How else am I supposed to know if CO is a promise land with 3 stocks and 8/9 minutes whenever I go there without having to actually join your special inside group to see all the ****ty discussion?
Also, **** posting is everywhere. In facebooks terms, it's just now masking behind your real name for people not to know you unless they sign in as "TheChosenWan" in tournament but put next to their names or tell the TO "Btw I'm Bob Jr on bookface, the guy that's been ****ting up your discussions" or unless they go to every tournament and people eventually learn his/her real name.
So technically always anon whereas Smashboards people almost never actually put their real names and go by their tag, so it's much easier to distinguish people.
I hate the whole FB/twitz/reddit only to post results. Smashboards at least gives you more options to post em all.