Just the basics of the military, pretty much. How to march, how to properly salute, my general orders and sailor's creed, how to properly fold and stow stuff... The basics of the basics. It was pretty easy, all that media garbage of people crying in boot camp or it being pretty close to hell is all a lie, I was eating ice cream + pizza hut for being a good recruit all the time! I even had internet access (after like 7 weeks, but still internet!), listened to music, played pool and chess and arcades... Depending on how you do there, you can get a lot of privileges.
The need for money, and the need to get out of my house. College wasn't helping either, I felt like I was getting nowhere. Now I get to jump right into my job, study for my job, and get paid while I do so. Also, the ranking system is very competitive here, which makes me want to beat everyone at everything so I can have the best benefits all the time. IMO, this was a very good decision.