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Low Hobo 1(low tier tourney) Houston,Tx


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
Falco is top tier, there's never a reason to john with him xD. Sheik is my most used character, and tons of characters in the game are bad matchups for her xD. Diddy, G&W, Ice Climbers, Ike (Kind of), Jigglypuff, Kirby, Lucario, Luigi, Marth, Meta Knight, Olimar, Peach, Pikachu, R.O.B., Snake, Yoshi, and Zelda. Most of the rest are even matchups, like Bowser, Falco, ZSS, etc. :p

Falco gives major trouble to most of the cast.

Top tier mainers don't know how tough it is ;p
well if falco is that big of a problem for you, learn a character that has a good match up against him. he is FAR from unbeatable, you just have to know how to play against falco.

so either do that, or just stop johning about him slap ****. you play sheik who goes even with him, and ICs who have an advantage over him. you shouldn't even be complaining.

got that slappy?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2008
Houston, Tx
Fear: Lucas

Xyro: darn you green lesbian and your zair good games xyro I almost had you with my mario....O and I wonder y im last even do conker lost before me....just saying

Seiya: gg's Seiya I dont know how you kept on falling for my ganon's stomp's especially with sonic other than that good game in the tournament first round.

Razer: we need to play in hobo 14 to see how much iv'e improved.....one more thing your snake ***** ***.

T-rex: good match t-rex your snake ***** to i have only beaten you once or maybe twice thats it.

pipes: to many fun games we had and a lot of suicides......lol

Gness: very good jigglypuff you had and i seen your diddy in action and he looked nasty as in a good way.....O and well get our money match dont worry... :)

Zori: gg's I finally got you zori I had never been able to beat you in the past hobo's and i probaly got last I mean i faced gness one of the top 5 smasher's what do you expect.

stiltz: Iv'e been wanting to play you ever since hobo 11 and I have not gotten the chance to so I hope I play you in hobo 14

jerm: Yeah I really want to play your toon link and im looking forward to it good team matches we had so close <no johns>....lol

Kown: gg's I liked playing your pit vs my lucas that was a very good game

Conker: you suk.....lmao....j/p I play you all the time and your toon link is gettin nastier as days go by

KRD: we need to play in hobo 14

Any other player's im looking forward in facing you in hobo 14 and gg's everyone


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
falco = easiest char to use competitively (and win)....learn how to cg and kill....and maybe learn how to shdl.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Kown, have you ever seen G&W? Really? MK? HUH?

Falco is easy to use at a low competitive level, but at a high level, like dehf, seth, cy, he's actually hard to use.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
KRD, Sheik can tilt lock Diddy for 71%.
Only if the Diddy doesn't know how to surround himself with bananas.

Pretty much an entire stock.
No, Sheik sucks at killing unless she transforms. If you use Zelda along with Sheik, then yes, she does counter Diddy.

I'm not even mad over it, I think it's funny how ignorant you are to this news though.
You don't know about Sheik's single nana lock on Diddy? I didn't see you mention that advantage that she has over Diddy D:

Another thing Diddy lacks in is the fact that your dash attack picks up a banana during the WHOLE animation.
And a thing Sheik lacks is no glide tossing.

Diddy is good as well against punishing moves. I can't punish spot-dodge downsmash, because it has like 4 hitboxes, and Jesus knows you do it religiously.
And Sheik is good at using the ground for her air game, which bananas stop.

And yes, I do know how to spot dodge downsmash, I'm keeping Drephen's Sheik style alive in Brawl.

Also, if I really thought that Sheik sucked against Diddy then I wouldn't use her as my Diddy counter.

@ CY: I did pick up someone who's good against Falco, I picked up Fox, since it's only slightly in Falco's advantage, that means it's almost a disadvantage for Falco since he has so many major advantages ;p

Kown, have you ever seen G&W? Really? MK? HUH?

Falco is easy to use at a low competitive level, but at a high level, like dehf, seth, cy, he's actually hard to use.
Top tier A is harder to use than top tier B? Bring out some low tiers man.

(I'm still surprised people are taking me seriously when it's obvious that CY did good with Ness in the tourny xD.)


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Might aswell post the shoutouts.

Xyro : **** yeaaa I got you :D...and + I successdully spiked you on that 3 way, keep using that zair ;)

Razer : Once I heard me and you go up on the first 1 on 1 in singles my heart stopped lol!!! I almost had you with my Link but you had to go and kill me :(..then you counterpick and own me XD Good games dude.

Pipes : You always make me laugh when we play dude, lol...Pawnch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zori : I swear ill beat your spammin olimar :D.Also, good games on the singles and on those team friendly's.You and fear work well together...next time try beeing my partner.

Jerm : Good games on the team matches..me and fear almost had you D: and sorry about not having those TL dittos..I had to leave to a party..-NO JOHNS- I know I know....=]

Fear : Your trash lol/ jk XD

KRD : Good friendly's..I enjoyed playing you but next time play me with your main.

Kown + his partner : Funny double matches we had, I got nervous when I was left alone and try going for the kill lol.You should of seen my hand after we stopped playing..it was shaking loike alot :p


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
Kown, have you ever seen G&W? Really? MK? HUH?

Falco is easy to use at a low competitive level, but at a high level, like dehf, seth, cy, he's actually hard to use.
tell me what more does a falco have to do to rack up damage besides shdl and CG? and maybe like jab.

i agree that mk is easier ( but this doesnt need to be said)... and its fun saying that falco is easier to use haha.. i like the pit vs falco matchup anyways. (after getting beaten numerous times ive finally figured it out lol).

lallala. india rules!


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
falco = easiest char to use competitively (and win)....learn how to cg and kill....and maybe learn how to shdl.
could you please justify this statement? MAYBE kown? seriously, ****ing idiots who just say CG and lasers make me LOL out loud. ok, by that logic, it must be pretty easy to play pit. just learn how to shoot an arrow, and tilt your c-stick forward. maybe add an aerial and a grab here and there, and bam you can win with pit. see i can do it too.

btw, if falco was so easy to win with, why doesn't he win most of these tournaments like MK or snake? if he was the easiest character to win with at a high level, then the top players would pick him so they would win easy $$$. is this happening? no.

game, set, and match.

and yes i know falco is annoying.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
just main low tier and beat people that tier *****. its give your a warm feeling inside.

and CY.

1. ANYBODY can laser spam and CG(its just as easy as DDDs)

2.NOT EVERYBODY can get around the spam falco produces(in melee your *** would be wrecked if you spammed but brawl u cant be punished)

3. Falco doesnt win more than meta or snake because they can actually kill people better......falco really cant.

4. main low tier. you know it was fun


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2008
Houston, Tx
just main low tier and beat people that tier *****. its give your a warm feeling inside.
Hey xyro how come you did not post our low tier mains in the teams section?

Another thing My lucas is gonna prove himself one day......See this I beat azen one out of the match with my lucas and he is like a very good good player i actually felt accomplished that day:p


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Hey xyro how come you did not post our low tier mains in the teams section?

Another thing My lucas is gonna prove himself one day......See this I beat azen one out of the match with my lucas and he is like a very good good player i actually felt accomplished that day:p
who did u team with? who did yall use? whats your team name. i asked for this stuff a while back.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Falco is good because of laser pressure, chaingrabs, lots of options and setups, and can rack lots of damage very easily compared to some characters. His major weaknesses include somewhat predictable recovery and killing moves have some start up time. Overall, he IS a good character, but people can get around his spam if you know how.

At top levels of play, it's hard to win with Falco. See any Falcos winning big tournaments? ;)


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
falco = easiest char to use competitively (and win)....learn how to cg and kill....and maybe learn how to shdl.
woooooooooow those are reasons that falco is EASY TO PICK UP , NOT reasons falco is easy to use at high level play (tournaments).... try playing someone who is gonna expect the CG and punish you for it.....


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
thank you RT. :D i've pretty much said all this, but you put into a nice summary.

and allan, yes the basics of falco are easy. hell, the basics of any character are easy. yes, we all know CG is easy to pick up. lasers as well, but actually require some thinking involved. there is a lot more to falco than CGing and lasers, but i guess that's the impression it leaves on people about him. you can get past falco's lasers. like RT said, you just gotta know how to get around it. for some characters it's a little harder to get around, but def. not impossible.

and yes allan, i wil be using ness in tourney now. ;)


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Thanks xyro hey do you know if there is any smashfest or something going on this weekend i need a lot of practice
go ask this question in the houston thrad. and yes im doing afest tomorrow at drink station.

and PICK UP/USE is the same thing. we arnt talking about winning.

spam is spam. falcos spam is rather hard to get around unless u play a smash character or you can crawl or duck under it.

if you have seen sethlons spam(when he does it) you getting hit by it.....i mean that

im glad this low tier event opened up your liking to a low tier. your a good man


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2008
Houston, Tx
thank you RT. :D i've pretty much said all this, but you put into a nice summary.

and allan, yes the basics of falco are easy. hell, the basics of any character are easy. yes, we all know CG is easy to pick up. lasers as well, but actually require some thinking involved. there is a lot more to falco than CGing and lasers, but i guess that's the impression it leaves on people about him.

and yes allan, i wil be using ness in tourney now. ;)
Hey that was a good match we had saturday cy that was good you got me.......


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
any character is easy to pick up, actually. there is no "hard" character to just pick up and play with. to win with, is a whole other subject.

and if anyone has problems with falco's lasers, he gets ****ed over by many counter pick stages. pick the right stages, people.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2007
Cosmo Canyon
Next to MK, Falco is the easiest to use and be good with...just my opinion. Not dis respecting falco or the people that main him. I actually no people that picked him up like he was mk just because they cant win with who they use now.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
could you please justify this statement? MAYBE kown? seriously, ****ing idiots who just say CG and lasers make me LOL out loud. ok, by that logic, it must be pretty easy to play pit. just learn how to shoot an arrow, and tilt your c-stick forward. maybe add an aerial and a grab here and there, and bam you can win with pit. see i can do it too.

btw, if falco was so easy to win with, why doesn't he win most of these tournaments like MK or snake? if he was the easiest character to win with at a high level, then the top players would pick him so they would win easy $$$. is this happening? no.

game, set, and match.

and yes i know falco is annoying.
okay could you stannd a chance of beating me without CG? i know i could without arrows. so bam in your face.

why do u think sethalon quit playing falco? hmm maybe cuz hes so easy to use.

any character is easy to pick up, actually. there is no "hard" character to just pick up and play with. to win with, is a whole other subject.

and if anyone has problems with falco's lasers, he gets ****ed over by many counter pick stages. pick the right stages, people.
falco takes the less skill to win with..besides some obvious chars..tho falco is an easy char to use AND win with. its kool tho. ive thought about switching to falco but than id prolly end up like sethalon and switch mains.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
ok next time we play i won't CG you. he quit falco because he got bored of falco, but he played falco at this past tournament so.... he didn't quit falco.

if falco is so easy, why isn't he winning all the tournaments? i mean, he is so easy to use he should just be dominating every tournament.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
ok next time we play i won't CG you. he quit falco because he got bored of falco, but he played falco at this past tournament so.... he didn't quit falco.

if falco is so easy, why isn't he winning all the tournaments? i mean, he is so easy to use he should just be dominating every tournament.
kown has a point.

however, seth doesnt use falco as much for alot of reasons.

1. falco is horrible in teams.

2. some match-ups falco doesnt cut it. so his ZS or marth is needed.

and CY, it isnt about winning. its the fact hes MEGA EASY TO PICK UP AND USE. I promise you right now that if kown didnt use arrows and you didnt CG, he would MOLEST YOU. The sad truth is, some times the character is the reason why people win....not skill. in in general, the low you are on the tier list, the more skill it takes to win.

in melee it wasnt like this.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
if falco is so easy, why isn't he winning all the tournaments? i mean, he is so easy to use he should just be dominating every tournament.
Same reason Bowser, Captain Falcon, DK, Fox, Ganondorf, Ice Climbers, Ike, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Link, Lucario, Lucas, Luigi, Mario, Ness, Olimar, Peach, Pikachu, Pit, Pokemon Trainer, R.O.B., Samus, Sheik, Sonic, Toon Link, Wario, Wolf, Yoshi, Zelda, and ZSS aren't, because of MK and Snake. HOWEVER! Falcos do commonly place top 5, unlike most of the rest of those characters.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Kown, think of what your saying. Falco's CG is only 50%. When you play a DK or a Snake, I know for **** sure you try and CG them. Why would you restrict someone else to MAYBE beat them? His chain-grab isn't that big of a deal. CY just makes it ****. Falco has alot of set-ups, OOS options, combos, but it is an over-all campy strategy. It is hard to win with Falco if your playing against someone who knows him. And why would Sethlon think to himself, "Hm..Falco is too easy to use, I'll quit playing him so I'll place worse,"? I don't understand why anyone would want to look worse. If the only thing you have trouble with Falco on is CG, then sit on the ledge, other than that, go Marth.

Edit: Xyro, the only low tier mainers that are placing high because of skill are people who have played multiple years. I don't see KRD, Fear, jS, or Dingding placing well? Why? Because people like you, stiltz, and royr have more experience.

In this game, it's necessary to have two characters of the same skill level, so one can gain where your other character lacks. It's too hard to win in this game with one character, and people who think otherwise are stupid, or play an S tier.

KRD, Falco's do NOT place top 5 in tourneys. It's either Dehf, Sethlon, SK92, or Chillindude. Why? Because they have mad skill at this game along with a great character. They don't get into silly debates like this because they realize there is always going to be people like you who do nothing but john about them losing because of low tier characters.
Pick up a higher tier, or quit. Bowser and DK get ***** because they are gigantic. Olimar, Zss, Mario, ness, lucas, PT, Yoshi, Lucario, Link, Zelda, Ike, IC's, and Zelda get ***** because of their recovery. Without MK and Snake, the game would be less balanced, but guess what? There's two options.

For those huge characters, there will always be Diddy who does fantastic against them.

For the ones with Terrible recoveries, there will be Marth. It's true.

So for your argument, even without Snake and MK, there would still be Johns. Gf, guys.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
kown has a point.

however, seth doesnt use falco as much for alot of reasons.

1. falco is horrible in teams.

2. some match-ups falco doesnt cut it. so his ZS or marth is needed.

and CY, it isnt about winning. its the fact hes MEGA EASY TO PICK UP AND USE. I promise you right now that if kown didnt use arrows and you didnt CG, he would MOLEST YOU. The sad truth is, some times the character is the reason why people win....not skill. in in general, the low you are on the tier list, the more skill it takes to win.

in melee it wasnt like this.
you do realize if he doesn't use arrows, i can just sit back all day and shoot lasers? i don't need CGs, dthrow already has set ups that do nice damage anyway. the extra throws are just the icing on the cake. dthrow > dair, nair, gatlin combo, all good damage rackers.

just because a character is bad doesn't mean he takes a lot of skill to use.

i picked up samus, she was really easy to use. i can press Z and do pretty decently. shoot a charge shot here and there, do a few missles, etc etc. not that hard.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I don't see KRD, Fear, jS, or Dingding placing well?
you cant use them. they nearly always miss events.

just because a character is bad doesn't mean he takes a lot of skill to use
do you drink before posting on smashboards?


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Xyro, what about Tallman, or keif when he played?

KRD, It's a mirror shield, tard. And Falco has a reflector as well. GF.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Xyro, what about Tallman, or keif when he played?

KRD, It's a mirror shield, tard. And Falco has a reflector as well. GF.
Way to completely miss the arguement.

CY claimed he could just sit back and spam lasers all day, pit's reflector is the reason he can't. Falco's reflector won't do him much good if Kown doesn't use arrows anyways.

You justified my point with that statement.
So by saying "Other characters have the same problems that Falco has, plus many more" is justifying your statement? Sorry, but too funny.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
Yeah, it will. His reflector comes out in time to double back and forth. Pit loses that fight because the laser hits 35 by time it finally hits. GF, bro. GTFO.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Xyro, what about Tallman, or keif when he played?

KRD, It's a mirror shield, tard. And Falco has a reflector as well. GF.
tallman doesnt go to to stuff. Keef wit da teef doesnt play any more. cant use them either.

reflector doesnt matter since pit wont be shooting arrows.......you cant win this.
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