You wanna know why Im silly? It's cause all the arguments that are against link kinda doesnt really seem right.
If Link's slow is a problem, isnt the actual problem with being slow that you cant control the stage/space/punish things quick enough? If a slow character got much range doesn't that kinda solve the problem by not having speed(link's the only character with both good melee range and projectile range)? Why isn't this a major flaw that makes ganon useless?
Link's recovery isn't a problem, I dunno how you can say marths recovery is better than link's especially when you look matchup by matchup,

. Saying Link's recovery is bad once you go into tumble like I saw someone write is kinda noobish, wiggling good makes this problem nonexistant, you also dont want to UpB without hitting your opponent in the air, it makes you a sitting duck lol. Also how can options like throw a projectile, airdodge, bomb jumping be ignored?
If Links ability to land kills is a problem, why is it a problem, I dont really notice that other than that some link players seem to think UpB is the goto kill option. Its not, dair is the goto kill option, and the dair needs to be used in smart ways, you need to know the situations where it will land, but once you do, you'll get easy kills from 80%(45% if puff on YS). Empty dairs are stupid though, but comboing into it is almost trivial, especially against characters where its important. Bomb->dair, tech chase dair and dthrow dair are the best options.
Links grab is different and unforgiving, its not bad(though not good), there are no safe smash attacks on links shield, people can't afford to miss link with an aerial, weak hit nair -> grab pseudo-combos thanks to landing lag. Its not a glaring flaw, especially when you consider that its not safe to shield against link cause of everything that sheild pokes.
Link has IMO one of the better OoS options with bombs, quick and great range in all directions. Dunno how that can be bad, if link doesnt got a bomb in his hand then his OoS options gets worse but nair/bair OoS is still okay. This was for me a flaw until I found out that bomb OoS is exactly what I needed.
So Im pretty sure that most people are just BSing, they don't know themselves why link is bad, bad they assume a lot of stuff cause some things have happened and are trying to find explanations to the facts. Melee is a damn deep game and that means that I dont think anyone actually grasps it.
And why should I switch to a better character when Im clearly not the best with my current character, what would I earn in a switch?