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[M-1/2/10/17/22] Oddworld Mafia -- END! Town won!


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
I'm STRONGLY suspicious of Gordito right now. Everything sounds phony to me. The whole "i can't IMAGINE" why anyone would target smargaret" bit is unconvincing. Town would speculate, and ask questions. Scum trying to LOOK town would feign that they don't understand the night kill just to try to subtly appear as if they didn't do it themselves.

@Cello, post #378 didn't sound genuine to me at all.
@Cello, also, we'd like to hammer today if we've got a clear play, which I think we will. If you trust your town read on us, you should let us hammer. We had talked (Xatres and I), about ninja'ing your hammer but I was at work when the opportunity arose, and couldn't check the thread at the time (although I do frequently check it at work on some days) and Xatres wasn't sure about making such a bold move in his first game. Our read on you is Town all the way, and we feel the hammer is safe in your hands, but that doesn't mean you necessarily are the best hammerer without some careful discussion.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Liking Cello catching J in a lie. My vote stays.


If you don't remember correctly, you were so genuine on your pro townness when you said that you were NOT on the Vrael-Roxy lynches and that you WERE on the Swords lynch. That'd be a good reason, for me, to think that once you bus J and he flips scum, and once people accuse you, you'll have the "I was on both scum lynches" card.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK

If you don't remember correctly, you were so genuine on your pro townness when you said that you were NOT on the Vrael-Roxy lynches and that you WERE on the Swords lynch. That'd be a good reason, for me, to think that once you bus J and he flips scum, and once people accuse you, you'll have the "I was on both scum lynches" card.
Would you bus your two scummates D1 and D2?

now think again

Would I?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
^ I just realised how much WIFOM in that post

but still, I don't really think thats a solid line of attack, I'm scum because I lynched scum D1


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

Vote Count:

[4] J: Xastrn / GorditoBoy69 / Nicholas1024 / Mayling

[0] Swiss
[0] SummonerAU
[0] X1-12
[0] EdreesesPieces
[0] Xastrn
[0] GorditoBoy69
[0] Cello_Marl
[0] Nicholas1024
[0] Mayling

[6] Not Voting: Swiss / SummonerAU / X1-12 / EdreesesPieces / J / Cello_Marl

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
Deadline set for Tuesday, October 5th, Noon GMT.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
My ego's not big.

Sure, your ego's nowhere near as big as someone like Swiss', but to go as far as to say that YOU were one of the most pro town people because of who you bussed and didn't bus, that takes a lot of confidence.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
you know bussing is only when scum kills their scummates right?

also that has nothing to do with this game?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
You know what I meant -_-. Don't change the subject.

And what it means is that you can hide behind your "pro townness cuz I got 2 scum lynched". Ryker bussed both of his scum buddies in Batma(n)fia in D2 and D3, and won it in endgame. You might be here thinking that you can do the same and nobody's gonna notice.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I have alot of questions to answer and they will be answered shortly. ;D Also everything should be cleared up too. I am going to start with some things as of yesterday then answer the stuff that now has me at L-2.

Gord your 315 is bizarre.


1. Don't post in the quotes please, makes it ****ing impossible to quote you etc etc

2. Explain what it is about Summoner you think is scummy. You labelled him as top 3 scum yet at no point in your post referenced him or explained why.

3. What do you think of EP?

Don't like the way he responded to Gord's trollin'. "How rude of you.. <3" Then FoS's
Alright to the first part ;O

I actually would like to make a case on Summoner toDay plus I have my reasons but they have to wait for just the moment.

EP, I believe he is town.


Couple questions:

Is the only reason that you're FoSing me, is because of my dickishness (which I'm sorry for coming out that badly again)? Can't let your emotions run your actions, if that's your reasoning.

You said at the end of the first quote of ur wall of post that me, Joan and Summoner were on ur scum list. You explained Joan and I, but what do you not like about Summoner (mightve accidentally skimmed, but still answer lol)?

Overall, feeling better about J. Not GREAT, but better.
Yes that was the only reason why I FoSed you was because of that however I really should not have let that get the better of me. I will provide my answer for Summoner very soon.

@J: Why are you signed up to play a second game if you are having difficulty maintaining a reasonable level of activity in one?
Actually this will bring a roundabout point to your "catching me in a lie" but let me adresse this one quickly then. My little brother had broken my laptop and I had to get it fixed and I knew my laptop would be fixed by last friday (the 24th) So I signed up for them because I know I will be able to do them.

I don't see any reason as of right now to switch from Joan to J. Joan's looking scummy as heck. J voiced his opinion well. I didn't forgive him. Just a bit more town points to J. I just hope that J doesn't go quiet for a while again... Yea, he has the library crap, but a commitment's a commitment.
I'd like to bring up this orange part shortly with your current wanting me dead thing. But let it be shown that you have said I have "town points" in which you believe me to be more town than originally thought.

@J: who should we go after toDay? and why?
I, myself, want a deeper investigation in Summoner. I have reasoning to believe because of a certain shroud around him. However I still need to re-read before I can give a legit response as to why.

vote: J
His vote was on smargaret yesterDay. Last night smargaret died.
Plus, all of yesterDay's stuff that we were talking about before.

1 night kill means no indie, or else someone got doctored.
@Cello, who did you watch last night?
This logic is not really that stable. Yes I did vote for Smargaret but once she had adressed and answered the problem I had with her I took my vote off. Also your case is "+Everything yesterday, etc." is definetely not a good case either. The reason people wanted me gone is due to my inactiveness which should not be a reason anymore since I am going to be hella more active.

J - Who's scum? What do you think of the NK? Why would Smarg be targeted? Better answer this fast, I'll try to hold back the wagon on you. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGO
Firstly, thank you, and alright. I believe Summoner should be looked into and possibly Gordito. I'm a bit sad smarg died due to the fact she was a strong player for a beginner. That is probably the reason why she was killed is due to her being a strong player but a bit more in the background then say Cello.

Hmm... Funny... Cello didn't die :p. Either we have a good doc, or...

And FYI: J signed up for ANOTHER game. So my vote goes to

Vote: Cello

Nah I'm just playin.


Vote: J

Be more active, or just request replacement please. It's really hard dealing with you when you're in 1 other game. Now we have to deal with you being in ANOTHER? Idk if this guy's REALLY lurking or if he legit has no computer. But he's deadweight. And if we have to trim the fat, then we will.

And I'm just gonna ask @J

Are you a guy or girl? I'm just OCD about that stuff, calling girls "he" or "him" :p.
Looking at the first part what do you mean by "or..." I would like to know. Also I already answered why I signed up for another game to Cello above. Aaaaaand im a dude =P Also I signed up for the game in the NIGHT phase of the game. I had just gotten my laptop back so that is why I signed up, believe you me I would have adressed everything here first but the day was already over and there was nothing I could've done.

I'm wagoning him, cuz something's up. He (I did miss when he said he was a guy :p I'll take ur word) says he has minimal time to play, yet

that happens. He really has to be either lurking it up, or just doesn't have enough time to commit to mafia.

If he's lurking, we catch scum.

If he doesn't have enough time, then we trim the fat.

He's posting JUST in time to not get a prod. And I don't really like it. I'd prefer not to deal with his crappy activity anymore.
Let me stress this point, I HAD limited acess/time to play.


And yesterDay, it was more of the scum > useless game. I don't find anyone here particularly SCUMMY. So, it's time to trim the fat. If I catch a scum slip, I'd drop my vote. But we have nowhere else to go right now.
*facepalm* Quit saying the same thing over and over, YES I signed up for another game but that's no basis of me being scum because now I have acess to a computer I can be on everyday and try and post. If you do not find me scummy why vote at all? You yourself had given me "town points" as stated above PLUS you are going back on your thought process with me yesterday which said I was doing better.

It's the fact that he believes he has enough time to join another game, while BARELY being active in this one.
Why the heck are you trying to stress that I signed up for another game? It seems to be the only thing that is keeping your case up against me toDay.

So then give it time to BE sufficent.

And no- I'm not just saying that I'll wagon hop to whoever accuses whoever as scum. I don't have enough time right now, but I'm prepared to do a reread and check things out. The only person that I was able to identify as scum from D1 was Joan. And the most useless person in the game at this point is J, due to his activity. I'm wagoning J for inactivity, and the fact that he'll be in ANOTHER game makes me think hey- is this guy really as "inactive" as I thought he was?

To my knowledge, J is the only one with access to the Disco Room- am I right?
And my access to the DR has relevance how? plus again with the signing up for another game stuff.

C'mon guys, lets just lynch X1 and J and be done with this. J first, because I have proof of his lying to us.

J could have been referring to a friend's computer, or an internet cafe, or something like that, as unlikely as that is. But, then he says:

Which tells us that J uses the public library to make pink colored posts.
Actually your wrong with all of your assumptions as to how I was posting. The way I was posting in color was my dad's computer. Here's the thing, I could use his computer when he wasn't doing college work or stuff for his job but I could only use it for a little bit of time.

To the library thing, I only used (stress on the past tense) the library computer because I was there at the time. That was the only time I posted there. And it was because that day I had decided to walk there after school to try and post and get some homework done.

Normally, I would have asked J if he used a friend's computer to make sure that we caught him in a lie, but this post makes that unnecessary. As you can see at the bottom of the post, J says, "I'll be sure to do my thoughts shortly but i just got home. T.T". What color is the post in? Pink. From a post made from home. Where J doesn't have a computer.
I never said I did not have a computer at my house. I had been using my dad's to post whenever I could but now I can post as much as I want due to the fact I know have my computer. No lie there just a misunderstanding is all. I said I didn't have a computer to use hence I was using my itouch. However I know have access to my computer.

This link leads to the Official BBR Tier List v5 thread, and is proof that J doesn't use a library terminal for his pink posts. In it, you can clearly see a time stamp, and as J lives in the United States, we can deduce that he must have posted that somewhere from 10:17 p.m to 1:17 a.m. local time, well past almost any public library terminal's open hours. We can infer that J wants us to believe he uses a library terminal from the above quote in post #313, but since that cannot be true, we know J is lying to us.
:laugh: As i've already said I do not use the library cpu for posting and that was a one time thing. You all assumed I only go to the library to post when in fact my laptop had been fixed by that time when I could make that post. If you look now at the timestamp of that post you can see that it was today in the very early of the morning. My laptop had been fixed and I have been using it since then Friday.


Besides, think about it. Who in the world has 2000+ posts on SMASHBOARDS and doesn't have a home computer? That's ridiculous. Technically possible, yes. But so extraordinarily unlikely that it can be disregarded.
Again, assumptions, assumptions. I have a laptop but as I said it was broken and getting fixed. The only way I could post in color is by me using my dad's computer. Also bringing up my post count again.....drop it because it literally has nothing to do with the game unless you can find some other reason to bring it back up. ^_^

J is scum (and male, I checked his deviantART). If he truly wanted to go invisible for the pathetic excuse that he gave (not wanting to give us a wrong impression [in and of itself bad]), then why is he STILL invisible. He lied to us. (Plus, he has joined two games, not just one: Villains and Majora's Mask.)
I am scum how again? Because I posted in Pink on my dad's computer and didn't divulge a bit about my life to this game. Also an extremely flawed library theory. I am not invisible anymore nor will I be. I did not lie to anyone and you are riding this really hard. Also again with bringing up I joined in two other game like Gordito's case against me. *side note* which DA btw ;o i think I have two*

Sorry Cello your case is based off of assumptions but I am surprised not ONE person decided to say anything besides "Oh Cello your so right you convinced me COMPLETELY so let's vote with what he is doing" Hence these two votes against me below from Nich and May who do not have a case of their own and are bandwagoning with Cello.

Whoops, almost forgot.

Vote: J
okay guys I just read the last four-five pages. Most of them irrelevant now because I can't rightly post on the content, because being like "ohh I totally agreed with a joanbud lynch" is worthless since now it's just a "safe" statement. again, sorry I was gone so long.

if anyone has any questions for me that you still want answered, please restate them.

i really like cello's most current post on J and am ready to see J to go. nice catch on the lie. vote: J

I am appalled at the way everything has gone on on the FIRST day of this day. Seriously I'm already at L-2 because of a flawed case by Cello and a very weak case from Gordito derived from me signing up for another game. Cello even threw into his case that I signed up for another 2 games. Let me ask these questions please.

@Cello: Why are you riding me so hard at the beginning of this day? Also I find it odd that you won't tell who you watched last night. You need to tell us who you watched if you as you have already called yourself are "our leader"
@Gordito: Why the heck did you keep on saying "He signed up for a game" in every post against me which came to a total of 5 times! That is ridiculous to repeat yourself that much even on the same page on the same day.
@Nich/May: What are your personal thoughts on me? Or did you just bandwagon?
@Everyone: What ae your thoughts on me as of now after that post?
@Everyone: Should I roleclaim because it will clear up ALOT?

*Another note*
This is my second time writing this post because the dag on page refreshed. @_@

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hey, X1, vote for J. You wanted pressure on him, right?
Excuse me?! L-2 isn't enough pressure for you and you are literally asking people to vote for me now? Cello why do you want me dead so badly? Really this is getting weird =x

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Whoa wait the dag on minute your not gonna comment or anything your just gonna kill me?

NO ONE VOTE TILL I ROLECLAIM! It is a huge mistake if you listen to Cello this time!

Cello why no input and just sheer almost ignorance to that huge post?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This is very weird Cello, your play is different and just weird. Why the hell do you want me to claim so bad?

I'm sorry but i'm losing faith in you Cello. Vote: Cello


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I'm making a post right now but if J is to be lynched he should at least have a chance to claim as he suggested before we lynch, especially ONE DAY into the game!? That's kind of ridiculous. We may have nailed scum d1 on an early lynch but we need to take our time here, calm down guys. J can be lynched just as easy 3-4 days from now, I think its best to gather as much info or at least get a claim before we do that. With that being said J I am for your claiming at this point since you are l-1, if you truly are town lets see your claim.

Making full post next.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
You signing up for other games means you think you can commit, and with your track record in this game, you obviously can't. So either you're not commiting by choice, or just think too highly of yourself.

I'm not gonna just believe you when you say you're gonna be hella active. Actions speak louder than words.

I realized that your access to the DR means nothing now. I asked originally because you could've been hella active with mafia in there. But not active at all in here. But, I realized we can check your profile for that info lol.

The or... thing, it was merely a joke.

You don't need to claim and create a bunch of wifom. It's okay.

@Xastrn here's your hammer opprotunity.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
I want the roleclaim FAST. I don't want it 2 days from now.

@J claim. Explain how you've strategized based on your role. Fast.

I think the play is actually Gordito today. Remember yesterDay, when the J lynch would have gone through easily, and we (xatres and I) stopped it, pointed out that joanbud was actively being scummy while J was just being passively anti-town? Well, I am getting that same impression from Gordito.

J's inactivity has been anti-town, yes. but other than his inactivity, I don't honestly think he's been scummy in particular.

Xatres and I really think that Gordito and nicholas are the last 2 scum. nicholas has been scum-inactive. It's not just flat out inactivity. It's just avoiding ruffling feathers, staying mostly quiet, not contributing anything of substance that could be a scumslip, and riding the J wagon.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Also, Gordito has dodged all of the pressure I've put on him toDay, but was careful to offer me a chance to hammer. He's paying attention to what I'm saying, but responding to it when we have an actively rolling wagon would distract from the potential mislynch of J that he has been pushing for so adamantly.

He knows that the mislynch and extreme pressure would be excusable because we've ALL been on the J wagon for TWO days. He could get away with pushing that mislynch by saying "oh well we trimmed the fat...still a pro-town move..."

Oh wait. He did say that.
But he's deadweight. And if we have to trim the fat, then we will.
If he doesn't have enough time, then we trim the fat.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh, and @J, we know what we know due to what you've said. So to you, Cello might be wrong (or he might be right, and you're bull****ing us, but to the point...), but to us, he's right. You did, indeed, leave out information, which can be precieved as lying.

@Xastrn what can you pinpoint that makes me scummy? Sure, I suck at this game, but there's nothing that can be seen as an absolute scum slip from what I've done, mostly cuz I'm not scum.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Trimming the fat IS a pro town move... How can you not see it as one? We either get rid of scum who's been lurking, or we get rid of a townie that hasn't done crap.

I haven't been prepared to back myself up cuz you're just being overanalytical, and I thought it'd get off your shoulder in due time. I guess it's not. If you want I can help you realize how wrong you are in saying that I'm scum in your 401, which was one of those cases of your being extremely analytical.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I have a question for you, EP. What do we gain by waiting that we couldn't gain tomorrow?
What do you seek to gain out of the rest of the day EP?
Basically, we can keep someone at l-1 or l-2 while we get as much of a reaction out of them as possible before finally lynching. If they don't respond sure we lynch early, but if they are cooperative and give us more matieral to work with - ie, other players reactions to their defenses - there is more material for us to analyse for future days scumhunting and lynch analysis. I always thought good town play involved using as much of the days as possible. Even though Joan flipped scum I feel like there would have been useful info gained out of the exchanges we could have had of 3-4 more pages of the thread to analyze after the lynch.

Hmm... Funny... Cello didn't die :p. Either we have a good doc, or...
Cello didn't die because mafia used their NK on Smargaret, so I'm not sure why you think it has anything to do with the doc? Can you explain this?

I actually would like to make a case on Summoner toDay plus I have my reasons but they have to wait for just the moment.

Wait wait, you had all the time to make that post defending yourself but you don't have time to make a case on Cello? I think this is what Gordito is getting at that you seem to lie about what you have time to do and not - you had time to sign up for another mafia game, yet you don't have time to post much here. You have time to post to defend yourself, but you don't have time to make a scum case on another player. You either have your priorities messed up or you are scum covering yourself. I felt a town read on you yesterDay but I'm not liking your defenses here, giving me the indication you are more likely to be scum than I thought. I'd like to hear your "reasons" for defending yourself yet holding your case on Summoner back. I too suspected Summoner but I just didn't have a good case, it was a hunch, but I admitted that, didn't make a BS excuse about not having time.

Your reasons for signing up for the other game are decent, but I don't think you should be surprised that Gordito is getting at you for that considering your lack of activity in this game. Do you honestly think it's okay for someone to not post much and hten sign up for another game? Would you pursue, say, me , if i barely posted, then signed up for other mafia games? You'd pursue it if you were town.

I am scum how again? Because I posted in Pink on my dad's computer and didn't divulge a bit about my life to this game. Also an extremely flawed library theory. I am not invisible anymore nor will I be. I did not lie to anyone and you are riding this really hard. Also again with bringing up I joined in two other game like Gordito's case against me. *side note* which DA btw ;o i think I have two*

Sorry Cello your case is based off of assumptions but I am surprised not ONE person decided to say anything besides "Oh Cello your so right you convinced me COMPLETELY so let's vote with what he is doing" Hence these two votes against me below from Nich and May who do not have a case of their own and are bandwagoning with Cello.
I kind of agree with this point - Cello is most likely town, and I feel good about him, but that doesn't mean blindly following him is a good idea, which is kind of the vibe I'm getting overall. I"ll listen to what Cello has and take it to heart, but that doesn't mean I'll do things like lynch 1 day into the Day because he's okay with that. However if you don't want people to bangwagon on you, at least make a case on someone who you think is scum instead of just simply defending yourself. I hope everyone keeps this in mind.I dont' fault Cello for this but the people wagoning with him way too fast - if J is lynched and turns up town, I'd take a close look at those wagoning with Cello really quick.

Anyway, at this point I think J is more likely to be scum more than anyone else, but I'm not voting him because he's near lynch anyway and we're just waiting on a claim. FoS: J


Jul 16, 2005
@Xastrn what can you pinpoint that makes me scummy? Sure, I suck at this game, but there's nothing that can be seen as an absolute scum slip from what I've done, mostly cuz I'm not scum.
If you posted OMGUS, we'd all give you crap for it. But you post OMGIS, and you expect us to listen to that?

We've given specific reasons about you being scummy, including your phoniness, your playing crony to Cello, your request for doctor to protect Cello (making everyone else in game easy target for scum), and your HARD pressure get J lynched both toDay and yesterDay. All of that should give you enough to respond to. But you haven't. That's scummy as well.

In a nutshell, this is what we think of you:

Vote: Gordito


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
I kind of agree with this point - Cello is most likely town, and I feel good about him, but that doesn't mean blindly following him is a good idea, which is kind of the vibe I'm getting overall. I"ll listen to what Cello has and take it to heart, but that doesn't mean I'll do things like lynch 1 day into the Day because he's okay with that. However if you don't want people to bangwagon on you, at least make a case on someone who you think is scum instead of just simply defending yourself. I hope everyone keeps this in mind.I dont' fault Cello for this but the people wagoning with him way too fast - if J is lynched and turns up town, I'd take a close look at those wagoning with Cello really quick.
I like this paragraph a lot. We feel the same way. There's no rush on lynching J, especially since about 90% of our case on him is based on inactivity. Let's give him the chance to live up to his claim that he'll be a LOT more active, and in the meantime, we still have some scumhunting to do. There most likely 3 mafia, minus 1 for Joanbud. If J is scum, we should still be looking at the rest of the players to see what else is happening.

If J is scum, gordito is probably town.
If Gordito is scum, J is probably town.
They could both be town, also. But not likely.
My point is there's probably no way both are scum. Which means we should spend toDay scumhunting whether we think J is the play or not. (for the record, I really don't think J is a good play right now. I like the pressure on him, of course, because it makes him freak out and make fast posts that reveal information. But I'm reading town on him right now.

@Cello, if J is town, who's scum?
@Nicholas. You're scum. Prove me wrong with quotes of your pro-town play and pro-town voting.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
If you posted OMGUS, we'd all give you crap for it. But you post OMGIS, and you expect us to listen to that?
Being crappy at the game is a subjective term. I'm only as good as the person judging me says. I judge myself as crappy due to being fairly new, and picking up the game slowly.

We've given specific reasons about you being scummy, including your phoniness,
Phoniness. And what are some phony things that I've done?

your playing crony to Cello,
I think Cello's right. If I don't like somthing that Cello says or does, I'll ask about it. For now, he's in the clear. Are you scum cuz you agree with Cello?

your request for doctor to protect Cello (making everyone else in game easy target for scum),
It was on everyone's mind, including scum's, probably. And iirc, I wasn't the only one that verbalized protecting Cello.

and your HARD pressure get J lynched both toDay and yesterDay.
YesterDay, my intent was getting J to talk. That's where the pressure came in. Now, I want em lynched.

In a nutshell, this is what we think of you:

Vote: Gordito
That's cute.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Wait wait, you had all the time to make that post defending yourself but you don't have time to make a case on Cello? I think this is what Gordito is getting at that you seem to lie about what you have time to do and not - you had time to sign up for another mafia game, yet you don't have time to post much here. You have time to post to defend yourself, but you don't have time to make a scum case on another player. You either have your priorities messed up or you are scum covering yourself. I felt a town read on you yesterDay but I'm not liking your defenses here, giving me the indication you are more likely to be scum than I thought. I'd like to hear your "reasons" for defending yourself yet holding your case on Summoner back. I too suspected Summoner but I just didn't have a good case, it was a hunch, but I admitted that, didn't make a BS excuse about not having time.

Your reasons for signing up for the other game are decent, but I don't think you should be surprised that Gordito is getting at you for that considering your lack of activity in this game. Do you honestly think it's okay for someone to not post much and hten sign up for another game? Would you pursue, say, me , if i barely posted, then signed up for other mafia games? You'd pursue it if you were town.
Actually, that was exactly my point. He is signing up for other games, while barely being active in this one. And good observations with the NOT making a Cello-Summoner case.

@Xastrn, does nothing at all catch your eye on J's recent activity?
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