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Mafia soon maybe?


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
SQUAT Mafia​

'Twas a long summer day in the land of Queens, under the roof of the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre Stadium, even though the summer had just started. Australia does that. Many people had arrived to SQUAT, and though many were confused by the name and thought it was a squatting competition, many more were there for the Brawl and Melee ready to errupt, but they couldn't have possibly known how close to correct the names of those games would be to the events ready to happen.

Though Australia's best, the reigning king Corpsecreate, couldn't afford to arrive, many others had arrived to challenge the title for second place. Sure, they couldn't usurp the king, but why not aim for the place as his jester? The best of the best other than him (though sadly Sieg's son couldn't afford to come as well, leaving the father/son couple seperated in a heartbreaker) all arrived to duke it out, but after a particularly gruesome match, where both competitors had hung on by the skin of their teeth, one man walked away angry, having thrown his controller to the ground. Now things were more than a game.

After many attempts to find him by the people of the tournaments, his body was eventually found, tossed aside like trash in the Street Fighter 4 area, the last place anyone thought to look. The Street Fighter players, assuming it was some weird Wii game, merely left the body, and resumed their much better game. As the Smashers returned their body to their hallowed ground, somebody noticed the fact he was covered in blood, and there were six bullet holes in his chest. "By god, this was no accident! This was murder!" Someone yelled from the crowd, as the body was dropped in shock. Who could do such a thing? Why was it done? There could only be one culprit: the mafia!

The commentator's body was now surrounded by mourners, but they quickly formed up into a mob, knowing they would have to lynch the mafia amongst them, and quickly, before they, too, became like S.D. They knew now not to get greedy.

S.D., the Commentator Who Got Greedy, has been shot several unnecessary times to death! Oh, and hacked and slashed.


1) Please enjoy this game and do not act in a manner that would make the game unenjoyable for others! (This includes personal attacks!)
2) The game mod is the game god. However, if you feel the game god happens to be testing your faith by placing an error in the game, then please feel free to point it out!
3) Editing your posts is not allowed, and multi-posting is instead encouraged in its place. Any and all edits will be reversed!
4) If you are allowed to communicate with another player outside of this thread, then please follow the communication instructions within your role PM!
5) Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Mod. Failure to comply will result in a modkill. You may paraphase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words!
6) Please follow the confirmation instructions in your role PM!
7) All votes must follow the format of "Vote: NAME".
8) You are not required to unvote, however if you do, then please use the format of "Unvote".
9) You may vote for No Lynch.
10) A lynch will occur when a majority of votes has been reached.
11) If a majority has not been reached, then there is a forced No Lynch.
12) A) Deadline for the Day Phase will equal a time of ten days.
12) B) Deadline for the Night Phase will equal a time of two days.
13) During any day phase a player may perform the action "Request: Deadline Extension". The deadline will be extended by 2 days. Each player may do this once time throughout the course of the game.
15) Twilight Phase will occur between Day Phase and Night Phase. All living players including those about to be lynched will be allowed to communicate in thread until a death scene is posted.
16) After your death you are allowed to select one of the following as a final remark:
"I got greedy."
"Go town!"
"We love you Luigi!"
"The mafia will get you yet!"
17) You are expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you are not active for a period longer than 48 hours, you will receive a prod. If you do not post in thread with-in 48 hours of prod, you will be replaced. Multiple prods will result in replacement at moderator's discretion. If you have pre-planned absence, then please notify the game mod ahead of time and you will not be prodded.
18) Failure to adhere to rules will result in replacement or modkill based on the moderator's discretion.
19) Please avoid using HTML and coloured font in your posts.
20) Example Role PM:
Vanilla Townie Role PM said:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, {Name}. You are {Role Name}, the Vanilla Townie.

Though you have come to this tournament with high hopes, you are left now powerless, with nothing other than your determination to claim glory from the jaws of defeat and death.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please confirm your role by quoting it back to me. You can find the game thread here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=9466501.
  • All roles are assigned at random
  • Alas, there are no Jesters in this game
  • Nor Politicians or Survivors, but they're not as cool as Jesters.

1. Vlade
2. Arrow
3. Melancholy
4. Muzga
5. Shaya
6. MTGod
7. KamiStriker
8. Lord Bowser

1. Unreon


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
And time for the public set up post to prevent foreknowledge from the last game hurting this one. This is going to make life hard on you mafia, sorry. :(
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Shaya, the Cop! Though you have a rather large tendency to complain, you know alot about the Australian Smash scene, and the people who play it. In addition to that, you're one of the (if not the) best Eastern State Smashers, and if it weren't for Corpsecreate, everyone would want to be like you.

Active Abilities:
You may target a player to be inspected, thus discovering their alignment. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing either [Guilty] or [Innocent]. This ability may only be used during the Night phase.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Amaterasu, the Doctor! Currently in training to be a full one, you're also the best Metaknight in Australia, and are eager to take the title. While you don't take an active part in the community as a whole, your presence gives people something to aspire for, and thus helps the scene anyway.

Active Abilities:
You may target a player to be protected, this will protect them from one kill for one night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Masked Love Bandit:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are LordBowser, the Masked Love Bandit! As your username indicates, you're one of the few Bowser mains left, and even you are succumbing to the Metaknight plague. However, you're also one of the most laidback people in the scene, and one more than willing to help it grow. This is symbolized in your undying doubles teamship with Muzga, as the Masked Love Bandits.

Passive Abilities:
You are in a masonry with Muzga (x player) and may talk to him/her outside the game using this quick topic,

Active Abilities:
[HIDDEN ABILITY]: You have a hidden active ability that may be activated throughout the game. You will be notified if this occurs.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Masked Love Bandit 2:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Muzga, the Masked Love Bandit! You're an aspiring musician, with an emphasis currently on raging beats yo. In addition to that and being one of the up-and-coming trolls of the Western scene, you have an undying teamship with LordBowser.

Passive Abilities:
You are in a masonry with Lord Bowser (x player) and may talk to him/her outside the game using this quick topic: url here.

Active Abilities:
[HIDDEN ABILITY]: You have a hidden active ability that may be activated throughout the game. You will be notified if this occurs.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Friendly Neighbour:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are DJ Cat, the Friendly Neighbour! Though you don't take much of an active part outside your respective scene, you put more than enough into that scene, and are possibly the most friendly person on the planet.

Active Abilities:
You may target a player, thus revealing your alignment to that player. They will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing your alignment.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Vanilla Townie 1:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Tedeth, the Vanilla Townie!

Though you have come to this tournament with high hopes and alot of anticipation behind you, you are left now powerless, with nothing other than your determination to claim glory from the jaws of defeat and death.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Vanilla Townie 2:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are I_LAG, the Vanilla Townie!

Though you have come to this tournament with high hopes and ready to confuse and troll, you are left now powerless, with nothing other than your determination to claim glory from the jaws of defeat and death.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Vanilla Townie 3:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Arrow, the Vanilla Townie!

Though you have come to this tournament (and driven many with you) with high hopes, you are left now powerless, with nothing other than your determination to claim glory from the jaws of defeat and death.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Mafia Goon:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Richard_7, the Mafia Goon!

You have come to this tournament to prove you are just as capable as your brother, Corpsecreate, and though many have faith in you as an up-and-comer, not enough do, so you take force into your own hands, before you take your own in your needless depression.

Faction Abilities:
Communication: You are in the mafia with x (Romantik), the Mafia Hooker. You may speak with them at any time throughout the game, however you must also provide me with logs of all communications as well. You are also trying to find the Mafia Traitor amongst the town.

Mafia Night Kill: Once per night, the members of the mafia must agree on a player to kill. Failing to decide within the allotted time frame will result in a ‘no-kill’.

Recruitment: You are also trying to find the Mafia Traitor amongst the town. Each night you may forgo your Night Kill in exchange for attempting to recruit the Mafia Traitor.

Win Conditions:
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
Mafia Hooker:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Romantik, the Mafia Hooker!

Well-known in Perth as the only man who wants to, and enjoys, playing gay, you have gone to SQUAT Mafia with your Metaknight in tow, ready to take down the competition in the game of gay, and you're prepared to use anything to take WA to glory, including your gun, and your little known skills from when you were a crossdressing dancer.

Active Abilities:
You may target a player, thus causing any attempted actions by them to fail for the current night phase. The targeted player will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing "You just received a nice distracting dance."

Faction Abilities:
Communication: You are in the mafia with x (Richard_7), the Mafia Goon. You may speak with them at any time throughout the game, however you must also provide me with logs of all communications as well. You are also trying to find the Mafia Traitor amongst the town.

Mafia Night Kill: Once per night, the members of the mafia must agree on a player to kill. Failing to decide within the allotted time frame will result in a ‘no-kill’.

Recruitment: You are also trying to find the Mafia Traitor amongst the town. Each night you may forgo your Night Kill in exchange for attempting to recruit the Mafia Traitor.

Win Conditions:
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
Mafia Traitor:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Proxy, the Mafia Traitor!

Coming from WA along with your good friend Kane, you two are ready to tear the competition up, not only in singles, but with your (hypothetically) unstoppable doubles team. Though you don't play nearly as gay as Kane, your decision to leave WA for Queensland has given you the good position of hiding amongst the crowd as someone they'd never suspect, though it means you can't contact the ones you need to, yet.

Passive Abilities:

Knowledge: You know the Mafia aligned players, however you do not count towards their numbers and you cannot privately communicate with them. They do not know who you are.

The players with Mafia alignment are: x & y.

Active Abilities:

[HIDDEN ABILITY]: You have a hidden active ability that may be activated throughout the game. You will be notified if this occurs.

Win Condition:
You are mafia-aligned and you win your faction has an undeniable majority rule or nothing can prevent this.
Serial Killer:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, x! You are Level 9 Luigi, the Serial Killer!

You're an unknown from the world outside WA, but you're ready to make your mark. Sure, they underestimate you: you're just a bot, after all. Hell, you can't even progress in the tournament! But once you've shown them your strength, a shoryuken here, a forward smash there, they'll learn soon not to underestimate the one true king of Smashboards!

Passive Abilities: You have a one-time night kill protection.

Active Abilities: You may target a player once per night phase, thus killing them.

Win Conditions:
You win if only you are alive (or if nothing can prevent the same).


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
im in again too
But what happened to the other game exactly?

Edit: oh wait, just read the other thread. okay. Thats kinda lame.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Ill be happy to be in this game again.
But could we have faster Day-times? I think the last one dragged on for too long, and a sharper deadline (and if we want to, can extend it) would help things out.

Are we able to reveal our roles from the last game now for the lulz?


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
I'm having to make too many compromises with the setup for it to be worth running now, really, so if Melancholy/whoever it was wants to run the game they wanted to. If nobody wants to, I guess I'll modify the setup for 9, but otherwise, just go play that game instead.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Well if Melancholy wants to run his game, he can go for it. Otherwise I'd like to either whip up something nice and fun to run or I could run my epic 18 manner that I've been writing for months, but I don't know whether or not I should run it here.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
I honestly cant be ***** at the moment, uni has just gone back and I am lazy, running a mafia game is the least of my prioritys.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I honestly cant be ***** at the moment, uni has just gone back and I am lazy, running a mafia game is the least of my prioritys.
I hear that Melancholy.
Well, let's give it a couple days to figure out what to do.

Smaller games are always fun, but I also have an epic setup I want to run, but Idk we'll see.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Epic setup please :D I like playing with the other aussies coz there's a bit less pressure seeing I've never played in Decisive games before (and probably not serious enough to)


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I think it was Summoner (Or Pete) I was talking to who said he was going to run a setup he'd come up with. It's a closed setup, so it's going to be quite interesting to see play out.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Give me a couple of weeks. I actually have a Mafia set up in the works that I'd like to run, we'll see.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
If this is happening again ill take part
always down for mafia
well whatever you guys want to do anyway.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Well, Xiivi said he would run Xiivi Loves America Mafia 2 if I got the numbers for him

I count 7 so far, probably need at least 2 more.

Marteh, Alex, Scabe, Myself,Vlade, Arrow, Muzga

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