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Louisville KY s2d tournament a few times a monthly. 08/29/09

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I agree. OS, you or someone with more experience needs to run things. Seeing as how us, the louisville community that actually gets on the boards, are not the TO of this weekly tournament, it's difficult for us. Communication with our TO is limited, as is our control over his rules. (I pray that he doesnt decide to out of no where make another random character tournament....)

Having you run things would make it run more smoothly seeing as how you've had more experience while many/most of us have never even been to a regional event or OOS tournament (lol everytime i go to S2D it's an OOS Tournament xD).

But I think all of us are tired of arguing and bashing, and we need to look more towards spring.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
so yah enough of the bashing everyones heads in part how about a nice cup of tea? hmmm? its tea-licious! :D


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
Overswarm said:
Tactical was at our smashfest in cincinnati and didn't mention this; if he had, I would have practiced someone other than Metaknight the entire tournament.
The ban was decided the day after the smashfest, if it was the day of I would have told you for sure.

Overswarm said:
Practice is important if you want to stay sharp. Its pretty offensive to me to have the character I main banned at such short notice after I've been invited by a couple people in this thread specifically to this tournament.
Ech, to hear the greatest proponent of the metaknight ban movement refer to Metaknight as his main is just sickening, in addition to being ungodly hypocritical. At what point did you cease to be a ROB main?

Overswarm said:
Now Cincinnati is finding better things to do because I'm the only one that goes to these things expecting to get 1rst 100% of the time. It's hard to pass up tournament winnings this close to Christmas, but they don't have tournament winnings as a guarantee (netiher do I, but I do in my head!) so... what reason do they have to go? Playing smash with strangers that are willing to change rules mere days before a tournament but not change them back with a questionable (and unclear) ruleset in the first place, or.... something else.
Power to them, this was never a regional event, and it was always just a friendly invitation to a group of nice people to see if they wanted to play a game we all mutually enjoy. No one is expecting any of them to come, it'd be nice if they did, but that's the extent of it.

Overswarm said:
So, it's me driving by myself instead of spending a weekend with my friends, who are now scattered in various directions. When the only reason you have to go to a tournament is money, it sucks and feels like a 9 to 5 job. This could have been easily avoided by people just saying "Hey, let's not be ***** and ban the character that we know full well would only be played by Overswarm".
The decision was made by a group of people who, by and large, don't know who you are, or what you "main." Watch what you accuse total strangers of, it is often incorrect. Regardless, no one should feel any leisure activity is a job. If it would really feel like that to you then don't go. It'd just make you dislike the game that much more.

Overswarm said:
It's even more irritating knowing that I'm not going to be able to convince people from other states to come down to KY for stuff like this because most smash communities haven't seen tournaments run like this in forever.
As said before, this was never meant to draw regional attention. Its nice, but its not the driving goal. You would have much more success drawing in a regional crowd in any tournament you would create simply because you have so much influence on smashboards. I don't see you having that much trouble over the whole ordeal.


Nov 7, 2008
I think Greg, Ian, Eric, and I are going to try and come to this tournament. I was going to offer to bring a wii if needed.

Let me know. ^_^ Thank you.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
I think all the wii's that will be used are accounted for already. Another TO quirk. He runs a store and doesn't want to be held accountable for other people's stuff.

As a (hopefully) last comment. Weren't we throwing this idea around as far back as the tournament in lex? Maybe just nobody mentioned it to OS, but I thought they had. And we really aren't in a position to reverse the ban at this point, unless tac has more influence over josh than I realize. But I do understand your position better than I had. And I for one, apologize for any perceived slight or misleading.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I think Greg, Ian, Eric, and I are going to try and come to this tournament. I was going to offer to bring a wii if needed.

Let me know. ^_^ Thank you.
yeah, for some reason the TO doesnt want more than five TVs to be used durring this tournament.... regardless of the limited time, and triple elimination, he doesnt want too many setups to deal with >.>

so we're set for wii's


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Oh wow. Triple elimination, random brackets every round, no doubles, and only 5 TVs.



Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
I'm want to stay mostly out of this, but I have a couple things to say.

1 OS, you're being hilariously contradictory, and kind of an ***. Do you need to practice meta, or are you going to kick our scrubby ***** with any character you bring? Decide plz. Also, your game with tac was WAY closer than your victory pie would suggest. A 3 match set is grounds for a cookie at most.

2 Tac's hitler example a)made sense b)was relevant. Whether or not it used (wtf?) hitler. And banning snakedashing mid tourny is nowhere near relevant here. It's not even close to the same thing.

3. I don't really care if meta is banned or not, and I don't really care if cincinatti decides to show up.

edit: Addition, 4. josh, learn to bag smalls. you sucked at your job tonight. Bags should hold boxes, not spill them into my truck and be empty.
Lol, this is the same idea that if I say "no offense" before a sentence that anything I say is immediately forgiven and not as bad.

You can't call people names and then expect "to stay out of it". Especially when you're leaning completely to one side for no reason.

I also don't understand why you guys wouldn't want your tournament to be more successful. Why wouldn't you want more people/ money to circulate to the venue so that these things can continue? In addition, OS is one of the best players in the country, and I organize an entire region's tournaments. Making us think bad of you guys is detrimental to you: ever being able to run a circuit event, and ever progressing in the game past scrub level.

We had planned on, and looked forward to coming down this weekend to scope out your guys' scene and to help you guys develop it. Instead, you guys are pulling an EVO and being stubborn about irrational rules. (once again it's not the fact that MK is banned. It's how you went about it. We still planned on coming to this knowing that there was no double blind. It's not that we're not open to different rules, it's just how you guys go about it)


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
Thats why the key words are "want" and "mostly".

I'm sorry if I came off harsh, I guess it was a knee-jerk reaction to all the negativity. I meant what I said, but I understand that I presented it the wrong way. I'm leaning one way for maybe the wrong reason, but not no reason at all. These are my friends and all I see is people talking down to them.

And when you say "you guys" what exactly do you mean? It's not my tournament, or tac's, or hilt's, or kip's etc. It's s2d's, and we do try to bring reasonable rules to it, but it's done democratically and incrementally, which is a slow process without much of a driving force.

If you have a better suggestion on how to straighten the whole thing out that you can present rationally, I'm sure any one of us would be willing to listen to you. Of course we can only do so much.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
I want sbr rules it's the TOs fault not ours. We are doing what we can to get sbr rules and tio. I want cincy and louisville to be pals. I want to travel down there I want you guys travel up here. I want to go to smashfest, I want to play with more people. Can't we just be friends.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2008
You know, if someone has another venue, we don't HAVE to go to S2D. We'd lose some scrubs (not this one), but could do things SBR's way. It's just that S2D is really, really convenient that it outweighs having non-standard rules.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
S2D is actually really convenient for a weekly tournament. Three full setups already provided. Another tv that can be used for the tournament or for friendlies. Food court nearby. There arent many reasons to leave, as long as Josh can fully adapt the SBR rules.

However, when holding larger tournaments in louisville, or one that would be more open to OOS, it may not be a bad idea to hold it somewhere else. If we can get him to use tio, regular SBR rules (which he's starting to move towards) it could still work. We messed up this time, and all i can do is tell you we wont make this mistake the next time we do something like this. At least not if it's within the power of someone other than the TO >.>

More of a warning will be given the next time this is done.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2008
I just want to mention, it is feasible for the players to take the responsibility of the tournament's mechanics off of the hands of the TO, as he isn't opposed to it.

as long as we hand it off to a more informed player to be the de facto organizer the rules can be adjusted to fit the standard and tio can and will be used.

This leaves the actual TO with the only job of collecting the money and handing it out later. (he can better manage the store as well, so I expect no complaints from him)

because I've lined up one of the local players with the responsibility for bringing a machine to run tio on, and also agreement from the TO to let us use tio (keyword is "us", meaning not him)

essentially this lets me transfer all the responsibility of the entire tournament off the current TO and onto a trusted/knowledgeable player including the rules.

The TO probably agreed to this because it allows him more time to concentrate on managing his store and essentially becomes the venue owner while someone else, informed about smash, becomes the TO.

believe me I wasn't exactly happy about all of the TO's rules either. Were it not for me, this weekly would be played Swiss on a single stage with a single character per person. (or at least I'm led to believe that I was the influencing factor) I want to adopt standardized and consistent rules as much as the next person.

edit: also paladin is not the only metaknight. I occasionally will use metaknight when I feel like it, but I play more or less to prove to myself that I can place with a specific character. (I sub the entire roster.)
[note: that sub entire roster thing was the reason that I was the most vocal about getting the blinds and unrestricting counterpick characters]


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
1. GO Protein! I nominate YOU!
2. Tio? Whatis?
3. can someone please link me to our AiB page? I lost it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Protein, you're alright.

If you use tio for a double elimination bracket, I can do the 3rd tier bracket by hand.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
lmao you guys played swiss?!

I as well think protein would be right for the job.

If not him, Tactical. They're probably the two that have been to the S2D tournaments the longest.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I'm the best Wolf from the SE, I'm Equi from FL and I'll be visiting for this month. If anyone is interested in smashing let me know, I'm in Louisville atm and you can IM me at equivocalx3.

And as for this tourney, if anyone wants to team let me know. I'll be here.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
So I scouted out this equi guy a little bit, and polmex tells me he's gonna beat my ***. Sad news. I wonder if he'll challenge for the title.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
So I scouted out this equi guy a little bit, and polmex tells me he's gonna beat my ***. Sad news. I wonder if he'll challenge for the title.
wait what? doesnt he main wolf? and you main wuigi.......? confused :confused:

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
If someone besides Josh starts running the tournament, we need to start doing doubles.

especially if we're gonna start attending circuit events. We'll need the practice




Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
if everyone there wants the rules chagne, wouldnt he have to change them? just a thought

i will be there this saturday =D and light said he should be to, hes quiting wrestling. He also mentioned something about not losing to os =p you better be ready os


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
does luigi do bad against wolf?
Um, worse than neutral, but not by much. Mostly because fireballs don't cancel his blaster, and get outranged by it. I was just saying I'm gonna get beat because polmex says he has problems with the guy, and polmex is considerably better than I am. If you listen to pol, the dude might beat OS for the money, but I tend not to take him too seriously (his ego is THIIIIIIIIS big).

Other thought, is anyone interested in doing some smash tomorrow during the early day, at s2d or my house or anywhere? I have to work at night, but I would really like to get some practice in before this tournament.

Another thought, joshkip, what are you doing after work? Want to come to my place and smash? Or anyone? lol. I want to get back to placing in this tournament (well maybe I won't this week, but at least more regularly)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Um, worse than neutral, but not by much. Mostly because fireballs don't cancel his blaster, and get outranged by it. I was just saying I'm gonna get beat because polmex says he has problems with the guy, and polmex is considerably better than I am. If you listen to pol, the dude might beat OS for the money, but I tend not to take him too seriously (his ego is THIIIIIIIIS big).

Other thought, is anyone interested in doing some smash tomorrow during the early day, at s2d or my house or anywhere? I have to work at night, but I would really like to get some practice in before this tournament.

Another thought, joshkip, what are you doing after work? Want to come to my place and smash? Or anyone? lol. I want to get back to placing in this tournament (well maybe I won't this week, but at least more regularly)

Tell that wolf $10 MM
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