Jake if you use tap jump for everything, I would recommend, seeing as the tournament is less than a week away, to stay with your current settings until after the tournament. One week may not be enough time to get used to changing jumping with the control stick to jumping with buttons (I had to go through that in 64. Took several weeks). Once you're a few days into it, you'll get the idea, but you will still struggle with stuff. However, trying to change back to your regular stuff for the tournament, you'll mess up on several things as well. So if you try to change it now, you'll mess up lots of stuff, no matter which method you try.
After the tournament, I'd say give the tap jump off method a try. You'll have (given our current rate of tournaments) months before the next tournament, which is more than enough time to either get used to a new control scheme, or to decide to go back to your old one and not make mistakes from the attempts of learning a new one.
But as of what to do for this tournament, since there is very little time to learn anything between now and then, I'd recommend just stay with your current one, and then experiment after the tournament.