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JST5, 2 & 3 December, Holland, RESULTS: Amsah 1st, CJ 2nd, EK 3rd, Helios 4th!!!!!!!!

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Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2004
It is better then Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and actually has a good story and overall the game is pretty good. Of course there is a thing called opinion.

And that is exactly the reason why YOU should NOT play RPGs. Squaresoft makes crappy RPGs and yes, the Enix part makes better ones. They are bigger in Japan anyway.

Dragonquest > Final Fantasy

And Sora does not own. I do not like Cloud nor Sephiroth, but EVEN I think they are superior to Sora, who's outfit is STOLEN from the Bouncer, another game by Square.
Also, speaking of charcaters, Squall and Vivi outshine Sora in every single way, stupid fanboy.
I was just saying this to pump you up.
I think sora is cool

I think Donald is da best.
I think Vivi owns the entire world

it is true that I did not play many other rpg's but that's the fault of PSO
no story line and a crappy game :p

also I'd like to play dragon quest.

because I like disney doesn't mean I'm a 7 year old.

Why I think Sora is better then Link .

Sora talks ****it XD
also in the zelda games you have one enemy.(doesn't mean I don't like them.)

Ganon or Vaati and one time majora´s mask (wich was the best 3D zelda game )

further more I only played FF 7 and 9 and 10 (Wich I thought that 9 was da best.)

I still would like to play 8 and finish 7 but I don't have a ps 1 memory card or both that games.

As for 6 Is it that good ? gimme

other games like shadow hearts. I looked into it a while ago and it looked pretty good.
bu I'm not waisting all my money on games.

This Post is meaningless and annoying but I'm bored.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2004
Leiden, The Netherlands
Meh, I have a lot of RPG's, but there are a lot I haven't played yet, eventhough I have them for like a year or so. Other games are played way to much. XD

That, and speedrunning Metroid games. >_>


Jun 7, 2005
Thomaz owns at speedrunning Metroid games, especially zero mission. And oh yeah, Golden Sun =D One of the best RPG's ever imo. (mainly because I don't like any other RPG)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2006
Etten-Leur, The Netherlands
Well, Suikoden is my favourite RPG. It was just the story that hooked me to the series. Not some cheesy love romance thing that has been whored in almost EVERY game, but an original story imo.

Close second would be Shadow Hearts. It showed some proof of being a pretty good game, but the first one had its flaws. The the second game was released and it showed how good and how far (as in why this game is rated 16+ can go (Thomas knows what I mean)), it had many good points and its best point was the story.

Third would be Star Ocean. The first game was pretty good, but was never released over here, nor outside Japan, so I only played it on emulator. The second game did released over here (though people claim it is not, I DO have a PAL version of this game for PSX), it has a pretty good story imo, many sidequest, awesome music, 86 diffirent ending scenes and a whole lot of things to do.

To Marc, as far as I could recall, the things such as gather summons, religion is fake, best friend was a hero some years ago, father is bad guy, hero is a ****** and heroine is clumsy/annoying it was all the same to me.
Tales of Eternia for example didn't had those things.

Star Ocean: Till The End of Time got attention, but that was because Square was on the box, because of the fusion with Enix. Tri Ace and Enix didn't got much attention with Star Ocean and Star Ocean: The Second Story.

Disgaea did some nice things aswell, but wasn't something to write books for, which is too shame, cause this game does deserve it. Can't wait to play the second game in the series, but I still need to get my hands on their other games.

I want to get my hands on Xenosaga 1 and 3, but 1 never was released in Europe for some unkown reason and 3 has no news about an European release yet. The second one was released over here, but that game is considered as "the rotten apple" in the series, such as Suikoden IV is in that series.

Also, even though I dislike the FF games so much, I do own FF I through FF X-2, not counting FF III. I am also planning on getting FF XII. I have no idea why I keep buying these games, but something tells me I want to get my hands on them.

As Marc posted a list, I'll do so aswell:

SNES: Star Ocean, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Romancing SaGa, Lufia II, Secret of Evermore, Tactics Ogre, Tales of Phantasia, Bahamut Lagoon.

PSX: Suikoden I, Suikoden II, Persona, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Vandal Hearts, Final Fantasy Tactics, SaGa Frontier, Parasite Eve, Grandia, Xenogears, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Cross, Valkyrie Profile, Koudelka, Wild Arms, Vagrant Story, Tales of Eternia.

PS2: Shadow Hearts, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, .hack//Infection, .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak, .hack//Quarentaine, Xenosaga Episode I, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Disgaea, Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Suikoden V.

NGC: Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia.

GBA: Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

Yup, quite a list. These are all games that will give a you a good time. I am not sure wether you will like all of these, but these are games that have been accepted by most RPG lovers. Try emulators for the SNES games, it is easier then to actually get them on the SNES.
Ok, I'll try to talk normal to you from now on (For Jeffz0r) . I see you're a big RPG fan, gotta respect that. I like RPG's myself. You alse mentioned Star Ocean:Till the end of time. I think that was one of the best RPG's I've played (good battle system) but I have never finished it. I always get killed in the battle against Fayt Leingod and Sophia Esteed. Never tried again actually.

(but I'm still gonna call you Piisucker :))


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
Linkje: Your problem is that never took the time into the games with less media attention, which is too bad of course. I am not saying you have to spend all your money on games of course, but lets say that Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are the Fifa games in RPGLand.

You say you dislike RPGs because of Phantasy Star Online, well personally I like the game, but why do you think the Online is in the game? Yes, this game is only fun when you multiplayer, this shouldn't be compared to the traditional RPGs, but to the online RPGs such as Diablo and things like that.

Cypher: Do you mean the special boss battle in the Urssa Lava Caves? Cause I forgot if there was another battle where you had to face yourself. I did beat them, but I am at lvl 255. I also beated Lenneth, Freya, Gabriel and Etherial Queen.
But it took me ages to get a strong party, cause of all the customizing, which is a pain in the arse.

Star Ocean: Till The End if Time is a good RPG, but (a major BUT) a certain plottwist in this game completely blew me off. I am a fan of Star Ocean: The Second Story and thanks to that plottwist in the third game it completely ruined any meaning in Star Ocean on the SNES and Star Ocean on the PSX, also any future plans for this installment.

Also, Golden Sun is a good RPG, Coen, I agree with that, although the second one wasn't as good. But the game is very straightforward, if they're asking you something you can only reply with yes or no and when you have to say no, the game won't allow you to say yes.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Hm, I actually liked GS2 better. It's been quite some time since I played those games though.

About the ToS and FFX thing, I can see where you base that on. I don't agree with every point, but to prevent spoilers etc I won't go in depth. I still wouldn't call ToS a FFX rip-off though, it's clearly better than FFX anyway. =p

I'll look into some of the titles you mentioned btw, I haven't played many PSX RPGs yet.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
Well, I phraised it incorrect. ToS is not a ripp off, but when I was playing ToS, it felt like I was playing FFX, only diffirent looks.
I can't say which one I like better, cause I disklike both games.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2004
Linkje: Your problem is that never took the time into the games with less media attention, which is too bad of course. I am not saying you have to spend all your money on games of course, but lets say that Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are the Fifa games in RPGLand.

You say you dislike RPGs because of Phantasy Star Online, well personally I like the game, but why do you think the Online is in the game? Yes, this game is only fun when you multiplayer, this shouldn't be compared to the traditional RPGs, but to the online RPGs such as Diablo and things like that.
I will look into that games but don't have the money to buy and play them.
give me rpg's and i'll play them

and wtf fifa in rpg land Personally I hate fifa :p


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
Yes, many people consider FF and KH to be the Fifa in RPGLand, which is not a good thing imo. The latest words about FF XII are already overhyped. "OMG THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVAR!!!111ONEONEONE!!
I mean wtf, the game is out for what...a couple of weeks?

Well, as I said, Suikoden V is sold for 30 euros, so you can try getting that one, but I could also lend you a game some time.

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
I like every Final Fantasy part (except crystal chronicles... i still regret the day that i wasted my money on that piece of arse) although i haven't played them all top 3 would be:
1: FF VI because the story rocks, the characters rock and it's on the SNES... need to say more?
2: FF IX Love the story and the game overall was good and the music is just beautiful
3: FF X The story is nice, i like most characters but the thing that attracts me the most is the versatility (like dark aeons, the arena, the ability to exceed that oh so annoying 9999 damage limit)

Furthermore, Final Fantasy Tactics on the PS1 was very good as well as the one on the GBA... I'm still amazed that it is that fun and that it has such a huge option of jobs, skills and such for a GBA game. Also completed FF 1, 2, 4, crystal chronicles. 1, 2 and 4 are nice but the old fighting mechanic is annoying and battles with 9 or 6 enemies per battle and the 'target lost' mechanic made FF 1 a hard one to sit through. Final Fantasy X-2 was a nice attempt but dissapointed me a lot.... The dress sphere system was nice though but the game was WAAAY too easy and the story was a bit lame.... and the final boss almost made me cry because floral fallal's barrier works >_< !!!!

Best RPG's imo are:

Snes: Chrono Trigger is the best by far followed closely by Soulblazer the first RPG I ever bought and completed and the music you hear in town makes me go in a trance, earthbound, Terranigma, all FF games, 7th saga, lufia 2 and super mario and the seven stars. Secret of evermore could never interest me somehow... Strange because the game plays a lot like terranigma.

PSX: Only played FF games on it... FF 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 and tactics

PS2: Only Final Fantasy X and X-2. I HATE every .hack// games... I HATE THEM I HATE THEM. I've played some pretty repetitive RPG's in my life like Evolution 2 on the Dreamcast which was still pretty nice but this games sucks the blood out of my head in to my hands so i feel like breaking the PS2 and chewing on a piece of rock to calm myself down.... i hate those games....

GC: Started ToS once but lended it to ryuker for X-2. Played for about two hours but the game doesn't interest me that much so far... can anyone tell me if it get's more interesting after a while (or how long it takes before the game gets nice). Completed Crystal Chronicles but the ultra gay rule that makes you play with a GBA if you want to multiplayer made me hate the game to eternity... plus the story is quite boring.
And I loved Skies of arcadia... and I completely understand why you hate the game Marc (and Reffie as well) because it IS quite tiring when you have to fly great distances and don't have a powerful Lambda Burst or other special move to kill all the *******s on the first turn.
Fire Emblem Path of radiance was also a very good game. Loved the art and the story was cool.

GBA: FF Tactics is a very cool game and both fire emblem games were also very good.

Best overal RPG's are Chrono Trigger, FF 9, Soulblazer and Skies of Arcadia

And to end the flame discussion... No I don't jerk off to pixels on my tv... but since i know that you're a guy i KNOW that you watch porn or have ever watched porn.... and guess what... they're made out of pixels as well it be created women for a game or real women.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
FF X-2 is horrible, just horrible, along with tactics Advance. 3 Games in FF history that are known for its complete crapness are Tactics Advance, Crystal Chronicles and X-2, you could also mention Mystic Quest.

The .hack games are pretty good, repititive, but good. If you're going for the story that is, I mean if you play for the battles then I can see why you don't like these games. But the story is quite interesting and even though the 2nd and 3rd one weren't that special, the 4th finally cleared some things up, it is just wether you like the story or not.

FF X, HORRIBLE voice acting, HORRIBLE translation, annoying characters (Yuna, Rikku, Tidus, Wakka). Also, once overpowered things were too easy. Zanmato works on Penance (GAAAAAAAAY).
FF X-2 is even worse, OMIGAWD Girl Power!!1111 Woo, happy ripp off by Charlie's Angels and the ******** omg Tidus can't die fans LIKED IT >_<. FF X-2 RUINED the beautiful ending from X.

Oh and that pron thing you mentioned, yes back in the days when I was 16 I watched some, but got tired from it, why? Because it is boring and by that I mean REALLY boring. BUT there is a diffirence in what you said:

A a game character does not exist, the gamecharacter is BUILD by pixels, without those you wouldn't be able to see her, cause she only exist in the game, she is not real.

B the girl in the pron film IS real, you're watching her on tv, but she does exist, breathes air and eats food if she's hungry, that is the diffirence.

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Yeah sure that's true but there is also a different and saying that a woman looks nice or is hot and jerking off to her animation...

And now that you mention it... i also completed Mystic Quest and found it quite entertaining in the old days but it was i think the second or 3rd RPG i ever played (and completed) so it was more like a 'paint base coat' for RPG's.

Yeah the voice acting sounds a bit forced sometimes (although you probably think it is that way ALL the time) but i don't think the game is THAT horrible. And dark aeons battle's are just what you make of them.... you could train, get good equipment etc. and beat them in a battle OR you could just slay that one eye creature in the arena OVER and OVER again for money and zanmato every one of them.... it's like playing smash.... I don't like playing sheik in fun matches but if I have to win i'd rather pick her because my chances of winning grow a little by it.

The 100% ending of FF X-2 was indeed a bit gay also the fact that ALL OF SUDDEN he was there T_T

The point i'm missing here though, you name A LOT of RPG's who you HATE and despise.... but appearantly you completed a lot of them as wel which is quite strange to me because if I don't like a game... **** it, I'm NOT gonna play it. Gaming is for fun and not to annoy you IMO


Smash Master
May 27, 2005
Dutchland. ^^
Sometimes I think that a lot of the FF hate these days comes from the later releases, X/X-2, XII, and Crystal Chronicles if you may. Well the FF series hasn't always been bad. I know a lot of you have probably played the older ones as well, but comparing FF to Fifa is a bit disrespectful. Because the Fifa games suck and the early FFs don't.
I'm a particular FF IV fan. It's just too awesome. The best one if I had to choose. VIII is up there as well just because of the junctioning system which I dig.

Still, Chrono Trigger remains one of the best RPGs ever until today, as far as I'm concerned (too bad Chrono Cross wasn't nearly as good).


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
The reason why I play FF games is because I like RPGs so much, I always hope that the next FF game will be a good one, something I witnessed when playing FF VI, VIII or IX.

I also buy a lot of games, play them to see if I like them or not and if I like them I finish them and if not, then I am not gonna touch them.
I always say, the best way to judge a game is to play it, I don't trust on previews and reviews, they only give me information on the possibilities, not if a game is good or not.

Chrono Cross is a good game, if not better. Many people will disagree with this one, but I had more fun with Chrono Cross then Trigger, not because Trigger is bad or anything, on the contrary, Trigger is an amazing game. But for some reason I felt more magic in the second game than in the first one and it starts with the opening theme =).

Kirby Squad

Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2003
Wow I'm not here for one day and I've got loads of catching up to do :p

I've played my share of Rpg's and I liked FFX... The music was awesome, sure the voice acting could use some more attention, but it was a new thing in FF and you can't expect Americans to do a good job :p They should hire English people for those things. Except Auron's voice that one was good ^^

And Piisuke: Watching Disney and liking it doesn't make you chidlish. And Disney isn't just meant for small children... Ever watched "The Black Gauldron"???

And even just the normal ones like Hercules, Lilo and Stitch, Tarzan are definately for the whole family... Not just children, otherwise my whole family would be 7 years old ><

Plus that Disney has got a couple of the best animators when it comes to drawing animation.. (So that's not Pixar style 3-D) And that the twelve basic rules for animation are based on Disney's animations?? Stretch and Squatch being one of those.

As for the Rpg's... Just because you think a game isn't good, doesn't make it so.. You're entitled to your own wrong opinion XD But seriously, if Final Fantasy really would be crap and Kingdom Hearts too, it wouldn't sell as well as it does now... Sure marketing and hyping helps, but that's with everything in life.

And I'm no fanboy of any game, character or anything so I'm neutral in this :p

I just posted because Disney was being attacked ^^


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
You're taking my posts the wrong way Dave, first of all I never said you're childish when you like Disney. I said that I liked Disney when I was 7, nowadays I like other things, oh dear people change...CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!11

I liked Goofy, Donald, Peter Pan and the Little Mermaid when I was a young boy, nowadays it simply puts me off, so it is easy to dislike a game based on Disney.

And yes, I advise people to play Suikoden, I like the game, but if this game is really so bad, why is than so wanted on ebay that people are willing to pay $200 for Suikoden II? Give me an answer to that than.

I also said FF and KH are the Fifa of RPGLand, SO OF COURSE THEY SELL!!! That is the whole problem, they sell too good for mediocre games, which is what they really are. Many people agree with me here.

If you would try some of the games I mentioned then you'll figure out why. For example Shadow Hearts.

Also, the voice acting shouldn't be done by neither Englismen nor American. If a game is Japanese, then I want Japanese voice acting, it just sounds better.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2004
Leiden, The Netherlands
FF X, HORRIBLE voice acting, HORRIBLE translation, annoying characters (Yuna, Rikku, Tidus, Wakka). Also, once overpowered things were too easy. Zanmato works on Penance (GAAAAAAAAY)..
FFX didn't have horrible voice acting. Just because it was one of the first PS2 game that had voice acting, doesn't mean it's horrible. You're just biased. >_>
Also, annoying characters? I like how more human most of them are compared to characters like Squall or Cloud. I mean, most people think Tidus is whiny, right? Just think of it. You're leading a normal life.. Suddenly, a giant monster attacks your hometown and you get sucked into his butthole (XD) and end up somewhere 1000 years later and you know noone and haven't got the slightest clue where you are. How would you react? ^_~"

And Penance to easily? Don't Zanmato him then? It's so simple. And yes, the game is easy, why you think I'm doing such insane challenges? I mean, my current challenge is NSGNCNSNONENNENBB which translates to No Sphere Grid No Customise No Summons No Overdrives No Escape No [No Encounters] No Blitz Ball. Quite a mouthfull... And it's also quite hard. XD The 'final' boss hasn't been beaten yet. There are thousands of challenges like this, but that's not the point.

And yes, FFX-2 sucks. Glad we're in an agreement here.

Oh, and I just saw Mikael's post about the Zanmato thing, I agree with him there.

I still need to buy a few RPG's like Path of Radiance (I've turned into a major FE fan thanks to 7 and 8) and Paper Mario and stuff like that.

Oh, and yes, I understand why Marc doesn't like Skies of Arcadia Legends. The encounters are quite burden until you get Lambda Burst, Rain of Swords or Omega Cyclone (and enough SP to use them at once) but if you get through that, it's not that bad. Also, after a certain upgrade, you can either fly in the Upper sky or the Lower sky. No random encounters. ^_^

*gets back to his single segment Metroid Zero Mission speedrun* >___>


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Regarding Skies of Arcadia Legends, the ridiculous amount of random encounters on both the world map and inside the dungeons were a huge turnoff for me. On top of that, the battles took way too much time for too little reward imo. I could live with those things, if something else would have compensated for it. However, nothing did. The fights were easy, the dungeons were pretty much straightforward with easy puzzles and that's just the gameplay part. The story and characters were pretty much cliche and not very exciting, even though the setting was pretty cool. I've played the game for over 9 hours and then decided I was having too little fun to continue, which is very rare for me. Some things probably get better later on, but too late for me.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Eh,this may sound a little stupid but im more than likely going over but I have no where to stay and money is tight as it is.Is anyone housing foreigners for this tournament?Im just an Irish guy trying to make a name for himself and probably the only Irish guy you'l ever see at a tournament(unless my mates Dave and Zac went but they can't go)If anyone can house me then can they let me know.If no one can Ill try to get some extra money somehow for a hotel or something.

Thanks in advance

Your resident Irish smasher

P.S Its good to see you guys know your RPG's unlike alot of people I know.

The World of Warcraft episode of South park is too funny you should check it out if you haven't seen it.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2006
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
hmmmmz i might be able to house you (i can probably house 1 or 2 people for this tournament) but im not going to promise anything (yet).... so just a message to let you know you don't have to worry too much...

i don't really live close to the tournament though (bout one and a half hour - 2 hours by train) but im prolly gonna go there by car so ^^


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
hmmmmz i might be able to house you (i can probably house 1 or 2 people for this tournament) but im not going to promise anything (yet).... so just a message to let you know you don't have to worry too much...

i don't really live close to the tournament though (bout one and a half hour - 2 hours by train) but im prolly gonna go there by car so ^^
Cheers man for the hopefull offer.As the tournament gets closer ill post here or PM you to see if the offer is still standing.

Thanks again

P.S Is anyone else terrified of CJ's Sheik/Zelda.His DI shoud be promoted to a wonder of the world.

Kirby Squad

Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2003
Stupid French :p

So after complaining to Jeffzor about this: "Yes, lets only talk about SSBM, cause we have no lives and nothing else to talk about."

You decide to talk about how popular Rpg's suck and wether it's poule or pool... Great topics beside Smash and really very interesting ^^

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
if it's the original on the SNES.... buy it as hell.... if it's the revised PSX version... too bad can get them anywhere

Please thomaz.... i thought that your social life wasnt all that cracked up to be but at least you dance but NSGNCNSNONENNENBB isn't even CLOSE to challenging... more to self mutilating, PS2 crashing, people slaughtering rampage... Come on..... spend 4 god**** hours on greater sphere with a one of 8 chances that you get auto-phoenix for auron :s and come to think of it... the chances are even slimmer because you can get an armor as well if i remember correctly.

But you're right about the voice acting... don't think i could come up with a game on the PS2 before FFX that had the same amount of voice acting in it so if you are comparing it with later games justin.... than it makes a LOT of sense that the voice acting sucks. And I didn't found them that annoying. I liked Wakka's accent a lot and I think that Tidus had a very suiting voice. Of course that's just taste.

Sure you can only base your opinion of a game by playing it yourself but a GOOD review shows the good and bad things of a game and describes the way you play and why it rules/sucks. If I see a review of a RPG that has only gay characters and you have to score as many guys as you can... (likely to be brought out but this is just an extreme example) I wouldn't buy it even if some people told me it was good unless they come with good arguments. Like you saying that Suidoken rules. I'm curious about the game but you haven't brought any convincing arguments except saying the story rules and the game rules. Ohh... and about the price on ebay... Some stamps are sold for over 500 euro's and I don't think thats is because they are that fun... It's because they are rare or hard to get and that's probably why suidoken is that pricy or the guy who bought it for that amount is just arsed.

Marc has a good point about the insane amount of random battles in the game but i think .hack (I played infection) has twice about that and they're twice as boring IMO. But all of the discoveries and finding all the ship members made it very entertaining for me :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2006
Germany, Hamm
WTF This tournament is near Eindhofen`, which means it's near Nordreinwestfalen in Germany and that means It's near my home^^... Maybe I gonna go there, too... It'll be just 60€ to travel there...

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
oh sorry :p yeah it's the best ff there is IMO but it's been ranked high by everyone who likes FF

lucky *** thomaz.... how long did one battle take? and how do you survive all that time :s 255 turns of sitting out doom seems like a pain to me...


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
FFX didn't have horrible voice acting. Just because it was one of the first PS2 game that had voice acting, doesn't mean it's horrible. You're just biased. >_>
Also, annoying characters? I like how more human most of them are compared to characters like Squall or Cloud. I mean, most people think Tidus is whiny, right? Just think of it. You're leading a normal life.. Suddenly, a giant monster attacks your hometown and you get sucked into his butthole (XD) and end up somewhere 1000 years later and you know noone and haven't got the slightest clue where you are. How would you react? ^_~"

And Penance to easily? Don't Zanmato him then? It's so simple. And yes, the game is easy, why you think I'm doing such insane challenges? I mean, my current challenge is NSGNCNSNONENNENBB which translates to No Sphere Grid No Customise No Summons No Overdrives No Escape No [No Encounters] No Blitz Ball. Quite a mouthfull... And it's also quite hard. XD The 'final' boss hasn't been beaten yet. There are thousands of challenges like this, but that's not the point.
Oh, so now I am biased? Have you heard the Japanese voices? They are 10 times better, the voice acting really sucks. First game or not, it doesn't bloody matter, voice actors are actors that do it for a living, they just picked the wrong people for the wrong character. It has nothing to do with being biased or not, get your facts straight.

So, IF you would get sucked in by a giant whale during a blitzball game, you'll turn whiny? That doesn't clarify anything, cause Tidus did NOT sound whiny in the Japanese version at all, so again..get your facts straight.

I also never said I USED Zanmato, I said it WORKS on Penance, which is really gay. Just as gay as the challenges cause you don't prove anything with that, apart from having nothing better to do.

Stupid French :p

So after complaining to Jeffzor about this: "Yes, lets only talk about SSBM, cause we have no lives and nothing else to talk about."

You decide to talk about how popular Rpg's suck and wether it's poule or pool... Great topics beside Smash and really very interesting ^^
Well, "Mister I have much better ideas", why don't YOU COME with something.

I thought I saw FF VI for like €10-, or so. Should I buy it?
Yes, buy it. It is only 10 euros and FF VI is one of the better RPGs. One thing I didn't liked was the loading time when a battle starts, but other than that, it is the same, also with CGI. If you care about those things.

But you're right about the voice acting... don't think i could come up with a game on the PS2 before FFX that had the same amount of voice acting in it so if you are comparing it with later games justin.... than it makes a LOT of sense that the voice acting sucks. And I didn't found them that annoying. I liked Wakka's accent a lot and I think that Tidus had a very suiting voice. Of course that's just taste.

Sure you can only base your opinion of a game by playing it yourself but a GOOD review shows the good and bad things of a game and describes the way you play and why it rules/sucks. If I see a review of a RPG that has only gay characters and you have to score as many guys as you can... (likely to be brought out but this is just an extreme example) I wouldn't buy it even if some people told me it was good unless they come with good arguments. Like you saying that Suidoken rules. I'm curious about the game but you haven't brought any convincing arguments except saying the story rules and the game rules. Ohh... and about the price on ebay... Some stamps are sold for over 500 euro's and I don't think thats is because they are that fun... It's because they are rare or hard to get and that's probably why suidoken is that pricy or the guy who bought it for that amount is just arsed.

Marc has a good point about the insane amount of random battles in the game but i think .hack (I played infection) has twice about that and they're twice as boring IMO. But all of the discoveries and finding all the ship members made it very entertaining for me :)
First, I already explained the bit about voice actors. They are professional people and they do many things, such as anime (dubbing) and animated films (such as Disney) and you would expect some cool voices, but unfortunatly not.

Also, someone that writes a reviews writes what he thinks is good and not, not what actually is good or not. Why, well because he writes down what he likes and not and therefore a reviews is always a personal point of view. Doesn't matter wether the person is good or not, it is always a personal thing.

The battles at Skies of Arcadia canm also be blocked with a White Flag.
Also, .hack//Infection has LESS encounters if you do it smart, which you didn't obviously. Quite funny that you hate all games if you have only played the first one. Anyway, you can buy fairies at the item show that reveal the map for you, in both world map aswell as dungeons, so you could EASILY pick your route.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2004
Leiden, The Netherlands
Oh, so now I am biased? Have you heard the Japanese voices? They are 10 times better, the voice acting really sucks. First game or not, it doesn't bloody matter, voice actors are actors that do it for a living, they just picked the wrong people for the wrong character. It has nothing to do with being biased or not, get your facts straight.

So, IF you would get sucked in by a giant whale during a blitzball game, you'll turn whiny? That doesn't clarify anything, cause Tidus did NOT sound whiny in the Japanese version at all, so again..get your facts straight.

I also never said I USED Zanmato, I said it WORKS on Penance, which is really gay. Just as gay as the challenges cause you don't prove anything with that, apart from having nothing better to do.
Now you're asuming everyone has heard the Japanese voices. Maybe there are better, I couldn't care less, because, you know what? I will probably never hear them anyway, so why should I bother?

And my point still stands, maybe you are such a hero, but not everyone would react like they are all that after what happened to Tidus. Would you? Would you? I think not. ^_~" And even if Tidus didn't sound whiny in the Japanese version, does that mean the entire voice acting just plain sucks because SE used different voices for the voice acting? "Oh, he sounds whiny, this game sucks!"

Why is using Zanmato on Penance gay? I don't see your point. Using Zanmato, of course, is your own choice but don't you feel better if you defeat a strong boss with careful planning instead of doing such a 'cheap' move? The only thing I think is odd, is that they changed the Yojimbo's compatibility in PAL. Oh well. There are enough strong bosses that can be defeated in an easy way in many games, whoopdiedoo.

And now you're saying I have no life? Jeez, what a brilliant thing to say, that's gonna win you many discussions. Seriously though, I just like the challenge, because the game is easy. It's not about proving anything. Where did I state that? I like the game and try to play it in different ways to get more fun out of it.

Michael, I estimate the battle took around 2 hours or so, it's quite a boring battle, but with music, msn and other stuff, you can survive it. ^_~" Besides, I have a lot of patience.

Surviving is easy though. Use Rikku, Tidus and Yuna, all with Alchemy (which means you can revive someone with full health) and Rikku with Auto-Potion. Now, it's just a matter of having enough Chocobo Feathers, Chocobo Wings, Phoenix Downs, Mega-Phoenixes, Al Bhed Potions and healing Potions.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
Now you're asuming everyone has heard the Japanese voices. Maybe there are better, I couldn't care less, because, you know what? I will probably never hear them anyway, so why should I bother?

And my point still stands, maybe you are such a hero, but not everyone would react like they are all that after what happened to Tidus. Would you? Would you? I think not. ^_~" And even if Tidus didn't sound whiny in the Japanese version, does that mean the entire voice acting just plain sucks because SE used different voices for the voice acting? "Oh, he sounds whiny, this game sucks!"

Why is using Zanmato on Penance gay? I don't see your point. Using Zanmato, of course, is your own choice but don't you feel better if you defeat a strong boss with careful planning instead of doing such a 'cheap' move? The only thing I think is odd, is that they changed the Yojimbo's compatibility in PAL. Oh well. There are enough strong bosses that can be defeated in an easy way in many games, whoopdiedoo.

And now you're saying I have no life? Jeez, what a brilliant thing to say, that's gonna win you many discussions. Seriously though, I just like the challenge, because the game is easy. It's not about proving anything. Where did I state that? I like the game and try to play it in different ways to get more fun out of it.

Michael, I estimate the battle took around 2 hours or so, it's quite a boring battle, but with music, msn and other stuff, you can survive it. ^_~" Besides, I have a lot of patience.

Surviving is easy though. Use Rikku, Tidus and Yuna, all with Alchemy (which means you can revive someone with full health) and Rikku with Auto-Potion. Now, it's just a matter of having enough Chocobo Feathers, Chocobo Wings, Phoenix Downs, Mega-Phoenixes, Al Bhed Potions and healing Potions.
It is a Japanese game, so yeah, when people look for trailers the first ones are ALWAYS Japanese, so excuse me for thinking most people DID listen to the Japanese voices.
Also, with sites such as Youtube and Google Video, it is VERY EASY to listen to the Japanese voices and my opinion is always, if a film/game/anime is Japanese, I want Japanese voices, it just sounds better. Same with an American film with Japanese voice over, or an American Disney film with Dutch voice overs, it just sucks.

My point in using Zanmato is this: It is a one hit kill move, WHY BOTHERING TO FIGHT HIM if you want to 1 hit kill him? You take away the fun and challenge. "Oh yeah, I completely owned Penance....with Zanmato." Any simple ****** can do this, you don't need anything apart from Zanmato.

And yes, I am against using cheap moves on "Super Bosses", it takes away the challenge and I hope that these kind of things will be banned some day, banned from all games. No more one hit kill moves on super bosses/bosses.

I never said you have no life, I said playing that many challenges shows to me you have nothing better to do, could be because you're bored, no games or anything I couldn't care less about. Do whatever you please, but those challenges are not "impressive" to me in the least.
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