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KGD - The Kewkky Thread! - Kirby's Wasteland: Dead Social


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
So this guy named Triple R has a really good Kirby.

I played him on AiB ladder :O he's the only Kirby up there in points with me, besides I think Falln

True story.

And if my opponent plays Falco, I should either refuse to play him, or pick a different character, because Kirby vs Falco is not only incredibly boring on wifi, but it's just stuuuupid. It's not a matter of WHAT he's going to do, because I always know he's going to laser and side b, or jab, dthrow-dair-regrab-repeat, but it's a matter of WHEN he's going to do it.
So on wifi it's a guessing game the whole time, and yeah.
I COULD just crouch the whole time and wait for him to come to me, but again, his Side B is too fast to shield on reaction, and it hits you when you're crouching.


So I really might have to pick a different character.

LIKE FOX :bee:
Even though he gets chaingrabbed.

/something to talk about rather than one liners


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Huh, I wonder why he stopped posting here...

He never did/say anything wrong, I can only imagine...

*thinks about cows out on the field*


Smash Ace
May 2, 2008
So this guy named Triple R has a really good Kirby.

I played him on AiB ladder :O he's the only Kirby up there in points with me, besides I think Falln

True story.
yeah triple R has been really high up there with kirby since right around when i quit wifi (this summer). I've always wanted to play him but never got a chance to.

I've seen him post on here a couple times though...but he doesnt seem to anymore.

makes me want to play wifi again...but then i remember the lag and etc and i just forget about it


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
yeah triple R has been really high up there with kirby since right around when i quit wifi (this summer). I've always wanted to play him but never got a chance to.

I've seen him post on here a couple times though...but he doesnt seem to anymore.

makes me want to play wifi again...but then i remember the lag and etc and i just forget about it
Hey, do you know Big lou?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Well, that's actually a nice-looking Kirby you got there, Skyler! Way better than what I could've done, as sad as it may sound to me... :(

And yes, Tater, angling Kirby's fsmash has varying effects. A normal-angled fsmash is just a normal 'meh' fsmash... A down-angled one can hit ledgegrabbed opponents who mistime their invincibility frames (as well as a bit below stage-level for those sideB-recovering MKs and such opponents), and sends them at an almost-horizontal trajectory... And an up-angled fsmash kills earlier than any other fsmash variation, has a slightly higher damage output (by 1-2%), has greater disjointed range vertically (excellent for those pesky MK tornados as well as other diagonal approaches), and sends them at a hard-to-DI trajectory: diagonally up away from the stage, where your opponents will probably be trying to DI (meaning that their DI will have a smaller effect than with a normal-angled fsmash)...

Same goes for ftilt, by the way. All of the above apply to ftilt too, except the 'punishing tornado' part. I can't stress enough just how good a move his ftilt is, btw. The range is 2gud. :lick:
Thanks man :D

Ah Ha! Fsmash can be angled! I learned something today :D


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Angling an fsmash is greay and all... But what really takes the cake is a charged up-angled fsmash. Good Lord, that has a LOT of kill power! No more Snakes surviving @ 220% for any Kirbies who learn how to trade hits with Snake by using well-read charged up-angled fsmashes (It's not even hard to predict them, just keep an eye on any opponents' landing pattern while still keeping in mind their landing options, you'll see yourself killing way earlier than usually)!


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
if you ever see him tell him hi for me. :( I miss him.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
the general rule of thumb is that an up-angled f(attack) does one more % than the normal angle, and the down-angle does 1 less. The game's internal knockback numbers stay the same for each of them, but due to the formula used for calculating kb, up-angled attacks do hit harder. There is a variation in the angle the moves hit at - for instance, kirby's u-fsmash hits at 45º/82º, s-fsmash at 38º/73º, and d-fsmash at 31º/60º (strong hit/weak hit)

And then Luigi's WAH is an anomaly because, for some reason, it has 13 less frames of lag than the normal and down-angled versions... :/


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
What do those degrees mean, exactly? Is the starting point (0, or 360) at the very top?

(>'.')> with the starting point being directly above Kirby, so 45 degrees would be Northeast?

MK26 ftw.

And everyone's known about Luigi's up-angled Fsmash being godly for so long...I'm jealous tbh. That fact alone makes it super useful.




Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Warning! Wall of replies incoming!

Falco is better than Kirby, don't even try to argue against that.
As a character, yes. However, Falco still has a gigantic flaw being that he can't beat planking, as well as his fall speed. (Also, Falco's bad MU's are considerably worse than Kirby's, though his good MUs are considerably better and more numerous.)

Also, since when are you the Brawl expert? :laugh:

Yeah, that's not what sarcasm means.
lol pwned!

Yea, Inui apparently was drunk and punched someone in the face, so he got DQ'd.
Seriously? I must have missed this.

And lol, MI was the drunkest of them all... and yet... *Looks at Judge and Lain's results.*

I hope all the Kirby's did. :D

Although I've never had a hangover issue... So maybe he had fun but doesn't have those kinds of problems when you wake up.

EDIT: Big news: m2k and jman are disqualified in melee doubles. Jman is AT THE HOTEL SLEEPING. M2k is extremely upset.

Holy **** that's crazy!!!
Yeah, that was bull****. They DQed them completely over Jman being 20 minutes late because they felt putting them in losers would be unfair to losers... WTF?!
I want to point out DEHF's team, if I recall correctly, did the same thing in Brawl, but they were sent to losers instead of being DQed from the whole tounament.

Edit2: Chu is ******. IMO, the best way to describe it (as a commentator said):

"Chu is bad at dying."

Nana can die at 50%, but chu just says "F that ****" and survives until 200 anyway.
I actually watched Melee during that match. It was insane. It was 2v1 with Chu having just SoPo at insane percents, but ****, he plays motha****in' popo! He wasn't going to let that get him down!

Inui punched a fool in the face? Wow I am so glad I logged on to read that today, that really made my day. I think it's really ****ing stupid how **** faced people get before tourneys, you're supposed to do that stuff AFTER THE BIG EVENT, SMART ****S.
YbM knows how it's done. You guys should have seen him after the tournament... I'm still rolling at his antics (He came in at 4 AM, stoned out of his mind, and starts pounding on the bed for people to tell him stories :laugh: )

What did Fonz play as? Good job anyway.

And :urg: @ "I had to dair camp you because it would've been too hard otherwise"
Basically means "This matchup is still unwinnable for Kirby because I always have options to beat you"
He went all Lucario, though he did take a game off of ADHD with Ganon in a MM.

Heh, MK vs Kirby is far from unwinnable, and Dair camping is not the worst thing he can do to you...

If only I had an easier pool... Ah well, if I find myself saying 'I wish I had an easier pool so I could pass', it's the same as saying 'I'm not skilled enough to win', so I'll just hush up and play smarter next time, as in... Trust in both my mains instead of only one. ZSS goes near even with Marth for example, and also has tons of ways to beat dair camping/beat up Lucario.
MK also has a lot of other ways to beat up on ZSS :p

Also, I just want to say, Kewkky's Kirby is legit!

Kewk, hopefully next time you come to the US, I'll have practiced a bit more. I honestly feel ashamed of my performance this last weekend, especially the first day at the hotel, and the last day of the tournament (I did kind of decent from about midday of the day they started Brawl pools to the next morning.) That being said, I still learned a lot, had a lot of fun, and feel like I improved from it, so I regret nothing, except maybe how much money I spent XD

Same with you Gonzo. I was dead when I played you, and when I left you and YBM alone, it was to go and get caffeine in hopes it would wake me up and stop playing so badly. I have no doubt you are a better player than me, but I was playing horribly, so hopefully I'll be able to get some real matches in against you sometime in the future.

Yeah, the reason a lot of this happens is because most tourney runners like melee better and hold brawl simply because it helps pay for the venue. I still find that ridiculous-Melee FRIENDLIES!?!? While pool matches are going on. Now I'm starting to realize why people get annoyed over these large-scale tourneys. That's why I'm doing only brawl this summer at TaterFest 2010. (name subject to change). But good luck in teams, Kewkky, hope they show the brawl doubles.
Actually, this tournament was meant to be mostly Brawl, but Melee showed more interest. Also, the Melee friendlies was because since the Melee tournament was further along, they were putting Melee matches on the livestream setup, since it was more important than pools. The friendlies were when people used the livestream setup between the matches supposed to be played on there (AKA if the players were in other tournament games, which was happening a lot since Brawl pools and Melee teams and singles were all happening at once.).

Kewkky win some money! Nobody knows you so MM's will be easy peasy. Rep dat kirby and zss (I'm thinking of picking up Zss aswell =D)
PR wasn't doing any MMs.

Yes, people would rather watch an exciting friendlies match than a campy Brawl singles match, stop being surprised by this before my eyes bleed out from how foolish you people are being.
Except that's not the reason at all...

Also, meh, when it comes to watching, while your statement is generally true, I'd say it depends on the players. There are some Brawl players I'd rather watch over Melee ones.

I told you ***s Chu is the best Kirby.
I just want to point out that Chu got DEHF, who, while he's the best Falco, is still a Falco, and obviously didn't know the MU considering he got hit by the full 2008 Gonzo like 8 times that set, while YbM got ADHD, who ended up 3-0ing M2K :p

That being said, Chu was on fire!

I have to say though, how the tourney was run... It was horrible. TOs and the seeding + disqualifying people for no reason practically, trashbags everywhere, practically no friendlies (I had to sneak some in by lurking tourney matches until they ended, then start matches against CPUs and spam ZSS's usmash @ battlefield... People randomly came up to me and asked me for friendlies), and one of the TOs (apparently Tantalus) was an *******. How would you guys feel if you came out-of-country, payed roughly $600-$700 bucks to come to USA to this huge tourney that was going on and had lots of expectations, had lots of admirers watching your every move, start a doubles match (Excel_Zero+LingLing vs Ksizzle+Zucco)... And end up getting planked, timed out, and the TO doesn't do anything about it? Hell... The TO said "Planking isn't against the rules" and we showed him the Pound4 rules' page and it said it clearly, then he said "You don't have any proof of it" and we showed him the match's recording and ledgegrabs attempted (over 100), then he said "The rule was a typo" and made us all facepalm... Before his last statement, he said that Zero and Ling could do another match to decide the winner, but then he took it back and practically told them "**** off", leaving them out of the tourney... Tantalus is a huge *******, all the puertorricans and a couple of americans wanted to bash his head in.
Yeah, that was a lot of BS. The page didn't say there was no ledgegrab rule for doubles, but there was one for singles... No wonder Ling seemed so pissed when he played his bracket match vs Scribble...
Tant was generally being a **** to everyone it seems... Also, he didn't seem to know his own rules very well, considering WTP had to explain to him a rule Tant had explained to him earlier in the day which determined whether DJ_Iskascribbe or Coney were getting out second round of pools.

If you guys can, come to "The Showdown" in Springfield OH in June. It'll be a national tournament with $2000 guaranteed, and I can guarantee you that Springfield hosts great tournaments.

Hey! My tournaments are run -very- well. I make sure the atmosphere is more like a fest than a tournament. It makes it more fun and relaxed... And we always finish on time. :)

I'm trying to hold one this summer. Like a -huge- one. Y'all should come. We could have one of those dinners like the peach players did. :D
Speaking of which... some of them got DQed from teams for being at that dinner... Even though I'm almost certain they asked the TO ahead of time if they had time to do it before teams and they were told that teams would start the next day...

And anyone here near PA can come to mine! :chuckle:

Also, I'm considering putting a restriction rather than a ban on MK saying that you can only use him once in a set, try to get some more variety.

What do you guys think?
Bad idea. That's encouraging people to not play their mains. Also, attendance would suffer.

A better idea would be to add THIS rule:

"""If someone exceeds XX ledgegrabs, then they are disqualified. A requisite for this rule is to have proof of the ledgegrabs (results screen) and witnesses. However, if the limit is broken and there was no intention of 'planking' or 'stalling' (such as Samus' ledgehopped missile spam, or continuous ledgehopped edgeguards...), then the players are not disqualified and the set continues uninterrupted."""
That can't work, since it would make the result of a game biased. However, the rule people have been putting in effect is the ledgegrab limit IF the game goes to time.

When the stream got cut, I immediately heard the "money back" chant in my head. xD

M2K timed Ally out in game 5 and advanced. ADHD was up 2-0 in GF, I think he won (getting all this from chaosmarth's twitter). Yea ADHD! :D
Ally was pissed about that.
And ADHD ***** M2K. Like seriously *****. He 2 stocked him on his 1st CP of Delfino! (And got him with a barrel spike, though M2K recovered and killed him with DR :laugh: )

I don't see how anyone can find brawl more fun to watch than melee. Seriously, (maybe with the exception of watching chudat)
Chu is campy as hell... He's not all that fun to watch IMO, but I watch him anyway sine it helps me improve.

Let's point out pretty much everything in Brawl manages to be slower and more boring than Jigglypuff dittos.

I like how people can't figure out why I'm here even after I pretty much already said why like twice.
I just want to point out that when Melee GFs came on, everyone (including Melee people) went to watch Brawl pools or play friendlies, since Jiggs dittos are THAT boring.

Also, you fail at picking up rhetorical questions.

Good lord, it looks like the drugs have reached to videogames now. Soon, we will be seeing people taking steriods just so that they can "mash buttons effectively."
Ummm... there are smashers who take drugs, but there are no smashers, to my knowledge, who take drugs FOR smash...

Then I lost to a GANONDORF. His name's DLA and he's really good, like 6-1 with GANONDORF on the ladder right now, but come on, if beating every Ganon I've played offline, and yet losing to tons of them on wifi, doesn't prove how ******** wifi is, then I don't know what does.
Yeah, Ganon is better on Wifi, although DLA is good anyway. I think Fonz is better, but he is one of the better Ganons regardless.

It's too bad Kirby is not great. lol. Glad you can see that.
The only top tier character he's decent against is Falco.
MK and Snake **** his eyeballs out, and anyone that doesn't see that is in denial.

But Kirby should NOT lose to Ganondorf. God dammit, sakurwifi.
Or... maybe they aren't just judging MUs based on the tierlist? Kirby isn't great against most top tiers, but he isn't bad against Snake, MK or D3. Seriously, pick up a low tier, and you'll see what a bad MU against those characters is. Kirby may be disadvantaged, but not by much.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if DLA could beat you offline too. He IS a good Ganon, and the MU isn't as bad as you think. It's one of Ganon's better ones. Saying he shouldn't win against Kirby is like saying he shouldn't win against Diddy (One of his best non-ditto MUs), or that Link shouldn't win against Snake: basing it off of tier list position.

If IC's didn't exist I'd take Kirby 3,000 times more seriously. Sure Snake and Marth are gay as **** *I just see MK as a better Kirby, but not THAT bad* but IC's just make him a 'lol' character to me. I really wish Brawl had n64 physics, Kirby would **** that ****.
Too true... But generally speaking, not having secondaries in this game is a bad idea.

Correction: You're the only GOOD Kirby on AiB this season

Even though some people say I'm good, a loss record like mine makes that hard to believe...

Also I watched Chudat's 2nd match

The ending was FI_I(I<1/\/6 RAEP (not to be vulgar, but DAYUM!!)

And you guys said the Gonzo Combo wasn't useful anymore
A full Gonzo like that should NEVER hit. DEHF obviously doesn't know Kirby.

ok I'm watching Chu vs DEHF now.
I didn't see what happened for most of 2nd match (obviously) but the end was intense. Too bad DEHF didn't know to DI into Kirby to get out of the jablock against the wall >_>

And too bad he took 51% from not SDI-ing in the beginning of the second game.
And too bad Chu freaking tripped so much, sigh.
DEHF got really predictable under pressure though.
Oh, right after I unpaused Falco tripped into Kirby's Ftilt. lol -.-

... the end was dumb. Everyone's like "OHHHH" because Kirby got a grab, which shouldn't do much, but either lack of knowledge or too many nerves caused Falco to get comboed.

And then the freaking video lags so I couldn't see the stagespike. Probably because so many people were talking in the chat at one momemt >_>
Judge got into that same jablock in his pool matches vs Chu, and after trying to SDI up, he just stopped SDIing and just lost the stock. lol...

Also... that was pretty much my impression of the set, but it was still awesome to see.

I had been called in for jury duty for a capital murder case. The way i got out of it was just by simply saying: I am not for death. I cant be responsible for putting this guy to death row no matter what happens. My religion forbids it in every way. TBH i could give a **** if he died or not, but the trial was supposed to be like a full year or something. No thanks O_o
Or wear a shirt that says "FRY THEM ALL" :laugh:

YbM, why did first seeds in round 1 pools even have to play in round 2 pools? wtf?
There were some first seeders that didn't even make it out of round two pools because of ridiculously stacked odds.
I think.
The way it worked is 2nd round of pools was 2 1st seeds, 2 2nd seeds, and 2 3rd seeds, with top 3 advancing.

That was kinda the reason I started singling you out in the first place. I tried Kewkky, but his wii's dead, sooo... yeah
I'll play you at some point if you want, but I suck, and even harder on Wifi.

So guys, seeing as Kewkky schooled me about the angled F-smashes, I figured I ought to ask-does the same thing apply for F-tilt? They seem to be such similar moves, and the tilt can be angled also, so does it have the same effects? Just curious.
Up angled Ftilt is awesome IMO. Especially after Fthrow>Uair.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
What do those degrees mean, exactly? Is the starting point (0, or 360) at the very top?

(>'.')> with the starting point being directly above Kirby, so 45 degrees would be Northeast?

MK26 ftw.

And everyone's known about Luigi's up-angled Fsmash being godly for so long...I'm jealous tbh. That fact alone makes it super useful.


oh, whoops, forgot to mention that point, 0º = right, 90º = up
you should be able to figure out the rest from there

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
You all miss me!!!!!!!!!

I actually do come on here everyday and read the stickied threads. Usually everyone has everything covered so I don't feel the need to post at all.

And I agree with some people that ganon doesn't have that bad of match up against kirby. I've beaten Breezy in a reverse mains MM before.... :p


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Fromundaman wins, good post.

-I sandbagged against Fonz's Ganon in a moneymatch and still won. I also beat his Wolf in pools once, and lost to his Lucario, so I know he's a good player. Ganon is just too easy to block and punish. On wifi, I find myself getting hit by Uairs and various moves that I predicted but can't react to in time, and getting hit just a few times more than you would offline against Ganon = there goes your stock.

Did he seriously beat ADHD with Ganon in a match? @_@

And I wasn't judging based on tier list, I'm just saying Kirby beats Ganon. I don't consider Dedede "top" tier though I agree the matchup is fairly close to even.
As for Snake, I agree it's winnable but I still maintain that you have to outplay Snake at all times and your mistakes are far more costly than his are.

And don't argue with Bunny, she's a moderator AND a girl, and therefore cannot be wrong.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Traveling to Bryyo on a warpstar
Lol, I'm not complaining/implying Kirby's b-air is broken, I just thought I'd make a vid about it, considering it caught me and my friend by surprise.

And our b-air is far from broken, it's just extremely useful.

Ninja Kirby Nick!

Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
That's not what your mother said last night Trebek
Lol, I'm not complaining/implying Kirby's b-air is broken, I just thought I'd make a vid about it, considering it caught me and my friend by surprise.

And our b-air is far from broken, it's just extremely useful.

You just contradicted yourself, my good sir. Look at the title of the video you made. I rest my case.

Bair IS very useful, btw. If we didn't have it, we'd probably be ***** by Snake.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Traveling to Bryyo on a warpstar
Sorry if I sounded a bit rude in my last post...it wasn't my intention. Sarcasm is really hard to sense through text and the interwebz. But if our b-air is broken, Snake's u-tilt and most of MK moveset are what? xD

Nice avatar btw :D
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