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Louie's Notes-Olimar Q&A Thread!!


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Well i mean i know fsmash to beat grab, i was just hoping someone could give me some better insight since im sure thats a pretty common thing to encounter in the ditto... throw pikmanz then try to grab. And i was getting beat by it lol, maybe i should have just been more aware :p but yeah was just looking for some insight


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Well i mean i know fsmash to beat grab, i was just hoping someone could give me some better insight since im sure thats a pretty common thing to encounter in the ditto... throw pikmanz then try to grab. And i was getting beat by it lol, maybe i should have just been more aware :p but yeah was just looking for some insight
Dash Grabbing as Olimar, especially AGAINST Olimar is stupid when the target Olimar is grounded and not landing into it helplessly. You can either FAir, Smash (best option), or NAir through them. I would highly suggest that you FSmash because it allows you to keep range and it's such a good ption.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Lol at both the question and the one-word answer. Anyway Hilt what is your name in Pokemon Online? Or rather...what server will you be at? Oh and these questions are just more for future reference, being that I'm still not back at my home PC and I'm still dying to get 3-stocked by you in Brawl.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to change my color XD

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I get on Beta, and if it's down I get on whichever server has the most people XD That's when my server's down though, which is usually, because our group that plays is off and on. I could always run it again though, haha. but yeah, my name on it's Hilt. X:

Edit: Your font color's so light that it looks white on this skin, lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Hilt I'm confused with the Pokemon thingy, cause it says that my team is invalid, and I can only play challenge cup, and I should try giving my Pokemon moves.

And my pokemon already have moves on them o.O


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2010
ゲッダン gimped in hawaii
how do you instant tether onto the stage with tapjump on?

i've asked this in the past but have gotten no answer besides "don't play with tap jump" which is something i'm not going to do.

someone has to know


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
how do you instant tether onto the stage with tapjump on?

i've asked this in the past but have gotten no answer besides "don't play with tap jump" which is something i'm not going to do.

someone has to know
You do it really, insanely fast. That's it.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
hey im kinda new to olimar what should i practice on and how should i practice it? i can only play against humans once a week or so, so preferably training/cpu practice tips
Hi PSI :) If you're relatively new, you should start by reading the guide that we have stickied, "Deflowered." You'll get lots of new things to focus on in there, and then you could come to us with more specific questions. Playing against humans is the best practice (even once a week), but you can still practice your basic combos/strings on CPUs and use them to figure out both how Olimar handles AND how his moves affect other characters (e.g. hitting Snake with a Fair at this percentage will leave him in range for an fsmash or grab if he doesn't jump, stuff like that).


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
ok sweet thanks. and yeah i read the guides they've been extremely helpful

Also ive been experimenting with yellow pikmin, is a land canceled uair a possible combo because of yellow hitstun or is there too much landing lag for that
I've tried landing Uair combos and they never work. I'm pretty sure that yellow hitstun is lower after low percentages, so the answer is most likely no. However, iNairing (incomplete Nair) is byfar a better option, though the yellow priority would be nice if it extended further downward.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Also ive been experimenting with yellow pikmin, is a land canceled uair a possible combo because of yellow hitstun or is there too much landing lag for that
Lol in what case would you even land cancel an uair? You only uair if they're pretty high. I'd much rather utilt if they're that close to the ground anyway.

Also, I had 2 questions. 1) is it ever a good idea to approach the opponent with sh or fh aerials, and if so, which ones? 2) what do you do when you're in the air (but not too high) and the opponent is camping for grabs diagonally below you? Grandpa Hilt always said to steer clear of the opponent or purple toss, but that doesn't always work XD


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Lol in what case would you even land cancel an uair? You only uair if they're pretty high. I'd much rather utilt if they're that close to the ground anyway.

Also, I had 2 questions. 1) is it ever a good idea to approach the opponent with sh or fh aerials, and if so, which ones? 2) what do you do when you're in the air (but not too high) and the opponent is camping for grabs diagonally below you? Grandpa Hilt always said to steer clear of the opponent or purple toss, but that doesn't always work XD
Fair, especially yellow. Iirc it's nonpunishable by most characters (not sure which are the exceptions) on all but a perfect shield. You can also throw out an Fsmash or Pivot Grab afterwards just in case they DO try to punish you for it. Fair is an excellent spacing tool - even if you don't deal damage with it it still keeps people out of Oli's bubble, just be sure to space it at the max range when possible.

Of course you'll want to be camping most opponents and making them approach you, butn when you need to, Fair is your best option.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
I've been wondering about this for a while... Olimar boards are usually lacking in consistent contributions to the video thread. Is there anyone on this board that has a dazzle and would be willing to help out people who only have replays?

I would upload SOOO much more videos if I had some way to get them recorded like in Dazzle.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Yeah, what Blissard said. You can't pivot grab OOS. You can only do something OOS if you're able to do it in the first few frames of a jump (up smash, for instance), and you can't dash out of the initial jump frames.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
Yeah, what Blissard said. You can't pivot grab OOS. You can only do something OOS if you're able to do it in the first few frames of a jump (up smash, for instance), and you can't dash out of the initial jump frames.
Hold on for a minute. I was playing around with Peach cause I was helping Razmakazi out for a bit until I accidently pivot grabbed out of shield with peach. It was a weird one motion. I would dash, shield, then turn around and grab. Instantly.

I remember now! It was cause he complained to me about Peach getting chased. So we simulated a scenario where meta is chasing her and what I wrote above was effective. It managed to powershield and grab.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Hold on for a minute. I was playing around with Peach cause I was helping Razmakazi out for a bit until I accidently pivot grabbed out of shield with peach. It was a weird one motion. I would dash, shield, then turn around and grab. Instantly.

I remember now! It was cause he complained to me about Peach getting chased. So we simulated a scenario where meta is chasing her and what I wrote above was effective. It managed to powershield and grab.
I don't think you get pivot grab range on grabs like that though. Since Peach was standing still, all she did was turn around and then grab. I see Ice Climbers do that quite a bit, plus other people when I Nair their shield (took me a little while to learn to stop doing it so often).

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
That's not out of shield. You're still dropping your shield in that situation. In order for something to be OOS you have to cancel your shield with something (Jump, Shield Grab, Roll).


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
That's not out of shield. You're still dropping your shield in that situation. In order for something to be OOS you have to cancel your shield with something (Jump, Shield Grab, Roll).
Oh yes, and this. I started out meaning to say that but I got sidetracked ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
That's not out of shield. You're still dropping your shield in that situation. In order for something to be OOS you have to cancel your shield with something (Jump, Shield Grab, Roll).
Ahh that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
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