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JST5, 2 & 3 December, Holland, RESULTS: Amsah 1st, CJ 2nd, EK 3rd, Helios 4th!!!!!!!!

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2004
De Meern, Utrecht, Holland.
So much bottled up anger Piisuke..Why don't you create an arguing thread, because to me it seems you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, which messes up this topic. I stood by you with the whole poule thing, but right now, this is getting ridicilous. It's like..20-25 pages (is it even more?) of off-topic posts. Kinda not the meaning of a tournament topic, get my drift?

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Also, someone that writes a reviews writes what he thinks is good and not, not what actually is good or not. Why, well because he writes down what he likes and not and therefore a reviews is always a personal point of view. Doesn't matter wether the person is good or not, it is always a personal thing.
yeah but if you think the same way the reviewer does, maybe you might think HEY I hate/love the same thing as this guy even though it's HIS opinion. For example, If I saw a movie with a lot of english humor (which ownz btw) I would recommend Joey because he likes it too and BECAUSE I like it, i would tell people to see it and tell them why instead of saying: This movie is good, see it! and they will be like 'no way because YOU just like it I have to see it?'

Why is it lame it works on penance?? That's what the move is supposed to do. It would be dumb if the move kills ALL creatures in the game.... oh wait except penance/dark aeons/arena creations. And don't say 'but michael, death works on a lot of monsters but not on bosses LOL!!' that's because death is treated like a status effect in the FF games which is a status effect that IF it effects you, you get killed. So you can achieve immunity to it like poison and most bosses are immune to everything.

I think the voice acting is just what you are used to. I hate a lot of dutch spoken cartoons like dexter's lab and cow & chicken in dutch (yes i like it, I am 7, **** off, it owns) but I don't mind watching pokemon in dutch for example. Heck, I heard the english voice and it is like Ash was kicked in the groin five thousand times before the voice actor did his voice.

EDIT: But what can you say about the tourney for so many pages :s you'll probably say 'wait man, you can start in a thread in another room om SWF ROFL' no we can't because this sort of discussions aren't allowed. And since not everyone is online when I want to say something about something to him.

EDIT EDIT: And if you got a better topic to talk about, tell me. I'll be happy to talk about it as long it's not something senile like Tea cup decorating for pro's


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
So much bottled up anger Piisuke..Why don't you create an arguing thread, because to me it seems you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, which messes up this topic. I stood by you with the whole poule thing, but right now, this is getting ridicilous. It's like..20-25 pages (is it even more?) of off-topic posts. Kinda not the meaning of a tournament topic, get my drift?
Anger? Not at all. The poule thing was because of Yuna claiming he knew everything better, which I couldn't stand, hence I wanted to prove him wrong. Other than that, people know that I like to annoy people, hence certain random attacks.

This thing about RPGs is just a discussion, yes my posts are sharp and direct, but that doesn't mean I am angry at someone or anything of the sort, apart from 2 certain posts in this topic.

yeah but if you think the same way the reviewer does, maybe you might think HEY I hate/love the same thing as this guy even though it's HIS opinion. For example, If I saw a movie with a lot of english humor (which ownz btw) I would recommend Joey because he likes it too and BECAUSE I like it, i would tell people to see it and tell them why instead of saying: This movie is good, see it! and they will be like 'no way because YOU just like it I have to see it?'

Why is it lame it works on penance?? That's what the move is supposed to do. It would be dumb if the move kills ALL creatures in the game.... oh wait except penance/dark aeons/arena creations. And don't say 'but michael, death works on a lot of monsters but not on bosses LOL!!' that's because death is treated like a status effect in the FF games which is a status effect that IF it effects you, you get killed. So you can achieve immunity to it like poison and most bosses are immune to everything.

I think the voice acting is just what you are used to. I hate a lot of dutch spoken cartoons like dexter's lab and cow & chicken in dutch (yes i like it, I am 7, **** off, it owns) but I don't mind watching pokemon in dutch for example. Heck, I heard the english voice and it is like Ash was kicked in the groin five thousand times before the voice actor did his voice.

EDIT: But what can you say about the tourney for so many pages :s you'll probably say 'wait man, you can start in a thread in another room om SWF ROFL' no we can't because this sort of discussions aren't allowed. And since not everyone is online when I want to say something about something to him.

EDIT EDIT: And if you got a better topic to talk about, tell me. I'll be happy to talk about it as long it's not something senile like Tea cup decorating for pro's
Well, if you think the same way the reviewer does, then it doesn't make him good. You only have the same opinion as him. Which is why I never buy a game according to reviews, I watch trailers and ingame movies first, then I look if one of my friends has the game, or if it just really looks interesting, I buy it myself.

Why is it lame if moves like that work on Penance? Well, aren't these super bosses supposed to obliterate you and make it close to impossible to defeat him? Aren't these bosses put in the game to give you the challenge the original game doesn't? FFX is fairly easy, apart from one boss, but that doesn't mean that the Dark Aeons and Penance should be aswell by allowing Zanmato to work on them.

What if for example you took 2 hours to defeat Penance and are proud of yourself for doing such an accomplishment, you consider yourself quite good at that point, cause it took a lot of effort. Then some random no0b says, OMG I DID THE SAME THING!!!111 Only, he did it in 1 move. Now all your effort is in vain. Anyone can defeat Penance, as long as Yojimbo does Zanmato.

Hence is why I dislike those moves. Yes, it is a death spell, but bosses are stronger than that. Bosses are supposed to give you a challenge, well bosses such as the Dark Aeons (Bahamut, Anima), Nemesis and Penance. They shouldn't go down in one hit, death attack or not, it is too easy. Imo those bosses should give the experienced player a challenge and the inexperienced player a reason to get better and learn the advanced set ups for the game. That is why I am against those things, of course you are free to think whatever you want.

About the voice acting, I agree with you. It is what you're used to. When I watch an English program, I am expecting English voices, same goes for Japanese/Dutch/German/Whatever. Subtitles are there for a reason and they should be used more.

Also, this is what happens when you make a topic for a tournament months before the actual date. Not everything revolves around smash, you know.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2004
GOT A LIL SIS (again)

you should be honoured jeff to have this in your topic . :p (not that I'm that glad or something)

name: Noa Kok (don't like the name)
born on (16 october 19:43)
I think she'll turn out to be fat just like me ****it.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Hij zit pas vol als wij met hem klaar zijn. =D

Congrats, Linkje. Stuur me over 14 jaar maar wat naaktfoto's van d'r.

Kirby Squad

Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2003
Well, "Mister I have much better ideas", why don't YOU COME with something.
No thanks... I've got better things to do than make absurt long posts that only 2 people will read entirely, and disagreeing with everyone I see... It's called.... "Life" \^o^/...

What happened to you man, it was funny at first but you're really taking this too far... You know this forum has special debate topics???


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2004
Holtum, Netherlands
But... the debate hall is full of hypocrites that enjoy to annoy like Piisuke, so they'll all know eachother's little silly online annoying hobby and nobody will actually be annoyed, so Justin is taking it here. Mindgames son!

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
What if for example you took 2 hours to defeat Penance and are proud of yourself for doing such an accomplishment, you consider yourself quite good at that point, cause it took a lot of effort. Then some random no0b says, OMG I DID THE SAME THING!!!111 Only, he did it in 1 move. Now all your effort is in vain. Anyone can defeat Penance, as long as Yojimbo does Zanmato.
Yeah, i agree with it that someone can achieve the same thing you did but it's just like you say here LITERALLY. It is the way how... If someone said i beat amsah once although before that he won 20 games in a row and the other one said i did it in one time ohhh but he played with one hand and with pichu.... and handicap 4....

What I make up out of your post (maybe it's different but the way you write it points it out IMO) is that you are annoyed if you achieve something that took you a lot of effort and when you achieved it you felt proud and you should be because it takes a lot of time to beat dark aeons and the other annoying creatures. And someone achieves it at well at a lame way, you feel attacked and it annoys you because your 'effort was in vain. It's the way how and I laugh at someone who zanmato's dark aeons. It proves that they are lazy, don't have any stamina, are unpatient and/or stupid.

Btw Dark anima is a laugh... only hard dark aeons IMO are bahamut, Magus Sisters if you fight them all at once and yojimbo is questionable.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2004
Leiden, The Netherlands
Bahamut is easy compared to Anima. >___>

Just attack him four times and proceed to kill him with counter attacks, since Impulse only get triggered by attacking five times. ^_~"


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2004
jolly 'ole England
No thanks... I've got better things to do than make absurt long posts that only 2 people will read entirely, and disagreeing with everyone I see... It's called.... "Life" \^o^/...

What happened to you man, it was funny at first but you're really taking this too far... You know this forum has special debate topics???
Yes, you have a "life" as you said it yourself. Why can't I take that one seriously, lol. So, do you think apart from me (in your words) everyone else here does have "life"? Is it good to have "life"? Or is this some emo way of saying, omgyousuksobadcuziamcoolerthanu!!111
And yes, I make long posts, which is better then those ******** one liners all the time, I couldn't care less about who reads it, it is not like I am talking to EVERYONE.

Yes, because my activity is a shining bekon of light and I am so aware of all the forums on smashboard.
And I am wondering, what am I taking to far? A discussion about RPGs and some moves IN a RPG, which is as far as i can tell is just mixing thoughts, instead of the discussion with Yuna, which was more like getting through to someone's thick head. Wondering where the Swedes are though =P.

So what if this is not the topic, like NO ONE else ever did this before me, like all smash topics were complete spam free and ALWAYS about SSBM. Yup, Smashboards is really that straightforward.

Yeah, i agree with it that someone can achieve the same thing you did but it's just like you say here LITERALLY. It is the way how... If someone said i beat amsah once although before that he won 20 games in a row and the other one said i did it in one time ohhh but he played with one hand and with pichu.... and handicap 4....

What I make up out of your post (maybe it's different but the way you write it points it out IMO) is that you are annoyed if you achieve something that took you a lot of effort and when you achieved it you felt proud and you should be because it takes a lot of time to beat dark aeons and the other annoying creatures. And someone achieves it at well at a lame way, you feel attacked and it annoys you because your 'effort was in vain. It's the way how and I laugh at someone who zanmato's dark aeons. It proves that they are lazy, don't have any stamina, are unpatient and/or stupid.

Btw Dark anima is a laugh... only hard dark aeons IMO are bahamut, Magus Sisters if you fight them all at once and yojimbo is questionable.
You almost hit the spot. I am not feeling attacked. Lets put it like this: This super boss is overpowered, it has all stats on max, it is known for its destructive power and near unbeatable status. Lalalala~! Here comes Mr. Death. Death: "So you are so overpowered?" *stabs*

See, it doesn't fit. If this boss is really so overpowered, woudln't he block such a simple attack like that? Or when he is rampaging the world destructing everything in its path, he suddenly has to run away, because Death is following him.

And, I only had troubles with Anima and Bahamut, the others weren't troubling me THAT much, mainly because I had gotten alot stronger after those 2 fights.

Player Pink

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Heiloo, The Netherlands
True that... It DOESN'T make any sense AT ALL that someone that powerful in the game good be vurnerable to zanmato but then again it is a move designed to do that. Most of the time a zanmato a dark aeon just to see how stupid it looks when it's top half flies trough the air :p

Really Thomas?? I think anima is easier in comparison to bahamut but indeed you could sentinel + auto life against bahamut but that's just gay :p


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2006
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
ok... parkeerschijf is dus nodig... is er redelijk dichtbij iets waar ik mn auto kwijt kan zonder parkeerschijf? (sorry for the dutch post, just asking jeff something about the parking if will go by car)
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