I heard a whole history of DKRacing on one of the DK Vine audio programmes. (The Kongversation or the PoDKast can't remember which)Staring at that awesome concept art sure did make me think up a few points.
>With or without Rareware Chunky gets shafted and Tiny and Lanky return.
>No Dixie Kong? Was Rareware more satisfied with Tiny? Perhaps her and Chunky are unlockable?
>I see Taj, maybe more Diddy Kong Racing representation could've made it in. Maybe Wizpig returns as the villain and Banjo with Kazooie guest as drivers (I wish so hard)?
>Kiddy Kong is back.....hard ****ing core!
>Cranky looks like he was going to be playable much earlier.
>Return of standard karts, instead of hovercrafts and airplanes we get animal buddies.
>I bet K. Rool would've been playable.
Either way, I can only imagine an alternate dimension where Rareware stuck with Nintendo and our dimensional counterparts with evil goatees are enjoying Donkey Kong Racing while playing as K. Rool and Ridley in Melee (shakes fist in the air).
It's so tragic. I knew so little about it save for one little screenshot of DK on Rambi but everything they recounted sounded so incredible. It was going to be such a love letter to fans of DKC and it's universe.
(There was stuff from Donkey Kong Land in it for crying out loud! Kremlantis!!)
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