Look at this uneducated passerby posting stupidity. I suppose if I respond to him letting him know how stupid he is, I'll just get a 'hurr durr durr I'm trolllllololin' JOWIIIII hurr durr durr derp'.
I hate when people try and cover up stupidity with trolling.
I suppose you could ACTUALLY as stupid as you seem in your post. If that's the case lemme educate you on some things since you're too whatever to ask like the ignorant person you seem to be.
I'm not suggesting that he charge a smash and hope it works. It works. I've tried. I've succeeded. If you're charging a smash, either you're stupid, or you know it works, or you're banking on risk/reward playing out in your favor. This MU is an uphill battle, and as Kirby you're looking to peck and poke @ MK until he's at kill percent. If there's a situation where you can kill MK with moderately low risk, then obviously you should exploit it. If you run to the edge, and charge an USmash, MK has two primary options: Avoid/ Confront. If he avoid, the attack was safe. If he confronts, and you're at the edge, he'll clash w/(OR LOSE to) USmash. If he clashes, it negates and he's still offstage since you're at the edge of the stage when you USmash. If he loses, that a stock.
Riding a stupidity bandwagon will get you no where DRDN. Ignorance isn't cute and 'hurr durr durr troll' just makes you look pathetic. Bring something worth reading to the table before you post. Spam is spam. [Coming from the guy who knows his infractions.]