can just steal all of the food items away with her rope and kick them around as weapons. The material that’s there is about enough to fill up a cosplay set, but a good cosplay set.
There’s such a thing as a good cosplay set? I was unaware of this.
Honestly, I would’ve preferred for the stuff in the grab-game with force feeding to be removed. Not only is it bad characterization, it needlessly complicates the set too much for the target audience.
Yes, yes, Wendy. Unless you want your Kirby and Pokemon sets targeted for 5 year olds too, then you can go off in your own little-
Why wouldn’t I want them that way? The “bronies”, as they’re called, are far more worthy of being granted intelligence than the likes of competitive Pokemon players.
Whatever. In any case, Ludwig, I agree with you, don’t worry. It’s far from enough to save it. It’s a decent concept, but terrible, terrible execution. Essentially, it’s that Katapultar moveset that’s essentially the witch from Hansel and Gretel.
The one that MarthTrinity hated because she killed off the only character he liked?
That’s the one. In any case, somebody blatantly needs to steal that concept from Katapultar and do it right.
Because Hugo turned out so well, am I right?
Please. There’s even that whole thing with letting the computer/other players split control over the Pokemon, and the control system, the most practical way of doing 5 characters at once, is the only reason you didn’t like it.
While I can’t speak for Hugo seeing I didn’t read it, what with being busy with hiatuses to go invent new ones to animate Dry Bones, I did in fact read Sid’s Toys. 5 movesets at once is hilarious to even think of working properly, and all those interactions stacked on top of each other made for one the most indigestible movesets I’ve ever seen.
You’ve ever “seen”, right. You didn’t actually read it.
Oh don’t worry, father. He “read” it. Just like how he “read” Mr. Banbollow.
No need to be so hostile. I’m just bringing some common sense to the conversation. I in fact loved Sid’s Toys.
. . .But you sai-
Forget what I said. I intentionally try to be as misleading as possible with my comments so that nobody can predict what my votes will be, so I can get the best mileage out of them with my metavoting.
Isn’t that kind of pointless when they can just change the votes on demand?
Precisely why we need to bring in democracy and vote these ruffians out of leadership. Who will go in? I don’t know, but not me. I’m busy doing far more important things, like writing a philosophy piece about racism. Morton will have to step in, I suppose.
Wait what? I can be a leader? THIS IS THE MOST BESTEST DAY OF MY LIFE EVER!
. . .Nevermind how we just tried it and they just voted to keep things exactly how they were anyway. Ludwig, help me out here!
Oh look at the time, father! The Koopa chefs have finished dinner! Excuse me as I go eat as slowly as physically possible.
. . .
They didn’t make enough for me to have some too, did they?
Silly father, I can follow you to the sandbag central, I can follow you to the dinner table.
Let’s change the topic then. . .Back to the actual moveset we –were- supposed to be discussing.
Oh right, that pony moveset Khold made to push garbage like Wario off the top 50. I don’t think he even likes ponies.
Wait. . .You actually don’t like it? You surprise me, Iggy. It has all the generic stuff you could ever want!
Not enough. You see, that tacky grab is too Unsmash for my liking. If it were removed and replaced with a standard set of four throws, THEN I would adore the moveset as I do Crustle.
But Iggy, that goes against everything you stand for! A grab-game with throws? Surely you must’ve gone mad.
Touche, father. You win this round.
. . .
And –STAY- out!
So now that that’s done, we can move on to the next Pony moveset, right father?
. . .You’re still here?
This moveset has some decent characterization going for it, but I feel it’s largely inferior to the presentation in most of the other ponies, Fluttershy and Rarity especially.
You tell me, I don’t watch this crap. The props are apparently in-character so say the other pony moveset makers, so we can’t really hold that against David. David himself said they were as needed as the stuff on Joker. . .But really? The Joker has a handful of things he uses that would be good to represent in a set. The stuff here is just completely random party crap.
The stuff she uses in the show is in fact completely random party crap. What is your point?
. . .Ignoring that, the set’s actually half decent. The “gimping” done in the set is off the top of the screen for a rather unique approach on it with the balloons, Pinkie having to pressure the foe all the while. When they land, Pinkie can influence them into her traps. Hell, she can even skip the generic trapping crap with her dsmash and get straight to the point, applying the status effects on the foe to make it easy to float them off the top of the screen.
And five year old girls are supposed to figure out all of these random status effects, lay tons of traps on the ground on standard inputs, and actually be intelligent enough to lure the foe to the traps?
I just said she could use dsmash to-
What makes you think they’d ever figure out the dsmash interaction?
Well in any case, that’s where we differ, because I don’t want a pony moveset targeted at 5 year old girls.
Oh? So you’re secretly into the ponies, then, are you, father?
Hell no! But David and all these other idiots are, and 5 year old girls would never play a fighting game.
Well that’s just sexist! Girls can play whatever video games they want!
Moving off that crappy topic, what weighs Pinkie down is just how d
amn random a lot of her various status effects are. One of my favorites is the burning hot as hell hot sauce magically doesn’t do anything to her tail. Not like she’s a unicorn or anything who can use magic.
How do you know enough about the show to know only unicorns can use magic again?
Because you people have been talking about it so much that I have to watch a couple episodes just to stomp it down like the crap it is. We’ve established this. On all this really tacky stuff, it’s not really much of an accomplishment David managed to come up with this flow and playstyle when he had so much room for all these random props and tacky crap like hiccupping all over the d
amn place. He definitely could’ve made it flow a lot better than it ended up, considering the link between the traps on the stage and the balloons are limited to pretty much getting foes into the air so you can drop them on a trap, which is a pretty d
amn weak link.
. . .So you want this already laughably Unsmash moveset to get even wackier? I think I’m about to faint. . .
All I want is a better link between those two aspects of her game, and for the animations for all the random crap she does make a lick of sense. That would also include, y’know, actually picking the correct prop for the stupid status effect you’re doing when this character apparently gives you a whole world to choose from.
. . .
Wendy taking a nap or something, dad?
. . .Morton, go back to being in your imaginary leadership world.
Oh right, I’m going to be in leadership, all thanks to Agidius and Rool! Almost forgot, seeing I was too busy xatting the whole time.
Yeah, you, Katapultar, Phatcat, DM, and Agi.
I KNOW right?!?
Alright, so the concept of this moveset is a minion character who isn’t a tyrant and can’t overwork their minions. Concept that has gone entirely undone, so that’s a good sign.
I should hope it’s enough to pass those ridiculous standards of yours, considering you complained for 5 hours just because Rainbow Dash copied –one- moveset.
Rainbow Dash didn’t copy, she was a –repost- of Burter! Where was I. . .Right. The one thing I’d like to ask you is how encouraging your minion with a cheer or food or something is different from, say, one of the many minion characters that heals their minion.
It’s different because it’s the power of friendship, and-
That’s a flavor based thing. I know it’s great what you did for the sh
itty little character, but how is it different from what I just described?
I don’t see why it has to be different, seeing how we’re talking about My Little Pony movesets here. . .
Right, so we can end the discussion right here. . .NE-
But dad! Rainbow and Fluttershy are AWESOME! It gets everything about the show done perfectly!
. . .Right, Morton, if you love this set so much because you’re gay and I should disown you, you should tell me how cheering the ponies on is different from just healing minions generically.
Well, uuuhhhh. . .The fact that the three minions are permanent, so you can’t afford to lose any of them! When you lose a friend, you lose a friend! They’re not just replaceable slaves who only exist to be impaled by Barbovor!
I suppose you have a point there, but I’m pretty sure we’ve had sets like that before. Maybe not with exactly three, and with them all being so simplistic, but I wouldn’t put their simplicity as a point in the set’s favor, really.
It never is with you, since you believe that everybody who plays Smash Bros is some sort of supercomputer.
Wendy, the minions are all completely computer controlled – by your logic, it wouldn’t matter if you have them do something complicated, seeing the player doesn’t have to do it themselves.
I suppose that could be theoretically included if the animals had any actual reasons to do complicated things, which they don’t. Mantlecore is not some Warlordian villain. It was hard enough for Junahu to decide to include the animals at all in the moveset, considering the target audience. Junahu only let them come in because of the fact they were computer controlled – they help balance the fight for a bad Fluttershy player, as Fluttershy can just go hide behind her animals.
Junahu establishes for the whole moveset that the point is fighting –alongside- your d
amn friends, and you’re really gonna put up that argument?
That’s only meant for the most advanced of the pony players, like Morton.
Oh, right. Well, if you want Fluttershy to just be spasming about and using random moves in the hand of a five year old My Little Pony fan, that’s why Junahu included all those standard attacks that did literally –NOTHING- outside command the minions, eh? That’s the very definition of something Junahu would hate to see in a moveset.
. . .Fine, I concede you that point, but you won’t get another. In any case, the rest of the interactions with the animals are made as such so that they’re on moves with additional generic effects that won’t screw over the My Little Pony player if they’re just button mashing, while Morton can take advantage of those effects.
Pretty much every competent moveset does that anyway, and more importantly. . .You do know that those interactions with the minions will still trigger anyway, right? The requirements are just you being near the minions 99% of the time, and if the kiddies are just throwing out those interactions willy nilly the animals will be acting even more stupidly than they would be with their default AI. A 5 year old playing Fluttershy actually directlys interferes with what the minions do.
Well. . .I –suppose- it’s not like it’d mess them up that much. . .It just moves them about the stage.
During which time they cannot attack and are wasting time, seeing they’re coming to random portions of the stage for no reason because the kid is button mashing, or having their attacks directed at thin air.
Why do you even care about this again?
Because this is the only thing you and Junahu will actually care about. I’ve already established my case for why I personally don’t bow down to the set. Now, this is about showing you why the moveset is bad by your own weird a
ss logic. If you put a kid at the controls of Pinkie Pie button mashing away it’d probably turn out better than this, considering Pinkie can at least benefit somewhat from randomly generated traps. You’re being a gigantic d
amn hypocrite with this whole target audience thing.
. . .So just to be clear you do hate –THIS- one, right, Wendy?
Not at all. I like it for the same reasons I established about Applejack.
Well let’s see where to prove you wrong that this is far more unplayable than even Applejack. . .I think the concept of having to land a bunch of specific moves to attach things to the foe is a decent concept, but having to land –EVERY- move in your d
amn moveset for it to have –ANY- effect is pretty pathetic. Ignoring how many moves that is, once you get down to the last couple ones you become insanely predictable, and considering how much Rarity sucks without the boost from entirely dressing the foe up. . .Yeah. That and the reward for getting all that stuff is also pretty stupid – just stunning the foe on demand to the point of being able to infinite them for free.
But you see, father, the moveset is perfectly in-character and all of the moves for dressing the foe up double as rushdown style moves, meaning that it works just fine for the five year old girls destined to play her.
Because all five year old girls are destined to whine for everything they want just like this literal b
itch of a character, am I right? In any case, her generic rushdown is too terrible for it to work that way, Wendy. She has to dress the foe up in order to accomplish anything, pretty much.
Well then, the whole thing with dressing the foe up should probably be removed then. It should probably be delegated to dressing them all at once in one Special to give them some sort of simple statistical nerf, while all the rest of the moveset stays rushdown and is buffed a bit so she can play the generic rushdown game while keeping in all of that cute stuff with dressing the foe up.
Wendy, you’re not making the stupid moveset for Kholdstare, here. You have to defend what he made, not how you ideally would like it to be.
Number crunching.
Do not question my omni-science, father. I invented mechs for all of us to use against Yoshi, I super voted Thief and picked Mushroom instead, and I believe that if Great Tiger’s moveset was replaced with Ganondorf’s outside the specials and grab, it’d still be good. I. Know. EVERYTHING.
. . .Well go know everything back in your room. Go on another hiatus to build a Doomship or something, would ya?
Oh, Ludwig. Finally finished your dinner while I had to comment all of the pony movesets, I see?
Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the next, whatever that is. Whatever followed up a movement as rushed as that would have to be even worse.
. . .It’s a Kupa moveset.
Well, I just have the most impeccable of timing, don’t I?
A Kupa moveset for a character with no potential? Count me out. Only n88 and DM know how to do those sorts of sets right.
It’s a movie about a poor old butler who serves a crazy old woman who writes her will to her cats, and the butler has to save the money from being literally flushed down the drain. How is that girly?
. . .Well. You see, the film stars the cats, and it’s a Disney film.
Right, right. Can’t have the only good character be the protagonist, that’d make too much sense.
So on the subject of this set, I like what Kupa does with prone. Causing the foe to specifically have their head fall into a bowl of soup when they get knocked into prone is certainly a new take, especially when Edgar has to knock the foe into prone directly for the most part rather than having to rely on traps to do it.
Well, there were plenty of characters who exclusively knocked the foe into prone directly in the past – such as the d
amn inventor of the genre, Komodo Moe. The part with the soup is certainly interesting, though, and it’s mixed up a lot more here than the rather boring simplicity of it in sets like Moe and Hariyama, who had too many other things to do to really play that much with prone. Sets with nothing –but- prone in them. . .All that comes to my head is M. Trinity, and that boiled down to a generic trap set. Edgar, you’re tripping them into specific locations in combination with all of his cool spacing with his sack and bike to get them there.
And of course the ways to directly attack a foe in prone with the ftilt and dtilt. I must say I also quite like how the butler can take advantage of foes in a weaker sleep state to direct them into even more of the soup to put them completely to sleep.
At that point it does get a bit excessive, though – you put the foe to sleep inside a bag inside the passenger seat on the bike. That’s three separate things they have to get out of to gimp the foe for good, much less if you give them a umbrella in their hand.
I quite liked that and thought it flowed brilliantly. What are you getting at?
It basically feels like he has somewhat of a KO mechanic with that very specific string of attacks rather than a gimping game, seeing there’s no way they’ll get out of that crap alive.
That’s only if the butler has enough damage on the foe so that he has enough time to do all of that, which is highly unlikely. Odds are he’ll have to come off-stage himself with his umbrella to do some direct gimping. If he has enough damage, he deserves the guaranteed kill you described.
I suppose you’re right, but even then, the gimping game didn’t feel all that compelling to me. . .
You seem to be forgetting that this is a moveset for a butler villain from a Disney film. A lot of the gimping game doubles as ways for the butler to attack while he’s hovering above the stage with his umbrella as well, considering he pretty much has to do that to an extent to get the time he needs to put the sleeping pills in the soup.
Fair enough. If people are gonna give pity to crap like Goomba and Two-Face when their entire sets are filler, we should give –Edgar- some d
amn credit when he’s actually trying.
And doing an actual good job of it, might I add.
I wouldn’t say the props bother me at all considering the character and the good moderation they’re used in, but the tackiness of some of the moves does bring back memories of that stupid pink pony moveset I read a while back. It’s nowhere near as bad, but he sometimes goes too far on certain moves that aren’t using props when they wouldn’t contribute all that much anyway. Again, it’s –VERY- light, but the dashing attack and the fair just felt a bit too heavyweight and antagonistic for the character.
If it’s so light, why’d you even bother bringing it up?
Because honestly, there’s not all that much to complain about with the set. It’s a great representation of the character and Kupa milks everything he possibly can from him. . .One thing that is rather glaring before we leave off, though, is Edgar’s random immunity to prone. I know he enters prone with a fair few of his own attacks, but it seems kind of pointless when those attacks that make him enter prone could have that effect removed when it’s mostly just for a comic animation – when he has the mechanic, it’s pointless to put on moves that make him enter prone as a “downside” anyway. Considering just how many movesets use prone as a very passive thing to compliment an existing much deeper playstyle, it just comes across as a Junahu style thing with giving the finger to a particular very specific thing for nothing but the sake of making certain characters less viable.
Well, honestly, I loathe mechanic sections and it’d be a literal 2 minute edit to get rid of the mechanic, considering it takes away nothing from the set to do so.
Except for the part where he can’t because it’s past the submission period.
Father, you can’t –add- anything to a moveset after the submission period is up. Who said anything about –removing- a trivial mechanic?
Finally, -this- set isn’t girly. . .Two-Face is bada
Doesn’t it fall under girly set by default cause it’s a DM set?
Now now, let’s enter this with an open mind. I presume with a mentality such as that you just skimmed it over.
This coming from the guy who made those “comments” on Banbollow and Sid’s Toys.
In any case, my stance on the set is that the coin flips are as good a take as any on how you could handle that aspect of his character and a good concept to base the moveset around. The fsmash is the only move that I think truly takes advantage of it in a worthwhile way, though, and the rest of the moveset is some very vague and sparse “defensive” Brawl-character playstyle. It exists a lot more than the entirety of stuff like Apprentice and Archer, but that’s not the highest praise coming from me and even then it’s a snore fest.
And just how exactly would you propose we spice it up and make potential where there is none for your petty MYM brawl desires? DM would be throwing Two-Face’s character out-
Two of those movesets I’ve just read have made me less willing to give pity to the moveset – Edgar and Homura. Edgar may have a couple more props than Two-Face but he loses all of the guns, and he is far –better- characterized than Two-Face could ever hope to be. Homura makes use of guns and other generic weapons for an entire set and somehow ended up with 6 stars on the Warlordian scale. It’s not impossible.
Considering that you’ve utterly laughed in the face of DM’s amazing reputation and done all you can to diminish it, I’d assume it’s fitting a moveset he makes at this point would be designed to appeal to me, and not those rankings of yours which blatantly shouldn’t exist. And no, no I will not made a ranking to compete with yours. Secrecy and all that, you know. Can’t have another Thief and Mushroom case.
So I entirely assume it –does- appeal to you?
Well yes, you just interpreted the moves wrong and were clearly skimming. That and I like this character dumbed down as much as possible and would prefer Homura and Edgar to be much the same way. If anything, there is –too much- thought put into these inputs and it should be dumbed down onto Goomba’s level.
Goomba’s one input pushes an entire Ganondorf set level indeed. Goomba wanting to get squashed is just such great characterization, almost as good as Dirty Bubble willingly popping himself.
It undoubtedly is, considering Goombas exist to be squished so that new players can orgasm when they hear that delightful sound. Why do you think the Kremlings were removed in favor of wooden Goombas?
Because Miyamoto hates Donkey Kong Country what with it ruining the “brilliance” of his original creation. In any case, I much agree with father here. It might be better than DarkMega considering how the moveset falls in on itsel-
Number crunching.
Iggy. . .DarkMega doesn’t give the foe enough time to see just what the hell the chip is, and if they’re stupid enough to just pick up any old chip than they’re probably one of those 5 year old girl My Li-
Number crunching.
Iggy, if the time was increased so they COULD see, then he’d just be un-
Alright, so Mr. Mime does some decent stuff with invisibility, with stuff like the dsmash and finding out your location on demand with the portal recovery while the enemy still doesn’t know. The real draw here, though, is the great new take on shield breaking. It’s only really been touched on before after Subaru made everybody deathly afraid of being called a Super Macho Man rip-off as a thing to support any set, similar to prone. Here, though, I’d say it’s the main focus, and it plays with shields in a lot more interesting ways then just tacking shield damage onto every single one of your moves like in Macho Man. The best part is he can give them actual incentive to shield in the first place with moves like Fsmash, something everybody said Macho Man needed at the time before his reputation ascended to godhood, even Warlord.
. . .Oh. Yeah. Eheh heh, I actually didn’t finish it, considering it was a Smady set I kind of gave up on the writing halfway through. It’s just some a
ss rushed set for the finale so he could look better. Not like there’s any other way an a
ss like him would stay in leadership.
First, you only want him out of leadership because he doesn’t play PTA, and second it’s a joint between him and Nick.
Mmm. A joint between the two worst MYMers in all of MYM. This is an improvement, how?
Oh you’re just impossible. . .
One thing I’d think –you- would care about is how the set is just even MORE invisibility, if such a thing can even be conceived. What he does with the invisibility doesn’t feel like it’s breaking any new ground and it doesn’t link into what little I could figure out of the rest of his playstyle that well.
If he was just playing with the foe’s shield the whole time it’d probably get into Macho Man territory with him just doing generic shield damage to it. If you ask me, it needed something else for the set to fall back on.
Isn’t that what he has his crappy Muk style stage control for? Goop was last MYM so he can get away with that, I assume. Speaking of which, I found it hilarious how he mentioned Muk a few times in the set when if he ever wants to move forward he needs to BURY that sh
itty parkinson’s sufferer.
Honestly, I would say the stage control isn’t all that bad of a factor in the moveset, it’s more just taking away the foe’s color specifically than that of the stage, so I wouldn’t say there’s too much going on.
Then isn’t all of the stage control largely pointless? How about some of those tacky moves that Nick made later on in the set?
The character is pretty obligated to have the stage control considering what he does in the episode, so I wouldn’t really consider that too much going on.
Well, with all of this stuff combined he’s really overpowered. With that stupid invisibility of his, he can just heal 4% per second with the enemy having no way of figuring out where he is, much less with how he can move the stupid a
ss curtains around with the vacuum. If they get close, just use the portal recovery to escape for free. If he has the whole stage grayed out, they’ll be taking damage too more likely than not. That, and the fact he can do that makes him play a lot more like all the other boring invisibility characters we have floating around this MYM.
. . .Thank you, Iggy, I’m glad you’re bringing out that point in my favor, for once.
. . .Wait what, you like this moveset? Forget I said anything. I must now find an excuse to toss this moveset down into the depths of the Banbollow pit.
Horrible writing style?
Yes, that’s it! Horrible writing style! I owe you one, Larry.
I assume that means you’ll have to play PTA with us, mmmyeah?