I am honestly surprised I haven't seen anyone estimate neutral game situations with Nash equilibria yet, since it is in a way the equivalent to what the flow chart is in the punish game. How to apply it is pretty easy.
1. Write down the options of player 1 in the rows, the options of player 2 in the columns. Note that you want to write down an option that you have to commit to before you can react again, so you don't want to list "shine", but rather list "shine WD back", "shinegrab", "shine nair" and so on as separate options. The options you list should at least take as long as your reaction time.
2. Assign values to the individual option matchups. Please don't use percentage, because it leaves the stage position/followup perspectives out. You could work with "centistocks", in this case taking someone's stock guaranteed with no read required afterwards would equivalent to 100. It takes some intuition to esimate the values, but from my experience having some imprecise values isn't as big of a deal, and you can always adjust them.
Assign the values from player 1's perspective.
3. Use some program or site like
In the example, enter the following things:
dimension: [row number] [column number]
payoff matrix for player 1: [your table]
type of game: Zerosum
Somewhere it should say EP (expected payoff), this is what player 1 gets in average if both sides play correctly.
You should look to the row where it says EE (extreme equilibrium): It gives the probability of using that option in the equilibrium, if there are multiple EEs, everything inbetween is an equilibrium. Write the values for both players down
4. The interpretation: Learn, experiment, adjust
Compare the numbers with the probabilities you would use an option in a certain situation. What should be done differently. You can also analyze different situations with slight adjustments by deleting a few options (for example deleting "roll away" to look at situaions where you are at the edge of the stage). You can also find that the results don't feel right and find the cause for that (false sign on a payoff value, left out an important option, estimated a option matchup wrongly).
I will give a pretty generic example, which is just a proof of concept and should be done differently for actual results:
I just used +1 for winning neutral and -1 for losing neutral for simplicity reasons. iirc the EP was +0.15
The player in the rows is standing in front of the player in the columns who is shielding.
If we just pretend this would correctly describe the situation, this would be my example interpretation (so don't take it word for word):
Grab is obviously a strong option for player 1, but it isn't used nearly half of the time optimally.
The overusage of grab in this situation seems to be the reason why player 2's opt to use spot dodge here at least sometimes, which would be a rather poor option if player 1 mixes it up better.
Wait in shield is surprisingly (or not?) a good option for player 2, wait in shield here means waiting for one reaction time length so the time you stay in shield in average should not be that high.
It should be noted that the equilibrium is composed of >5 different options, while players often just use 2 or 3.
Roll in could be better if we give it higher values for centerstage if it works, and if roll awawy is no option.
Specific tests to simulate the same on platforms could also be done.