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Louie's Notes-Olimar Q&A Thread!!


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
pivot grab
pikmin toss
shield grab
whistle everything, but this scenario should never happen anyway cuz its zelda

any zelda you play should be swearing and crying the entire match


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
What the hell do you do against Zelda?
Learn how to shield her Fire. Or roll to avoid it. Don't try to approach her from above. Observe her Naryu's Wind (Reflector) habits, throw pikmin when she isn't going to do it, predict and punish her when she does do it. And try to not get Dsmashed, it really screws Oli up.

That's about it
...you win. That's what you do against Zelda.

I recall using Zelda against people who didn't know how to air dodge. Din's Fire was pretty much death for them o.
I've seen this happen before lol

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Down Tilt is a bigger problem. Might be Zelda's best move lolol. Stay away from her because if she lands a dtilt, it's an easy string into any of her three smashes.


Smash Rookie
Sep 22, 2010
Arizona, US of A
So, I'm just starting out with Olimar. I read the guide and I've begun practicing the things in it, so here's my question.

What do you think is the most important thing that a beginning Olimar should learn?


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2010
Getting a banana chucked at my face. WHISTLE!!
thats a good question. i found that after practice your general skills (di e.g.) get better with practice.

Get timing down for moves as well as figuring out the appropriate times to use them.
feel comfortable with pikmin toss, camping, and pikmin color coordination, I've learned that going on a rampage with white pikmin trying to usmash to punish never works... lol.
Also check out some dthrow combos/pseudo combos, they will help you rack up the damage quickly.

If you're gonna camp, spacing is very important, get a feel for oli's moves for it and find situations to use them in (stated above). So yeah that should give you some stuff to work on, there are other things too, I just said what imo are some good things to get down.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
So, I'm just starting out with Olimar. I read the guide and I've begun practicing the things in it, so here's my question.

What do you think is the most important thing that a beginning Olimar should learn?
No. PSI is wrong. The most important thing an beginning Olimar should learn is how to stop getting gimped by dumb ****.

Then comes all that other stuff :p

There are a lot of tricks to getting back on the stage and making sure you don't get gimped for something silly. First is remembering to save your second jump - you'd be surprised how much easier getting back to the stage is if you do. Second, whistle when you jump, and jump when you whistle - the two go hand in hand. The reason for this is that if someone hits you out of your second jump, you're basically dead (Wario is very good at this).

Also, if someone is on the ledge trying to hog it from you, you can A) Throw a purple at him if you have one at the front of your line or B) Attack him with Fair or Uair

There are other things but I don't want to throw too much at you at once ^_^


Smash Rookie
Sep 22, 2010
Arizona, US of A
Okay. So work on getting color coordinated and not getting gimped. Got it. Thanks. :)

Does it have to be a purple to knock someone off the ledge, or can any other color do it?


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Okay. So work on getting color coordinated and not getting gimped. Got it. Thanks. :)

Does it have to be a purple to knock someone off the ledge, or can any other color do it?
@_@ Purples are the only one with knockback, so yeah only purples. But on the other hand, you can gimp the recoveries of certain characters by latching Pikmin onto them (aka non-purples). It stops stuff like Ness & Lucas's PK Thunder 2, Ike's Quick Draw, Pikachu's Skull Bash, WeeGee's Green Missile, etc.


Smash Rookie
Sep 22, 2010
Arizona, US of A
Thank you for clarifying. I knew that the others didn't have knockback, I just wondered if when they latched on and did damage if it removed characters from the ledge.

Obviously I have a lot to learn, lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2010
Getting a banana chucked at my face. WHISTLE!!
No. PSI is wrong. The most important thing an beginning Olimar should learn is how to stop getting gimped by dumb ****.

Then comes all that other stuff :p
Haha yeah forgot about that one xD

which is pretty much the most important thing, so idk how.

Now that I think about it, what should I do for momentum canceling if im gonna save my second jump, airdodge and fair or what?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Thank you for clarifying. I knew that the others didn't have knockback, I just wondered if when they latched on and did damage if it removed characters from the ledge.

Obviously I have a lot to learn, lol.
Watch videos, and a lot of them. We have a fantastic video thread (made by yours truly ;)) with many different matchups within, so you'll pick up a lot of things just by watching other people play and implementing things into your style.
Haha yeah forgot about that one xD

which is pretty much the most important thing, so idk how.

Now that I think about it, what should I do for momentum canceling if im gonna save my second jump, airdodge and fair or what?
Fair. It's the fastest. Don't use your second jump unless you absolutely will die unless you do.
Random note, blue pikmin fair beats tornado
Are you sure that it wasn't just the startup frames of Nado? I remember thinking once that purple Usmash beat it but it turned out that I just hit it in the early stages of the move, at which point it has very low priority (and possibly no hitbox?).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009

Watch videos, and a lot of them. We have a fantastic video thread (made by yours truly ;)) with many different matchups within, so you'll pick up a lot of things just by watching other people play and implementing things into your style.

Fair. It's the fastest. Don't use your second jump unless you absolutely will die unless you do.

Are you sure that it wasn't just the startup frames of Nado? I remember thinking once that purple Usmash beat it but it turned out that I just hit it in the early stages of the move, at which point it has very low priority (and possibly no hitbox?).
Nope. The MK was chasing me and I just faired through it with blue.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Nope. The MK was chasing me and I just faired through it with blue.
As I recall, aerials practically never, ever, ever beat out tornado unless it hits from the top. And I doubt that a blue would hit through anyway.

And Vocal, you said you were going to a tourney Saturday? >.< All I know that's coming up is DSO, which is Sunday, so idk if you just mixed the date or if there's another tourney.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
As I recall, aerials practically never, ever, ever beat out tornado unless it hits from the top. And I doubt that a blue would hit through anyway.

And Vocal, you said you were going to a tourney Saturday? >.< All I know that's coming up is DSO, which is Sunday, so idk if you just mixed the date or if there's another tourney.
Just mixed up the date :) OMG THIS MEANS I'M MEETING ANOTHER OLI MAIN! First Hilt, now you :)

Def gotta get a picture together

Oooo, and create an Olimar handshake. *brainstorms*


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2010
The olimar handshake obviously should be rotating your upper body like olimar does in his taunt :D

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
PSI, nope you have it wrong. After you get hit, start mashing Up Air as fast as you can, and start trying to fast fall. Start a fast fall right after the first up air ends. You don't need to air dodge.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Oh my bad, I've been momentum canceling the wrong way for months now @_@
years right over here, didn't know about fastfall >_>

edit: hilt, can you test something for me? see how many characters we can dair out of ledge options (example, out of diddy's ledge jump below 100%, we have a guaranteed dair if we start the dair as diddy starts the ledge animation) IDK if it will only be jumps, or maybe even get up attacks or rolls, but it is very important to figure this out if it is indeed guaranteed


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Lol. Ok thanks hilt. Btw another question, I'm goin to my first tourney next month and I main ness as well as oli. First off advice for the tourney, then also what matchups should I use oli for and which ones should I not?
Use Olimar for everything.

You think I'm joking but I'm not :)


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2010
Getting a banana chucked at my face. WHISTLE!!
Oh yeah i have a technique i learned from a ness guide that havnt seen anywhere on the oli boards, it could be useful if a reverse sh pikmin throw isnt an option but you still want to camp them/run away while you're doing it.

Basically, at any point during a dash you can turn around and pikmin throw.
As you are running, side b the direction you are running then very quickly push the other way on the control stick, its prone to screw up sometimes, but could be useful.

Idk, most likely already known just wanted to throw it out there in case it's not.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Ok i feel super n00bish for asking this question, but I've never really found a good explanation.

What is staling/refreshing/fresh all that stuff exactly, I have a pretty good idea of what it is but I'd like a true explanation for it.
Ok I can answer easy stuff like this :D Other people can do answer the strategy questions...

Basically, stale move negation means that, the more you use an attack, the weaker it'll become. The game records your input moves and places them in slots. There are 10 slots, each of which are assigned a value. I forget the exact formula/values, but the more recent you used a move, the higher the value is. You basically add up all of the values, and that's the total percent decay of the move. And, if you use more than 10 moves, it'll begin erasing the moves you first used.

The slots are erased when you respawn. Also, in the majority of cases, multi-hit moves only fill up one slot (however, there are exceptions, such as Marth's Dancing Blade and Zamus's usmash). In most cases, you want to refresh your moves, because if it's stale, the knockback and damage output it dramatically reduced. I think if all 10 slots were filled with the same attack, the knockback and damage would be reduced by 65%. And a side note, there are some moves not affected by stale move negation, and also, a fresh move (that's not on the list at all) does 5% more damage/knockback.

Last, us Oli's (aka Hilt) have just figured out that a staled usmash significantly increases the hitstun of yellow usmashes. This can lead to some true combos :) If you want the exact formula, I can also find it for you.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Edit (actually more like supplement...): lol I fail, I forgot to mention that they only get put into the slots when the move actually hits an opponent/breakable object (wario's bike, castle siege's pillars).
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