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LGBT Smashers

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Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Rofl, looks like we have our own little sub-group of anti-lesbian homophobia in our sausage-fest of a thread. I dated a lesbian for a bit and she was stunningly beautiful.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Columbia, MD
I guess I'm taking the side of it doing more harm than not. The term "that's so gay" is only going to get worse, and be used more frequently, and its weird because my professor used it today in class and I was almost, a little offended. I feel like especially in a school or workplace that language should never be used.

These advertisements with Wanda Sykes and Hilary Duff I feel could do alot of good to at least hinder it, but the problem is most TV stations and cable networks will probably never run them, even if asked to.

You could say its just going to go away over time, and be replaced by a new set of words to define good/bad/attractive/ugly/difficult/easy etc. but I think especially because of the struggle for gay rights its going to remain and grow even more common.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Guys, come on now. People that actively use the "that's so gay" comments aren't even considering gays and their lifestyles or rights when saying said phrase. The communities' progression isn't going to affect the phrase, it'll be used as long as people see fit and then get bored of it for something else.

Even if people wanted to even at least consider stop using it out of respect, I can only assume that would be countered by people's laziness in having to actively stop using a phrase that (for most) comes so easily.

I can see not wanting to use it out of respect to either your own lifestyle or others, but it's seriously not going to hold back gay rights or the slang hitting a pinnacle over it.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
The pink triangle was the brand Nazis planted on gay people to identify them in concentration camps. Now it's a badge of honor.
Times change. Social contexts change with them. I think it's a bit too late for people to persecute anyone else for saying "that's so gay" in a derogatory fashion.
Again the meaning changed in order to destroy the problem with the association.

If "gay" had a slang meaning of "happy" in addition to being "homosexual" then this would be different.

But it means "ungood", and until that meaning changes, it's bad.

And that's exactly the change that people are trying to bring about, the word means something different so it's no longer derogatory.

I'm not sure whether it's your speaking in absolutes or just stubbornness to believe that people can seperate the two that bothers me more.
Probably the latter, people CAN overcome prejudices, but it's still psychological branding which is very damaging in the long term.

Note that it's not the word association that can be overcome, but one can reverse it's effects on their actions. Of course knowing what is influencing their actions is very significant in beating that influence.

I understand where you're coming from, though. I still think the bigger reason people think ill of the gay community is not so much of a word relation as the idea of MEN HAVING SEX TOGETHER.

Unless you're lesbian in which case it's totally hot.
Well it has a lot to do with patriarchy.

But I'm thinking about this in the long view, the repercussions are not as immediate as "MEN HAVING SEX TOGETHER", but in the long it's a linguistic construction that will continue keeping society against gay rights.

And that includes the inability of people to normalize the idea of "men having sex together".

Because remember, in the long term the struggle is for normalization, and THAT'S where homophobic language really hits hard, it makes normalization impossible as long as it exists. We saw the same effect with the Hillary campaign and the sexist language and it's effects, and how that related to the lack of normalization of women in power.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
You're missing the point, it's a simple linguistic truth, word associations have enormous power over the human subconscious. This is an established principal of neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics (the source is neurolinguistics, because it creates an association in the sectors of the brain, and the effect is studied in psycholinguistics).

So I'm sorry, it is impossible, our brain doesn't process language in a way that allows us to break it.

You may think that it's more important, but immiediate hate is a short-term thing, lasting only as long as this generation.

Homophobic language on the other hand, breeds hate.

The only way to actually cement your community as a valid non-inferior community is to eliminate homophobic language from the English vocabulary. And it's not just "that's so gay", there are a number of other things in our vocabulary that assist in this, it's a tiny part of the overall linguistic equation, but signifigant as a commentary on the whole.

Why do you think that feminists are so intent on eliminating patriarical language? Same reason, they know the linguistics.

For society to change, the language must change, there's no way around this.
you have a rather bleak, doomsday point of view on all this stuff. Not to say the science is TOTALLY off base, but, you know, scientific "evidence" can often suggest things that aren't true due to the power of overexagerration... then again, you should know that with that being a side effect of language and all that jazz.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
you have a rather bleak, doomsday point of view on all this stuff. Not to say the science is TOTALLY off base, but, you know, scientific "evidence" can often suggest things that aren't true due to the power of overexagerration... then again, you should know that with that being a side effect of language and all that jazz.
Eh, sure I'm being a bit bleak but that's just reality.

The problem is it's often ignored or misattributed due to it's subtlety.

It's a long term problem for your community, and if you ever want normalization, this is a very important concern.

Again, I'm not saying that this is "concentration camp" level, but the community can not ignore this problem if they want normalization.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Eh, sure I'm being a bit bleak but that's just reality.

The problem is it's often ignored or misattributed due to it's subtlety.

It's a long term problem for your community, and if you ever want normalization, this is a very important concern.

Again, I'm not saying that this is "concentration camp" level, but the community can not ignore this problem if they want normalization.
who wants to be normal? normal is boring :chuckle:

but seriously, while I think it's superfluous, I appreciate your concern for us.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
We saw the same effect with the Hillary campaign and the sexist language and it's effects, and how that related to the lack of normalization of women in power.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. The "normal white male" was dropped from the democratic campaign surprisingly early, and Hilary only losing to a black man, who went on to triumph over the generalized view of an American leader (read: white male)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
who wants to be normal? normal is boring :chuckle:

but seriously, while I think it's superfluous, I appreciate your concern for us.
being normal is really well un-normal to say the least,

wow its nice to know there is such a thread like this, there was one in brawlcentral but brawlcentral died and so did the thread, if anyone regonizes me PM, but anyway, who wants to be normal, I will type more, but gotta say happy birthday to my dad.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Americans make such a big deal out of gayism (wut).
We're so cool about it here :bee:
Gee that's cool, I suppose you can lend your money over here too?

MOST Lesbians are not attractive...but a few are..same thing with gays...a lot of them aren't hot either ><;;

Most people aren't attractive.
^^^ Win ^^^
Excuse me?
Rofl, looks like we have our own little sub-group of anti-lesbian homophobia in our sausage-fest of a thread. I dated a lesbian for a bit and she was stunningly beautiful.
Oooook that came out wrong. I was not referring to the body, but rather the stereotype someone said earlier= "Man on man is sick but woman on woman is hot." Only on t.v. my friends.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Oh there are attractive lesbians, and vice versa, I don't doubt that. Now what they do in bed is the part that I don't find attractive, but that is their preference and not mine.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Ugh.... gay people are stupid... :mad:

I go to the gym today, and seeing as it's ultra crowded I decide to warm up with some push-ups in a corner next to a classroom thing. So this guy about my age - mohawk, hot - is supposedly looking into the room, exploring I guess. He leaves.

Some people enter in and out of the room and my corner, and the hot guy comes back - except he kinda hangs out in my corner. Kinda close, but still "exploring" I guess.

I finish my set, and he's kinda just there standing... facing me... There's some other guys around, so it's not awkward, but I start thinking it's weird.

And I completly ignore him. Ugh. Avoid eye contact, play with my phone. :urg:

I later see him checking out some older guys (I think), and I go slam my head against the wall for not even saying "hi".


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Oooook that came out wrong. I was not referring to the body, but rather the stereotype someone said earlier= "Man on man is sick but woman on woman is hot." Only on t.v. my friends.
it was a joke bro, lol
Ugh.... gay people are stupid... :mad:

I go to the gym today, and seeing as it's ultra crowded I decide to warm up with some push-ups in a corner next to a classroom thing. So this guy about my age - mohawk, hot - is supposedly looking into the room, exploring I guess. He leaves.

Some people enter in and out of the room and my corner, and the hot guy comes back - except he kinda hangs out in my corner. Kinda close, but still "exploring" I guess.

I finish my set, and he's kinda just there standing... facing me... There's some other guys around, so it's not awkward, but I start thinking it's weird.

And I completly ignore him. Ugh. Avoid eye contact, play with my phone. :urg:

I later see him checking out some older guys (I think), and I go slam my head against the wall for not even saying "hi".
your phone? you deserve to be alone this weekend.

should have been all over that.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
who wants to be normal? normal is boring :chuckle:

but seriously, while I think it's superfluous, I appreciate your concern for us.
Ah, but being normal isn't the same as normalization. Being normal is being like the established normal.

Normalization is adding something to the established allowable variations within "normal".

Lol, me, talking about being normal? That's a laugh. Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm anything but normal.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. The "normal white male" was dropped from the democratic campaign surprisingly early, and Hilary only losing to a black man, who went on to triumph over the generalized view of an American leader (read: white male)
What you missed the constant commentaries on the pantsuit, she wasn't showing enough skin, she was a [other term for female dog] (see "strong-willed" for guys).

Of course homophobic language, and attacks on a person as "elitest" became the standard fare for democratic male candidates.

Granted, this wasn't the only reason why she lost, but because of the tightrope that women in politics are supposed to walk she had a harder time then an equivilent male candidate.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
in all fairness, while we still call them hard-*** *****es, the modern mindset can respect a hard-*** *****. I mean, be honest, most of us think hillary clinton has a bigger pair of balls than any of us right?


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
What you missed the constant commentaries on the pantsuit, she wasn't showing enough skin, she was a [other term for female dog] (see "strong-willed" for guys).

Of course homophobic language, and attacks on a person as "elitest" became the standard fare for democratic male candidates.

Granted, this wasn't the only reason why she lost, but because of the tightrope that women in politics are supposed to walk she had a harder time then an equivilent male candidate.
I think you choose not to give enough credit to America, regarding this situation. There were tons of variables regarding Clinton's democratic loss, and comments about a pantsuit were hardly on top of that list. Her being female in the first place is what made it a tightrope for her, not comments about her apparel. People I knew that were voting against her didn't want someone in office because of what she's married to, not what she's wearing.

I think if you used Romney as an example, it would have gotten your point across more effectively.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
in all fairness, while we still call them hard-*** *****es, the modern mindset can respect a hard-*** *****. I mean, be honest, most of us think hillary clinton has a bigger pair of balls than any of us right?
True it's starting to change, but the effect is still there.

And bigger then me? Come on man, you've gotta be kidding, lol.

I think you choose not to give enough credit to America, regarding this situation. There were tons of variables regarding Clinton's democratic loss, and comments about a pantsuit were hardly on top of that list. Her being female in the first place is what made it a tightrope for her, not comments about her apparel. People I knew that were voting against her didn't want someone in office because of what she's married to, not what she's wearing.

I think if you used Romney as an example, it would have gotten your point across more effectively.
Again you're missing the point, what I've been talking about is the effects of language on peoples' perceptions and how language solidifies perceptions.

And what better example is there then behavior that is socially desirable in males, for females is defined by words that are not socially desirable.

Being a strong man is considered a good thing, but for females the same power attribute is defined as being a b**ch.

For men having sex with different girls each night is marks on their belt, for women if they get a different man they're considered a **ut.

Again language solidifies concepts in our mind.

Granted, there obviously were other factors (I personally dislike her "free speech" record), but to deny that sexism wasn't part of the reason, and that linguistics don't play a major part in this is just incorrect.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Again you're missing the point, what I've been talking about is the effects of language on peoples' perceptions and how language solidifies perceptions.

And what better example is there then behavior that is socially desirable in males, for females is defined by words that are not socially desirable.

Being a strong man is considered a good thing, but for females the same power attribute is defined as being a b**ch.

For men having sex with different girls each night is marks on their belt, for women if they get a different man they're considered a **ut.

Again language solidifies concepts in our mind.

Granted, there obviously were other factors (I personally dislike her "free speech" record), but to deny that sexism wasn't part of the reason, and that linguistics don't play a major part in this is just incorrect.
Yes I understand, and I think you're still blowing it out of proportion. Action solidifies perception, not language, lol.

I'm not sure how a strong woman comes off as a *****. A woman that takes control has been shown in modern media as sexy and dominant. A b*tch is a woman that reacts fully on emotion than rational thinking. There's a somewhat blaring difference here, and people that fail to see that need to re-evaluate their perspective on personality.

Guys being labeled as pimps and chicks as sl*ts I agree with though. Every guy making it his priority to get laid is a common misconception in itself.

Language that holds direct meaning solidifies concept in our mind. It's in the way it's used that ensures itself into your mind, not the word. If you want to bring this back to the "this is gay" argument, calling something gay has a completely different meaning to a gay individual. The word "mad" for example, holds like 5 or 6 different meanings to it in modern language and slang? I don't relate one use of the word to every other meaning of it, and I doubt other people do as well.

I think the only reason she got as far as she did was due to popular vote for being a woman, which I guess would contradict your belief that she was held back. Your reasoning still stands that being a woman would affect her campaign, but I just think it affected it differently than you believe.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Ugh.... gay people are stupid... :mad:

I go to the gym today, and seeing as it's ultra crowded I decide to warm up with some push-ups in a corner next to a classroom thing. So this guy about my age - mohawk, hot - is supposedly looking into the room, exploring I guess. He leaves.

Some people enter in and out of the room and my corner, and the hot guy comes back - except he kinda hangs out in my corner. Kinda close, but still "exploring" I guess.

I finish my set, and he's kinda just there standing... facing me... There's some other guys around, so it's not awkward, but I start thinking it's weird.

And I completly ignore him. Ugh. Avoid eye contact, play with my phone. :urg:

I later see him checking out some older guys (I think), and I go slam my head against the wall for not even saying "hi".
I feel this way too. At my night school class, there's this guy that sat right next to me on the first night, and he was so cute. I just knew he was gay, he HAD to be. And I had so many opportunities to just turn around and talk to him, but no, I got obsessed with the idea that he might get interested in me. Haha.... nope.

There goes my boyfriend...


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I feel this way too. At my night school class, there's this guy that sat right next to me on the first night, and he was so cute. I just knew he was gay, he HAD to be. And I had so many opportunities to just turn around and talk to him, but no, I got obsessed with the idea that he might get interested in me. Haha.... nope.
There goes my boyfriend...
bad Bored, you let the fish get away too.:ohwell:


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Being a strong man is considered a good thing, but for females the same power attribute is defined as being a b**ch.

For men having sex with different girls each night is marks on their belt, for women if they get a different man they're considered a **ut.
It's called the Alpha Male Syndrome.



Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Well... I'm back.
Yes, now this board is once again; Complete.
But anywho, I had an epiphany a couple of days back.

So, I was doing a paper for my AP Psychology class on the Cognitive 'ability' of various mental sexuality roles and I suddenly felt really good about myself. That's right, I actually gave a crap about my esteem.
But that isn't the point.

I stared at the word "Asexual" and I smiled.
You see I realized that I really like being Asexual, I can feel like it is sort of a definition towards my role as a Human. What makes me smile about being Asexual is because it's honestly unique, Sigmund Freud once said, "The only sexual nature that is abnormal, is having none at all". I can honestly say that this is true, but that's what is so great about it.

I can fully be honest with myself, and it completes me in a way, but I also think that the world would be better if everyone could feel one with there sexuality, that they wouldn't have to fear, or hide in their subconscious. More than that, they wouldn't have to feel alone.
Eventually, there must be a realization of 'equality' towards all sexualities. I know we all agree on this, but I can say that this position must be thought towards the extremes.

But that is my epiphany.

But yeah... I'm back. What have I missed?


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Maz!!!!!!!! welcome home :)

you missed um... some stuff about using the word gay and having it linked w/ bad. then theres stuff on hilary clinton too, i forgot how we got to her

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
you're only 17... it's possible you're sexuality is just late in developing. Chastity ain't something that's alltogether bad anyway.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
well I'm in my schools GSA (gay straight alliance)
might as well say what we have planned

lets see a gay or lesbian movie night, we still havent bothered with a movie, I would love some suggestions, we have some in mind, if have a movie keep it PG-13 our high school has some limits:(

we have also planned something for the day of silence, last year I signed up and everyone that signed up for the day of silence stayed silinced entire school day, the teachers allowed us to do this, some schools in my area gave students detention if they tried something similar my school did,

were also having a small fundraiser for our GSA it involves mexican jumping beans, hm also our school is very ok with gays and such, we only have a few kids that disagree but all except one dont make a fit against it, the GSA was also very mad the that Prop 8 passed here in California:(


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
I started the GSA at my high-school, in a conservative area of NY. Boy, that was interesting...

Then I went to Purchase, where everything is cool basically. Too bad the school sucks for the sciences.

The one thing I've been missing is this boy Julien. He's an art student and I haven't seen him in about a year. I miss him and our... whatever we had. Sorry, I just found this thread and it made me think of him.

He played smash... I sandbagged a lot against him lol.

:( sigh


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
your school sounds so cool Kirwiz. and sorry i can't think of any movie, there is one i have in mind, but thats rated R >.>
most movies we thought of where rated R as well >.>
but yeah my school is really open, even for very sadist/depressed people like me.
its the first new tech high foundation in the country:chuckle:

lol Julien, my name is just one letter off :D


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Maz!!!!!!!! welcome home :)

you missed um... some stuff about using the word gay and having it linked w/ bad. then theres stuff on hilary clinton too, i forgot how we got to her
Still going on? Geeze... Thanks for the welcoming though.

you're only 17... it's possible you're sexuality is just late in developing. Chastity ain't something that's alltogether bad anyway.
I doubt it, a male at 17 should at least be aroused by something.
But, Meh. Whatever happens happens.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
so I have a short story for y'all. Most of ya's know part of it.

here are the main players:
Ben (one of my roommate's/best friend)
Jenna (Best female friend)
Jim (Younger brother of a good friend)
Sarah (Jim's (ex)girlfriend)

Scene1: Christmas break
*sarah breaks up with Jim, she doesn't feel God's plan for her includes him*

Scene 2: back at college
*I'm the first one to start talking to sarah again (Jim's closer friends kinda ignore her because.. well.. you know how breakups can be)*

Scene 3: 3 weeks ago this past wednsday
*Ben and Jenna become a couple*

Scene 4: the next day
sarah: *awkwardly courts me online*
me: *equivocates*
Sarah: *Bluntly admits to liking me*
me: oh no. I was afraid of that
Sarah: I've never felt like this about anyone before. I think I'm in love with you. I feel that God is pulling me towards you.
me: umm.. can you hold on. I'm sorry about this but I HAVE to bbl.
me: (texting) JENNA!!! HELP ME *explains situation*
Jenna: *agrees to do what she can but says she can't do much without Ben getting curious*
me: *wishes I could get Ben's input, but is reluctant to tell him*
Jenna: *convinces me to come out to Ben... it goes really well.. blah blah blah we know this part*

(3:00 AM... same night)

sarah: are you there?
me: yeah *comes clean to her about WHY I can't be her boyfriend*
sarah: *is shocked. insists I seem TOTALLY straight to her*
me: *is incredulous, but whatever, I accept it*
sarah: *appreciates the honesty but admits to breaking down and crying*

I thought that was the end of it until
Scene 5: yesterday.
sarah: hey kyle
me: hey. how are you?
sarah: not good at all. I'm on medication now for depression.

I keep telling myself it's not me but.... well. I feel guilt... it's a curse of mine to easily feel responsible for things.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
so I have a short story for y'all. Most of ya's know part of it.

here are the main players:
Ben (one of my roommate's/best friend)
Jenna (Best female friend)
Jim (Younger brother of a good friend)
Sarah (Jim's (ex)girlfriend)

Scene1: Christmas break
*sarah breaks up with Jim, she doesn't feel God's plan for her includes him*

Scene 2: back at college
*I'm the first one to start talking to sarah again (Jim's closer friends kinda ignore her because.. well.. you know how breakups can be)*

Scene 3: 3 weeks ago this past wednsday
*Ben and Jenna become a couple*

Scene 4: the next day
sarah: *awkwardly courts me online*
me: *equivocates*
Sarah: *Bluntly admits to liking me*
me: oh no. I was afraid of that
Sarah: I've never felt like this about anyone before. I think I'm in love with you. I feel that God is pulling me towards you.
me: umm.. can you hold on. I'm sorry about this but I HAVE to bbl.
me: (texting) JENNA!!! HELP ME *explains situation*
Jenna: *agrees to do what she can but says she can't do much without Ben getting curious*
me: *wishes I could get Ben's input, but is reluctant to tell him*
Jenna: *convinces me to come out to Ben... it goes really well.. blah blah blah we know this part*

(3:00 AM... same night)

sarah: are you there?
me: yeah *comes clean to her about WHY I can't be her boyfriend*
sarah: *is shocked. insists I seem TOTALLY straight to her*
me: *is incredulous, but whatever, I accept it*
sarah: *appreciates the honesty but admits to breaking down and crying*

I thought that was the end of it until
Scene 5: yesterday.
sarah: hey kyle
me: hey. how are you?
sarah: not good at all. I'm on medication now for depression.

I keep telling myself it's not me but.... well. I feel guilt... it's a curse of mine to easily feel responsible for things.
not your fault dude, some people are affected more drastically then others, really what would you have rather lied your way out >.>


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
so like I said in the last page no one knows any pg-13 movies we only have one possible one for our GSA thing, read the last page if you didnt get to see ;_;
have you thought of prayers for Bobby? i can't think of any cause not many seem to be able to be rated that low.

i wish i knew what to say, if anything.... tough situation to be in. :dizzy:
*sends cookies to both of you*


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
have you thought of prayers for Bobby? i can't think of any cause not many seem to be able to be rated that low.

i wish i knew what to say, if anything.... tough situation to be in. :dizzy:
*sends cookies to both of you*
hey thanks I'll just write down any other suggestions, and show to my schools GSA on wendsday meeting
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