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Low Hobo 1(low tier tourney) Houston,Tx


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Richardson, Tx
Mr.3000 show me how to play sonic I need some advice please! Xyro I'm surprised you did so bad. I would have expected you to win or at least do better then 5th. Good job Furbs you wreck!


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
Shoutouts time, sorry I'm a bit late.

KRD: Glad we could go to this tourny, it was big fun.
Razer: I need more practice against PT for sure man, you wrecked me.
T-Rex: Fun match, it was pretty even almost the whole time. Hopefully I play you at the next hobo.
Esca: Fun friendlies. I really suck at randoms, but I think my Ness did good against you.
Furbs: Glad I finally got to play against you, been waiting for some friendlies since like hobo 5. No more Yoshi dittos, I promise. Enjoy the dead Sonic and angry DK.
Zori: Nice seeing you again, hopefully we play some friendlies at the next hobo.
Dingding: Hopefully you can make it next time, I really want to play your Link.
Xyro/RT/whoever else helped host: Thanks for hosting, it was good fun.
Anybody I forgot: I still love you.

To the discussion at hand, I think all this arguing is ridiculous. It's pretty much over, and I'm going to try to avoid it, but a few of you really look rather dumb. Just my opinion, and I'm sorry if I've offended anybody.
My only beef is with CY. Where the hell do you get off telling me how good I am? To my knowledge I've never played you, and if I have, it was in friendlies a long time ago. I know I'm far from the best, but I like to think I'm pretty decent at the game. I would appreciate it if you didn't try to start something with me for no apparent reason. Thankies.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
krd, we weren't even mad. me and cy were laughing at your pathetic *** on this side.
Just like the way I laugh when I think of you all the time? :p

Me (and some other people) were laughing when we saw what you were saying after you lost that cinnamon match back during HOBO 11, and how you tried to go back on your word. Then when you finally accepted it you tried to make me seem like some insanely good Sheik player as your john of losing.

And there's the fact that you annoy me. No one else, just you.

CY has proven himself in low tiers.
Ozz uses Captain Falcon also, which is another low tier.
You, switch to Meta Knight when you're losing (If you've stopped that, then good for you) and rely on other people to back you up because you know you can never win anything on your own. Hence why you had to have people coach you we had that Sheik vs. Diddy money match.

And if you can handle yourself on your own, then learn to get friends who actually believe you can, instead of ones that doubt you all the time and think you're trash.

(I'm sorry, but this is seriously too fun xD. Thanks for asking me to come back Esca, I forgot how much fun it was to trash talk you.)


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Lol, KRD. I picked MK in one tournament. Lmao. HOBO 4. I've actually proven myself more than you have, in every way. Could you even get a stock off of any high-leveled player without maining IC's?

Ask in your next post who they think is the better player. Honestly. Ask anyone, because you trash talk so many people, when I ****ing 3 stock you and your ****ty little friend the other day you socially awkward ****.

I dont remember going back on my word at all, you can't even remember which tournament it was. Honestly man, prey you don't see me in person. Or I really dare you to say ONE thing to me. No threat, I'm ****ing serious dude.

I'm challenging you to a $100 cinnamon money match. Pit vs Sheik. It isn't as bad of a matchup, so I'll spank you like I did with Diddy recently. Accept, or your a ****ing ******.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Lmao. KRD. Let's add to that. Let's make it a shaved head match as well. Loser has to shave their head.


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2008
Houston, TX
^...who wins there..

Whoaaa..esca..you sure have the balls to be doing all this, and this shall take place where if KRD accepts?
-Hopefully World Hobo :)-

Gooo esca for stepping up!!


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
I lol'd metaknight at least requires some basic mindgames, and at least he can't camp.
Dedede is easy to learn the chain grab but it doesn't mean **** if he can't bait grabs.
Olimar.......wow you think olimar has no learning curve?
G+W i can give you some credit, throw an attack out and you're safe, but at least with G+W you need to learn to tech chase a down smash.

there is really no reason why you shouldn't be spamming and camping with falco. it's so safe, and limits so many characters :p
edited because it is pointless to argue about falco with people who will never change their minds about him rofl.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Lol, KRD. I picked MK in one tournament. Lmao. HOBO 4. I've actually proven myself more than you have, in every way.
I was referring to HOBO 11 (One of the last tournys I went to since I don't play Brawl much), where you used MK in pools because you lost to someone (forgot who it was, Fliphop I think). That was the same pool where you forfeited against me and walked out of the building sad. And you used MK again after you wanted to play me on wifi and you kept losing. Even if you don't, I've never once seen you use a character that wasn't high/top tier.

Also, losing to me in that cinnamon match was proving yourself? Funny.

Also, I don't care about your challenge. Like I said, "I don't play Brawl much anymore", and I had barely played in the last few months before I went to Lowbo. I don't care about proving anything right now because I'll tell you right now, I'm below average as far as tourny players go.

jS also hadn't played in 3 weeks until the night before the tourny, and we just messed around on that night with the glitch where Samus can go up forever with her bombs. Congrats on having trouble fighting him.

Congrats for beating my Sheik with your Diddy, though, in a $5 money match that I didn't take seriously (Hence why I went way off the stage like an idiot for fun just to hit you, then got spiked, and I didn't care) WHILE having CY and Poppertop having to give you tips like "Whenever he uses Ftilt, smash DI up and away".

when I ****ing 3 stock you and your ****ty little friend the other day you socially awkward ****.
You have never 3 stocked me. The closest you got was 2 stocking my Sheik with your Diddy on FD in one match, a stage Diddy gets a huge advantage from anyways.

I'm challenging you to a $100 cinnamon money match. Pit vs Sheik.
First off, like I already said, I'm not rich like you, not to mention I'm only 16 years old taking a bunch of classes this year, meaning I don't have a source of income, in other words, I don't have $100 to begin with.

Second, like I've said countless times, I have acid reflux, which has been getting worse lately and I'll have to have surgery for it soon. I'm not going to be an idiot and risk my own health while you risk absolutely nothing. That's like challenging a diabetic to a sugar match.

Third, once again, you're afraid of me using my main, again? You always challenge my alt that I don't care for anymore, instead of my main. Hey, let's all go challenge Esca's Meta Knight with Snake. I don't care if he isn't your main and you don't care much about him, it isn't a bad matchup.

I'm also laughing so hard at how you're taking stuff so seriously and are getting so mad. You're just making a fool of yourself because some random 16 year old that doesn't even go to these forums much said he was better than you. I don't care about Brawl much, it's an easy-to-play game that I get bored of quickly that I barely play much anyways. I play it an average of once every 2 weeks, that's it. I have other things going on in my life right now, like I said, so I don't care about Brawl at all really. Maybe if I had no one depending on me in my life, then I wouldn't care and I'd go all out and do it, but for now I have stuff going on.

And trash talking you right now is one of the easy and fun ways to make it better.

Edit: Oh yeah, if you can't handle my trash talking then you better learn, because I act this way everywhere I go. Dingding can tell you from the way I talk to people at school. If people can't handle the trash talking then they learn to either leave or like it.


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
I'm not trying to pick sides or anything, but you seem really insecure about a few insults Esca. Why do you let people bother you so much?
Also esca, if you can't tell that that match you linked to wasn't serious within the first 20 seconds of watching it, I don't know what to think.
One more thing, were you talking about me when you said "your ****ty little friend"? Because the only two matches we played that weren't random character matches, I won.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
jagged, the two matches that we played, I 2 stocked your ness with my diddy, and I 3 stocked your ness with my pit. Say anything otherwise and you were playing someone else.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
BRENTJBERWICK (6:28:09 PM): your a brave one.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:28:15 PM): you like making **** up on forums.
KRDgardyan (6:28:39 PM): I've made up absolutely nothing, unlike you.
KRDgardyan (6:28:42 PM): Everything I've said was true.
KRDgardyan (6:29:00 PM): And by the way, I hold back on forums.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:29:03 PM): KRD, I beat Roy.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:29:12 PM): Can you get a stock off of him?
KRDgardyan (6:29:15 PM): Ok? Then if you don't think you suck then why let what I said bother you?
KRDgardyan (6:29:24 PM): Unless you're insecure.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:29:28 PM): Because you think your good, and your not.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:29:34 PM): You need to be put in your place.
KRDgardyan (6:29:36 PM): "Oh no, a 16 year old insulted me, I'm so sad" is how you're acting.
KRDgardyan (6:29:54 PM): Sad over trash talk? xD.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:30:04 PM): I'm not sad at all, lmao. You're an idiot.
KRDgardyan (6:30:15 PM): Of course not, keep telling yourself that man.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:30:27 PM): And don't insult me unless you plan on getting your 16 year old *** whipped at this next tourney.
KRDgardyan (6:30:31 PM): Because if you weren't then you would've ignored it.
BRENTJBERWICK (6:30:55 PM): k, then just keep talking ****, and see me.
BRENTJBERWICK signed off at 6:30:57 PM.
BRENTJBERWICK is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Looks like he couldn't handle the trash talk xD. I was being nice about it too xD.

You know, I've got to say though, I feel bad for him getting hurt so badly because of me saying "I'm better than him". If my oppinion hurts his ego that much then maybe he should see a psychiotrist.


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
jagged, the two matches that we played, I 2 stocked your ness with my diddy, and I 3 stocked your ness with my pit. Say anything otherwise and you were playing someone else.
Sorry, but that was at the hobo at Lee College. I'm talking about THIS hobo. You can deny it though, apparently I suck.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Nah, jS and KRD just need to go get some hepatitus C or whatever, maybe they'll die along with their friends. =] Well, not jS, he's cool. But Edward Scissorhands over here, idc.

Everyone: I'm only middle class. =]


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
Esca, you don't cease to amaze me. Being in the situation that you're in, you should understand that you shouldn't even be joking about that type of stuff. Please, think before you post, for the betterment of mankind.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia

Looks like you got a challenge.

Nah, jS and KRD just need to go get some hepatitus C or whatever, maybe they'll die along with their friends. =] Well, not jS, he's cool. But Edward Scissorhands over here, idc.
By the way, enjoy getting punched in the face the next time I see you. Joking about death... Xyro was right in saying you were messed up. After that comment, I'd say you're probably the most hated person here now. I'm sure your mother would be proud of a song who makes jokes about death when she's lying in her deathbed.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
seriously KRD you're going around telling all of these random people about the story of esca? LOL WOW. and whoever this kid is, i'll MM him, who is he and who does he main?

guys, esca really isn't rich, geez. he is middle classes WHITE AMAERICAZ! IM TIRED OF US GETTIN NO HELP AROUND HERE!


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
seriously KRD you're going around telling all of these random people about the story of esca?
You remember me saying earlier about how me and other people always laugh about Esca? He's one of them.

Also, CY:

KRDgardyan (6:56:20 PM):
Zanmato145 (6:56:31 PM): Who is it?
KRDgardyan (6:56:35 PM): CY.
KRDgardyan (6:56:37 PM): Falco main.
Zanmato145 (6:56:39 PM): whos he use?
Zanmato145 (6:56:41 PM): LOL FALCO
Zanmato145 (6:56:42 PM): Deal.
KRDgardyan (6:56:49 PM): Who got all sad because I said Falco was easy to use.
KRDgardyan (6:56:52 PM): Alright.
Zanmato145 (6:56:56 PM): Tellem deal.
KRDgardyan (6:56:59 PM): Ok
Zanmato145 (6:57:00 PM): I never lose to falco
KRDgardyan (6:57:05 PM): He also asked who do you main.
KRDgardyan (6:57:09 PM): What should I say? No one?
Zanmato145 (6:57:10 PM): tell'm
Zanmato145 (6:57:18 PM): Iwait
Zanmato145 (6:57:33 PM): you should say
Zanmato145 (6:57:45 PM): "You'll see once my cursor lands on them. Should've did your homework."
KRDgardyan (6:58:38 PM): Ok xD.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I don't care. KRD, I'm 17 years old. There's another lie.
Sorry, didn't notice that I said "Esca is 19 no doubt he can't be any other age" instead of "He's 19 or something", which means "I think he's 19 but I'm not sure".

Wait a second, I did do the second one, looks like you need to buy you some glasses then?


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
I don't care. You still gonna argue. KRD, I have a perfect IDEA. I have two pairs of Everlast boxing gloves. 12 oz. sparring/training gloves. Can we do a boxing money-match? Lmao.

CY- It isn't ninjalink, I have nl on my aim. It's some guy named z end. not very good.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
**** i'm really scared of that guy, he seems so good! :(

krd, i also have come to the conclusion that if i see you in person and no one is around, i'm going to knock you out. yes jS, that means get off his nuts for once.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
krd, i also have come to the conclusion that if i see you in person and no one is around, i'm going to knock you out.
Because you're afraid to do it if other people are around? I don't care about threats from either you or Esca, you always wait to say anything until you're behind the safety of your keyboard. Sorry, but if you're going to defend someone who makes jokes about the fact that I just recently found out that my dad is near death and will die any day now, you should go burn in hell just like him.

Also, last time I checked, jS is talking for himself, I'm not. Why? Because he can take care of himself. Too bad for you, you had to get Esca to come to your rescue to try to prove that my oppinion of Falco being easy to use was wrong.

**** i'm really scared of that guy, he seems so good! :(
Why are you scared of him? He's only the person that got me to stick with Ice Climbers in Brawl instead of quitting them.


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
**** i'm really scared of that guy, he seems so good! :(

krd, i also have come to the conclusion that if i see you in person and no one is around, i'm going to knock you out. yes jS, that means get off his nuts for once.
Earlier in this thread, I said that I was on nobody's side, and I still mean it. If you somehow took that as "I'M WITH KRD" then frankly, you're quite stupid. You're also resorting to threats for no reason other than being embarrassed about your own stupidity. Kudos, CY. Kudos.
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