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[M-1/2/10/17/22] Oddworld Mafia -- END! Town won!


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Well, actually since Nich's questions is pretty much the same

Who do you want to focus on and what do you want to talk about before the day ends EP?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
We'll have a doc. Doc should flip a coin and protect either Cello or myself, regardless of what possible powers Cello may acquire. Scum'll need to risk 50/50 if they want to kill either of us. Wifom is our friend.

You didn't seem worried at the time, is my point. Seemed to be confused not worried until I asked you about it. Why are you worried? What could this mean?

X1, why Gordito? You are aware of the mechanics of this game, I assume. Also, PR trading ability lasts for one night only. Little point in targeting Cello for that. We can't keep everyone alive, but we can give the best chances to certain players. Few scum risk a blocked NK.

Cello, X1's intro was classic X-town, I'll tell you that. But he's not a player to underestimate.

Happy for the hammer to fall anytime.
If me or gordito hammer then since we will never get NKed, town might gain a one-shot ability. if Cello hammers then is NKed, we lose cello as a player and the ability

I may even unvote for this purpose


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

Congrats May and Mcfox =D

Vote Count

[6] JoanBud: EdreesesPieces / Swiss / GorditoBoy69 / X1-12 / J / Nicholas1024
[2] J: Cello_Marl / smargaret
[1] Nicholas1024: Mayling
[1] Mayling: SummonerAu
[1] Swiss: JoanBud

[0] SummonerAU
[0] X1-12
[0] EdreesesPieces
[0] GorditoBoy69
[0] Xastrn
[0] Cello_Marl
[0] Smargaret

[1] Not Voting: Xastrn

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Deadline is Wednesday September 29th, Noon GMT


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
If Joan is scum:

1) Edreesespieces exchanges with Joan took the positions of "Cello is bad", and "We aren't gathering any information", retrorespectively. This position, as well as how they followed it up, led to EP gaining virtually no credit for attacking Joan whenever he did. It doesn't look like they are distancing to me. Also, while I don't know them both well enough to be certain of this, I don't believe that Joan/EP scummates would have planned to have EP skim and claim that I was being sarcastic in their exchange over when I said "I'm attempting to appear as townie as possible", then have Joan tongue-lashing EP at any chance available; one such example was when Joan explained what "latter" meant in a condescending manner. If EP was going to be the person they wanted to look good, why make him look bad? (This is a similar line of thought one I used to clear Omis in Tree Stump, although the "final form" argument I used there isn't present here)

If Joan = scum, EP = town

2) Xastrn is similar to EP in many ways. Joan took as many opportunistic shots as he could at Xastrn at a time when he thought he would come out on top in our battle. Swiss can explain it better than me.

3) Summoner is a hard one. I know he's town, it's just difficult to explain why. Joan has to have support somewhere; no scum can simply attack everyone then ride "but I've provoked discussion" all the way to endgame.

I was going to make a seperate section about what I thought if Joan ends up town, but I'm burning out, and I'll be heading out to get lunch with Meimu and McFox and Daddykins and Elder One later. Maybe just Elder One and Daddykins. But lunch.

I wanted to wait and talk about what we should do, but X1 unnerves me from his acceptance of my running things. Even at the end of Community, he wasn't sure if directing town was scummy or not. Even if he just ascribes my behavior to "Cello being Cello", "X1 being X1" should be opposing it, even if just to get me to stop.

I'm hammering now. Unvote if applicable, Vote JoanBud


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
CELLO, consider my proposal 2 posts ago before hammering

also remember that there is no twilight phase, meaning directing PRs must be done before hammering


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
@X1: I find your hammering proposal very suspect. I understand the logic of you saying, "We're scummy looking town, so we won't get NKed." But that assumes you are both town. You've both been getting scummy reads from others, and I had a post typed up already proposing that one or both are you are scum. Now you've link yourselves together. Not the best move.

@Cello: We were kind of hoping to hammer ourselves, but I can understand why you rushed it out. With Nick putting us at L-1 right at 13 hours and others putting pressure against you, I can see why you would just get it out of the way. D2 should be very interesting.

If Joan flips town, I think D2's focus should be on Gordito and X1.

If Joan flips scum, I still thank Gordito and X1 should be watched carefully, but we still have J to deal with. Joan being scum makes the soft town-read we picked up on before very suspect.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
And so...

Vote Count

[7] JoanBud: EdreesesPieces / Swiss / GorditoBoy69 / X1-12 / J / Nicholas1024 / Cello_Marl

[1] J: smargaret
[1] Nicholas1024: Mayling
[1] Mayling: SummonerAu
[1] Swiss: JoanBud

[0] SummonerAU
[0] X1-12
[0] EdreesesPieces
[0] GorditoBoy69
[0] Xastrn
[0] Cello_Marl
[0] Smargaret

[1] Not Voting: Xastrn

...it was decided.

The inhabitants all turned to face… the Paramite.

“Well? Tell us where Abe is.”

“We think you’re the one working with him.”

“It’s YOU!

An enormous blood-bathed meat-slicing drill was quickly activated. The inhabitants closed in on the Paramite, forcing it to take baby steps closer to its soon-to-be-mutilated demise! This wasn’t going to be a pretty sight. Cornered, the poor Paramite attempted to hiss its way out of death, but its efforts were entirely in vain. That is until a particular inhabitant proposed a different plan.

“What’s inside… its mind?”

Everyone looked around, all curious and interested.

“Hm, what IS inside its mind?” asked another.

Commotion began to stir.

“I will proceed to possess this creature and uncover its truths.”

The particular inhabitant, now the Paramite’s possessor, closed its eyes. Its face was expressionless, its body motionless. In no time at all, a chant manifested and a stream of bubbling blue aura streamed out of the possessor’s mind and into the body of the Paramite. Poor soul.

“Yes, I can see it all! This creature… it’s sneaky… it lies still on its web. It watches and adapts.”

Everyone looked curiously at the possessor, but then noticed the Paramite had just exploded into teeny tiny fragments – a side effect of the possession! Such a cruel way to go.

<object width="480" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CmoSsoj5NxU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CmoSsoj5NxU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="25"></embed></object>

JoanBud, wild Paramite, Mafiosi Watcher, has been possessed and subsequently exploded.

The possessor turned to face the rest of the inhabitants at the reunion.

“I feel... different.”

It is now Night 1! Please do not make posts during the Night phase. All Night actions are due in 48 hours! Please send them to me!


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

"Hm? I'm sleeping. What is it?"

"I can hear something."

"Hm? What?"


"Hm? Like what?"

"SHHH!... It's really quiet... Footsteps?"

"Hm? Just go back to b-"


And it was so sudden - all the inhabitants quickly woke up to the sound of an echoing scream amidst this dark dank night at the Bonewerkz Factory. They turned on the lights and noticed a large hole in the floor that was once filled just seconds ago. Whoever slept there, really wasn't sleeping there any longer, for they had just fallen 10000ft to their demise.

How un-fall-tunate :chuckle:

smargaret, trained Slog, Vanilla Townie, has fallen to their death!​


"Look! That lever over there is pulled! Maybe that's what activated the hole! Do you think he was behind this?" asked an inhabitant.

"We'll never be entirely sure" replied another.

"Abe, that sneaky *******" said another.

Commotion began to stir.

The inhabitants decided to establish a trail in the morning. They had recently killed the spider-like Paramite and thought it was in their best interest to explore the wilderness of Oddworld for better clues as to Abe's whereabouts. Perhaps he's a lot closer than they think. As the morning arrived, it was a brand new day, and the inhabitants set out on their journey.

The tension is rising. In the untouched zones of Oddworld, DAY 2 BEGINS!

<object width="480" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VaUxJI3Umg&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1?rel=0&autoplay=1 "></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VaUxJI3Umg&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1?rel=0&autoplay=1 " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="25"></embed></object>



[0] Swiss
[0] SummonerAU
[0] X1-12
[0] EdreesesPieces
[0] Xastrn
[0] GorditoBoy69
[0] J
[0] Cello_Marl
[0] Nicholas1024
[0] Mayling

[10] Not Voting: Swiss / SummonerAU / X1-12 / EdreesesPieces / Xastrn / GorditoBoy69 / J / Cello_Marl / Nicholas1024 / Mayling

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
Deadline set for Tuesday, October 5th, Noon GMT.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
vote: J
His vote was on smargaret yesterDay. Last night smargaret died.
Plus, all of yesterDay's stuff that we were talking about before.

1 night kill means no indie, or else someone got doctored.
@Cello, who did you watch last night?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I fail to see the logic, Xas.

X1 - you've had all night to prepare your answer, it'sa be a beast amirite? Musta forgot to answer it in the first post of the day, what with J being so totally the play.

J - Who's scum? What do you think of the NK? Why would Smarg be targeted? Better answer this fast, I'll try to hold back the wagon on you. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGO

Would like to see Gord post.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Hmm... Funny... Cello didn't die :p. Either we have a good doc, or...

But aside from that:


J had his vote on smargaret for about half of the day, and then switched his scum picks to Joan, me, and Summoner, iirc. Not saying that that was a way to bus a scum buddy, but still. Just something to think about.

My real question to everyone is: why would it be smargaret? Why the newbie (of [I believe] many newbies) of the bunch? CAN it be that J didn't like em and just NK'd him? Idk. His other scum buddy (assuming that it was a 3 man scum team to begin with) probably wouldn't want to put him out there like that. Or, J's an idiot, his scum buddy realizes this, let J NK, and now, his scum buddy's gonna **** the crap out of that case. tl;dr: I don't know what to make of that NK.

And FYI: J signed up for ANOTHER game. So my vote goes to

Vote: Cello

Nah I'm just playin.


Vote: J

Be more active, or just request replacement please. It's really hard dealing with you when you're in 1 other game. Now we have to deal with you being in ANOTHER? Idk if this guy's REALLY lurking or if he legit has no computer. But he's deadweight. And if we have to trim the fat, then we will.

And I'm just gonna ask @J

Are you a guy or girl? I'm just OCD about that stuff, calling girls "he" or "him" :p.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
J explained he was a guy, you missed this?

Surprised that you, being opposed to the J lynch, and giving him some 'town points' and

The fact that he posted, first of all, and that he GAVE scum picks. J's new, so for now, I'll give him a bit of leeway. I'd like him to pick it up, but what he gave was a start.
are now wagoning him. Like your ninja on me, though.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
K. Meta.

Why did you put him forward as a possible hammerer? Being town =/= wanting to hammer in this game.
He was on the wagon, I don't see why he would not want to hammer, I put him forward because I knew no-one would ever NK him, unless he gained some amazing ability, and even then atleast we would only lose gordito

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm wagoning him, cuz something's up. He (I did miss when he said he was a guy :p I'll take ur word) says he has minimal time to play, yet

/In Villains

only because I saw Zen is now in it ;O I wanna redo evil puppet master person :mad088:
that happens. He really has to be either lurking it up, or just doesn't have enough time to commit to mafia.

If he's lurking, we catch scum.

If he doesn't have enough time, then we trim the fat.

He's posting JUST in time to not get a prod. And I don't really like it. I'd prefer not to deal with his crappy activity anymore.


Not mad, just heartbroken :(. I'll get better in due time.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

And yesterDay, it was more of the scum > useless game. I don't find anyone here particularly SCUMMY. So, it's time to trim the fat. If I catch a scum slip, I'd drop my vote. But we have nowhere else to go right now.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
He joined during the night.

Do you think starting a wagon (or indeed jumping on it) is beneficial to town at this stage? Do you think there are other ways you could have approached the start of the day? You asked (then answered in the same post) a question to Xas, and did nothing else other than wagon.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I'm with the cello on the 'don't fear hammering if you are a PR' thing

although I did just realise why proposing him as a hammerer might be bad :/ lol..

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
He joined during the night.
It's the fact that he believes he has enough time to join another game, while BARELY being active in this one.

Do you think starting a wagon (or indeed jumping on it) is beneficial to town at this stage?
Yea, I do. J is nothing but a burden to us with his playing conditions, and unless we can find someone else to target, I don't think he deserves to be alive.

Do you think there are other ways you could have approached the start of the day?
Of course there are different ways to approach the day. But I feel that this is the best way for town's interest, so far.

You asked (then answered in the same post) a question to Xas, and did nothing else other than wagon.
The only part that was directed to Xas individually was saying that J only had his vote on smarg through half of the Day. The "why smarg" thing was more of a rhetorical question. But I'd like to hear from other people why they think smarg might've been the NK, cuz I'm stumped in that field.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yea, I do. J is nothing but a burden to us with his playing conditions, and unless we can find someone else to target, I don't think he deserves to be alive.
My point being, for a man with no scum reads, you have made no move or attempt to find scum.

You are effectively saying "I'll lynch J, but if someone else makes a case, I'll wagon that instead".

You have conflicting stances on J - you want to give him leeway yesterday, yet before 90% of people have even realised this thread is open you are wagoning him for inactivity today. You use "he joined another game" as an excuse that he is lurking, when his activity after /inning that game is an unknown quantity. It is possible, yet not sufficient justification.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So then give it time to BE sufficent.

And no- I'm not just saying that I'll wagon hop to whoever accuses whoever as scum. I don't have enough time right now, but I'm prepared to do a reread and check things out. The only person that I was able to identify as scum from D1 was Joan. And the most useless person in the game at this point is J, due to his activity. I'm wagoning J for inactivity, and the fact that he'll be in ANOTHER game makes me think hey- is this guy really as "inactive" as I thought he was?

To my knowledge, J is the only one with access to the Disco Room- am I right?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
C'mon guys, lets just lynch X1 and J and be done with this. J first, because I have proof of his lying to us.

All I have is my itouch to surf on the internet at home since I, myself, do not have a personal computer and I have only a few instances where I can try and get on a computer but never enough time to make a mafia post. See here is my dilemna, if I post in a color font than I am on a computer and can post, If I post in a non color it is usually a short post made from my itouch.
J could have been referring to a friend's computer, or an internet cafe, or something like that, as unlikely as that is. But, then he says:

J said:
I am going to try and make a case against you but can't cause of library computer time restraints.
Which tells us that J uses the public library to make pink colored posts.

Normally, I would have asked J if he used a friend's computer to make sure that we caught him in a lie, but this post makes that unnecessary. As you can see at the bottom of the post, J says, "I'll be sure to do my thoughts shortly but i just got home. T.T". What color is the post in? Pink. From a post made from home. Where J doesn't have a computer.

This link leads to the Official BBR Tier List v5 thread, and is proof that J doesn't use a library terminal for his pink posts. In it, you can clearly see a time stamp, and as J lives in the United States, we can deduce that he must have posted that somewhere from 10:17 p.m to 1:17 a.m. local time, well past almost any public library terminal's open hours. We can infer that J wants us to believe he uses a library terminal from the above quote in post #313, but since that cannot be true, we know J is lying to us.


Besides, think about it. Who in the world has 2000+ posts on SMASHBOARDS and doesn't have a home computer? That's ridiculous. Technically possible, yes. But so extraordinarily unlikely that it can be disregarded.

@X1: Quit skimming. I've made my thoughts and stances of Summoner and EP quite clear.

@Gordito: smargaret was killed because she was a strong, intelligent player that nobody thought the doc would protect.

J is scum (and male, I checked his deviantART). If he truly wanted to go invisible for the pathetic excuse that he gave (not wanting to give us a wrong impression [in and of itself bad]), then why is he STILL invisible. He lied to us. (Plus, he has joined two games, not just one: Villains and Majora's Mask.)

@Swiss: X1 wanting to hammer (which was his real goal; he just threw Gordito in there so he wouldn't stand out so much) was the final straw. He knew Joan was a PR, he just wanted to salvage the role. You'll also notice that X1 voted early (on me, probably because he knows I'm difficult to lynch, but that ultimately doesn't matter), and let it sit there, so he would have the ability to hammer whoever would be lynched. Joan and J and tried to use theirs to direct people's attention to the wagons they wanted. Also, at the start of this Day, X1 wasted no effort in questioning J. He's not really trying to save him, but he IS trying to associate his name with J's lynch. Every Day after toDay, he was going to try saying "But, I was on BOTH scum lynches!"

Gordito is town for the same reasons Joan was scum and Xastrn is town. Gordito's reaction to X1 in post #378 felt genuine and spontaneous, which if true, would make him town.

@Xastrn: Who I targeted doesn't matter for the moment. Also, independents aren't necessarily Serial Killers, they just often are. Not that that really matters, it's almost assuredly a 9 v 3 game; no one has shown any underlying personal survival instinct with that sole motivation. Everyone who has one here has an agenda.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@X1: Quit skimming. I've made my thoughts and stances of Summoner and EP quite clear.
3) Summoner is a hard one. I know he's town, it's just difficult to explain why.
Can you explain this more then?

@Swiss: X1 wanting to hammer (which was his real goal; he just threw Gordito in there so he wouldn't stand out so much)
Errm and you know this how?

He knew Joan was a PR, he just wanted to salvage the role.
No I didn't, LOL, even if I was scum, why would I try so hard to salvage a watcher role, which is pretty lame. I will also point out that this whole point is based on the assumption that I'm scum.

You'll also notice that X1 voted early (on me, probably because he knows I'm difficult to lynch, but that ultimately doesn't matter), and let it sit there, so he would have the ability to hammer whoever would be lynched
Yeah sure I voted you early on, but that bolded bit is entirely an assumption on your part. Even if I did that for the purposes of hammering does it make me scum? no.

Joan and J and tried to use theirs to direct people's attention to the wagons they wanted. Also, at the start of this Day, X1 wasted no effort in questioning J.
Yup, I wanted J to post (see community mafia start of D3)

He's not really trying to save him, but he IS trying to associate his name with J's lynch. Every Day after toDay, he was going to try saying "But, I was on BOTH scum lynches!"

And once again you know this.. how?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
FYI watcher is an awesome power, whether for town or mafia. (In fact, in my very first game, I found out two scum with a watcher role.)

And as far as thoughts on Cello... I don't have much to say aside from Cello = town.

You've got me convinced on J, but I'm not completely sold on X1-scum yet. Although you make a good point about the hammering thing, I just don't see a relatively new player bussing both scumbuddies back to back.


Nov 7, 2008
okay guys I just read the last four-five pages. Most of them irrelevant now because I can't rightly post on the content, because being like "ohh I totally agreed with a joanbud lynch" is worthless since now it's just a "safe" statement. again, sorry I was gone so long.

if anyone has any questions for me that you still want answered, please restate them.

i really like cello's most current post on J and am ready to see J to go. nice catch on the lie. vote: J
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