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Left 4 Dead Series (New DLC planned!)


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Charizard, I don't mean to sound like a smartass, but how did you get this from my post?
If you're implying that closeting is the "one hope" for survivors on expert, I can't really debate that, but I stronly disagree.
Well of course not on the first 4 levels, but it is especially good on finales.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
OK, attention everyone as Sensai brings you the latest exploit in hopes everyone will do it and Valve will fix it.

Y'know the third level of No Mercy, with the event where you have to get on and turn on that thing that brings you to the roof? Well...you don't have to do that. Instead, you can just go to the door (it's in the corner opposite the side of the gas station) and melee it for about a minute or so...and it breaks. Completely skipping the event.

Really, REALLY, _REALLY_ dumb.


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Wow... I'm surprised no one has talked about how cheezy infected can be. Everyone seems to be complaining about closeting but seriously, nothing is more cheeze than infected shoving generators and forklifts in the path of survivors. Especially when a tank spawns on the other side of the block and whips the generator/forklift at the four people trying to get through.

Sure closeting is annoying but seriously it's not even a big deal till the finales and it can even be beat, yes the ramp can be beat, well unless you are against a competent team, but let's face it, you'd probably lose anyway if they camped the radio room.

The door trick on No Mercy isn't that big of a deal. It only allows the survivors to skip the smoker douchefest on the roof, and even then, if the infected are being real ***** they probably just blocked the next room with the forklift.

Bottom line, both sides can pretty much cheeze over the other side pretty well... it's still a fun game though.

Oh and by the way... Charizard lol.... I like how you kept mentioning "lone wolves."
You know what lone wolves are called in L4D? Horrible players.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Oh and by the way... Charizard lol.... I like how you kept mentioning "lone wolves."
You know what lone wolves are called in L4D? Horrible players.
Lone wolves, a glorified way of saying "I like to be by myself, Kill me now!"

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Lone wolves, a glorified way of saying "I like to be by myself, Kill me now!"
My friend always goes off like that even after all the times he's been mauled to death by a Hunter because we had to catch up to him to save him.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I refer to them as 'rambos' and always make it a point to, while I'm killing them as a hunter or smoker, type out 'Please, don't play Rambo. Your team will love you much more for not costing them the game.'

And Middi, you go on and on about blocking doors and passageways, but seem to forget that only a tank can do that. Sure, the tank can throw cars/forklifts around...but he's the tank. He's designed to do that. He's NOT designed to block doors, but I think they fixed that.

And I'd love to see anyone beat closeting. Seriously, gimme some before and after screenshots of it and I'll believe you, but I'm not buying it ATM. No offense meant, but...the other team would have to be filled with idiots (every single person's first time) for it to even be close.

I would also consider skipping a major part of said level a 'big deal.' Yes, smokers can grab you with the tongue...which is what they're designed for. It's the only place I can think of that I don't mind playing a smoker.


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, BC
No, any special infected can move forklifts and generators. It takes them a little but they edge it over the the choke spots long before anyone can get there.

The only widely used effective "closeting" is the ramp or at least what I've seen, so what if they closet on any other level that's not a finale.

We have beaten the ramp, but it took a tank. Basically the tank jump off the top to the side, while a boomer ran in and biled them... granted our tank was pretty freaking amazing and the rampers were pretty bad but he killed them. He dodged back and forth on the side of the ramp while swiping through it when he could, he survived a good 30 seconds and took 2 out while we finished up the last two.

But as I said, if they are good, you cannot beat the ramp... but again, it's not that hard to sit in the radio room either and camp, that's pretty much unbeatable with good players.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
No, any special infected can move forklifts and generators. It takes them a little but they edge it over the the choke spots long before anyone can get there.

The only widely used effective "closeting" is the ramp or at least what I've seen, so what if they closet on any other level that's not a finale.

We have beaten the ramp, but it took a tank. Basically the tank jump off the top to the side, while a boomer ran in and biled them... granted our tank was pretty freaking amazing and the rampers were pretty bad but he killed them. He dodged back and forth on the side of the ramp while swiping through it when he could, he survived a good 30 seconds and took 2 out while we finished up the last two.

But as I said, if they are good, you cannot beat the ramp... but again, it's not that hard to sit in the radio room either and camp, that's pretty much unbeatable with good players.
The fact that it takes a Tank to beat it means there's a problem. It's not like they have a minigun or ammo, they're just sitting there in a corner. I can understand when a team holds off the infected because they have extra med packs, pipe bombs and molotovs on the roof but when they just sit in a corner and get better defense than all the stuff on the roof can supply means there's something wrong.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
@ Middi: Thanks, I had no idea the PCs could move forklifts and stuff....that's pretty stupid.

And the most common place for closeting I've seen has been on No Mercy 4, when you call the elevator. But it has been a long time since I've played.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Notice that when the survivors are "closeting" under that ramp that in order for them to NOT shoot eachother in the back, they have to squeeze "into" eachother. The space under the ramp would not be nearly as useful without abusing the weak collision. I doubt the designers had this in mind as a way of dealing with difficult scenarios, and in my opinion it ruins the flow of an otherwise amazingly exiting game.
Actually, what I was talking about, they don't. The ramp has sides that have huge holes that they can shoot from, so they're covered by the wall of the building on the left, behind them the ramp hits the ground, so covered there, the side has huge holes that they can shoot from and see clearly from, so the only way to actually get them is from a narrow entrance that you can only crawl from.

yes the ramp can be beat, well unless you are against a competent team, but let's face it, you'd probably lose anyway if they camped the radio room.
How do you beat the ramp camping? There's no hope. At least with the radio room you can at least enter from more than one point, and infected can actually use their abilities.

and I didn't even know you can shove generators and forklifts with normal infected.

We have beaten the ramp, but it took a tank. Basically the tank jump off the top to the side, while a boomer ran in and biled them... granted our tank was pretty freaking amazing and the rampers were pretty bad but he killed them. He dodged back and forth on the side of the ramp while swiping through it when he could, he survived a good 30 seconds and took 2 out while we finished up the last two.
I've been a tank fighitng them, tank's melee wouldn't clip through the ramp wall.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Anyone have some tips for fighting tanks on Expert? It takes so many shots to kill it...


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Light it on fire and kite it (smoothest) OR camp a really small room with 4 autoshotguns, it will do some damage but nothing to severe. (easiest)


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Simple guide to tackling tanks (not literally)
1: set it on fire
2: fire one shot at it (preferably with an auto shotty)
3: someone else fire at it (to lure the tank away from you)
4: rinse and repeat until tank collapses

Note: do not try to jump away from a tank, it will fail miserably.
Careful, an encounter with a tank could easily get you pounced on by a hunter or constricted by a smoker (or starte a witch if you aren't aware of your surroundings)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
wooster ohio
How do you beat the ramp camping? There's no hope. At least with the radio room you can at least enter from more than one point, and infected can actually use their abilities.

and I didn't even know you can shove generators and forklifts with normal infected.

tryed to quote MIC 128 but i suck at quote ing XP

you can beat ramp camping! me and my friends get pissed every time people do that so this is what we came up with an it usually works. when they go under have someone "preferable a boomer cause if you puke on all of the its gonna cause confusion" draw there attention to the part of the ramp where they go in at while you have a hunter just do regular melee attacks through the side of the ramp "yes you can hit them through the ramp"use this to pretty much wear them down b4 the first tank comes. when the tank comes do the same thing but replace the hunter with the tank. and if your good enough you can have the boomer puke run away,tank hitting them, smoker pull one out at a good angle where he wont get killed easily then hunter jump on one of the people that comes out to help. by then they should all be in red. now repeat everything for the second tank if done well enough you can take them out right as they start heading for the chopper. or you could kill them all b4 they get to the ramp by have the smoker run out side in the beginning and get on the building with the satilite on it from there smokers can pull and kill the first person that climbs up the ladder then let 1 come up hunter jump on that one boomer puke on the 2 still one the ladderand jump down the hole if you on top of them they cant climb up but by the time they kill the boomer there will be tons of zomibes goin down the ladder. when the last 2 come up you can( A.smoker pull one cause you tounge should be up by now B.have your 2 hunters jump on them) "note you do have to have well coordinated team mates to do this so dont expect this to go well if you just jumped in a public game or somethin"

and as for the forklifts you can move then you just gotta let a boomer puke on you then wait for the horde to come let some of them come in the eleveater "hospital lvl"then look up and just melee to your hearts content it might take a few trys. as for all the other ones ur gonna need pipe bombs propane tanks etc. to move those hope

wow i play this way to much


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I saw that Gatling Gun glitch...that's just funny. I can't think of it being useful at all (except MAYBE the finale in No Mercy) in Vs mode, but it's still pretty cool.

And XtacyFalco...the fact that there's a guide that relies on other exploits speaks volumes about how dumb the ramp thing is...

(...which I still haven't seen anyone use.)


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
You can get it on a pc. Actually, it's better to get it on a PC, because the analog sticks don't do so well as the mouse and keyboard.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I got the game recently. Reading what you guys post, I don't think you really get Versus mode. Or maybe I don't, but it doesn't seem to really be "infected vs survivor", but more "survivor vs survivor", while you play as the infected during the other persons turn. But then again I only played versus twice because I thought having it on normal mode was boring.

I usually get the Uzi/Assault Rifle, everytime I get a shotgun someone runs in front of me while I'm shooting and they die. But I prefer the greater accuracy of the uzi/assault rifle anyways. I never really did hunting rifle, except for in Death Toll after the church event when you start out on roofs, then I did it just to snipe all the zombies I could see then went back in for the assault rifle.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Nope, I don't get VS mode that much (nor do I have the game yet, so everything I say is educated guesses based off other people's opinions)


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, BC
I got the game recently. Reading what you guys post, I don't think you really get Versus mode. Or maybe I don't, but it doesn't seem to really be "infected vs survivor", but more "survivor vs survivor", while you play as the infected during the other persons turn. But then again I only played versus twice because I thought having it on normal mode was boring.
Yup, that's versus, so yes, there is no possible way one team could have an unfair advantage.

We just don't want to see a game where the winner is determined by how much more cheap they can be than the other team.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I got the game recently. Reading what you guys post, I don't think you really get Versus mode. Or maybe I don't, but it doesn't seem to really be "infected vs survivor", but more "survivor vs survivor", while you play as the infected during the other persons turn. But then again I only played versus twice because I thought having it on normal mode was boring.
Normal/Advanced versus is fine but expert was just ********, in my opinion. To me, expert doesn't make the infected try as hard to coordinate attacks. Why do a Smoker/Hunter trap when you can just run up to them and do 20 damage with each swipe?

It just comes down to teamwork and speed on both parts and once you have that versus becomes more than a team deathmatch.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
You can pick difficulty in versus?
Before the patch yes. The real kicker was that you couldn't tell what difficulty you were playing on unless someone else knew or you could tell by how much damage you took. I felt they could have integrated difficulties in versus better to suit everyone's preferences.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The problem is that Valve created the PC version of Left 4 Dead the exact same way the 360 version is: dumbed down. I honestly feel that Versus on Advanced feels/felt the best.

And yes, it's technically Survivors vs Survivors...but, like someone else pointed out, it shouldn't be about how cheap the Survivors are willing to be.


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
I'm getting this for PC, tomorrow. I've played it on the 360, and I have to say, I'm impressed. The game is really entertaining.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Speaking in an interview with Kotaku, Valve writer Chet Faliszek stated that the first DLC pack for the title will include the two missing versus campaigns and "some new stuff" too.

"If it wasn't the holidays and people weren't taking all these vacations here at Valve you'd have seen that [DLC] announcement already," he explained. "We'll have an announcement shortly. I don't know exactly when."

"That's the kind of thing we're looking at, having both the new versus maps and some new stuff coming out as well," he added. "We're going to do the 360 at the same time as the PC and on the PC side we also have the SDK coming out."
Huzzah! It's a shame that the 360's are more likely going to have to pay for this, but still, 'more stuff' sounds great to me! :D

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
If the L4D update comes out near the TF2 update it would make my day, only problem is that they'll probably come out by the time I have to go back to school.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Yeah, an update when I actually get the game, that would be great. If only I didn't have School on my birthday, or for that matter tomorrow.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
If the update for L4D and TF2 came out at the same time, that'd be a lot of gaming required of me.

I am REALLY excited about the SDK coming out. I can't wait to see what people do with this game.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
I finally got this game, with my new 360. Not sure which version is better, as I have yet to play the PC version, but I can't imagine me having to do all the actions necessary to survive on a PC without suffering from severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Melee attacks while Reloading, fast spinning, using grenades, pills, or health packs all while a horde of zombies eat's away at me and my teammates health.

A bit disappointed with the fact that only two campaigns are available in versus mode, has Valve said why? Because I really wanted to play the Farmhouse Finale in Blood Harvest as a infected.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Melee attacks while Reloading, fast spinning, using grenades, pills, or health packs all while a horde of zombies eat's away at me and my teammates health.

R,right click,push center mouse,scroll down+Left Click. If i remember that's about all you do with that little action that you said would give extreme carpal tunnel syndrome. Plus you only can carry 1 grenade with you...Pipe bombs are almost broken and Molotov's are just plain funny.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
I finally got this game, with my new 360. Not sure which version is better, as I have yet to play the PC version, but I can't imagine me having to do all the actions necessary to survive on a PC without suffering from severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Melee attacks while Reloading, fast spinning, using grenades, pills, or health packs all while a horde of zombies eat's away at me and my teammates health.

A bit disappointed with the fact that only two campaign are available in versus mode, has Valve said why? Because I really wanted to play the Farmhouse Finale in Blood Harvest as a infected.
Blood Harvest and No Mercy are the two campaigns for Versus. At least for PC, I don't know about 360.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
It's No Mercy and Death Toll on the 360, not sure why they left out any of the campaigns for versus.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Wait, isn't it No Mercy and Blood harvest for BOTH versions? I think You got Death toll and Blood harvest Mixed up. Death toll is mostly suburban areas (ex turnpike, underground machinery, a church, a town, and ending with you next to a river, where you have to wait for a boat, fun times!), while Blood harvest is mostly rural (ex forests, remote train yards and tracks, and houses in the middle of nowhere like situation, especially the finale, where you have to fend off zombies without a mini gun. EVEN MORE FUN TIMES!)


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
It's No Mercy and Death Toll on the 360, not sure why they left out any of the campaigns for versus.
It is No Mercy and Blood Harvest
Wait, isn't it No Mercy and Blood harvest for BOTH versions? I think You got Death toll and Blood harvest Mixed up. Death toll is mostly suburban areas (ex turnpike, underground machinery, a church, a town, and ending with you next to a river, where you have to wait for a boat, fun times!), while Blood harvest is mostly rural (ex forests, remote train yards and tracks, and houses in the middle of nowhere like situation, especially the finale, where you have to fend off zombies without a mini gun. EVEN MORE FUN TIMES!)
Miniguns suck big time.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
OK, they do, but they make life easier, not only by leveling hordes of Zombies, but with a weird physics quirk that allow you to use them to vault across a large area (good on No Mercy finale and on skipping one of the horde events in death toll).
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