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Lambchops: Money Match Me. EDIT: XIF Read this too.

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Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
Arkansas is so bad that we can't even get other states to talk **** to us : (

> : / yes arkansas is a state


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Pie... Cake...

...all those cruddy desserts have nothing on Milk and Cookies.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
Stop with this "**** everyone who isn't down with GA bull****"

Noone has a problem with GA. People have a problem with Chaddd because he's an arrogant **** and some of you want to cast your lot with him anyway. Don't.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Man, whether or not you can beat my *** in real life isn't important to me. I know sometimes we let this forum sh*t get us worked up. But I think you were cool at LTEC, and have heard nothing but good things about you. We both need to chill with all this needless drama. Next tournament I see you at, we don't need to be fighting. We need to smoke. Some dank. And play some **** Smash Bros.

And sure I john, just like everyone else.

Shai: I'm a ****? Because I'm so arrogant you have such a problem with me. What wrong with saying I'm good at a game I'm good at? You can't beat me. Not many people can. How do you use your own insecurities to make yourself upset over my belief in myself to play this game well? You don't even know what you're so offended by. And if you recieved as much anonymous hate as me you would be an arrogant ***, too.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
And sure I john, just like everyone else.

Shai: I'm a ****? Because I'm so arrogant you have such a problem with me. What wrong with saying I'm good at a game I'm good at? You can't beat me. Not many people can. How do you use your own insecurities to make yourself upset over my belief in myself to play this game well? You don't even know what you're so offended by. And if you recieved as much anonymous hate as me you would be an arrogant ***, too.
LOL, you are so blind about how you post aren't you?
No johns. You are an arrogant ***. You don't need to act like one. Get over yourself.

Pfft, people aren't offeneded by people who beat them or are better than them because then I would be offended all the time. It is how you keep making your posts to talk yourself up. If you would stop, you would get more respect, but no, you don't. Look up all your old posts and see where everyone is coming from.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
LOL, you are so blind about how you post aren't you?
No johns. You are an arrogant ***. You don't need to act like one. Get over yourself.

Pfft, people aren't offeneded by people who beat them or are better than them because then I would be offended all the time. It is how you keep making your posts to talk yourself up. If you would stop, you would get more respect, but no, you don't. Look up all your old posts and see where everyone is coming from.
I'm arrogant, you're cocky. What's the difference? i doubt very seriously that if we met in person you'd call me an arrogant ***. Everyone acts differently when anonymous.

Plus, once again, you base everything you say about me on forum posts. I've made posts in here just to post something random, and you take it all to heart. You're instigating the hate, not me. I don't have a problem with any trash you'd like to talk in this game, so maybe you should see where everyone else is coming from, too. Be arrogant, talk trash, do whatever, just get off my *** about every little post I make on these boards. You make it so much more than it is just by getting upset over what I say about myself. Which, by the way, isn't all that much. I was very humble (and am still very modest IRL) until people like you just started posting (after my combo video) about how I sucked had never beaten anyone blah blah blah. Who cares if I'm arrogant? Read over some other posts, then. You can definitely find worse than me on these boards. You just choose me because somehow talking down to me makes you feel better or something. Get off what I do, start worrying more about what actually affects you.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
Shai: I'm a ****? Because I'm so arrogant you have such a problem with me. What wrong with saying I'm good at a game I'm good at? You can't beat me. Not many people can. How do you use your own insecurities to make yourself upset over my belief in myself to play this game well? You don't even know what you're so offended by. And if you recieved as much anonymous hate as me you would be an arrogant ***, too.
It's tiresome, that's all. Do you really think you are the victim of "anonymous" hate? That's just nonsense. People dislike you because of the way you present yourself. My impression of you is based on your forum posts and about 10 seconds in real life. So like it or not, my opinion of you (and many other people's opinion of you) is based substantially (almost exclusively) on your forum posts, which paint the picture of you as an arrogant ****. Try to look at it from someone else's perspective.

The reason I don't receive "anonymous" hate is because I don't talk myself up on the internet or pointlessly insult people. It's not that hard to comprehend.

And how are you going to call me insecure? You don't know anything about me. You frequently get mad at people for assuming things about you, even when those assumptions (for instance, that you are angry, or arrogant) follow immediately from your angry, arrogant ranting. So do you honestly think it's not hypocritical of you to call me insecure when you know nothing about me except that I don't particularly like your internet personality?

You're pretty good (maybe very good) and I can't beat you. I can't beat a lot of people. But you're the only person I've seen who has to talk himself up this much to get respected. I think tournament placings and a little humility would suit you better. But what do I know? I'm just some noob.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
No one that talks themself up as much? COUGH OMEGA LAIJIN COUGH

But it's whatever, man. As far as I know, everyone I've met in the Smash Community is a cool person. I don't let what people say on here get me personally. I may argue back, but simply because I enjoy debating. Sorry if I seem like a d!ck.

EDIT: Also please let the record show that I was respected BEFORE I started talking trash, I didn't talk myself up to become respected. I talked trash in response to trash directed at me. I've been responding the hateful posts towards me for months now, and the more I say to defend myself, the more I find a larger number if people are now against me for some phrase I typed out somewhere. Like I said, sorry everyone. You're welcome to think whatever you want about me, I don't care. I prefer to be unbothered by people who dislike me than to be constantly barraged with questions by people wanting to play just like me. Like I said, if you want to know me, then talk to me if you happen to meet me. Don't play Dr Phil from several states away. Once again, sorry if I sound like a d!ck more often than intended.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
So uhh..
Just to clear things up.

I don't talk myself up to make me seem like a better player while being completely serious about it.
Thanks for taking everything serious on the internet.


Nov 26, 2004
Dear Chad(dd),

Please quote everything I am about to post as "*snip*", try your best to seem as if your are coming from practical and level headed standpoint, and ignore the possibility, that on these forums, there are still a lot of people who have only seen these kind of post from you. Also don't forget to make me seem self righteous and unobservant.

I'm arrogant, you're cocky. What's the difference? i doubt very seriously that if we met in person you'd call me an arrogant ***. Everyone acts differently when anonymous.
Perhaps, but if so, IRL behavior should not vouch or make up for internet behavior. If a man acts as a fool online he might be treated as a fool online.

Plus, once again, you base everything you say about me on forum posts.
Even if most of us have met you IRL (I have not), should you expect us to respond to you as if you are right here in front of us? Do you respond to us that way?

I've made posts in here just to post something random, and you take it all to heart. You're instigating the hate, not me.
I don't see how this justifies your behavior.

I don't have a problem with any trash you'd like to talk in this game, so maybe you should see where everyone else is coming from, too. Be arrogant, talk trash, do whatever, just get off my *** about every little post I make on these boards.
If you did not have a problem with trash talk then why would you respond to it like you do? It must be tiresome to respond to all these post. A lot of the post you make are not little (this one for instance), and it is hard to ignore an open fire.

You make it so much more than it is just by getting upset over what I say about myself.
I really don't mean to be presumptuous, but don't you post about other people too?

Would you really feel better if we ignored what you say about yourself online? If so, why would you post it? Are you suggesting that we shouldn't ignore it but we shouldn't get upset either? wouldn't that be presumptuous?

Which, by the way, isn't all that much. I was very humble (and am still very modest IRL)
Thats awesome, few things are more respectable modesty and humility.

until people like you just started posting (after my combo video) about how I sucked had never beaten anyone blah blah blah.
That sucks, sorry you got **** for it.

Who cares if I'm arrogant?
Those to whom you are arrogant.

Read over some other posts, then. You can definitely find worse than me on these boards.
Oh God yes, theres no end to it, haha.

You just choose me because somehow talking down to me makes you feel better or something.
Even if this was completely empirically verifiable, would bringing it up make you feel any better? If it hasn't, why are you still doing it?

Get off what I do, start worrying more about what actually affects you.
We are all connected through the internet, and specifically in www.smashboards.com we've formed what you might call a community. We take pleasure in communicating amongst ourselves.

Chaddd I'm telling you honest to goodness how I feel about all this, you should be careful what you wish for. Would you really want us to ignore everything you say or respond to it in fluffy happy go lucky type of way, no matter what you say? I'm sure you don't really. It just seems like you have been alienating a lot of us.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
It just seems like you have been alienating a lot of us.
That's the plan.

There are people that will judge me from the boards and those who completely ignore the boards. The ones who ignore the boards and talk to me like a decent person are those I would consider level headed and have no problem associating with. Those that choose not to like me because of the post are just the people I'd be better off not knowing, anyway.

Sighrax: ???

Oh well, you rule anyway. Camel Mellows, man.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
No one that talks themself up as much? COUGH OMEGA LAIJIN COUGH

But it's whatever, man. As far as I know, everyone I've met in the Smash Community is a cool person. I don't let what people say on here get me personally. I may argue back, but simply because I enjoy debating. Sorry if I seem like a d!ck.

EDIT: Also please let the record show that I was respected BEFORE I started talking trash, I didn't talk myself up to become respected. I talked trash in response to trash directed at me. I've been responding the hateful posts towards me for months now, and the more I say to defend myself, the more I find a larger number if people are now against me for some phrase I typed out somewhere. Like I said, sorry everyone. You're welcome to think whatever you want about me, I don't care. I prefer to be unbothered by people who dislike me than to be constantly barraged with questions by people wanting to play just like me. Like I said, if you want to know me, then talk to me if you happen to meet me. Don't play Dr Phil from several states away. Once again, sorry if I sound like a d!ck more often than intended.
Honestly I'm not aware of the historical origins of your trash talking. Perhaps what you say is true and at some point you were attacked for no reason. I'm not trying to do some in-depth psychoanalysis of you. I've just stated some impressions that I'm sure I wasn't alone in forming.

But since you've kinda apologized I'll back off myself and admit I might have misjudged you. Just be careful how you say stuff, even if it's just the internet, as the internet is the only way some of us know each other.

And NES n00b isn't cocky at all--in fact he generally pretends he's much worse than he is.



Nov 26, 2004
That's the plan.

There are people that will judge me from the boards and those who completely ignore the boards. The ones who ignore the boards and talk to me like a decent person are those I would consider level headed and have no problem associating with. Those that choose not to like me because of the post are just the people I'd be better off not knowing, anyway.
Haha well as long as its all part of your plan, I see now you've got this whole thing under control, I won't bother you any more.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
Weston, Florida
How is it not arrogant to make a thread just to announce to the world that you have a money match against lambchops? How is it not arrogant going around bragging about how it's going to be "easy money"? Everyone's right. You are an arrogant ***.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
How is it not arrogant to make a thread just to announce to the world that you have a money match against lambchops? How is it not arrogant going around bragging about how it's going to be "easy money"? Everyone's right. You are an arrogant ***.
I know wes already put you in your place. All you do is ride the d!cks of everyone who does what you can't: win.



Nov 4, 2000
Champaign, IL
I think we've seen enough. Money match, okay. But this thread was destined to be a ****storm from the start.

Chadd, you asked for drama when you made this thread, and you got it. But mercifully for everyone involved, I'm stopping it.
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