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Louisville KY s2d tournament a few times a monthly. 08/29/09


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
This sounds like a tournament that Cincinnati Would Win... Hmmmm Luckily for ya'll that I have to work until 5...How troublesome...Next start it Later...because people do WORK!!! RaRaRaRaRa!!!
This is on Saturday. You work then? Who works on saturdays? :p

The UK tournament is on friday.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Just a warning but I've never seen the TO create a bracket. Pretty lame stuff.
yeah, he doesn't make brackets... he just kinda rolls dice and makes people fight. the tournaments at S2D are made to be casual. the entry fee is $5 and the prizes are subpar even when we DO get a lot of people. we have to argue with him when we want a rule change. when I first started going, you were locked to one character for the ENTIRE tournament.

it took us forever to just recently get him to agree on the double blind rule...


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

If I'm going, there will be a bracket. I don't care if I have to knock the guy out and run the tournament myself.

Someone bring Tio... I dunno if I'm showing up or not still though.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
It doesn't really concern me so much except I don't want to go there, beat a bunch of people, then not get paid. That kind of stuff happens with crap like this. I won't have a problem beating pretty much everyone there.... but I can no longer use my main because the TO decided to ban him with less than a week before the tournament, he doesn't use brackets (WTF is dice roll?), and I don't think the TO has posted in this thread.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
Brakects are the way to go. It still boggles my mind that the loser of the winners finals has to fight his way through the losers bracket instead of having them go right the losers finals. It also makes me wonder how giving you a bye can move your placement up. All the byes are to take place at the beginning of the tournament not byes every freaking round. It makes me appreciate the tournaments in Utah that are run with the sbr rules and tio. I don't know why he thinks making it "casual" will bring out more people, anyone that competes in tournaments wants things to be ran like a real tournament not some casual tournament. But i don't care it's a tournament close by so i'm still going to go but it doesn't mean i can't complain.

No the TO doesn't post in this thread nor does he play smash.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
Guh? You main Meta Overswarm? I could have sworn you were a R.O.B. main. That's quite disheartening to hear :ohwell:

Anyway, I believe the way he runs the tournament is a direct result of how he runs the Magic: the Gathering tournaments the store hosts as well. Hes been doing them by dice rolling for years now, and its hard to break someone of old habits; atleast without a really good reason to do so. I believe he has the "If it aen't broke" mentality.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Pretty much. Unfortunately for Louisville, my ROB will do the same. As would my Marth or Snake. :)

I don't mind Meta being banned since I hate the character, but it is pretty lame banning him one week before a tournament. Would have been nice to be able to, ya know, practice with a character I could use for the tournament at the last smashfest :p

Myself and some of Cincinnati should be coming down to UK's tournament on Friday... and then going to Louisville on Saturday. I plan to win both.
Hehe i will be the one.....TO TAKE YOU DOWN xD

i cant wait to show you my new falco and pikachu


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Yeah, I actually enjoy MK-banned tourneys. This is just really shaky looking.

How was it so difficult to get double blind picks, but so easy to ban a character?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
Double blinds are harder to sort out if there is an argument, and he has to run the store when the tourney is going on. More hassle is probly why he shot it down before.

On the flipside, no one mains Meta at the tourney, so no one cared if he was banned. He just needed a show of hands and it was all "Pro ban" and "I don't care."

We actually have had a Meta ban vote before this, it was all Pro Ban and don't care votes as well, but there was one Meta player (he has since gone fox) so he didn't ban him.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Double blinds are harder to sort out if there is an argument, and he has to run the store when the tourney is going on. More hassle is probly why he shot it down before.

On the flipside, no one mains Meta at the tourney, so no one cared if he was banned. He just needed a show of hands and it was all "Pro ban" and "I don't care."

We actually have had a Meta ban vote before this, it was all Pro Ban and don't care votes as well, but there was one Meta player (he has since gone fox) so he didn't ban him.
You should let him know that there are a bunch of other people that are thinking of coming but probably will not due to MK being banned >_>

I'll still win with whoever though if I go... it is just more principle than anything. You don't ban things that early.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
jkip: because he's from cincy....

kel: it was more difficult to get double blind because he thought that it would start fights if you werent bound to a character for the first game, since you both pick them at the same time. And he didnt want to go through the trouble of both players writing them down. Yeah....doesnt make too much sense to me why he couldnt get the concept.... but owell.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
Come on, you should be overjoyed by a meta ban OS. (Not like its short notice or anything either, its been talked about by the goers for weeks)

As for everyone that would come but wont, why? Its not like it affects them if they don't main meta, and if they do main meta then they should have a comparable secondary. They wont go cause they have a lower chance to win the pot because they can't use the best character in the game? Alt QQ moar. They wont go because they only use meta? Fail number one because its terrible to fight using the best anything in any game, and fail number two for disregarding the old saying "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket."


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
3-That guy
4-Your mom
I lol'd. Quite a bit.

edit for less awesome
I'll still win with whoever though if I go... it is just more principle than anything. You don't ban things that early.
Wait...what? Since when aren't you an anti-mk propaganda machine? What the hell did I miss?

Also, tac is about as correct as correct gets.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
It's not the fact that MK is banned. OS and I BOTH like MK banned tourneys (and we're opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to MK debates). The fact of the matter is that there is less than a week away until the tournament and all of a sudden you see it fit to change the rules drastically. There have been other known tournaments were TOs banned things such as Snakedashing half way through the tournament. This isn't as extreme, but it falls along the same principle.

Tactical, it's not that I don't play other characters. It's the fact that it's close to the tourney, and none of you really have a reason to ban him. OS' reasoning comes down to the fact that MK has no disadvantageous match ups, shutting down double blind's effectiveness. But you guys haven't even used double blind yet to see why he shuts it down. Banning MK MAY end up being the correct answer, but if done for the wrong reasons, it's just as bad as him being unbanned and broken (if that's the true nature of MK).

I'll do the MK debate IRL with any one that wishes to do so. I've just been typing it for so many months now that I can't stand it any longer.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I'll do the MK debate IRL with any one that wishes to do so. I've just been typing it for so many months now that I can't stand it any longer.
Now you guys know how i feel when i came back from vacation to learn that the TO decided to make the next S2D tournament a random character tournament >.> although that may not quite be as bad.

But... let's cease the topic of meta knight for this thread...

MK is banned at S2D. This ban was decided upon, on short notice, with a final verdict given a week before the tournament. Some dont like this. Some dont care. If you dont want to come Kel, no one's making you. However, it'd be awesome if you and the rest of cincy were to come. Personally, I know i'd enjoy it (i've never fought a good toon link so i really wanna face quivo!)

Just if you do come, dont start a bunch of arguments, or b**ch about the rules. It's too late to change anything.The next time a tournament like this one is held, it will probably be run by one of us, rather than josh. Someone that at least has general knowledge of smash in a competitive sense....


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
Kel said:
The fact of the matter is that there is less than a week away until the tournament and all of a sudden you see it fit to change the rules drastically. There have been other known tournaments were TOs banned things such as Snakedashing half way through the tournament.
Personally, I wouldn't exactly call a week short notice. Are you telling me that, given a weeks time, someone who has *only* played MK could not conceivably pick up another character well enough to get atleast top 8?

As for your second example, comparing the two is just ********. This wasn't the insane short sighted whims of a TO, it was a decision brought about by a group of peoples using the same process that our nation runs on.

Kel said:
Banning MK MAY end up being the correct answer, but if done for the wrong reasons, it's just as bad as him being unbanned and broken.
Hmm, if I may use a hypothetical example with everyone's favorite tyrannical dictator, Hitler. (Do read all of this please)

Here we have two men, both of whom have killed Hitler. (Alternate realities if you will)

Now, the first guy, he sees the destruction Hitler has wrought upon the world. The wars started, the freedom crushed, the families torn apart. In an act to prevent Hitler from doing more damage the first guy shoots him in the back of the head while he is eating dinner at a restaurant.

On the flip side, the second guy sees Hitler and everything he envys. Hitler has power, money, the will and ability to make his wishes manifest. Well, pretty soon he'll even rule the world. How can he have so much while the second guy has so little? In an act of selfish resentment the second guy shoots him in the back of the head while he is eating dinner at a restaurant.

While the first guy is virtuous and kills Hitler for all the right reasons, the second guy is envious and kills Hitler for all the wrong reasons. In the end no one really cares because Hitler is dead.

(On a side note, it is a known fact that your argument becomes 10% more effective if you mention Hitler)

Kel said:
I'll do the MK debate IRL with any one that wishes to do so. I've just been typing it for so many months now that I can't stand it any longer.
The only people who continue to bring up Metaknight are you and Overswarm. I think its safe to say that the argument would die the instant you two stop caring.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
everytime you'd say Hitler in your last post i thought you were talking about me....

Hilt...Hitler....for some reason they just look similar to me >.>


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Personally, I wouldn't exactly call a week short notice. Are you telling me that, given a weeks time, someone who has *only* played MK could not conceivably pick up another character well enough to get atleast top 8?

As for your second example, comparing the two is just ********. This wasn't the insane short sighted whims of a TO, it was a decision brought about by a group of peoples using the same process that our nation runs on.
Tactical, we voted and decided to ban Lucario at every tournament you're going to. Sorry. :(

Also, we're only giving you a weeks notice because we're banning the character you've been practicing for the tournament.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!


The only people who continue to bring up Metaknight are you and Overswarm. I think its safe to say that the argument would die the instant you two stop caring.
Uh...so? If you guys want to have OOS people coming to KY tournaments, make 'em less scrubby. Right now the only reason I have to go is because of free money.

King of Hoboz

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
everytime you'd say Hitler in your last post i thought you were talking about me....

Hilt...Hitler....for some reason they just look similar to me >.>
Well you do oppress your pikmin like Hitler did Jews/Gays/etc...>.>

I'm sure we'll take the consequences of late notice ban, how about we just wait it out and see if the late notice ban actually did something, cause so far, like Tac. said we've only got you two mentioning it, if you can get someone else saying the same thing I'll be fine with your argument.

PS:Lol 69


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2008
Somewhere with a horrible connection
If Lucario was banned at every tournament I'de go "Well that sucks" and pick up GaW or Fox. Given a week I could, most likely, get one of them into top 8 shape. Its not exactly a hard thing to do.

As for the scrub level of the tournament, I have this to ask. Are 10-20 out of state metaknight players any better? Personally I'de take the scrubs. At least they're fun to fight. On the other hand maybe they will show up *because* hes banned, and they don't have to fight, or even see, a character they find detestable. Then there's always a third option of them not caring. Most would probably fall under that description.

As for the making money bit, I thought that was your driving force for going to any tournament. At least any tournament where there isn't a large concentration of your friends to hang out with.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
I agree with OS and Kel. It's definitely shaky that you ban MK on such short notice. IIRC tactical said OS's ****** in s2d was what influenced you guys to ban him?

I could care less about MK being banned at this point. I think he's fun to play against and it feels good to beat him with a mid tier.

Also, I wish I could come but I work..


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If Lucario was banned at every tournament I'de go "Well that sucks" and pick up GaW or Fox. Given a week I could, most likely, get one of them into top 8 shape. Its not exactly a hard thing to do.

As for the scrub level of the tournament, I have this to ask. Are 10-20 out of state metaknight players any better? Personally I'de take the scrubs. At least they're fun to fight. On the other hand maybe they will show up *because* hes banned, and they don't have to fight, or even see, a character they find detestable. Then there's always a third option of them not caring. Most would probably fall under that description.

As for the making money bit, I thought that was your driving force for going to any tournament. At least any tournament where there isn't a large concentration of your friends to hang out with.
Or I could spend my weekend, ya know, spending time with friends or doing homework. =P

This is a side job and I make my own hours.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
You know, Tactical, maybe you just want MK banned so that Cincinnati won't come and you can win the tournament... You won the last one but you know Cincy would rock your socks off. This is a diversionary tactic.

You can "pick up" any character by picking them up and playing them. Mastering a character is VERY different. It may be easy for you (Tactical) to pick up just about any character and place well in these self-proclaimed "scrub tournaments", but if you ever want to be competitive outside of your small area, you'll need to actually master a character. Not just "pick one up". You're catering to your small region's needs, but you're also keeping the region confined by completely shutting something out that other competitive regions still play with.

Also, lol at you saying my Snake-dashing comparison is dumb but your Hitler comparison is in good-natured taste.

I also think it's funny that LESS THAN (Yeah, I see the edit time >:() a week is enough time to decide to ban a character for a tournament you're trying to make large, but that same amount of time is NOT enough time to change it back.

You guys would decide to scrub out on the tournament I finally decided to come to :(


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
And really, you guys should be more inclined to ban Lucario and Snake since Tactical and Jiano win most of your tournaments.

The only tournament I found in this thread that MK actually won was OS. Which doesn't really count because he'll do the same with ROB, Marth, Dedede and Snake just as well.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
well i dont see why people have a problem with jiano cause i can beat him and i have beaten tactical once, all it takes is a little practice, will power and confidence in yourself...... MIND GAMES SON!

unlike metaknight who can be picked up by ANYONE and they can be called amazing at ssbb, just ask hilt he can tell you the story of paladin

its just that its bad enough to get beatin by metaknight but imagine if someone who hardly ever played this came up to you and beat the crap out of you with the best character in the game its a double negative nobody wins.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
well i dont see why people have a problem with jiano cause i can beat him and i have beaten tactical once, all it takes is a little practice, will power and confidence in yourself...... MIND GAMES SON!

unlike metaknight who can be picked up by ANYONE and they can be called amazing at ssbb, just ask hilt he can tell you the story of paladin

its just that its bad enough to get beatin by metaknight but imagine if someone who hardly ever played this came up to you and beat the crap out of you with the best character in the game its a double negative nobody wins.
The metaknight player wins.

Him being easy to play doesn't matter anyway. I can pick half the cast and destroy the entire state of Kentucky with one day of practice, that doesn't make them broken. I agree MK should be remove from the game, but you can't give people less than a week's notice and then say "Don't worry, the smashfests where you practiced for the tournament using a banned character were useless to you, but you can practice and learn another character before the tournament, right? Oh, you can't? You have jobs, school, and a life outside of smash and removing the weekend doesn't allow you to practice?"


I'm not playing friendlies with anyone here if I do come. I'm going to come, win, leave.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Kel, you should go to the melee tournament this weekend.

OS why do you care if MK is banned? You kept going on and on about how he makes the game unfun.

What a cool guy.
I care about MK being banned short notice. I practice with characters I use in tournament, and if Tactical had been like "Hey guys, MK is banned at the tournament" I would have practiced with other characters. It's no different than practicing a good CP then someone banning it the day of the tournament. It puts you at a stark disadvantage for no reason.

I want to include KY in the MW smash scene, but if they can't be courteous enough to not ban a character a week before a tournament or actually get their TO to use decent rules I don't see a way of making that happen.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
You know, Tactical, maybe you just want MK banned so that Cincinnati won't come and you can win the tournament... You won the last one but you know Cincy would rock your socks off. This is a diversionary tactic.

You can "pick up" any character by picking them up and playing them. Mastering a character is VERY different. It may be easy for you (Tactical) to pick up just about any character and place well in these self-proclaimed "scrub tournaments", but if you ever want to be competitive outside of your small area, you'll need to actually master a character. Not just "pick one up". You're catering to your small region's needs, but you're also keeping the region confined by completely shutting something out that other competitive regions still play with.

Also, lol at you saying my Snake-dashing comparison is dumb but your Hitler comparison is in good-natured taste.

I also think it's funny that LESS THAN (Yeah, I see the edit time >:() a week is enough time to decide to ban a character for a tournament you're trying to make large, but that same amount of time is NOT enough time to change it back.

You guys would decide to scrub out on the tournament I finally decided to come to :(
Kel is my hero


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
Yeah it was pretty damn short notice to ban a character, especially when there isn't much reason to it either. Honestly I wouldn't travel an hour to a S2D tournament unless I was playing solely for the money, and if you're playing smash for money then you're doing it wrong.

I wish Louisville had this many smash players before Brawl came out :(.
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