Smash Lord
Make Your Move (MYM) is a 15-year strong writing contest centered around designing hypothetical movesets for Smash Bros. The moveset can be for any character from any medium - books, video games, anime, comics, films, mythology or real life. You can even invent an Original Character! Character love is the name of the game here.
Movesets are generally made for the most recent installment of the Smash series, that being Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as of now, but movesets for older Smash games or even Project M are allowed.
✯ MYM Overview ✯
Moveset Creation
Make Your Move (MYM) is a 15-year strong writing contest centered around designing hypothetical movesets for Smash Bros. The moveset can be for any character from any medium - books, video games, anime, comics, films, mythology or real life. You can even invent an Original Character! Character love is the name of the game here.
Movesets are generally made for the most recent installment of the Smash series, that being Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as of now, but movesets for older Smash games or even Project M are allowed.
✯ MYM Overview ✯
A moveset is made up of 23 inputs:
- 4 Special Moves [ Neutral | Down | Side | Up ]
- 5 Standard Attacks [ Jab | Dash Attack | Forward Tilt | Down Tilt | Up Tilt ]
- 3 Smash Attacks [ Forward | Down | Up ]
- 5 Aerial Attacks [ Neutral | Forward | Back | Up | Down ]
- 6 Grab-Game Inputs [ Grab | Pummel | Forward Throw | Back Throw | Down Throw | Up Throw ]
- Plus a Stats Section [ Movement | Size | Weight | any Unique Mechanics | etc. ]
You can list them in whatever order you want. Most movesets list Special Moves first, since their unique properties often tie a moveset together as a "core" and can be relevant to the rest of the moves. For example, Shulk's Monado Arts change up how the rest of his moves are used, so it'd be helpful to list his Special Moves at the beginning. Similarly, a character's Stats should go in the beginning bit.
Outside of that, the order varies a lot, but moves are almost always grouped together into the five sections bullet-pointed above. Do whatever you'd like here!
Other optional things you might want to include:
- Image of the character [ Recommended! ]
- Intro writeup for the character [ Recommended! ]
- Final Smash [ Recommended! ]
- Taunts
- Custom Specials
- Situational Attacks [ Ledge Attack | Getup Attack ]
- Miscellaneous Flavor [ Home Stage | Alternate Costumes | etc. ]
Having trouble writing a set? Just post in the thread or DM one of the five Leaders listed later in this post! We're always happy to check out WIP sets and provide feedback.
Traditionally, movesets are posted in the thread itself, as regular posts. However, a good number of MYMers instead host movesets offsite, such as with Google Docs, for the sake of formatting control, reliability or the like. For Google Docs in particular, there is a handy [ TEMPLATE ] you can use. If you're signed into Docs, just hit file > make a copy and you're good to go.
Commenting"Famous writers got to where they are due to reading a large amount of literature, and it’s the same with movesets. Commenting forces you to articulate that knowledge and put it to word; the helpfulness of this exercise cannot be overstated."
Movesets aren't the only form of writing that maintains MYM. All artists seek acknowledgement, whether it's critique for where they can improve or just straight-up praise. Even leaving a "Like" on the set or just saying "I liked it," is a semblance of acknowledgment. The time it takes to receive a comment varies between readers, but these days you can expect to receive at least 2 comments within 3 days of posting your set - one from Arctic Tern and myself. If you would like to write a comment yourself but are having trouble, you may find this article on writing comments helpful.
To emphasize the importance of reading and commenting, readers are required to post [ at least 10 Comments ] throughout the contest in order to vote. Reading every moveset in a contest is the hard part, especially when we get 20-30k behemoths, but you'll be a much stronger and more informed setmaker for the challenge - you'll learn how setmakers roll, and you might even receive inspiration for your own movesets.
RankingAn extension of Commenting is to form your own [ Rankings ] - take the movesets you've read and rank them from strongest to weakest in your own opinion. Be it a ten-star system, five-star system or category-based. Make your votelist public, as it were. Ranking sets is completely optional, though.
Current MYM26 Rankings:
- Katapultar
- Rychu
- Arctic Tern (with comments)
- Torgo the Bear
- GolisoPower (comments)
- Slavic
- bubbyboytoo
- Old Man Han
- KholdStare
- FrozenRoy
- majora_787 (with comments)
Created by KholdStare in MYM24, Jamcons are monthly, thematic mini-contests designed to give the contest extra, shorter movesets and more feedback. A participant has 4 days to write and submit a moveset that adheres to the Jamcon's theme. After that, readers - whether they posted a submission or not - have 2 weeks to comment on every entry, then nominate their favourite entry. The winner gets to choose the theme for the next Jamcon.
Jamcons are typically held between Friday to Tuesday at PST, which is the weekend for most people. The first Jamcon of a contest normally starts two weeks after the contest opens, to give time for people to read the opening movesets first, but it is up to the discretion of previous Jamcon's winner. I will update the OP with the submission and commenting periods of any Jamcons that are active at the time.
Contest's End
MYM25 went on for six months, but the sheer quantity of quality sets posted made it an insanely competitive contest. To dial it down, Make Your Move 26's submission period is set to [ end on July 31st ], so little over four months this time around to submit your movesets. After that, it's a reading period where readers catch up on all the moveset submissions, should they desire to vote.
Once a reader has posted at least 10 Comments and voting opens, they can submit a votelist to the contests' Vote Gurus on Smashboards via DM. More on reading + voting deadlines and the Vote Gurus when the submission period ends. Voters have up to 44 Votes to use, each split into 3 types of varying strength:
- 8 Super Votes [ 9 Points ]
- 16 Regular Votes [ 5 Points ]
- 20 Weak Votes [ 2 Points ]
A number of votes from each type can be upgraded into a [ Vote Plus ] (+), which is worth a few extra points:
- 1 Super Vote Plus [ 11 Points ]
- 3 Regular Vote Pluses [ 6 Points ]
- 5 Weak Vote Pluses [ 3 Points ]
The Super Vote Plus (SV+) is typically awarded to your favourite moveset in the contest, a badge of honour for any movesetter(s) lucky enough to receive it. To give you a general idea of what a votelist looks like, here are all the votelists from last contest. Be warned - 44 votes might sound like a lot, but it won't be enough room to fit in every moveset that you'll like!
You can't vote for your own movesets, of course. Otherwise everyone would SV+ their best moveset and so on.
The Top 50Once the reading + voting deadline has been reached and everyone has voted, the Leaders will tally up all the votes, break up the ties and pretty up the presentation to finalize everything. Then it's Top 50 time, baby! It's what MYM lives and dies for: a glorious list of the 50 best sets in the contest, or at least according to the clashing opinions of everyone who chooses to vote. A moveset needs at least two votes or the magic touch of a Super Vote in order to place, but chances are you'll need more than 9 points to place. Top 50s can consists of less than 50 sets, but be warned - MYM contests have become more fiercely competitive and stronger in quality since MYM24. Good movesets have and will missed placing in recent times, but there's no shame in not placing here.
After that, we wait a few weeks and then go do it all again in the next contest. It's an endless cycle of movesetting, until the day Make Your Move ends or one moves on with their life.
✯ Beyond The Thread ✯
MYM-Operated Communities and Sites
Our Discord [ LINK ] is the lifeblood of the MYM community - you'll find a ton of conversation that that goes far beyond the Make Your Move threads, including moveset comments and discussion. It is highly recommended to join if you wish to be a part of the Make Your Move community, whether it's for direct movesetting discussion or just talking about hobbies and life in general. Our community is more peaceful than it's ever been!
Equally important are our ancient Wordpress websites:
- The Bunker [ LINK ] archives MYM's older works: moveset lists from previous contests, links to older MYM threads as well as MYM-related articles, which anyone is free to write if they have a Wordpress account. The home page contains handy links to "The MYM'er Encyclopedia" (a list of every set made by every relevant and modern setmaker, including more recent newcomers) and "Every Moveset listed by Franchise", which is handy if you want to see whether an existing character has had a moveset made for them.
- The Stadium [ LINK ] displays an up-to-date list of every moveset that's been posted in MYM's current contest. It also, on lesser occasions, is used to post Top 50 and raw vote data from a contest when it ends, as well as announce a change of Leadership.
Unaffiliated ResourcesKuroganeHammer [ LINK ] and UltimateFrameData [ LINK ] both are treasure troves of technical details about moves in Smash Ultimate, as well as a handful of other games such as Smash 4. The latter even offers frame-by-frame hitbox visuals for every single attack in the game! Check them out if you want a reference point for how much damage a move should deal, how quick it should be, or anything like that.
The Smash Wiki [ LINK ] also has a decent amount of data, including statistics like character jump height, terminology, Smash Bros trivia from across the series, and more information of possible interest.
Redditor u/Nachowcheese has created an exhaustive spreadsheet [ LINK ] with KO percentages and trajectories for each of Ultimate's attacks, as experienced by the middling Mii Swordfighter from the center of Final Destination.
There exists a thread on Smashboards [ LINK ] which houses GIFs for some characters' attack hitboxes. The data is from Smash 4 and not Ultimate, but it's still a handy resource for the range and animation of moves.
Art of Smash [ LINK ] is a video series by Izaw about the intricacies of how Smash 4 is played. The first four videos are a little bit outdated, since Smash Ultimate has changes from Smash 4 (see the next paragraph for a better resource). The useful part is the videos that come after: an expansive list of character-specific videos, going over lots of tricks, combos, and techniques which can inspire moves in a MYM set. Most important, perhaps, is the videos' emphasis on the "playstyle" of a character, or the method by which one makes a moveset feel like a cohesive whole. In MYM, understanding this concept separates the wheat from the chaff.
There's also an ongoing sequel series to Art of Smash, called Art of Smash Ultimate, made by the same person and for the same purpose: [ LINK ]
✯ Leadership ✯
The [ Leaders ] are five old fossils who have been making their moves for more or less a decade. We moderate the MYM community where needed, and just serve as faces to turn to if any of you need problems or help with Make Your Move stuff.
The Leaders are:
- BKupa666 - Oldest of all the leaders, he's the big daddy with an even bigger association with King K. Rool. Loves Heavyweights, DKC, MCU, Breaking Bad and sneaking giant passion projects into the thread.
- UserShadow7989 - A friendly fellow who goes by the name ProfessorHawke on Discord. Best known for Original Characters and creating the Witchverse - an OC universe with entries from a good few setmakers - but is also big on LiveALive and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
- Katapultar - I'm an agent of esotericism and chaos who will go anywhere for cute and comical anime girls - especially ninjas. My character choices tend to be among the most obscure in Make Your Move.
- FrozenRoy - If it's cool, he likes it. Known for his strong grasp on Smash fundamentals, making joint sets with everyone and being one of the most gregarious members of the community. His comments brim with detail.
- Slavic - Reviver of the User Rankings, Slavic has a variety of tastes that range from classic animes (Madoka, classic Yu-Gi-Oh!, My Hero Academia) to MCU and various video games like Resident Evil, and of course Fire Emblem which 80% of the MYM community loves. A master of comedic writing, you'll never be bored when reading a Slavic set.
There are more reliable members beyond us, too!
- KholdStare - An old flame who took a hiatus and returned to us in MYM21. He's a consistently funny guy and now packing great vibes. He has also been working on a grand project to remake all of his first 40 movesets to modern sensibilities - a feat that no one else has undertaken on such a scale so far. Look out for that this contest!
- Junahu - Another old and influential setmaker who returned recently, Junahu is historically known for having some of the most stylish presentation of any setmaker. He is also the keeper of the Bunker - the icons on the site are his handiwork.
- Smash Daddy - One of the absolute biggest and most influential setmakers who truly lives up to his username. Effectively a 6th leader, the grind of real life has slowed Smady down over the last few contests, but he is still a presence and hanging in there with a few joint sets. Also a giant K. Rool advocate alongside Kupa, which is very important for everyone to know.
- n88 - A former leader who returned last contest after a long absence. The original Marvel guy, also associated with Persona 5 and Arc System games like BlazBlue. Sets range from short and funny to big and serious, but they all come with a witty charm. One of MYM's more comedic characters.
- Rychu - An older setmaker and master of stylish Google Docs presentations to fit the character - you'll always find something inspirational with these sets. Currently very associated with One Piece, with two OP 10th placings over the last two contests.
- ForwardArrow - One of MYM's most long-standing and influential members with more wins than any other setmaker. He's a former leader who has stepped back to focus on other writing projects, but he can be relied upon for strong commentary and even stronger movesets when the inspiration strikes. A fan of dark, serious works like the Fate series.
- BridgesWithTurtles - A recent MYM returnee like n88, Jay aims for in-Smash movesets and many characters that could make it into Smash, primarily Nintendo and Sega characters.
- WeirdChillFever - A duck-orientated fellow and enjoyer of Ducktales, Fire Emblem and Nintendo franchises. Tends to put all their duck eggs in one basket with one big, ambitious project every contest.
- GolisoPower - A social butterfly who has picked up some great tastes from MYM, like the Fate and LiveALive series. Goliso is a very frequent presence in the chat, and is perhaps the setmaker who is most associated with modern hypothetical story modes (where we all discuss story mode potential with every set that's been posted in a given contest - it's very fun, and another reason you should join the Discord if you haven't already).
- bubbyboytoo - An advocate for simple sets who can always be relied upon to write clean, pleasant movesets. Strongly associated with Kirby and Hololive.
- Almand - A fighting game guru with a joyous persona. Doesn't frequent the chat often, but the works they do post are big-time passion projects. Their Alex moveset from last contest weighed in at 40,000 words!
- dilliam - A fellow who has recently associated themselves with the Nostalgia Critic. Has been quiet over the last few contests, but is said to have some evil plans for this contest...
- Arctic Tern - A long-time lurker who finally joined in MYM25 and blessed us with quick comments and a dozen quality movesets. Associated with many anime-themed video games like Touhou, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fate and many others. Also advocates for the Sam & Max games.
- Old Man Han/Daehypeels - Do you know about the FFC community? Neither did we, until they came on the last day of MYM25 and offered up 40+ movesets. Han knows where it's at in MYM with the big heavyweights and villains, while Daehypeels managed to slip into the Top 50 last contest - more difficult and competitive than anay contest before it. With FFC and MYM now one, you can bet that we have more setmakers than ever... and naturally a more competitive MYM than ever.
Now that you know the crew, take a look at the finest MYM25 had to offer from its Top 10. They're long, but worth the read!
- Hakumen by n88 and FrozenRoy
- Jodie Reynolds by UserShadow7989
- Elder Princess Shroob by BKupa666
- Remilia Scarlet by Arctic Tern
- Sleaze by Almand
- Oono Tsukuyo by Katapultar
- Cranky Kong by BKupa666 and Smash Daddy
- Berkeley and Cartwright by UserShadow7989
- Kuda Izuna by Katapultar
- Whitebeard by Rychu and FrozenRoy
RulesMake Your Move has [ RULES ], just like the rest of Smashboards. In the rare case where someone does break the rules, make sure you report them instead of replying to their post.
Now... are you all ready to Make Your Move?
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