Smash Hero
Welcome to Smashboards! If you're not already familiar with the rules, you should check them out here:
The short of it is: Be nice, don't spam, don't double post, be careful with profanity, and don't advertise.
I fixed up some of the coding in your posts for readability and merged your double posts together. In the future, don't double post (posting two messages one right after the other without anyone posting in between). If you have a second thought, just use the edit button (it's at the bottom of all posts you make) to add more to what's already there. For quoting what someone said, just hit the reply button (located at the bottom of the post) and it'll already be formatted for you in the text box.
As for this thread, this is our match up discussion thread. Match Up charts are nice and all, but I'd like to see some reasoning if there are things that are disagreed with, guys. Lists are not very helpful. Discussion is helpful.
The short of it is: Be nice, don't spam, don't double post, be careful with profanity, and don't advertise.
I fixed up some of the coding in your posts for readability and merged your double posts together. In the future, don't double post (posting two messages one right after the other without anyone posting in between). If you have a second thought, just use the edit button (it's at the bottom of all posts you make) to add more to what's already there. For quoting what someone said, just hit the reply button (located at the bottom of the post) and it'll already be formatted for you in the text box.
As for this thread, this is our match up discussion thread. Match Up charts are nice and all, but I'd like to see some reasoning if there are things that are disagreed with, guys. Lists are not very helpful. Discussion is helpful.