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Lambchops: Money Match Me. EDIT: XIF Read this too.

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
did lambchops see this yet???
no not yet he will soon thought
that's sad you make a user name to suck up to a guy incredible just.. incredible..


People most threads about Money Matches all the time and as soon as chaddd does it everyone sees it as a cry for attention. A lot of people (mostly FL/GA) hate on him really bad do you really blame the guy for lashing out for being treated like an outcast? I've seen multiple threads with people calling him a mediocore player and how he can't compete with "pro players" I believe the majority of the reason he posts stuff like this isn't to be an *** it's to prove a point to everyone who talks him down.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
that's sad you make a user name to suck up to a guy incredible just.. incredible..


People most threads about Money Matches all the time and as soon as chaddd does it everyone sees it as a cry for attention. A lot of people (mostly FL/GA) hate on him really bad do you really blame the guy for lashing out for being treated like an outcast? I've seen multiple threads with people calling him a mediocore player and how he can't compete with "pro players" I believe the majority of the reason he posts stuff like this isn't to be an *** it's to prove a point to everyone who talks him down.
Why should anybody feel the need to prove themselves to a bunch of melodramatic nerds over the internet?

I believe this is a tad ridiculous, but it's something o keep up with. May the best smasher win.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
that's sad you make a user name to suck up to a guy incredible just.. incredible..


People most threads about Money Matches all the time and as soon as chaddd does it everyone sees it as a cry for attention. A lot of people (mostly FL/GA) hate on him really bad do you really blame the guy for lashing out for being treated like an outcast? I've seen multiple threads with people calling him a mediocore player and how he can't compete with "pro players" I believe the majority of the reason he posts stuff like this isn't to be an *** it's to prove a point to everyone who talks him down.
He's hardly a victim here.

Could I remind you of some of his posts/topics? I'm a big fan of "WTF GA? Kingdom of Scrubs" the topic he made where he bashed the entire community of Georgia and talked himself up to be the god of GA. He's outcasting himself. Oh, and the kicker of that entire thread, everyone was APOLOGIZING like they had anything to say sorry about. I think the best part was how he said he's the first one since wes to "revolutionize" the GA community, and then mikeG came in and shut him up, and somehow being extremely kind at the same time. He responds to any criticism antagonistically, and has made some simply outlandish claims. The most ridiculous of which is when he implied chu would've lost to him had wobbling been banned at evo. (lets forget that A: its a fair tactic by SBR standards and B: chaddd knew the rules before hand and could've adapted accordingly.

I run the risk of more chaddd drama just to point some simple facts out. Doodah is certainly an instigator of drama like this, and lambchops is pretty shameless as well.

this isnt some sort of out of the blue nonsense that doodah cooked up. Chaddd is as every bit an argumentative prick as doodah is. except doodah is funny.


Nov 4, 2000
Champaign, IL
lets not see the trash talking go too far here. I have been called to the atlantic south to administer justice when needed.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2007
Tamarac, Florida
LOL, **** it Chad, those giant nuts of yours are gonna get you in trouble, one of these days.
Yeah like when he accepts this MM. Just make sure you capture Chadd getting owned on tape so the whole world can see. Maybe that will shut him up.

LMAO, Lambz when you get finish pwning him play him w/ your Ganon and show him how to play....XD


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
I'm a *******.
First of all, I believe the first thread I posted had Mike G and Wes post in it saying the EXACT sae thing as me. No one noticed the posts, which was also posted in there.

Everyone acts like I've talked all this sh*t or something, when all i want is for people recognize that I'm good. Who else do I have to beat to prove this?

I have a money match with Linguini and a money match with Lambchops. I'm trying to do both of these at Smashtaclysm.

But I remember a long, boring debate about the exact same thing when I went down to Florida to shut XIF up. It's funny, because he doesn't sound shut up at all. You think someone who talked so much trash for so long and who's state backed him so whole heartedly would at least be able to recognize some humility. But "tipman's retired" and "who can you beat, anyway" have become household Florida johns. Tell if Tipman being retired is at all important, then why can Mike G still 3 stock XIF. Last time I checked, all Mikey plays is Final Fantasy.

So hell yeah, Florida, bring on the **** talk. I just don't know how easy it will be once your feet are in your mouths, once again. I really don't expect anything to change after this, but that's just because no one loves Florida more than Florida.

At least my state's no shaped like a *****.


Smash Champion
Dec 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
This is true Queen. Everyone else is cool. lol. SWFL ftw. Almost everyone I've met from FL has been cool though. Met a lot of you at FC Diamond. Chops will talk a lot of ****, but that's just how he is. Gotta learn to ignore it. He was a nice guy when I sat down and talked to him. Really talented too.

Seems like all this is just a big state vs. state rivalry. People in FL will say Chaddd will lose. People in GA will say Chops will lose. We'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully it stays clean and relatively sportsmanlike.

Edit- Papa Tong! How's it going??!?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
when did mikeG 3 stock me?

just a question... only tournament match we did he 1 stocked me twice and I 2 stocked him once. Check the vids for proof its youtube'd

He beat me but that isnt a 3 stock <_<

I also didnt say anything after I lost that Money match. name one post where I johned about it chaddd, I took my loss like a man, and just came back and fought you again. On the other hand, after both your losses versus me you johned about it IMMEDIATELY afterwards. Last sunday after I obliterated your ******* with a 3 stock and a fairly humilating 0% 1 stock where I 0-deathed you, you were talking all this crap about how "today isnt my day" and "I should've gotten more sleep."

If you wanna talk about humility fine. Name an instance where after I lost to you I went and whined about it and made up some BS johns. I never once came on the boards and announced to everyone why and how I lost and how really i'm so much better than chaddd. Not once. I wasnt even gonna say anything about SOD5 after I 3 stocked you. But you wanna talk humility so for now shut your face cause I rocked you so hardcore you had to go out and calm yourself with some smokes.

I'll take trash talk w/e, I would've taken anything you threw at my after that MM cause you won straight up. But dont do it after you got rocked by my peach like that.

Lambchop's c0ck

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2007
South Fl
dam this true jons are for nubs.so its true xif does own chaddd for now. chaddd must bent down and kneel b4 xif.

if mike g plays in tourney then he isnt retired. tipman doesnt play tourney at all so he really is retired noobs

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Actually I mostly play GGXX AC and GunZ. I beat FF12 years ago lol >_>

OK, lets get this straight Chaddd. I agree with you about the part where GA isnt as competitive as other states when it comes to smash but when u said "I have turn this state sideways for the first time in 6 years" I was like , what the.. ?!

If ANYONE has done that, its GAWes! Without him there wouldn't be a much of a GA smash scene to begin with. And don't make me bring up my status as far as GA smash is concerned, seriously. I understand that you are trying to make a name for urself and etc but hyping urself on smashboards doesn't help that much. I'm sure GAwes agrees with me there. I will go back to supporting you in getting better and getting ur self known when you deflate your head some.

edit: yeah I played in a small tourney that PB&J had at his house only because Juan from freaking south america wanted me to enter lol. but that was like the first time in years and the last time >.> teams is another story. besides I dont have a **** thing to prove to anyone here. And Tipman is legendary! Anyone who disagrees shall suck my c0ck for forgivness :)

Xif: you suck.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Come To Mm Me ***** Aight *****

***** Got Good From Mike G Now Look At Him He Dont Know How To Act If Mike Dont Put Him In His Place I Will Mm Me 100 Bux Come To New York Soon So I Can Snatch Your Money From U And Then I Will Mm Lampchops Play Along.


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
***** Got Good From Mike G Now Look At Him He Dont Know How To Act If Mike Dont Put Him In His Place I Will Mm Me 100 Bux Come To New York Soon So I Can Snatch Your Money From U And Then I Will Mm Lampchops Play Along.
O_O If this happens someone ****ing record it. I want vids on how to beat chaddd with Samus, because I have no clue on how to do it.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
****. You know Atlantic South is gonna get some rep now lol. We got unknown Mods and Admins busting in here, and now we got the Samus legend himself coming in our section kicking *** and taking names. What's next?

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
****. You know Atlantic South is gonna get some rep now lol. We got unknown Mods and Admins busting in here, and now we got the Samus legend himself coming in our section kicking *** and taking names. What's next?
for everyone to ridicule GA...oh wait, that already happens...


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Everyone acts like I've talked all this sh*t or something, when all i want is for people recognize that I'm good. Who else do I have to beat to prove this?
We already knew that.

The sole reason you even post on here is because you're looking to have your insanely large ego stroked.

Get the **** over yourself man.
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